NOLA (36 page)

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Authors: Alexie Aaron

Tags: #Horror, #Ghost, #Fantasy, #Haunted House, #Occult

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The Martins shook their heads.  “We’re going to check in with Mrs. Braverman to see if she’s taught Brian any more curse words.”

“You guys are a treat.”




“Mia, there is book movement in Hobbies,” Ted notified.

“Thanks, dear,” Mia responded.  “I’m on my way.”  Mia, not that familiar with this library, had to read the signage to find Hobbies.  She saw the twisting tower of books before she saw the two boys responsible.  “You guys must be bored.”

Tim looked over at the short lady and sniffed.  Gary decided to approach her to see if he could scare her.

He moved really close to her face and said, “Boo.”

“You’re really not good at this are you?” Mia said, pushing the ghost to the side.  “You go behind the person, put an icy hand on their shoulder, and then you can say boo. But that’s so done.”

Gary and Tim looked at each other.

Mia pulled a book from the shelf holding house plans and thumbed through it as the ghosts tried to figure her out.  “Wouldn’t you rather build something with real lumber?”  She displayed an impressive treehouse.  “I stayed in one of these on my honeymoon.  I couldn’t believe the mind that could take nature and blend it into a functional vacation home thirty feet off the ground.”

Gary wandered over and stood beside her as she flipped the pages.  He tapped the book when it came to the log houses.

Mia looked at him and asked, “You want to build one of these?”

He nodded.

“Why don’t you?”

“Stuck, we’re stuck,” Tim answered.  “Can’t get farther than the front doors.”

“Are you sure?” Mia asked.  “Your bodies are buried sixty miles from here.  What happens when you try to leave?”

“Big shining light bars the way,” Gary answered.

“Ah the light…  You know, it’s waiting for you.  It’s kind of a transport vehicle that will take you to your kind of heaven.”

“I’m not going to sit in church and sing hymns the rest of my days!” Tim said and Gary nodded.

“That’s your idea of heaven?  Hmmm, must be your mother’s or grandmother’s idea.  Heaven, or the afterlife, is what you make of it.  For example, my husband is convinced that he will travel the stars in the starship Enterprise when he dies.”

The teens laughed a moment, and then Tim asked, “Will he?”

“Probably.  What I know of the hereafter, and honestly it’s not a lot, is this: it’s what you want it to be.  If you expect to be punished, you will.  If you’re counting on seeing a relative that passed, you will.  The universe accommodates your wishes on your passing.  If you want to build houses, you will,” Mia finished and waited.

“I want to go wherever Gary goes,” Tim admitted.

“I take that it’s fine that Tim goes with you, Gary?” Mia asked.

“Yes!  He’s my best friend.  I met him in juvie.  He’s so smart,” Gary said.

“Well, let’s go over to the doors, and you take a peek into the light.  If you don’t see anything that interests you, then step back,” Mia suggested.

“This is a trick.”

“It could be,” Mia said.  “Or it could be the start of a wonderful eternity.  It’s a gamble.  But if you’re too chicken…”

“I’m not!” Tim exclaimed.

“Cool it, she’s just goading you,” Gary cautioned.

Mia smiled.  “Okay, I’ll leave you to your baby toys…”

Gary and Tim looked at the pile of books and frowned.  On one hand, they were being offered their hearts’ desire, and on the other hand, the woman could be pulling a major fast one.  She didn’t deny it.  But she didn’t seem the type to punk anyone.

“Come on, let’s take a look,” Tim said.

Gary smiled.  “Look at it this way, if we hate it, I’m sure we can think of something that will get us kicked out.”

Mia waited for the two by the set of double doors.  She watched their faces as the light came.  They squinted their eyes from the power of the portal.  Tim held on to the door and Gary’s arm.  Gary inched his way in and came back out and said, “It’s the place for us.”

Tim looked back at Mia and nodded his thanks.  He let go of the door handle and walked into the light with Gary.

Mia pulled away from the glass and put her back to the outside wall.  She could hear pounding, and she caught a faint whiff of sawdust.  Smiling, she said a little prayer of thanks and sent her best wishes with the boys.  She started to walk away, but something made her look back.  For a second, she saw the outline of a mighty winged person.  True to Father Peter’s word, it wasn’t white, but it glowed with light giving it the appearance of purity.  She didn’t want to but forced herself to look into the face of the being.  “Thank you,” she said and closed her eyes, turned around and walked away.




