Mystery's Choice (Vengeance Of The Fallen Book 1) (27 page)

BOOK: Mystery's Choice (Vengeance Of The Fallen Book 1)
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“Oh! Mom! You scared me!”  The girl exclaimed as she went back to her homework. “I took down the pork chops, like you asked.”  When Naomi didn’t say anything, she looked up. “Mom, you okay?”


“Fine.”  Naomi came in the room, slammed the door and locked it. “We’re going to play a game.”  She advanced on the girl who had stood up.


“Mom?”  The girl asked as she backed up a step.


“Do you know how embarrassing it was for Cain to reject my daughter as a gift for the Master?”  She stepped forward; the girl stepped back. “He said my sixteen year old daughter was impure. He said she was actually a slut. She had been spreading her legs for anyone who asked.”


“Mom?”  She stepped back again. “Who said?  It’s a lie, I swear Mom! I’m still a virgin. I promised if I were thinking about it we would have a talk first. Remember, Mom?”


Naomi said nothing just slapped the girl hard enough to knock her down. She went to the closet and began to look through the clothes hanging there. ”Don’t.”  She said when the girl tried to make it to the door. She whirled around and flung the now crying girl down on the bed. She went back to the closet. Naomi found the dress Herb had brought Gwen for the last family portrait. It was calf length and had a rose pattern, the neckline was high and the sleeves were three-quarter length. Gwen tried for the door again. This time Naomi grabbed Gwen by the hair and flung her down on the floor. The doorbell rang. “Put the dress on, hurry, we have company.”  Naomi sneered at the sobbing girl and locked her in.


Naomi opened the door to the swaggering hunk of male flesh her daughter dated. “Come in, Matt.”


“Hi, Mrs. Calabrese.”  He swallowed hard. “What’s up?  I’ve got practice at 5, so, I can’t stay very long.


“Gwen’s upstairs.”  She nudged him towards the stairs. He turned towards her defiantly.


“I can’t stay.”  He tried to push past her.


Naomi pulled out her revolver, and chuckled as his eyes grew. “Sure ya can.”  She motioned toward the stairs. He started up.


“I know my daughter has been screwing everything in sight. However, she goes out with you the most. My daughter is 16. You, you sack of shit, turned 18 two months ago. That’s statutory rape.”  He tried to speak. “Shut up.”  She nudged his back with the gun. “You have been screwing my daughter for at least the last six months. I can’t entirely blame you.” She said as they reached the top of the stairs. “She obviously enjoyed it.”


Matt’s eyes misted with tears as she unlocked Gwen’s door and flung it open. He realized if she had locked her daughter up, he didn’t stand a chance of getting away. He walked over to stand beside the sobbing girl. Naomi closed the door behind herself.


“Since you enjoy screwing her so much, I want you to show me why I shouldn’t be upset. I want you to screw each other now. If you show me something I haven’t seen before, you live. If not, well,” she smiled sadistically, “you die.”


Matt couldn’t believe this was happening. He had been begging Gwen to do it for three months and she kept saying she wasn’t ready. He knew she was still a virgin, but one look at her crazy mother told him her mother wouldn’t care even if she believed him. He turned to look at Gwen for the first time since he came into the room, he blanched, and her mother had her dressed like a nun. The dress was prissy; it was nothing like the rest of Gwen’s wardrobe. The dress made her look like she should be singing a solo at church. And he was way too terrified of the gun to get excited.


“What are you waiting for?”  Naomi demanded impatiently.


“I… um can’t get an… I … the gun pointed at me is keeping me from being able to perform.”  Matt finally stammered out.


Naomi laughed and put the gun in her holster. “There, now get your freak on.”


Matt wanted to live, so, he took Gwen by the hand and led her over to the bed. She struggled at first, but she realized it was the only hope she had of getting out of this room alive. She made to take off the dress.


“NO!  Leave it on, just take off your panties.”


Gwen started to cry again and did as she was told. Matt unbuttoned his jeans and slowly slid them down his legs. He was concentrating very hard, trying to think of anything to get an erection as he climbed on the bed and lay down beside Gwen. He focused on this month’s centerfold in the magazine he had purchased just last night. Matt’s fertile imagination remembered and enhanced every curve. He sighed with relief as he felt himself growing hard. He apologized silently as he raised Gwen’s skirt, when she took hold of it; he helped her bunch it around her waist. He fumbled between her thighs and worked a finger inside her. She moaned in pain and he kissed her to shut her up. Slowly but surely as he worked his finger back and forth inside her, she began to get wet. He had heard it was easier on a virgin if they were in the middle of an orgasm when their hymen was broken, so he kept working his fingers in and out of her until she clinched around his fingers. He climbed on top of her, pushed her legs apart and shoved into her. She still cried out. He pushed himself all the way in and pulled almost out, before he pushed back in gently, trying not to hurt her. He cried when he saw the tears trailing down her face.


“I want to see her give you a blow job.”


Matt climbed off of Gwen and helped her sit up and he traded places with her. Gwen wiped her nose and tried to remember what the woman had done in the one and only porno movie she had seen. As it came back to her, she trailed kisses down his abdomen. And she pushed his legs apart and gently licked his balls, she sucked them lightly and he moaned, so she did it again. Gwen took a deep breath and tried to fit all of him inside her mouth, she gagged, but she tried again. Matt moaned and his hands turned white where they were holding the sheet. He couldn’t stand it anymore; he pushed up and swung Gwen around. He pushed her back on the bed and almost blind with need he pushed inside her again, this time he went in more easily.


