My Masters' Nightmare Season 1, Episode 7 Connections (7 page)

Read My Masters' Nightmare Season 1, Episode 7 Connections Online

Authors: Marita A. Hansen

Tags: #fbi, #romance, #erotica, #mafia, #sex slaves, #human trafficking, #captives

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Put her down!” the Don

The soldier
set her down. Rita instantly
went to the Don’s side.

He placed an arm around her and
pulled her to his bare chest.
“You take orders from me ONLY, not some

, I understand,
mi dispiace
,” the soldier apologized.

The Don’s
angry gaze moved to Camila.
“You overstepped your boundaries, so get the fuck out of here
before I change my mind about our engagement.”

But, Frano, she’s
playing you. I was
informed she’s only known you for a week, yet she’s claiming to
care for you.”

It’s been much longer than
that,” Rita spoke up.
“I first met Frano seven years ago.”

Camila said, lowering her hand, her
expression surprised. Blood dripped from her nose, reddening her

My birth name is Sophia

Camila wiped the blood with her
girl is dead, my uncles…” she stopped talking.

Your uncles, what?” Frano

We’ve all
heard the rumor about
,” she replied, looking worried.

That he killed her?
but it doesn’t make sense, because Rita claims she was raped by

I told you she was a liar.
There’s no way my uncle would’ve raped her; women repulse

Which is why I’m assuming
Christo did it. They looked identical back then, and you mentioned
uncles, not uncle earlier. Do you know anything about what happened
to her? Because I’m starting to wonder whether they both played a
part in her attack.”

’ve only heard the rumors.”

Are you sure?” he said, looking
like he didn’t believe her.

Absolutely. I avoid those two
at all cost. They’re both psychotic. I really don’t know which one
of them
the lesser of two evils
. One likes to rape males while the other takes
pleasure in slaughtering and torturing his victims. They should’ve
been dealt with a long time ago.”

Fine, I believe you, but you
still need to get the fuck out of my room. Go sort out your
sisters’ release.”

But, Frano, you need to do

Not if you want to be my
. I
don’t want a woman who claims to be useful, then comes running to
me, insisting I hold her hand. Otherwise, our arrangement will be

I am quite capable of doing
things on my own; the problem is the Santini are prejudiced against
. I already told you how rude Alessandro was to

is prejudiced against
and for valid reasons. They terrorized this island for far
too long. So, find a means that will make the Santini listen. Also,
update me with your progress.”

She exhaled loudly. “Okay, but what can I
barter with?”

, no more.” His gaze shifted to Camila’s
soldier. “Make sure Alessandro understands this trade is sanctioned
by me, but if my fiancée compromises my
, cut the negotiations

He nodded.

Now, everyone, except for Rita,
is dismissed.”

The soldiers directed me and Camila out of
the room. “I’ll take up guard outside his window,” my soldier said
before heading off. Camila’s soldier indicated for us to move
forward, while the third one remained behind to guard the Don’s

I walked alongside Camila,
whose back was ramrod straight. As we headed down the staircase,
she started mumbling about evil FBI agents, then stopped at the
bottom step, her gaze freezing me in place. “I need you to help me
get my sisters back. That Santini asshole downstairs obviously
thinks I’m a joke, but he seems to
have taken an interest in
. So, I
will speak to him through you.”

My face fell.
“I can’t go near
him; you saw what he did to me.”

You will have protection this
time.” She focused on the soldier. “Instead of me, you will be
protecting Honey during the negotiations.”

I will get you another
do that as I cannot leave your side,” the man said without

Fine.” She shifted her focus
back to me. “Now, you heard what Frano said. You are to offer
Alessandro ten
from the House of Whores in exchange for my two sisters,
and if he agrees,” she leaned in close and whispered into my ear,
“I will help you escape.”

I don’t want that,” I said,
careful with my words, the soldier watching us intently. “I only
wish to find Jagger.”

Then, I will allow you to
search for him.”

The soldier spoke up.
“She will need to
be escorted by two soldiers.”

That’s fine.”
Camila refocused on
me. “Do you wish for anything else?”

Her words about helping me
escape returned. Although I didn’t want that, the freedom to do as
I pleased was a different matter. “I would like permission to roam
freely both inside and outside of the house.
I also want to pursue a
relationship with Jagger, but as an equal, not a slave.”

I will help you achieve

I smiled.
“Thank you, and once Jagger’s
out of danger, I will discuss with Alessandro about releasing your

No, the negotiations are

But Jagger’s in danger

So are my sisters. The Santini
are mongrels. I don’t even want to imagine what those inbreds are
doing to them, so if you want Jagger, get my sisters

I nodded, knowing she wouldn’t back down,
her tone reminding me of a Mother Superior I had worked under. Not
wanting to waste time, I headed to the staircase that led to
Alessandro. The thought of seeing him again was terrifying, but
Jagger was more important than my fear.

