Power Play: Katie and the Dom (5 page)

Read Power Play: Katie and the Dom Online

Authors: Selena Kitt

Tags: #romance, #erotica, #erotic, #bdsm, #spanking

BOOK: Power Play: Katie and the Dom
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“You’ll find
that I say what I mean and I mean what I say. Now stand up.”

“But it’s so
cold!” Katie hesitated and then saw the look on his face. She rose up out of
the water, the bitter wind biting at her skin, making her yelp in surprise.

underwear is see-through when it’s wet.” Liam’s gaze moved over her.

When she
stood, the water lapped and frothed around her thighs, just below the crotch of
her panties. She glanced down, realizing he was right. The dark triangle
between her legs was clearly visible and the cold made her nipples so hard they
practically poked through her bra. Her areolas were dark stains under the
material, framing the jut of her coffee-colored nipples.

“And I’ve
seen it all before.”

She blushed
at his reminder. That day in the basement, how gentle and kind he’d been, how
he’d taken charge of the situation. And then the drive home. She’d never felt
closer to anyone. How was it possible? Just being with him with her clothes
left her feeling raw and vulnerable. How much more exposed could she get?

He was slow
and lazy, like a cat, and like a predator, she had the sense that he could
pounce at any moment. “Put your arms at your sides.”

She hadn’t
realized she was hugging herself for warmth—or maybe trying to cover herself. She
dropped them, shivering, teeth chattering.

“Bend over.”
He was moving towards her and she found herself instinctively moving away,
looking for an escape. She knew what was coming.
He said what he meant and
he meant what he said.


Liam shook
his head and sighed. “Stand on the ledge.”

He pointed
to the seat that ran across the inside edge of the pool. It was submerged in
the water, but much higher than the bottom of the hot tub. She didn’t protest
this time, although now almost all of her body was out, the water gurgling at
about mid-shin level.

“Grab the
edge,” he instructed, moving closer. She gripped the blue-rimmed edge of the
hot tub, which forced her to bend over, her bottom in the air, the wind
merciless. She wouldn’t be surprised if her panties were frozen to her skin!

“When I tell
you to do something, I mean exactly what I say.” Liam’s big hand moved lightly
over her behind and Katie gasped, looking back to see him behind her. He rose
out of the water like a god, water sheeting off his tanned skin. “Do you

“Yes,” she
whispered, squeezing her eyes closed and facing front, anticipating what was

He grabbed
her panties in his fist and pulled them up—hard—tugging them between her pussy
lips and ass cheeks.

“Oh!” She
bit her lip, thankful she was holding onto the side of the pool to keep her
steady. And then his hand came down against her bare ass, the sting unbearable,
far worse than the cold. “Oh god!”

He spanked
her. As often as she’d read about it, nothing could have prepared her for the
reality of being spanked, how humiliating, how painful—how exciting. Her ass
stung, but her pussy began to swell and grow slick as Liam worked her ass, his
skill apparent, moving around, finding just the right next-spot where she
hadn’t been spanked yet.

And then it
was over and they were both breathing hard, the sound of the whirlpool humming
around them as Liam grabbed her by the waist, pulling her back into the water.
She turned, clinging, arms around his thick neck, unmindful of the tears on her
cheeks. This man had already seen her cry more times than she wanted to count.

“I’m sorry,”
she whispered, burying her face against his shoulder, the hot water cooling the
burning sting of her ass.

“Good.” His
lips brushed the top of her head. “Now, get undressed.”

Katie had to
let him go, and she didn’t want to, but she stood in spite of the cold, letting
him see her, all of her, unhooking her bra in the front and sliding it off her shoulders.
Her breasts weren’t big, and her areolas and nipples took up half of them, fat
and puffy. She tossed her bra to the side of the hot tub and then worked down
her panties. Her pussy was neatly trimmed but not shaved, and she saw Liam
looking as her panties joined her bra at the side of the pool.

“Come here.”
He pulled her, naked now, into his arms, and she reveled in it, wrapping her
legs around his waist—it was like straddling a tree trunk—as he sank further
below the surface, taking her with him. They were submerged in the warmth to
their shoulders and Liam’s hands moved over her body, exploring, shoulders and
waist, ass and thighs.

