No Fantasy Required (2 page)

Read No Fantasy Required Online

Authors: Cristal Ryder

Tags: #Romance, #Resorts & Spas, #Erotic Fiction, #Erotic Romance, #Contemporary Romance, #menage, #mff

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Brian dropped to his knees between my legs, sucking in a hiss of air when he struck the cold snow. But instead of staying between my legs and using his fabulous fingers on me…inside me, he scooped me into his arms and held me close to his bare chest. His wonderfully warm skin thawed me a little and I snuggled against him.

“We can’t have you getting pneumonia and not being able to enjoy our escape.” He held me over the steaming water of the tub. “Ready?”

“Don’t drop me!” I squealed and clung to his neck when he faked a drop. He shut me up with a kiss, a soft sensuous one with lots of tongue that drove me wild. The simple act of his lips on mine, soft and then firm, his tongue probing and touching, made me so hot for him I could barely stand it.

He faked another drop, but held on to me and only my freezing butt hit the hot water with a shock. I clung to him as he lowered me farther into the water. With painful pleasure, I defrosted as the water washed over my frozen skin.

“Mmm, this feels unbelievable.” I sighed with relief at the tingle in my flesh as it fluttered through the transition from icy cold to hot. I shivered and lay back in the water, the tips of my breasts bobbing just below the surface and the nipples poking through the bubbles.

“Doesn’t it feel wonderful?”

Brian climbed in and settled down next to me with a groan. “Oh, yeah.”

Water bubbled and frothed around us, the steam rising in misty clouds into the night sky. I rested my head back on a cushion and gazed up at the stars sparkling in the inky blackness. I loved it when the sky looked like that. It was spectacular.

“The stars are fabulous.”

“Yes, they are,” Brian agreed, “but right now, I’d rather be looking at you.”

He very strategically brought the conversation up again, the one from dinner while we were waiting for our entrées, a fantasy we’d touched on time and again. My thoughts flashed to the woman sitting across from our table, and the tiny frisson of excitement I’d felt when her warm, dark eyes lingered on my breasts.

Prompting me, Brian said, “I know you want it.” He stroked my cheek with a fingertip. “And you know how much I like giving you exactly what you want.”

I mulled the idea over in my mind, round and round. We’d talked about it on and off, but never went any further than that. Just talk. Bringing another lady into our bed. It intrigued me but it also frightened me. Well, maybe not frightened, just a lot of “what ifs” kept running around in my ever-active brain.

Our escape to this mountain resort was for rest. We led busy lives and needed downtime. So, here we were, for rest and…sex. One of our favorite pastimes. I smiled thinking of some of the sexcapades we’d gotten up to on other vacations.

But this fantasy was a little bit outside my comfort zone, or was it? Surprisingly, if I let the idea take hold and thought about it for a while, it excited me. There were so many things to consider if we decided to step on that path. For some reason it didn’t seem real, or that it would ever happen. What if it changed our relationship? What if Brian preferred her to me? What if I didn’t like it or liked it too much? My reaction to the woman at dinner proved I could have feelings for a female, which disconcerted me a little bit. Was I afraid to make the move, unsure of what the outcome would be? I didn’t want to jeopardize our relationship, I loved Brian. But I also acknowledged it was something I wanted to explore, eventually. Brian made it clear the choice was completely up to me. My decision and he would be there for me, always.

“You’re quiet.” Brian’s voice reached me through the mist, interrupting my thoughts.

“Mmm. Just enjoying the wine, the water and the night.”

He reached over and expertly poured the vintage Amarone into my wineglass, then set the bottle down. He swirled the wine around, sniffed the aroma and took an appreciative sip. I could watch him do the most mundane things. He took such pleasure in the ordinary and everyday…completely embracing life. Brian’s dark hair shimmered with ice crystals, his broad shoulders and the curling hair on his muscular chest visible above the water. His eyes had that look in them again. Unable to resist, I drained my glass and set it down on the edge of the tub, then floated over to him.

Brian smiled. “Here comes the shark.”

I laughed. “I’m going to gobble you all up.”

“I like being gobbled.”

