Primal Surrender

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Authors: Lori King

BOOK: Primal Surrender
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Primal Surrender
The Surrender Series [3]
Lori King

Warning: For Mature Adult Audiences.  Contains language and actions some may deem offensive.  Sexually explicit content.  M/F/M, graphic language, consensual BDSM, spanking, HEA.  There is 'No' touching or titillation between siblings.

In book three of The Surrender Trilogy: Brothers Mack and Ryker Thompson know the pain of failure intimately having recently fallen from the heights of success.  One a former football star, and the other a master at his artistic craft, they couldn’t be more different from each other.  Mack hides behind anonymity in order to cover up his pain, while Ryker figures it doesn’t matter if the glass is half-full or half-empty as long as there’s a bartender refilling it all will be well.  Broken and haunted by the mistakes of their past, neither expected to find a ray of sunshine in the clouds of their pity party.

Claudia Schmidt is the only daughter of a real estate tycoon that has a plan for turning the small town of Stone River into a suburb of Austin, Texas.  When she is sent in to replace the project manager, and convince the town of the necessity of the project, she finds herself falling in love with the town, and the Thompson brothers.

Although ménage relationships aren’t foreign to Mack and Ryker, neither one intends on living one, so how can they decide who gets the girl?  And what if the girl wants all or nothing?  Welcome back to Stone River…


Primal Surrender


Surrender Trilogy

Book Three


by Lori King


© Copyright May 2014 JK Publishing, Inc.

ISBN # 9781311513823

All cover art and logo © Copyright May 2014 by JK Publishing, Inc.

All rights reserved.


Edited by Caroline Kirby

Artwork by Jess Buffett

Published by JK Publishing, Inc.



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For my parents,

You taught me that family and love are more important than anything else,

thank you.





Four very special ladies helped me creatively on this story:

Diana Merrit who helped create Cormac “Mack” Thompson last summer when I was writing Weekend Surrender.

Trixie Shellbomb who won the opportunity to help me create the character Ryker Thompson.

Rhoda Siller who suggested the name Saddle-Up Leatherworks.

And Trish Bowers who suggested the name Tan Your Hyde Leatherworks.

Thank you for your assistance, ladies!




Table of Contents






Chapter One


Chapter Two


Chapter Three


Chapter Four


Chapter Five


Chapter Six


Chapter Seven


Chapter Eight


Chapter Nine


Chapter Ten


Chapter Eleven


Chapter Twelve


Chapter Thirteen




Books by Lori King


Excerpt from Jen’s Journey


Excerpt from Mission: Compromised Submissive




Chapter One


“I just don’t get it. Why the hell would anyone want to share his wife with his brother?”

Mack Thompson grimaced at his brother, Ryker’s, rude question while watching the bride kiss each of her three grooms. Zoey Carson—now Keegan—was best friends with Rachel Brooks. The pair were two of the hottest women in town, and at one time Mack had considered asking Zoey out. But the Keegan brothers beat him to the punch, snapping her up before he had the chance. Just like the Brooks boys had captivated Rachel and put a baby in her belly and a ring on her finger in the blink of an eye. It seemed like everyone around them was finding their happily-ever-after, while Mack and Ryker were alone. Forced to endure each other’s company, while crammed into the tiny cabin on the east edge of Brooks Pastures horse ranch.

Mack surveyed the glowing bride in her white wedding gown. With her stunning blue eyes and long dark hair, she reminded him of a fairy princess. He had to admit she looked happier than he had ever seen her and the three grooms looked like love-struck puppy dogs. Even the stoic Tanner Keegan grinned from ear to ear as he moved to her side and tugged her against him. The sweet way she relaxed into his grip had Mack’s nuts tingling in his jeans, causing him to fidget in his seat.

He didn’t understand why anyone would want to share their woman either. It went against everything he knew, but he couldn’t deny their happiness. The contentment of his bosses and new friends with their relationships was remarkable. Just spending time with them left a ball of envy burning in his gut, but he would support them any way possible. No matter what his own feelings were.

“Because they all three love her. It wouldn’t have been fair to make her choose and leave two of them left with broken hearts,” Mack responded, thinking the argument was as logical as any.

Ryker shook his head in wonder. “I guess, I figured it shouldn’t have gotten to the point that she was in love with all three. If one of them called dibs the other two should have backed off. That’s what you and I would do.”

Mack shrugged feeling the tag in the back of his gray Henley scratch across his back as he did. He hated dressing up. It seemed like a waste of time to put on clothes you didn’t like just to make someone else happy. He was a whole lot more comfortable in blue jeans, a t-shirt, and his black motorcycle boots. Tucking his heels underneath the rickety wooden chair he sat in, he tried to hide his too tight and too shiny dress shoes. He had purchased them for the Brooks wedding a year ago. That was the last time he put the whole getup on, and if he was lucky this would be the last time he had to do it for a long while.

“Mack, Ryker, thank you guys so much for coming. I know it’s Christmas Eve, so it means a lot that you were willing to come spend it with us.” Zoey’s warm sapphire gaze encompassed the two brothers and they both rose to accept a hug from her.

“We wouldn’t miss it for the world. I had to see another coup against the male population of Texas with my own eyes.” Ryker’s smart mouth was going to be the death of him. Mack shot him a nasty glare over Zoey’s head.

“Oh no, this wasn’t some sort of hostile takeover, they begged me to marry them. On bended knee, no less!” Zoey said with a laugh.

Ryker’s smile widened, “Yes, but what did you do to bring them to their knees, sunshine? Because something tells me you used a few of your feminine wiles on them.”

“Ignore him, Zoey. He’s just jaded and jealous of your happiness. While I am just happy you softened up Tanner’s mean temper a little bit,” Mack said, hoping to shift the pretty bride away from his brother’s negativity.

Mack didn’t blame Ryk for his depression. It just irked him. Lately it had been getting harder and harder to let his brother’s vile mouth spew without shoving a fist into his teeth to knock the arrogance out of him. Ryker Thompson had been a starting running back for three different pro football teams in the ten years since college. For years his life seemed damn near perfect, until he reinjured his shoulder and it put him out of the game for good. At first, the doctors thought surgery and physical therapy might get him back on the field. After the surgery their prognosis changed. The torn ligaments and muscles wouldn’t ever be up to the physical pressure of football tackles, so his team cut him loose.

As if that blow wasn’t bad enough emotionally, after surgery, Ryk found out his female business manager had seduced his male accountant and the two had left him high and dry. They disappeared with all the money he had. As a result, he had a mansion and three sports cars he couldn’t pay for. The ongoing search for the pair by authorities hadn’t turned up much yet. They had boarded a plane for the Cayman’s and vanished. He had to make the tough decision to sell his home and vehicles, so he would have money to live on. Moving in with Mack while he recovered from surgery became a necessity. For the last four months the two brothers had been stepping on each other’s toes as Ryk tried to figure out what to do next.

“Well I can’t say that was easy!” Zoey giggled as her eyes sought out her husband. It was like their souls connected when their eyes met, and Mack felt like a pervert for viewing the intimacy first hand. “But, he was worth it. Are you guys staying for dinner?”

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