“Liam,” she
whispered, realizing it was the first time she’d said his name out loud. She
loved the feel of it in her mouth and it made her want to repeat it, over and
over, so she did, whispering it into his ear. “Liam, Liam, Liam…”


She liked
this new nickname.

“I want
you.” She nuzzled his ear, kissing the line where his dark hair curled at the
nape of his neck. “I want you so much I can’t think about anything else.”

She felt
him, rising up like a steel beam, trapped between his belly and hers. She knew
he wanted her too and she couldn’t help moving, grinding, whimpering with

kitty.” He chuckled, but his hands moved to grab her ass, pulling her in
tighter, making them both sigh with pleasure. “Tight-laced, buttoned up little
librarian by day… hot little sex kitten underneath.”

“Yes,” she
agreed, rocking, rolling, wishing he was inside of her.

“You really
want to learn to let go?” He caught her hands in his, twisting them behind her
back. She gasped as he secured her wrists with one of his enormous hands. “To
give yourself completely? No holding back?”

She nodded,
but she felt fear at his words, her body folding in on itself.

“You have to
trust, Katie.” His words were urgent, thrilling and frightening her at the same
time. “Do you trust me?”

“I do,” she
whispered, and it was the truth. It was insane, but it was true.

“Come with


He stood,
raising his eyebrows at her questioning him, especially given their
conversation, but she found herself transfixed by the sight of his cock. He was
gloriously hard and he stood there, unashamed, letting her look. He literally
made her mouth water. She was at the perfect suckable level, but when she moved
in, hungry to take him into her mouth, he collapsed back into the water,
heading toward the stairs.

sighed, grabbing her wet bra and panties and following, knowing they were about
to leave the warmth of the hot tub for much colder fare. She shivered her way
over to the alcove, where Liam had collected their clothing, and she watched as
he retrieved a key from his trouser pocket and opened a door to the building.

“Does the
health club give all their employees keys to the building?” Katie inquired as
she followed him inside down a tiled hallway.

“I own it.”
Liam unlocked another door, pushing it open, and Katie followed. The door told
her where they were going—the women’s locker room.

“So you’re
not a personal trainer?”

“I used to
be.” Liam put their clothes on a bench, except for Katie’s wet panties and bra.
Those he tossed into the dryer they used for towels, turning it on before
heading for the showers. She followed him there too, neither of them speaking
as they stepped under the water.

The steam of
the showers was a welcome relief from the cold and Katie let the stinging spray
needle her skin. Liam used the body-wash dispenser on the wall, soaping his
hands, and then turning to her. Katie watched in amazement as he paid close
attention to every inch of her body, scrubbing her hair and rinsing it
thoroughly before moving down to her shoulders and back, forcing her to turn
and put her hands flat against the wall. He didn’t speak—his body and hands
told her what to do, moving her this way and that with a shift of his hip, a
gentle tug of his soapy hands.

He spent
time washing her ass, still red from his spanking. She wondered if she’d have
handprints. She hoped so. Then he turned her around and she watched in wonder
as he dropped to his knees, something she never would have imagined him
doing—weren’t Doms the ones who were supposed to force submissives to their
knees?—his hands roaming her front in the same way they had over her back.

“Liam,” she
whispered, fingers moving in his thick, wet hair. She still loved feeling his
name in her mouth. He kissed her navel, tongue dipping in provocatively, his
eyes on hers as his slick, soapy hands moved over the gentle hills of her
breasts. She moaned when he thumbed her nipples. They’d been hard for so long
they almost hurt.

beautiful,” he murmured against her hipbone, his tongue tracing the curve downward.
She wanted to believe him, and by the time his mouth reached her pubic hair,
she did. He looked at her body as if it was a place to worship, and when he
reached her pussy, he drank her in like wine, burying his face there and shifting
her legs over his shoulders so he could slide her body up the tile. Katie cried
out with pleasure, lost in sensation, his mouth fastened on her mound, hands
holding her in place, cupped over her breasts, her nipples hard under his

yourself to me.” His words made her open her eyes and look at him.
I am
she thought, but was she? Her body was tense, her mind racing. He shook his
head slowly, reading her eyes, her mind. She bit her lip, trying to keep it in,
all the feeling, all the fear, the desire, but she couldn’t contain it. A
little sob escaped her throat, and she shook her head, as if to clear it, but
it was no use. It overwhelmed her in an instant, and she was awash with
feeling, drowning in it, unable to stand in the tide.

