Mystery's Choice (Vengeance Of The Fallen Book 1) (47 page)

BOOK: Mystery's Choice (Vengeance Of The Fallen Book 1)
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FALL, 2015

The lush, robed figure sashayed into the stone chamber, waved a jeweled hand and the sconces lining the wall all flared to life, revealing an ornate altar topped with an inverted cross. Antique tables from different periods sat in the eastern, southern and western corners of the room. A circled pentagram glowed in white in the center of the room. And hanging in the southwestern corner of the room a man struggled fruitlessly against his bonds as he hung upside down from chains hanging from the stone ceiling.


The robed figure picked up a intricately carved gold bowl and walked over to the man. He screamed behind the ball gag in his mouth at her approach. She threw back the hood to her robe revealing long, russet-colored hair, big dead gray eyes and a pouty mouth, which was pulled back in a malevolent smile. She pulled a dagger from the folds over her robe and slit the man’s throat, making sure to catch every drop of blood that spurted forth in the bowl. When it was filled, she gracefully stepped back and walked to the altar in the Northern end of the chamber, she waved her hand and the nine black candles there sprung to life.


She placed the bowl on the altar and waved her hand over it while she mumbled words in Latin. She trembled with delight when the countenance of her Master filled the surface of the blood. Satan’s beauty never failed to thrill her and she could barely contain her desire for him.


“Who dares trouble me?” His voice boomed into the room.


“It is your servant, Serafina, my Master.”


“Oh. What a pleasure.” His voice caressed her in places no body could ever touch. “Is my daughter ready?”


“Yes Master. She exceeds my hopes for her. She is exceptionally skilled.”


“Good, good.” He rubbed calloused, muscular hands together. “I want you to summon, Azazel. He is to kill the seven men who know the location of The Spear. Not take it from its hiding place, but kill those who know where it lies.”


“Yes, Master.”


“When he is finished, he may visit with you until I have further need of him.”


Serafina could barely contain a purr. “Yes, my Master.”




Roodmasi: Book Two of the Vengeance Of The Fallen Series, All Rights Reserved, Tanya R. Simon, 2015


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