Not the Stand In: A BBW New Adult Serial Romance (Not the Hot Chick series Book 2) (3 page)

BOOK: Not the Stand In: A BBW New Adult Serial Romance (Not the Hot Chick series Book 2)
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Cam's forehead furrowed and mouth flattened in annoyance. "She told you?"

No, you did, just now.
Of course Jessi, livid that Layla had "gotten to" Cam first, would have wanted to prove herself the better,
woman. Cam was the prize that should have been hers, and Layla was the spoiler who'd stolen him right out from under her.

"No, but I'm not surprised." Not surprised, but stupidly disappointed, though she had no right to be. So what if Cam had taken advantage of Jessi's offer? The girl was sex on a platter, everything a guy could want. What male in his right mind would turn that down? Layla had no claim on him. He had surely hooked up with other girls since their time together.

But she didn't know those other girls. What rankled was thinking of him with Jessi. Pure vinegar spiked her tone when she said, "Well, I hope it was everything you expected."


"You and Jessi. Out back, up against the wall. That was how you were gonna do it, right?"

"Huh." Cam's shoulders fell. He rubbed his palms on his thighs. "You remember a lot."

"Uh, yeah. Kind of hard to forget, considering you two made your plans right in front of me."

Damn, why was she getting snippy with him? Like he'd said, he was a free agent. "Sorry. It's none of my business what you two did." If he screwed Jessi once a day and twice on Sunday, Layla had no right to care. She shook her head to free herself of images of the two of them getting it on.

"Wait a minute." Cam's voice snapped with annoyance. "Who said we did anything?"

Layla's mouth went slack. "You mean she didn't come back?"

"Hell, yeah, she came back. That doesn't mean we hooked up." He seemed insulted she even suggested it.


"Yeah, she came by maybe a week or so after you and I got together. Acting all flirty, hitting on me. But I kept remembering what a bitch she was the first night, when you were just trying to help her. Turned me off. So I ignored her and she got pissy. Ended up leaving with some other dude. End of story."

Layla blinked, the revelation leaving her somewhat dizzy. "You guys didn't hook up?"

He threw up his arms in frustration. "What did I just say?

"Okay. All right." She felt like she should apologize, especially since the look he gave her was not just one of annoyance. He looked a bit…hurt. "Sorry."

"Hey, I know I joke about being a bartender and how easy it is to meet women." He wasn't joking now. His face, his demeanor were deadly serious. "I do have standards, you know. I don't just fuck anything that walks."

"I didn't mean to imply—"

"Yeah, I would have gotten with Jessi that first time. But that was before I knew what she was really like. When I found out how she treats people—
people—I lost interest. I don't like her. Doesn't matter how hot she is. I don't fuck girls I don't like."

Layla believed him. He had no reason to lie. After all, he wasn't pretending to be a saint. He didn't claim to be celibate. He just hadn't been with Jessi.

She didn't know why that mattered so much to her, but it did.
He turned Jessi down. Wow.

Her desire for him flamed up to red-hot levels. Without thinking, she grabbed his head, pulled him down, and planted a hot, hungry kiss on him.

Cam made a muffled sound of surprise, then grasped her around the waist and hauled her up on her tiptoes as his mouth opened to claim hers. They captured each other's gasps as their tongues caressed. Layla's breasts filled. Her nipples ached as they hardened against his chest. Need swirled through her, gathering between her thighs.

to get him alone. Get naughty. The hallway, where anyone might pass, wouldn't do. The bathrooms? Not sexy at all. The lot behind the bar? Sex in public made an awesome fantasy, but if anyone caught them, she could kiss her career dreams good-bye.

As they kissed, Cam backed her up until something hard prodded her lower back. A doorknob. Layla tore her mouth from his and whispered "What's back here?"

"Just a storeroom." He kissed her again.

She pulled back just far enough to catch her breath and tried the knob. "Is it locked?"

It wasn't. She turned the knob and, fisting his shirt in her free hand, pulled him into the small room. Shelves lined the walls and boxes sat one on top of another, stacked high. A bit of fading light streamed in from a tiny window high on the wall, but when Cam kicked the door shut behind them, the room went dark.