I floated right into his arms and let my hand brush across his lap. As I expected, he was hard. I slipped my hand up his thigh under the swim trunks, wrapped my fingers around his cock and squeezed. He rewarded me with a groan and pulled me tighter. I purposely brushed the tips of my breasts against the dark fur on his chest. Tingles tickled me all the way down to my belly button and started a sweet ache in me that begged to be filled by his lovely hard cock.

His body next to mine was ecstasy. I massaged my boobs up and down the length of him, making sure my hard nipples rubbed against the sensitive head of his shaft through the fabric of his swimsuit. I maneuvered his leg between mine and rubbed my pussy again his thigh. The pressure was heaven and I pressed harder against him, riding his solid muscle. It was time for him to be naked and it didn’t take long to pull his trunks off and toss them aside.

Brian watched me from between his lowered eyelids. I grabbed his hands but he didn’t need directing. The backs of his fingers roamed up my belly, over my breasts and across the tips. He rubbed a little harder against the rigid nubs and plucked them between his fingers. Sheer bliss.

Brian tugged me up the length of him until our lips barely touched. I breathed him in, the wine soft on his breath. I straddled him to get comfortable, his hardness buried in my aching folds. I rubbed against him, loving every second, and each time the head of his cock hit my clit, I gasped. Brian’s arms held me close. The warmth of his tongue insistent against my lips.

“I want you inside me,” I moaned against his mouth.

I tilted my hips forward slightly. His erection pushed against me. Slowly I sat down on him, until he filled and stretched me wide. He flexed inside me. It never failed to thrill me when he did that and I tipped my hips forward, encouraging him to do it again. I loved how he made me feel and couldn’t get enough of it or him. That’s what made it all so perfect. We clung to each other, enjoying the raw closeness of our bodies, moving ever so slowly and letting the passion grow.

“Tell me a story,” he whispered into my ear, running his tongue along the edge of my lobe.

“Mmm, what kind?”

“You know.”

I shifted a little, bringing myself higher on his cock, then slid back down.

“How about
tell me one.” I couldn’t tell him a story even if I wanted to. My brain wasn’t co-operating or being coherent.

“You’re the storyteller, not me.”

I leaned back and both of us let out a groan of pleasure as the angle rubbed him against my ever so sensitive g-spot. After a moment I managed to say, “I am not. You’ve never told me one and I want you to.” I fell over his shoulder and rocked my hips harder.

Brian tightened his arms around me. “You’re just so much better at it than I am. Remember, you know my fantasy is our fantasy, but I want to know more of yours.”

I leaned back and placed my hands on his chest. “You do know some.”

“Ah, only some? What about the ones you’re not telling me?” He tweaked one of my nipples with his fingers.

“Ow. Kiss it better.” I rose up out of the water and presented my breast for a kiss. He obliged and took the hard nipple between his lips and sucked gently. The combination of sitting on his wonderful cock and his lips on my nipple sent a wave of pleasure down the backs of my arms.

“All better?”

“Mmm yes.” I could always count on him to make me

“So, now you can tell me.”

I was silent, thinking about what to say. Sometimes I felt a little trapped when he asked me to tell him a story about--

“How about I tell you my fantasy?”

A voice startled both of us.

“What?” We jumped and turned toward the voice. I was stunned. I couldn’t believe someone had crept up on us. I was acutely aware of our nakedness and what I had been riding. I slipped off Brian under the water and tucked in behind him to hide.

The steam from the hot tub made it difficult to see the figure, but I could tell a woman stood there. She had on a white robe and her long dark hair fell across her shoulders. An apparition in white as the mist floated between us up into the night sky.

“If you’re sharing, I’d be happy to share mine with you.”

“How long have you been standing there?” I finally found my voice.

“Not long. But I did overhear you talking during dinner.”

Brian and I looked at each other quickly, remembering our discussion. It mortified me someone had overheard. Something private between Brian and me. I wish I could tell what his thoughts were right now. It occurred to me that this could be the opportunity we had talked about for so long.

“Mind if I join you? It’s a little chilly standing out here.”

Knowing the decision to ask her into the tub was up to me, my mind raced to come up with the right answer. I slid closer to Brian, maybe he would send me a signal. I grabbed his hand under the water and took a deep breath.

“Sure. Come on in.”