Naomi stared in fascination at the quick, steady pumping of the boy’s ass. She felt her own body respond and she stood. Mechanically she removed her clothes and walked to the bed. She grabbed the girl by the hair and pulled her out from under him. Naomi whirled Gwen around to face her and raised the revolver and shot her in the head. She threw the body on the floor and took Gwen’s place. She smiled at the terrified boy and stroked him.


“If you want to live, you better not lose this.”  She moaned as he slid inside her, his fear making him pump harder and faster than he ever had before. Naomi screamed as she came. When she could speak again, she whispered words of love and life into Matt’s ear as he pumped away. And when he shouted as he came, she lifted the revolver and lovingly pulled the trigger. The boy fell forward onto her and she pushed him off. She hummed happily as she closed the door behind her and went to shower.


When her husband came home, Naomi had set the scene for a romantic evening. Candlelight played on the walls, soft music drifted through the air. She had made sure the mess upstairs would not alarm him by locking the doors to both of the rooms. She thought she looked her best in the black lace teddy he had given her for her birthday. They enjoyed good food, good wine and good conversation, which they seldom got to do with their schedules. He was an extremely happy man as she led him upstairs to their bedroom for what he thought was to be an amazing night of sex.


He opened the bedroom door and nearly choked on his tongue at what he saw. There on the bed trussed up like a turkey, was his twenty-year-old secretary. She had been beaten severely; she was nude. He stepped over to her and started untying her.


“What the hell are you doing?”  He yelled. “Chrissy, are you okay.”  He growled in rage as the girl dissolved in tears. “What the hell is this about Naomi?”


“I thought you and your mistress should die together.”  She smiled as they both stared at her in horror. She leveled her service revolver at them.


“Naomi have you lost your effin’ mind?”  He looked at the sobbing girl beside him. “She’s Phil’s daughter, my best friend’s daughter!  She’s like a daughter to me.”  He blanched as Naomi walked up to the bed. “Please don’t hurt her. Please, Naomi” His voice broke as his eyes filled with tears.


“How touching, you sit there begging for this whore’s life.”  Naomi grabbed the duct tape binding the girl and pulled her close. The girl went wild when she looked into Naomi’s dead eyes. She screamed and begged.


Her husband saw this as an opportunity and lunged for Naomi. She stepped out of his path and shot him in the leg, he howled with pain. She turned back to the bed and tenderly told the girl to lie down. Naomi glanced over at her husband; he was still writhing on the floor.


“Pay attention!”  He turned his head toward the bed.


When she knew she had her husband’s attention, she climbed on the bed and straddled the girl. Naomi struck the girl with the revolver hard across the mouth. She waited until the girl could focus again and she made sure she watched the revolver. She slowly trailed it down the girl’s flat abdomen. She looked over to make sure her husband was still watching, he was, he had tears streaming down his face. Naomi turned away in disgust. She raised the revolver and shot the girl once through the lower part of her thigh. The girl screamed and bucked almost unseating Naomi.


“Shut up and be still!”


When the girl went still, she took her revolver and shot her through her left hand. This time the girl screamed but she held still.


“Good.”  Naomi stroked her hair.


Naomi crawled off the girl and pushed her legs apart. The girl began screaming and Herb started begging again.


“Shut the hell up!  Now!” she brandished the revolver. They both eventually managed to be quiet.


Naomi slowly stroked the revolver up and down the girl’s silky thighs. She watched, as the girl’s eyes would grow larger every time she got close to her snatch. It made her laugh.


Naomi shoved the revolver inside the girl and raped her with it. Then she pushed it inside her again and pulled the trigger.


She laughed as Herb vomited onto the floor. “I’m not cleaning that up.”  She grabbed him by his collar and yanked him to his feet. He moaned in pain. “I’m afraid I lied to you.”  She propelled him out into the hall towards Gwen’s room. “The kid’s aren’t gone for the night.”  She swung open the door. “They’re right here.”


Her husband screamed as he saw his daughter’s nude body lying on the floor. A bloody, oozing mess replaced her eyeball and there was a boy laying face down on the bed, blood was seeping from his head. Herb whirled around, ignoring the pain in his knee and stared at his wife of 17 years. Her mouth was twisted into a gruesome smile and her eyes, which usually twinkled, were completely devoid of any emotion. His breath caught as he thought of the baby.


To spite the pain, he hobbled down the hall and flung the door open. He crossed himself as he went to the crib. He swore as he gently smoothed the hair away from the baby’s blue face and stroked the kitten they had bought for her to grow up with. With a sigh, he turned and went into Naomi’s arms.


“Satan loves us.”  She stroked his hair. “And he waits for you. Go to him.”


He nodded as she placed the gun in his mouth, he didn’t want to live without his family. “Goodbye.”


Naomi pulled the trigger.






Sam yawned heavily as he fumbled in his pocket for his keys. He let himself into the vast emptiness, which was his home. He was feeling like a failure. He had failed at so many things; his family was gone, he wasn’t stopping the maniac who was terrorizing his city, and he was clueless as to how to help his best friend deal with this case. They had nothing on the case, not even with the new body. Every cop has one case he couldn’t solve or he couldn’t get the evidence to convict the person he knew was guilty. This was going to be his one case. The one he would be boring people with in the retirement home. He walked over to the answering machine and punched the play button.


“Hiya pardner.”  Naomi’s voice was not quite her own. “Your house is going to go BOOM!”  She laughed maniacally. “5…4…3…2…1… Just kiddin’ are you still there?”


He wasn’t. Sam had just reached the edge of his front yard, when the earth around him began to shake and all of the sound was sucked out of his world. He groaned as invisible hands picked him up and threw him across the street. He landed with a thud on his neighbor’s lawn, gasping for air. A glance at his home showed him an angry, roaring fireball.

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