It didn't matter. Layla didn't need to see because all her other senses flew into overdrive when Cam scooped her up against him. Every gasp and murmur between them resounded in her ears, blending with the thud of her heartbeat as they hungrily ate each other's kisses. She savored his yeasty taste, the velvety feel of his tongue. Wrapped in his arms, her entire body tingled from head to toe. Bolts of desire zinged straight to her core.

Cam walked her back until something solid behind her stopped further movement. A moment later his large hands grasped her waist, scooped her up, and sat her on top of several stacked boxes. He swooped in for a hard kiss. "Stay there."

She blinked, her head spinning. Where would she go? But what was he up to?

She found out soon enough. Cam moved her legs apart and wedged himself between. The pose left her vulnerable, exposing the thin panel of her sensible substitute-teacher's cotton panties as Cam teased his fingers up her thigh. A slight stir of air wafted up her skirt, caressing her, adding to her excitement.

His thumb traced the leg opening of her panties, making her shiver. He hitched her skirt higher up her thighs and sank to his knees to nuzzle between her legs. Her eyes rolled back in her head when he blew a stream of hot breath directly at the thin strip of cotton between her thighs.

His thumb coasted along the tender skin at the edge of her panties, then eased underneath the cotton, nudging her clit. White sparks crackled down her spine.

Her moisture made it easy for him to play. "You're so wet, baby. Is that all for me?" His thumb dipped and swirled.

A thrill raced through her. Before Cam, she'd never realized what a turn-on it was to talk dirty during sex. "Yeah. Just for you."

"Aw, honey." He backed off and she nearly cried. But her heart sang when he ordered, "Take them off."

She shifted, lifted her ass, and awkwardly wriggled the panties down her thighs. Cam snatched them down the rest of the way and tossed them aside.

"I'm gonna need those back," she murmured as the panties disappeared somewhere in the dark.

"Later." He dug his fingers into her hips, tugging her forward until her ass perched at the edge of the box.

The swirl of cool air between her legs was soon replaced by a puff of warm breath as Cam's head disappeared beneath her skirt. Layla jolted and bit her lip when his hot, quick tongue flicked her.

She dug her fingers into the edges of the box and hissed in pleasure as he worked between her thighs. Though her body sizzled and her brain boiled, she was a bit surprised by Cam's decision to put her first. Too many guys seemed to expect a woman to "take care of" them before they'd consider pleasing her. Luckily, Cam wasn't one of those guys.

He played with her mercilessly, alternating between licks with the flat of his tongue and teasing flicks at her clit. A ball of heat formed low in her belly, growing larger and larger. Her legs stiffened as the pressure built and an orgasm wavered before her. She moaned. "I'm close. Just a little more."

He upped his game, toying with her a bit more before concentrating on the hard bud of her clit. She stiffened as waves of release splashed over her and rolled through.

As she tumbled into orgasm, she tipped forward and tumbled off the box, on top of Cam. He grabbed her to take most of the hit himself, but the fall knocked the breath out of her.

She scrambled off him as soon as she righted herself. "Oh, God, are you all right?"

He laughed, leaning up on his elbows. "Yeah, I'm fine."

"God, I'm sorry. I almost smothered you."

Her eyes, having adjusted to the darkness, made out the flash of his grin. "But what a way to go."

His laughter triggered her own giggles, which she soon tried to smother. "Shh, somebody might hear us."

He got to his feet, swooped in for a kiss. His lips were soft, possessive. Layla tasted her own tangy flavor on them.

"Feeling good?" His voice was a whisper.

Though she knew this was no more than a naughty hookup, Layla was touched by his concern for her satisfaction. "I'm super." She wanted to make him feel good, too.

He went still as she unbuckled his belt and unsnapped his jeans. "My turn now." She unzipped him, a thrill of pride rippling through her as she noticed how hard he was. "Is this for me?" She purposely echoed his earlier question to her.

His eyelids lowered. "All yours, baby."

She eased his jeans and briefs over his jutting cock and pushed them down to midthigh. Though she'd felt too shy to go down on him their first time together, she now wanted to give him this. He'd been so attentive to her. She was eager to return the favor.