“That’s my
girl.” He turned to kiss her thigh, rubbing his cheek there, stubbly and rough.
“Let it go. Let me have you. All of you.”

“Please, I…”
She didn’t know what to say. There weren’t words. And she found she didn’t need
them. All she needed to do was surrender, to let herself go in his arms, not
just her body but her mind, oh god, the whole of her, every part and essence of
who she was, laid bare and quivering before him. It wasn’t possible. He
wouldn’t want her. He couldn’t possibly see her completely open and vulnerable
and not turn away.

But her
fears were unfounded.

He devoured
her as if he couldn’t get enough, a cloud of steam rising around them, the
water from the shower splashing off his broad, strong back and shoulders. Katie
hung on, going along for the ride, letting him take her wherever he wanted her
to go. She couldn’t help the soft mews of pleasure escaping her throat as she
writhed against the tile, her cries growing louder, echoing off the bathroom
walls the closer she got to her destination.

Her climax
rocked them both, Katie’s back arching, shoving her pussy fully against his
eager mouth, and he moved to grab her hips, steadying her as she came and came,
flooding him with her juices. When Liam slowly lifted her legs off his
shoulders, letting her slide down the wall to join him on her knees in the
shower, she was still so dizzy, she wasn’t quite sure where she was until she
looked into his eyes.

kitty.” He chuckled, touching her nose with the tip of his finger. She looked
at him in wonder and disbelief. Kitty?
looked like the cat that ate
the canary, full and satisfied. He honestly looked like he’d enjoyed that as
much as she did. Maybe more. Was that possible?

She put her
arms around his neck, pressing her body fully to his, seeing his eyes light up
and then begin to smolder. She nuzzled his shoulder, licking his collarbone,
feeling his cock pressed against her hip. He was harder than granite.

“I want
you,” she confessed, turning her face up to his, showing him with her hips, a
slow grind. “Please, please.” He was so hard she could barely stand it. “Oh
Liam, please!”

“God, I like
hearing you beg,” he said, and then stood, taking her with him, still in his
arms. He kissed the top of her head. “But not tonight, Kitten. Go get dressed.
I need to wash up.”

He smacked
her bottom to get her to move, and finally she did, following his order and making
her way out to the dressing area, finding clean towels on a cart near the
lockers. After she retrieved her bra and panties, which were thankfully dry, she
got dressed slowly. She searched her purse for a comb, glancing in the mirror,
sure she would find herself a crazy mess, and for a moment she didn’t recognize
the woman she saw.

Her face was
flushed, eyes bright, her hair a wet tangled mass of dark curls over her
shoulders. Was this the same woman who had been shelving books at five o’clock
earlier today? She wasn’t sure. And then Liam appeared beside her, dressed,
their coats over his arm, the only indication of their evening his still-wet
hair. She met his eyes in the mirror, wondering what he was thinking. She knew
he wasn’t wondering about her, because he looked like he knew exactly what she
was feeling.

Liam helped
her on with her coat and she let him lead her again, this time through the
front door. They said goodbye standing between her Honda and his Maserati in
the empty library parking lot, snow starting to fall again.

carefully.” He pulled her coat closer around her neck. Her hair was still damp
and she was shivery.

“Liam, are
we… are you…?” She didn’t know how to ask the question, wasn’t even sure what
she wanted to ask.

“Shh.” He
gathered her up and kissed her—their first kiss, after everything that had
happened since they met just a week ago, with Katie naked and shackled on her
knees in his basement. She couldn’t believe this was their first real kiss, but
it was, and she was thinking about that when he slipped his arms around her
waist, his mouth slanting across hers, tongue soft and exploring.

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