Chapter Twenty-eight


Mia went in search of Murphy.  She touched her earcom and asked, “Teddy Bear, do you have eyes on Murphy anywhere?”

“I think he’s in the reading room with Audrey and the children.”


“You’re welcome.  You sound out of breath.  Did something happen?”

“Crossed the teens over,” she said.  Part of her wanted to elaborate, but she knew that was better kept for later when they were alone.  The library was filled with too many cameras and recording devices.  Their private conversation quite possibly could be picked up and come out on a future PEEPs episode.  Mia could see the headlines on GEM. 
Sensitive Claims to See Angel!

She made her way over to the reading room where Audrey had just finished reading
If I had Duck Feet.
Alice Marie and Greggy were happy and walked around as if they did have duck feet.  Greggy walked up to Mia and pointed to his foot.

“Where did you get that duck foot from?” she asked.

“In there,” he said, pointing to the glass-enclosed room.

“I think I’m going to get me a pair,” Mia said.  “My boots aren’t any good when I’m swimming.”

Greggy laughed and ran back to the room and hid behind his sister who took up a protective stance.

Mia held up her hands.  “I’m not here to hurt you.  I came to see Mr. Murphy the farmer.”

The children and Mia looked around.

“He’s not here,” Alice said.  “He had a book. Maybe he’s reading in the big chair room.”

Mia had no idea.  She cleared her voice to get Audrey’s attention.  “Is there a big chair room here?”

“There is the adult reading area.  It’s beyond reference… The encyclopedias and dictionaries,” she clarified, looking at Mia’s blank face.

“Oh, alright.  Thank you.  The ghosts have duck feet now. What have you done?” Mia tossed over her shoulder as she left.

“Duck feet?” Audrey pondered.  She could swear she heard a chorus of giggles.  “How will I get their shoes back on?” she fretted.  This brought about much stamping of feet and more laughter.


Mia found Murphy leafing through a tome dedicated to the study of trees in northern climates.

“Hello, do you mind if I disturb you?”

Murphy put down his book and smiled.

“It’s about N’awlins and the winged creature.  If Father Peter’s description is correct, I think I just saw either the one that helped us or another one.”

“You saw an angel?”

Mia nodded.

“Guardian angel?”

“Aren’t we too old for one?” Mia asked.  “And you’re dead; you don’t need one.”

“I need one because I’m dead,” Murphy argued.

“Excellent answer,” Mia said impressed.  “How are you doing on energy?”

“Waning, not bad, but not N’awlins.”

Mia smiled at his use of the Louisiana native pronunciation.  “Would you like to go back there?”

“Maybe someday. I feel powerful there. It’s like how I feel when I’m on top of the hill by the second clearing.”

“That’s where One Feather used to ride,” Mia said.


“Perhaps it’s a natural energy path.  We should take readings of the area.”

“You sound like Ted.”

“I guess it rubs off.”

A piercing scream echoed through the building.

Mia tapped her earcom.  “Ted, we’re hearing screaming.  Anything on camera?”

“Upstairs clear.  Downstairs… Mia, get down there.  A black mass has Miss Hodges pinned in the corner.”

Mia was about to relay the information to Murphy, but he had already gone.  Mia took the time to grab her gear bag before heading for the basement stairs.

She met Burt and Mike on the stairs.

“Cid’s already down there.  He and Katherine were headed to the stacks,” Burt explained.

Mia tried to push by the men, but Burt caught hold of her.  “No.  Murphy’s got this.”

Mia twisted out of his arms.  “Murphy and I are a team.  He’s got no one to speak for him, and his energy is low.  I’ve got cubes inside here,” Mia said.

“You’re a wife and a mother; I can’t risk having you…”

“I am a paranormal investigator and a sensitive who has faced a lot more than a cranky, mean old ghost.  Please, step out of my way,” Mia insisted.

“She’s right,” Mike said.

Burt put his hand through his hair.  “I’m sorry.  Go.”

Mia flew down the stairs with Mike at her heels.

“Score one for women’s lib,” Ted said in Burt’s ear.

“I wasn’t trying to…” Burt stammered.

“I know, dude, but Mia’s got to do what she has to do.  She’s our best weapon against the unknown, unless you want to put Father Santos on the payroll, that is.”

“No, Ted, I just want to keep everyone safe,” Burt realized.