The floor was hard on her knees, but Layla didn't care as she stroked Cam's cock with one hand and used the other to fondle his balls. She swirled her thumb, smoothing clear precum around his corona, then kissed the mushroom-shaped tip.

He settled his hands gently on her shoulders as she took him into her mouth, shallowly at first, then deeper. She caught a rhythm that seemed to please him, causing him to thrust lightly as she bobbed her head. When Cam grasped her head in his large hands, Layla tensed for an instant, worried he meant to push her to deep throat him in porn-star fashion. He simply threaded his fingers through her hair and tenderly caressed her skull.

She relaxed and applied herself to her task. His scent was clean and musky, his flavor salty. As much she enjoyed his gasps and moans, after some time her knees began to hurt and her jaws ached. Before either became too uncomfortable, Cam pulled back.

She licked her swollen lips and gazed up at him in confusion. He hadn't come.

"You're amazing," he said. "But I want to finish inside you."

. She wanted that, too. He helped her to her feet, then startled her by scooping her up and hauling her against him for a hard, hungry kiss. Still holding her, he backed her to a wall free of shelving. He let her slip down his body to stand her on the floor only long enough to jerk up his jeans and pull something from his pocket.

A wallet, from which he extracted a square packet. He shoved the pants down, tossed the wallet to the floor with an impatient curse, tore open the packet, and eased the condom down his shaft. Layla swallowed hard as she watched. It was all she could do not to jump him, she wanted him inside her so bad.

A sudden fear shivered down her spine, one that should have occurred to her much sooner. "Is the door locked?"

"No." And then his hands were under her skirt, cupping her bare ass. Her back was to the wall when he lifted her and plunged inside. Though she was slick and wet and ready for him, his suddenness surprised her. Her breath escaped in a whoosh as she flung her arms around his neck, wrapped her legs around his hips, and held on tight for the ride of her life.

"That door could open anytime." He grunted as he thrust in and out. "Anybody could walk in and find us like this. Me between your legs. Fucking your brains out."

Layla bit her lip as she pictured someone walking in on them. Standing there in the doorway, too shocked to move. Instead of shaming her, the image fired her excitement. She and Cam were playing a risky, dangerous game.

"How's that make you feel, little Layla?" Cam hissed the question from between clenched teeth. "Somebody finding us here, your skirt up around your waist? Both of us bare-assed, me pumping into you? Does that turn you on? Huh? Make you hot?"

It did. "God." She curled her hips toward his pelvis, meeting his every thrust, squeezing inner muscles to slow his withdrawal. With each forward surge, sparks danced along her skin. He dug his fingers into the soft flesh of her bottom as his breathing grew rough and his strokes grew shorter, quicker. On his last plunge she ground her clit against the base of his cock and blasted off into climax. Cam groaned as he followed right behind.

They relaxed, their heads together as the orgasm dissipated. Then they both began to laugh. Layla's laughter was soft while Cam's was deep and chesty.

She slapped her fingers over his mouth. "Shush. They might hear us." Whoever
were—customers passing by on their way to the bathroom or employees wondering where the bartender had disappeared to.

He nipped her index finger. "You didn't care about that a couple minutes ago."

"Don't remind me." She ought to be embarrassed. Hell, she ought to be downright ashamed of herself. Was this the way a substitute teacher should behave? But truth be told, Layla was damn proud of herself. At last she had lived out a wicked fantasy and now had a naughty secret to keep. What a rush.

He still held her off the floor, and she was no lightweight. Taking pity on him, she loosened her arms from around his neck. "You can let me down now."

He sighed as though reluctant to let her go, then slid her down his body until her toes touched the floor. More sparks flickered through her even from that brief contact.

As she straightened her skirt, he removed the condom, pulled up his pants, and wrapped the used rubber in a tissue he fished from his pocket. "I'll flush this in a minute."

They gazed at each other. This part, the after-sex part, should have been awkward. Yet for some reason, Layla wasn't embarrassed or uncomfortable. Didn't wonder
What happens next?
She had no expectations or hopes for a future with him. It was what it was. And it had been incredible.

Cam, on the other hand, looked thoughtful. He tilted his head to gaze at her. "So…we good?"

She hadn't expected that. "Better than good. Shouldn't we be?"

He shrugged. "Oh, sure. Yeah."

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