Oasis of Eden (6 page)

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Authors: Genella deGrey

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Oasis of Eden
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“Mmmm, you are so wet, my
. So tempting,” he whispered.

But for all his expert petting, he refused to allow her to come. He pulled his hands away from her excited flesh just before she crested.

“Eli, why—”

“Shhhh. I want to be inside you. I want to feel your heat.”

“I can’t,” her voice sounded like a whimper.

“I don’t understand, Jade.” His disheartened words spoke of disappointment rather than irritation.

She gritted her teeth. He’d gone and used her first name and with an ache in his voice that sounded like it came straight from his soul. How could she resist now? His thumb circled through the curls. Oh how she wanted him to scratch her itch and fill her with his magnificent cock. But she knew her heart couldn’t take it. She would give herself to him, fall head over heels, and then probably never see him after she returned to her own camp. Just like that rotten apple from U of C. And she couldn’t let that happen again. It was too painful.

Good thing that, on top of all of Eli’s skill, and the hard-won words that thrilled her to the core, she wasn’t tipsy from a few glasses of gin. That’s how she’d gotten into trouble with that rower.

“Your silence tells me you are considering it. What can I say or do to entice you further?” He pressed two fingers inside her. “Eli,” she gasped. “I can’t.”

“Just say, ‘take me, Eli’.” He added this thumb to her sweet spot, and she shook her head no. “I want you to trust me.”

“I don’t even know you.”

“Can you try? Have I done anything to cause your mistrust?”

After a moment, she answered. “No,” came her barely audible whisper.

“Then let me show you how honorable I can be.”

She opened her mouth, but the words caught in her throat as her orgasm dangled just out of reach. Jade pressed her lips together to further deter the sentence that would leave her bereft and not in charge of her own heart.

Just like that, Eli released his hold on her body. He rolled her onto her stomach and set the length of his cock between the cheeks of her bottom. He ground his hips into her, and her pelvis pressed into the velvet cushions below. Her sweet spot pushed against the edge of one of one of the pillows. She groaned at the immobile, half stimulation. She needed to come so badly, but was trapped underneath a large, sexually frustrated male.

She felt the entire length of his shaft against her while he whispered to her. “You deny us both of unfathomable pleasure with your resolve.”

Stifling a whimper, she found her speaking voice. “If you had any compassion you would try and understand my plight. I fall in love way too easily.”

“A passionate female must find a way to spend her emotions or she’ll go mad—and bring the rest of us with her.”

She inhaled, expanding her ribcage, hoping he’d get the hint and take some of his massive weight off of her. When he did, she sighed. He just didn’t understand. He’d never understand. He was a man—and with men, the heart wasn’t attached to their nether regions.

“And yet I am unmoved.” Jade had tried to keep the sarcasm from her voice, but it was impossible. Revealing the darkest secret of her soul—her penchant for falling in love, made her feel weak, vulnerable.

She really needed to get out of here.





Chapter Five



With his cock mercilessly stiff and longing to be buried deep within Jade, Elydian shifted his weight and lay next to her. Her reason made no sense to him. He had not asked her for her love, only the act. Her inability to separate the two was odd. Regardless of his feelings, he would comply with the curvy, unique female. He was confident she’d give in eventually—no woman yet had resisted him.

He put his arm around her waist and pulled her to him, nestling his staff against her soft body.

“You have nothing to fear from me. I will respect your request.”

“That is very noble of you. Again, thank you.”

His Zsa-ninah’s sweet voice floated to his ears in the darkness, and he closed his eyes, allowing the sound to echo in his mind. Elydian suddenly felt the need to save her from more than Lothar-Canute. “In all things I will protect you.”

He felt her belly quiver against his forearm and a whisper of laughter escaped from between her lips. “I don’t need your protection. I just need to find my own camp.”

Impertinent girl. He grinned in the darkness and then sobered. It was an inconceivable notion that the Omari had no say in all that went on in his camp, including those who came and went. Every person who lived there, save Lothar-Canute, had been invited by their Omari. In his eyes, they qualified for residency because they had something to contribute to the small township and displayed the natural desire to share their talents with others. This philosophy intertwined those who resided in the camp, gave them pride, and a reason for living—together they were a kindhearted, peaceful people. They even tolerated Lothar. Together these elements made for a successful reign for Elydian.

But Elydian didn’t want Jade to leave, at least, not yet.

The regulated rise and fall of her breathing caught his attention, and he knew she had fallen asleep. He sighed and relaxed against her. No, not yet.

* * * *

“Elydian Amun, get yourself up and eat! You have an inspection to attend to!”

Jade must have been dreaming. Who could sound as chipper as a lark following the sleep of the dead? And in Egyptian, for heaven’s sakes?

“This instant, my young Omari, or I shall come in there with a bowlful of cool water to help rouse you!”

A very manly groan erupted from behind her and at that moment, she remembered where she had slept the day away—in the arms of the most delicious male on the planet.