Before stepping into the tub, the woman set down her glass next to ours. I was surprised when she picked up the bottle without asking, re-filled ours and poured wine into the one she brought with her. Brian stayed silent and I didn’t know what to say. She held them out to me. I took them, careful not to rise too high out of the water, then handed one to Brian with shaky fingers. I sipped, keeping the glass close to my lips. If I concentrated on the ruby liquid, then I wouldn’t have to watch her.

“Brian?” I whispered to him, not sure what to do.

“Take it easy.” I could barely hear his words above the jets of the tub. Taking his lead, I settled back in the seat.

The woman standing on the deck set her glass down and let her own robe slip from her shoulders. “I’m Tauni.”

She was naked and stunning. From the golden hue of her skin and her thick dark hair, I guessed her ancestry must be Spanish or Italian. I don’t think I had ever seen a more perfect woman. Everything about her was flawless--hair, skin, body, eyes. I tried not to let envy intrude on the moment.

I don’t know why her nakedness surprised me, but it did. Rattled, I watched Brian from the corner of my eye. He took a quick sip from his glass, and then cleared his throat. “I’m Brian and this is Kelly.”

Tauni smiled. “Hi Brian, Kelly. I hope you don’t mind,” she said, motioning to herself, “I prefer to hot tub in the nude. It feels so much better.” Raising her eyebrows a little, she further commented, “And I see you both like it as well.”

My heart kicked up a notch and I moved a little closer to Brian. I told myself to calm down and that this was no big deal. I watched her as she got in the tub. Isn’t that one of our worst faults? How we compare ourselves against each other? So of course, I had to see what she looked like. Especially since Brian sat next to me and watched her too. Would he find her more attractive than me?

I felt a blush rush up my neck and heat my cheeks when Tauni sat on the side of the tub facing us. I couldn’t believe she was so bold. Even more surprising was my own boldness at watching her. She swung her leg over the side and paused for a moment. I was mesmerized. I saw her dark strip of trimmed hair barely visible through the steam. I was looking at another woman’s pussy! I would never have guessed our evening would take a turn like this. I must have made some kind of sound because Brian’s hand touched my thigh under the water and squeezed. It had to be a message of reassurance. Didn’t it?

A little thrill of excitement whispered through my stomach as Tauni swung her other leg over the side and slowly the sight of her disappeared below the surface of the water. I raised my gaze to look at her breasts. They rose, firm and perfect, from her chest. Her nipples were erect and large, from the heat of the tub, the cold of the air, or excitement… That vision also disappeared below the bubbling surface of the water. I let out a breath I didn’t realize I’d been holding.

She was beautiful.

Fulfilling my fantasy was completely up to me and probably sitting across the tub from us. Was I ready for this? So many questions with no answers. But were they questions or reasons to avoid a situation?

Nothing had to happen if I didn’t want it to. But I had to admit my curiosity. Over the edge of my glass, I watched Tauni. She lounged against the tub, watching us. A smile curved her lips.

“Hot tubbing in the nude is so enjoyable.” Tauni arched her back. The movement brought the tips of her breasts to the surface of the water. Slipping in and out of view as the bubbles frothed around her, the peek-a-boo game captivated me. I wanted to see more of her dark, large nipples and immediately felt guilty. But I couldn’t tear my gaze away.

Neither of us answered. I glanced down, only to see my breasts were also visible, bobbing at the surface. I lowered myself a little more to hide.

“Don’t do that, Kelly. I like to see you. I love to look at other women. Our bodies are so wonderful, so perfect.”

I couldn’t have been more surprised by her comment. For someone who looked like Tauni to say that was not what I expected at all. But her statement actually helped me relax a little. We can be so hard on ourselves and make some seriously messed-up comparisons. In a strange way, her comment comforted me and I didn’t feel so self-conscious. I knew I could count on the wine to help me relax too and I took another sip, enjoying the mellowness seeping through my muscles.

The jets timed out and silence surrounded us. We all sat a moment and just as Brian reached to press the buttons next to him, Tauni rose from the water, her body wet and glistening in the silvery light. Her still hard nipples and neatly trimmed bush visible through the steam. She waded toward Brian and leaned over, her breasts dangerously close to his face. This set me on edge and I felt the sudden urge to shield him from Tauni.

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