Nacho Figueras Presents (14 page)

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Authors: Jessica Whitman

BOOK: Nacho Figueras Presents
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*  *  *

Antonia stood outside Max's room for a moment, feeling torn. She wanted to banish all her thoughts of Enzo before she looked in on the little boy.

She put down her drink on a hall table and closed her eyes for a moment.

Pilar had surely been teasing her with her talk of Enzo being in love. Sure, yes, they were good friends. Certainly they had discovered that sex between them was explosive, to say the least. But that didn't add up to love. Did it?

What did it matter, anyway? Whatever there had been between them was over now. She had Max to think about. Max and Jacob. She didn't think she could survive losing this boy for a second time.

She had made her choice.

She carefully turned the knob and pushed open the door. Max was staying in the spacious room that Alejandro and Sebastian had shared as boys. They could have had their own rooms, of course—there were plenty of bedrooms in this house—but Pilar had told her they had preferred to be together when they were little.

Pilar had laughed, recalling how indignant Sebastian had been when the teenage Alejandro had finally announced he wanted his own room.

The room had obviously not been changed since the boys were young. There were model airplanes hanging from fishing wire on the ceiling. Posters of various Argentine soccer players and polo stars. A bookshelf that ran from floor to ceiling crammed with picture books and comics.

Max was curled up in one of the two twin beds. It was warm in the room, and his cheeks were flushed a soft pink. He had kicked off his blankets. Noni opened the windows to let in the breeze and then pulled the covers back up over him. She stared longingly at him. Was there ever a more beautiful child? She reached to push a damp copper curl off his forehead but stilled her hand halfway there. She didn't want to wake him. She turned to go instead, stumbling over his shoes and almost falling.

“Damn it!” she hissed.

Max turned in the bed and briefly opened his eyes. “Noni?” he said sleepily. “Is it time to get up?”

Noni hurried back to the bed. “No, baby, it's still nighttime.”

He took her hand. “Will you stay with me until I go back asleep?”

She felt a thrill of joy to be asked. And then she laughed softly. Max had never liked to sleep alone. “Of course, buddy,” she said.

She lay down on the bed next to him. He snuggled up against her, resting his head on her shoulder.

“Good night,” he said, and closed his eyes.

She felt happy tears well up as she gently pushed back the soft curls from his brow and then dipped her face to his head, giving him a kiss and taking a deep breath of his warm, sweet scent, searching for that familiar baby smell.

She smiled. Not exactly the same, but pretty damned close.

avid was riding Sadie this morning, the little piebald mare that Enzo had taken out with him the other day. She was a spooky mount, not totally reliable, but fast and agile, and she loved the pitch. David had taken a shine to the horse while watching Enzo ride her and had taken her out several times in the few days since then, using her as a starting mount whenever he could.

Enzo considered the team as he watched them gallop together across the field. They were definitely getting better. Things were starting to gel. Raj had turned out to be a solid team captain. He had an easygoing nature that everyone liked, but his size and mastery on the pitch made it very clear who was in charge. Lachlan played great defense as number one, and David was only getting better and better as number two.

Even Mark had improved quite a bit. Though he was still light-years behind the other players as far as his skills went, his excitement about the game and his willingness to spoil his team with the latest gear, the best ponies, and practically anything else they wanted kept everyone in very good spirits, indeed.

Raj called a time-out and the team handed off their horses to the grooms. Mark took off his helmet and walked over to where Enzo was standing on the sidelines.

“How'd we look?” he said with a big grin. “Amazing, right? I mean, I can just feel it. We're gonna kick ass, don't you think?”

Enzo laughed. “Well, you are definitely making improvements,” he said. “Lachlan might consider being a little less aggressive about—”

“When do you think we'll be ready to play?” Mark interrupted. “I want to play a game.”

“Okay,” said Enzo. “Against who, exactly?”

Mark shrugged. “I don't know. Anyone. How about La Victoria?”

“La Victoria?” said Enzo. “Well, first of all, they are down a player right now.”

“All the better!” said Mark. “They'll have to get some chump they don't even know for Four.”

Enzo smiled to himself, remembering when Mark was exactly that chump. “And second of all, the Del Campos are in England right now, scouting.”

Mark shrugged. “We could fly the ponies out. Meet them in London.”

Enzo laughed. “Mark, I hardly think there's reason to do that. I am certain that we could find some perfectly good players to scrimmage with around here.”

Mark pouted. “I don't want perfectly good players. I want to try us out against the best. Do you think we could take them?”