“Welcome back, Burt Hicks,” Ted said.  “We all know the risks.  Now get down there. You’re missing a hell of a fight.  I would suggest you put that camera on infrared.”

Burt smiled and started down the steps.


“You had to put your nose into things, you withered old bitch,” Chester spat.  “Couldn’t leave things alone.”  He put his foul-smelling face up close.

Katherine screamed again, trying to summon help.  Cid lay on the floor unconscious.  The ghost had caught him with the business end of an old coal shovel when they had gone together to find a replacement bulb for a flickering light in the old books room.

“Either you shut up or I’ll backhand you.”

“That’s no way to speak to a lady,” Murphy said, walking down the hall towards them.

Chester turned around and picked up the coal shovel.  “I told you to get the hell out of my building!”  He charged Murphy.

The closeness of the corridor and the low ceiling overhead made maneuvering with his axe harder.  Murphy had to swing through several feet of flooring and ceiling tiles before he came down on the shoulder of the man.

Vogel turned quickly and only received a glancing blow from the axe.  He jabbed at Murphy, sending the steel-clad, cast-iron shovel into Murphy’s midsection.

“Oof!” Murphy bent over and faded.

A small hand pulled the injured farmer back.  “Active cube in the stairwell,” Mia hissed.

Vogel crowed, “Get your dusty ass out of my building or I’ll…” he stopped as the farmer disappeared, and a little young woman stood staring at him in his place.  “Now what do we have here?”

“I’d like you to leave this library voluntarily,” Mia said in an even voice.  She pulled out a round package of salt and rolled it past the ghost towards Cid who had just woken up.

“You get out. I was here first!” Vogel demanded.

“This building is for the community of Little Goodwin.  You, sir, are from Peoria, and I doubt you have a library card.”

Vogel narrowed his eyes.

Behind him, Cid had moved Katherine down to the end of the hall and poured a circle of salt around her.  “Stay in the circle, no matter what you see,” he instructed.

“What about you?”

“I’ll be alright, the cavalry has arrived,” he said.

Katherine didn’t like the look of the bump on the back of the investigator’s head but said nothing.  She didn’t want to distract the young man.  She watched as he moved into the furnace room.  He came back out with two tin garbage can lids.

“When you see Mia raise that shotgun, put this in front of you.  Her gun fires salt pellets.  Ghosts hate salt, holy water and iron,” he explained quickly.


Mia continued, “If you leave voluntarily and promise to never return, then you can go on with haunting this plane of existence.”

“What if I don’t?”

“I’ll have to send you to hell.  Purgatory is full, sorry,” Mia said, reaching behind her.

“I’ll kill you first!” Vogel said, picking up the shovel, being careful to touch the wood and not the iron.

Mia pulled out the gun, cocked it twice, sending two rounds into place and fired.

Cid and Katherine heard the excess salt bounce off the lids that shielded them.  They also heard the ghost squeal in pain.

Mia drew out two more cartridges and chambered them, but Vogel was too quick.  Even in immense pain, the ghost finished the swing of the shovel.  It stopped two inches from Mia’s head.  It was stopped by a book, a very large heavy book.  It was
by Edward Rutherfurd, who was known for writing large historical tomes.  It not only blocked the blow from the shovel, but it held it there.  The wielder of the book was none other than Ronald Whitmore.

“I can stand a bully, but not a beater of women!” Ronald said, drawing Mia behind him.

“You weak little man, how dare you leave your precious books.  I’ll burn them and you!” Vogel swore.

Mia could see that Ronald had reached the end of his power.  She dropped to her knees and took out a large piece of green chalk from her pocket.  Mia drew a large rectangle and stood up.  With one hand, she encouraged her rescuer to move around the chalk drawing as he backed up.

“I will ask you one last time to leave this building,” Mia said as she prepared herself to open the portal.

Cid, sensing she needed time, clanged his trashcan lid.  “Come here and fight me, you bully.  Or would you rather pick on girls and old men?”


Mike arrived on the bottom step in time to see Murphy limp over with barely enough energy to lift his axe.  Mike saw the energon cube Mia had left.  He grabbed it and brought the energy to the axe.  The moment he connected with the axe, he was blown backwards by the power transfer.  Instead of hitting the stairs, he was stopped and pulled into something soft.  He turned to see Burt had ahold of him with both hands.

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