“I’m up, Me-Ma, I’m up.”

Parts of him are up. Jade smirked and arched her back so that her bottom pressed against his up-ness.

“Behave, Zsa-ninah,” he murmured and moved away just enough to land a smack on her rump.

Her yelp echoed against the fabric walls of the small room.

A tall woman poked her head beyond the barrier curtain. “Ah-ha!” Her gray hair, shorn as short as the other woman Jade had seen, stuck out all around her head like a porcupine. But, Me-Ma had a kind face that oddly conflicted with the demands she tossed at Eli. “I had heard you were entertaining when you should have been resting up for your work!” she scolded. “Now move your rusty bones.”

Jade waved at the woman half in greeting, and half hoping to hear another order hurled at the big oaf behind her.

The woman nodded in acknowledgement. “Get dressed and come eat. You are already late.”

Eli chuckled. “I’ll get up if you give me some privacy.”

Me-Ma harrumphed and replaced the curtain.

Jade rolled onto her back and grinned up at him. At once Eli’s gaze roved over her chest. Ignoring the heat of his stare she asked, “That’s either your mother, your warden or both.”

“Me-Ma is the best cook in the camp.” After the diminutive preface, Eli smoothed a hand over Jade’s breasts, pausing to taunt her nipples to hard peeks.

Shivering, Jade protested with the strength of a newborn. “Didn’t you tell her you’d come eat?”

“I said nothing of the sort. I said I’d get up.” His tongue darted out, teasing her flesh.

“Then you’d better—”

“I will. But right now I need to do this.” Eli took her in his arms and rolled so that she was on top of him. Jade held herself up with wobbly arms as he ravished her breasts—suckling both nipples into his mouth at the same time, shaking her, exciting her.

Her labored breath came forth in frantic pants. The pressure between her legs he’d elicited before they’d fallen asleep had not ebbed one iota. If he didn’t make her come now, she’d do it herself.

“Will you let me have you now, Jade?” he murmured against her skin.

“B-but that woman… She’s just in the next room,” Jade whispered, her mind swirling along with the sensations he’d drawn from her body.

“She won’t be able to hear us. I promise.”

With a gasp she shook her head no. Gads, she was she close to coming!

Eli inhaled deeply and moved out from under her, leaving her needy and breathless. Coming to his feet he presented his back to her. “I can’t even entice you in the morning, can I?”

“Eli, it’s not
. I-I’d be happy to bring us both to climax if you would just come back here.”

He shook his head. “Not enough.”

The urge to touch herself ebbed. His frustration spoiling the feeling. She watched him throw on his clothes and storm into the next room.

Arising, she searched amongst the pillows for the shirt he had loaned her. Finding it, she slipped it over her head, adjusted her wrist cuffs and turned toward the barrier curtain.

At the entrance to the room, Eli stood watching her, remorse etched into his beautiful face. “I apologize. That was unfair of me. You are not from this camp. I shouldn’t demand your trust in that way.”

She’d give him one thing. He was quick to express regret when he messed up. A nod of acknowledgement was all she afforded him.

“Come. Share my table. Me-Ma will return with a suitable traveling outfit for you.”

This time she had to respond verbally. It would be rude of her not to. He was being very benevolent, after all. “Thank you.”

He held out his hand, and she let him lead her into the next room.

Two large cushions were set on either side of a low table laden with flat breads, preserves, cold meats sopping in gravy and dipping creams that looked like melted cheese.

Eli lowered her down and took his place across from her. “Eat whatever you wish. All dishes are Me-Ma’s specialties.” He grinned. “She likes to stuff me full just before an inspection.” He tilted his head back and dropped a juicy piece of meat between his lips.

She eyed the glass decanter half filled with a clear liquid then glanced up at him. “So you are off to an inspection tonight?”

He chewed and swallowed. “M-hm. As soon as you are safe back at your camp.”

Jade’s gaze dropped back to the food before her. Did she really want to go back? Lying in wait was the bad news she’d have to give Dr. Harper. “I see,” she murmured and reached for some flat bread.

* * * *

Me-Ma brought a basket full of clothes for Jade to sort through. The woman was the no-nonsense type, knowing her duty and executing it flawlessly—a woman who demanded respect without words and got it. In addition, she was kind and cared for Eli as if she was his mother. He was indeed lucky to have her seeing to his well-being.

Jade chose a long, coral colored, tri-tiered cotton gypsy skirt and a pair of soft leather sandals. How Me-Ma had know her size would be a mystery to unravel at a more fortuitous time. Me-Ma wished them well and took her leave.

Tucking in Eli’s shirt and tying the drawstring belt into a bow, she stood before a reflective glass mirror and combed out her hair.

Watching him, she noticed her host brooding in a corner of the tent, his arms folded across that wonderfully masculine chest of his. Pity she couldn’t bring him back to C of U with her.

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