“I think we would grind your little team into dust,” came a cheerful voice from behind them. “And we would not even need a fourth player to do it.”

Enzo and Mark turned around and saw Pilar Del Campo standing there, smiling wickedly. She wore gray linen slacks, a light blue sweater, and a pair of diamond studs in her ears so large that Enzo thought that even Mark must be impressed.

“Hello, Pilar,” said Enzo, genuinely glad to see her.

¿Como estas?
” she said.

Bueno. ¿Y tu?
” returned Mark.

Pilar turned to him and laughed. “Who is teaching you
? Your accent is terrible.”

“My wife,” said Mark cheerfully. “And she agrees with you.”

Pilar laughed again. “Go away, Mark,” she said, waving him off. “I am still very angry with you for poaching our
. Poor Noni has had to work double time all summer because of you.”

Enzo frowned.

“He came willingly,” said Mark with a grin. “And Noni can take it. She's a big girl.”

Pilar shooed him off. “
. I need to talk to this traitor.”

“Okay, okay.” Mark offered her a goodbye kiss on each cheek, which she calmly took as her royal due.

She tucked her arm into Enzo's. “Come, show me the new barns. I hear they're utterly vulgar.”

Enzo smiled and nodded. “That is true.”

He led her across the pitch toward the stable, slowing his walk so she could keep pace.

“Is Noni really working double time?” he said to her.

She nodded. “
, and it's all your fault. I still cannot believe you ran off like that.” She shook her head. “Like a scared little boy afraid of a garter snake.”

He shook his head. “It was just time for a change, Pilar.”

She rolled her eyes. “Oh, do not bother to lie to me,
. I know exactly why you left. And I am right in saying that you were frightened. She scared the living daylights out of you.”

“Who scared me?” he said, trying to sound casual. “I don't know what you are talking about.”

“Who?” scoffed Pilar. “That little
with Carlos's eyes. That is who. I think you know the one—that girl you have been in love with since the day you met her?”

He looked sharply at her. “I don't know what—”

Ay, dios mio
, stop. You are really the most terrible liar.” They reached the stable and Enzo pulled the door open for her. “Listen, I didn't come here just to talk to you about Noni. I actually need something else…”

*  *  *

Noni was examining the front hoof on Alejandro's favorite horse, Tango, when Pilar and Max came into the barn. Noni's dogs rushed to greet them.

“Noni!” shouted Max as he came running to the stall. “Pilar says I get a new teacher today!”

Noni carefully lowered Tango's foot back to the ground. “Oh?” she said, looking at Pilar. “You found someone? That was fast.”

Pilar smiled. “Oh,
, our little Max deserves the best, do you not think?”

“Yeah!” yelled Max, romping with the huskies. “The best!”

Noni grinned at him. “Of course.” She looked back at Pilar. “Who is it?”

“Me, I'm afraid,” said Enzo, stepping around the corner. He frowned at Pilar. “You forgot to mention that you did not actually run this by Noni first.”

Noni's dogs left Max and rushed to Enzo, circling around him and whimpering in excitement as he petted them.

Pilar shrugged innocently. “I thought it would be a nice surprise.”

Noni stared at Enzo, her heart in her throat.

“Pilar,” said Enzo, “you know I would not have—”

Pilar cut him off. “Okay,
muy bien
. Max, this is Enzo. Enzo, this is Max. I will come back in an hour,” and she started toward the exit.

“But—” said Noni.

“Max,” called Pilar as she walked away, “when you come back up, you may bring Noni's dogs. They obviously like you and I imagine they are not too happy in the barn. If we keep them away from
mis perritos
, it should be okay.”

Noni blinked in astonishment.

“Have fun with the lesson!” Pilar said over her shoulder as she slipped out the door.

Noni and Enzo stared at each other awkwardly.

Enzo shook his head. “She didn't—”

“I know,” said Noni quickly.

“So…,” said Enzo.

“So…,” echoed Noni.

“So, where's my pony?” said Max.

They laughed. Noni was relieved to have something else to focus on. “Right, yes, fair enough. So, he's been riding Tuffy, but we think he's ready for someone a little more challenging. Actually”—she looked at Tango, who was standing patiently in the stall—“Tango might be a good choice.”

Enzo reached past her to scratch the pony's nose. “Tango loves to teach,” he said, smiling at the old horse.

He was standing so close to Noni now, they were almost touching. She took a step back, hyperaware of his presence.

“You want to ride Tango?” she said to Max.

” he answered enthusiastically.

Enzo laughed. “Has Pilar been teaching you
, little man?”

” said Max.

