Past Forward- A Serial Novel: Episode 15 (20 page)

BOOK: Past Forward- A Serial Novel: Episode 15
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You didn

Nature calls.
But I could tell you weren

t sleeping and I guessed why.
Now go downstairs and commune with nature or whatever it is you do

The Lord, goof,

she commented as she slipped out from under the sheets.
“I commune with the Lord.”

Chad watched her jog down the stairs and listened as the screen door opened and then the soft
as it shut behind her.

Lord, she

s such a multi-faceted person.
Every time I think I understand her, there

s something else to discover.

m starting to think that she

s going to look at me in a few years and think,

I married him.


t let that happen


With a sigh, he slipped from the covers and
toward the bathroom.

Oh, and remind me to avoid coffee before bed?
I really am tired of these late night trips



Josh arrived at nine thirty-five.
Willow attempted to stifle
as he confessed that he

d driven to Brunswick and back before he decided that wasting gas was not worth the salve to his pride.

Well, come in. I

ve got bread baking


s what smells so good

hey, I have a question for you


Do I have to confess to Chad that I showed flagrant disregard for the speed limit on my way here?


s grin embarrassed him.

Not unless he asks…

I like you

She shook her head.

I think you have
another female
in mind

I was thinking about her last night.
I can

t believe I didn

t realize it
but I

ve seen her.
She works in the kitchen on Sundays after church.

ve seen her when I escort the kids to the dining hall for lunch


Willow said smiling.

I think you should go out and take her for a walk.

m stuck here
and apparently she

s here early

Josh hurried from the house and almost reached Becca

s car in time to open the door.


ll have to be faster next time


re here!
I thought

They invited me back and well I
Josh hesitated.
How do you tell someone you

ve barely met that you drove back at break-neck speed in order to see you again without sounding desperately pathetic.


m glad you came
She whispered the words, her expression pained


s wrong?

Maybe I can explain later.
I should go in
Becca gestured toward the kitchen as if to say,


t you want to come in too?

Actually, Willow suggested we take a walk.
Something about her bread

They started toward the field where
the annual “Dinner”
and the sheep grazed.
He didn

t care to admit it, but the sight of the large animals unnerved him.

How dangerous are cows anyway?

Willow says they

re safe.
They pretty much leave everyone alone
but we only have to cross that corner.
We could run for it before they got to us if we had to

s voice held a trace of mirth.

Stop laughing at me.

ve never been around big game


m pretty sure sheep aren

t considered big game

Once near the stream, the couple continued to amble along the banks, rarely speaking but communicating much.
Finally, Josh

s curiosity overcame him and he sat down in the grassy shade of a tree.

Ok, so you said you

d tell me what

s wrong

Do you know why I

m here

who I am visiting?

No, you

no one ever said

Blushing, Becca made herself comfortable against the trunk of the tree facing Josh.


s kind of a church sponsored


m here for a month to see if the guy is the one for me

Josh took in her words.
It sounded surreal and far-fetched.

As in like the TV show with a dozen half-dressed women and hot tub orgies?



s face flamed even deeper scarlet.

Nothing like that.
We have a chaperone

my Gra
actually, and he

s kept himself physically respectful.
Well, that sounds

s been
great really

So you stay for a month, and then what?

I go home.
Actually, I go home on Friday

Josh didn

t miss the relief in her voice.

Not working out?

Well, actually, before yesterday, I would have said it was going well.
Now I

m all confused

Did something go wrong?

ordered himself not to

Please say yes

I met someone else

s voice was such a quiet miserable whisper that Josh wasn

t sure he

d heard her right.

You met someone else?

Mmm hmm

What are you going to do about it?

I don

t know
Disappointment filled her tone.

I don

t want to be foolish and waste what really was the most wonderful month of my life
but how do you ignore strong attraction for someone else?

Strong attraction


s voice sounded nearly giddy and his lisp grew more pronounced.

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