“Okay, then,
muy bien
. So, what's the first thing we need to do before we ride?”

Max instantly became serious. “Groom and tack up,” he said.

Noni smiled as she clipped the lead onto Tango's halter and handed it to Enzo. “You see? He already knows what he's doing.”

Enzo handed the lead to Max, who looked at him with huge eyes. “I get to lead?” he breathed.

Enzo gave him a nod. “Absolutely. Let's take this pony to the grooming station.”

Noni watched them as they walked away together. Her dogs came into the stall with her and settled at her feet.

She had missed Enzo with a dull, steady ache every moment since he'd left, but suddenly, as he walked away from her, that dull ache twisted into something sharp and unbearable. Just seeing him again, the strong lines of his shoulders, his slow easy smile, the calm, competent way he acted with both Max and Tango, it simply took her breath away.

I love him,
she thought to herself.

The words shot through her like a bullet. She dropped the small knife she had been holding to trim Tango's hooves and she felt her knees give way. She grabbed the wall for support.

“Oh no, no, no,” she said out loud. “This is not good. This is not okay.”

A passing groom gave her a questioning look. “
Está bien
, Noni?”

She tried to straighten up. “I'm…I'm fine, Luis. Thanks.”

He nodded, but as soon as he had walked on, she slid down the wall and put her head on her knees. Her dogs shoved their noses at her, wagging their tails, worried. Noni felt like she might actually pass out.

The situation was impossible. Just when she felt like Max might really be back in her life, just when she thought she might see a future with Jacob…

She heard Max and Enzo laughing together down the hallway and closed her eyes, both savoring the sound and feeling like they were simply making things worse.

Why did Pilar have to meddle? Noni sat up, suddenly infused with righteous indignation. None of this would have happened if Pilar hadn't butted in!

She stuck her head out the stall door and watched as Max and Enzo headed out the back, toward the covered ring; then she scrambled up.

“Stay,” she told the sisters as she headed the opposite direction out of the barn, toward the house.

he boy had some natural talent, thought Enzo, as he watched Max bob up and down on Tango's back. They'd had to bring the stirrups all the way up, and his little legs barely straddled the pony's broad back, but he was keeping his balance and managing to hold on.

“Max,” asked Enzo, “have you ridden a pony off its lead yet?”

“No,” said Max, his big eyes shining under the visor of the black riding helmet he was wearing. “Can I?”

“I think maybe you are ready,” said Enzo, unhooking the lead but keeping his hand on Tango's bridle. “Just put your hands like this.” He placed the boy's hands on the reins. “Keep them soft. You do not want to pull hard or it will hurt Tango's mouth. Keep your back nice and straight, and when you want to go right or left, you can tug the reins just a tiny bit in the direction you want to go. Just a little tug—Tango will understand you. You do not need to pull hard.”

Enzo could hear the boy's loud, excited breathing. “Okay, ready?”

Max nodded and Enzo let go of the bridle but kept close and walked alongside them just in case.

“I'm doing it!” said Max. He sounded amazed. “I'm steering the horse!”

” said Enzo. “Let's go once more around the ring and then we will quit for the day.”

He watched the little boy with pleasure. His glasses were slipping down his nose, his cheeks were pink with excitement, his penny-bright curls stuck out from under the helmet, his skinny little arms were clenched and stiff and held uncomfortably high, but he had a huge smile plastered on his face.

Enzo's chest got tight. He could only imagine how hard it must have been for Noni to lose him, what a gift it must feel to have him back in her life.

He had refused Pilar at first when she had asked him to come give Max some lessons. He'd claimed he was too busy, suggested that one of the grooms start him out instead.

“Well, perhaps that would work if you had not abandoned us,” said Pilar, carefully examining Mark's new stables, “but the grooms are all too busy picking up the slack you left behind.”

Enzo exhaled in exasperation. “The barn has more than fifty workers, Pilar. I find it hard to believe that I have left such a huge hole.”

“Well, you did,” said Pilar shortly. “Besides, I want this boy to have a real teacher, not just a groom.”

Enzo looked at her, puzzled. “But why do you care? Who is this boy to you?”

Pilar raised her eyebrows and shrugged. “I like him. He makes me laugh. Besides, this is not about who the boy is to me. This is about who the boy will be to you.”

“What are you talking about?”

“When you and Noni reconcile. You will need to know Max.”

Enzo made a noise of frustration. “We were never together, Pilar. How could there be a reconciliation?”

“Tsk tsk tsk, there you go, lying again.”

Enzo turned to her. “Why are you getting involved? You don't even like Noni.”

Pilar nodded, considering. “You know, that used to be true. I used to look at her and all I could see was Carlos. And I am not saying that it is very different now. Most of the time that is still the situation. I do not like her. But you know”—she paused and leaned over a stall door, calling a pony over to her with a little whistle—“when I was married and the boys were very young, Carlos was almost never around. He was always traveling, and even when he was home, he was usually out late or, you know, with one of his women.”

Enzo blinked, surprised that Pilar would speak about this so casually.

She looked at him, amused. “What? You think I did not know he had women?” She blew out a little huff of air. “Believe me, I knew. Anyway, sometimes when I see Antonia with this boy, I see someone else. Not just Carlos. Maybe I see a little bit of myself, honestly. She works so hard and she worries so much, and she has no man to help her. And that reminds me of me. Which does not mean I like her. It just means maybe I understand her a little bit.”

She looked at Enzo intently. “I had a long, unhappy marriage, Enzo. I think you know something about that, no? Unhappy marriages?”

Enzo smiled grimly in response.

“I stayed in that marriage because I loved my children and I thought I was doing what was best for them. And who knows?” She shrugged. “Maybe I was wrong to do that, or maybe I was right. But I was never happy, and I would not wish that on anyone. Not even someone I do not like.”

She looked away from him, leaning over and scratching the pony's neck. “
Me comprendes?

“Yes,” he said quietly. “I understand.”

*  *  *

Antonia huffed up the drive, filled with self-righteous anger. Pilar had finally gone too far, and Noni was going to find her and tell her so. No holding back. No keeping her temper. The old woman had no right to meddle in Noni's life.

She crashed through the kitchen door, fully expecting to find Pilar in her usual place at the kitchen table, cup of tea in one hand, a book in the other.

But the kitchen was empty.

“Pilar?” Noni called. She checked the dining room and the sunroom. They were empty, too. She turned and walked up the stairs to the second floor.

Pilar's bedroom door was ajar, and Noni heard a rustle from inside. She thrust through it, not knocking. “Pilar, I have some things I need to—Oh my gosh, whoa!”

There were Pilar and Hendy, in bed, under the covers, looking up at her.

“Oh! Oh my God! Sorry! Sorry!” Noni threw herself out of the room and flattened herself against the hallway, covering her eyes with her hands. “I didn't see anything! I swear!” she called back, her voice cracking with embarrassment.

She heard Hendy's dry little chuckle, followed by Pilar's somewhat more exasperated voice. “Antonia,” she said imperiously. “Come back in here.”

Noni shook her head frantically. “That's okay! I'm good!”

Pilar sighed, annoyed. “Antonia. Come in. Now.”

Noni squeezed her eyes shut, opened them again, grabbed the door frame, and then slowly inched her way back into the room. She kept her eyes on the floor. “Um. Hi,” she said.

Ay, dios mio
,” muttered Pilar. “You can look at us. We are perfectly respectable.”

Noni gradually slid her eyes back in their direction. They were both sitting up in bed, the blankets pulled up to their shoulders. Noni gave a sigh of relief. “I'm so sorry,” she said again. “I had no idea that Hendy was here.”

“He just got back,” said Pilar, patting his arm affectionately. “It was a surprise.”

“Straight off the plane,” said Hendy happily.

“Does this mean that Jandro and Sebastian are home, too?” asked Noni.

,” said Pilar. “They're stopping in the city first, but they'll all be up later tonight.”

“Are they home for good? Did they find a fourth player?”

Hendy shook his head. “We saw some excellent prospects but haven't made any offers just yet.”

“So why did everyone come home, then?”

“Why, darling girl,” said Hendy, “your thirtieth birthday is this weekend. Did you think we'd let you celebrate without us?”

Noni froze, a lump in her throat. “Oh, wow, you guys didn't have to do that. I mean—”

Pilar rolled her eyes. “Do you think I raised a couple of chimps? Of course your brothers will be here for your birthday. Do not make plans for Saturday. It's all been taken care of. Now, get out of my room.”

“Okay,” said Noni, “thanks.” She knew she was grinning foolishly, but no one had ever planned a birthday party for her before. “I'll just, uh, keep Max around the barn for a bit longer.”

Pilar shot a look at Hendy from under her lashes and gave him a sultry smile. “
, why don't you do that?”

Noni stepped out the door.

“Oh, Antonia!”

She stuck her head back in the room. “Yes?”

“What did you come storming into my bedroom for to begin with?”

“Ah,” said Noni, still smiling, “nothing. It was nothing, Pilar.”

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