Camila and the soldier followed
me, the soldier stopping us at the staircase

,” he said to me.

I waited while he explained to another
soldier by the front door what was happening. The second man
nodded, then escorted me down the staircase. The two guards in
front of the cells pushed to their feet, their focus solely on the
soldier behind me, as though I wasn’t even here.

She needs to
speak to Alessandro
Santini,” the soldier said.

The older of the two guards unlocked the
cell behind him. “He’s in here.”

I entered the room, the soldier following
me inside. I stopped in absolute shock at the sight before me.
Alessandro was on the bed thrusting into a blonde woman on all
fours, while another woman was lying in between their legs,
twisting Alessandro’s balls. They were red and swollen, but instead
of looking in pain, he appeared to be in ecstasy.

More,” he grunted.

The woman
d on
his balls, making him growl low, the man not stopping as he
continued to fuck the other woman. A third woman at the top of the
bed leaned towards him, positioning her breasts in front of his
face. He flicked out at one with his tongue, then stopped thrusting
into the blonde woman and took the breast into his mouth, sucking
on it hungrily. The woman
gasped, her face ecstatic. Her hands roamed up
Alessandro’s chest, then proceeded to twist the clamps that were on
his nipples.
Alessandro stopped sucking on her and groaned, then resumed
eagerly thrusting into the blonde woman. He picked up speed,
penetrating her forcefully, his expression now frantic, the man
going wild. Several seconds later, he grabbed her hips and slammed
inside of her one last time, roaring as he came, his muscular body
shuddering in response. A moment later, he collapsed onto the woman
beneath him. The one who

d been holding his balls, pushed off the bed and went to
kneel by a group of chained slaves sitting by the wall, while the
woman at the top of the bed massaged Alessandro’s wide

Enough,” he

got off the bed and joined the group
by the wall. Alessandro pulled out of the blonde woman and removed
his nipple clamps, hissing in response. He dropped them on the
mattress, then turned around, appearing startled by my presence. He
sat down on the bed, smacking the woman’s ass behind him, without
taking his eyes off me. “Clean me,” he said.

She scrambled off the
kneeling down in front of him.

You’re a bit late if you want
me to fuck you,” he said, his eyes stripping away my clothes.
“You’ll have to wait a few minutes for me to get hard

I’m not here for sex,” I
croaked out, my
face burning up.

Maybe, but I can tell you
enjoyed watching me fuck.” He smiled, grabbing the woman’s hair in
front of him. The woman removed the condom, then took his cock into
her mouth.

Willing myself to stay
, I
looked up at his face. “I’m here to negotiate the safe return of
Camila Donatelli’s sisters.”

As I told her,
m not a

The Don
seems to think

oes he now?” His gaze moved to the
soldier. “Is this so?”


Okay, then I guess I can try my
hand at negotiation, but you will have to give my
quite a number of
quality slaves in exchange for them.”

I can offer you six slaves from
the House of Whores,” I said, keeping my eyes on his face, not
wanting to watch what the woman was doing.

Only six?

Six is three times the amount,”
I replied, knowing it was better to start off with a smaller

Not when my brother has a
hard-on for one of the sisters.”

Okay, eight then, but that is
really pushing it.”

Eight sounds good,” he said,
staring at me intently. A second later, a grin spread across his
face. “But twelve is even better.”

My heart skipped a beat, his
reply ridiculous.
“That’s impossible; ten is all I’m allowed to give

His grin widened. “You silly
girl, you just slipped up by showing me all your cards. Though,
don’t panic, I predicted the number was ten. I knew six and eight
were too few
by your relieved expression
, and when I said twelve your face
dropped. So, I will agree to the ten slaves, but on one condition:
I get to keep you as part of the negotiations.”

I’m not for

Then I’ll take the ten women
and I’ll be
sex slave, that is, when I feel like it.”

That’s not what a sex
slave is.”

Okay, then you can be my sex

I already said

Sorry, someone’s kind of
distracting me,” he said, pointing to the woman still sucking on

Tell her to stop.”

Even if I did, she’d try to
latch back on. This one loves the taste of me, she can go on
forever if I let her, plus it takes hours to clean my enormous

screwed up my face, wishing I was
anywhere but here. The man was arrogant and shameless beyond

What’s wrong, babe? You jealous
I’m getting sucked off by another woman?”

I assure you I’m not the least
bit jealous

I’m impressed with you. Even
though I’m sitting here naked with a woman hanging off my cock,
you’re still very polite, regardless of how embarrassed you are.
That speaks of a sweet nature.”

If you know it’s embarrassing
me, then why are you doing it?”

This is my work; it’s
what happens within these four walls. You should’ve known that
prior to walking in—after all, you were a sex slave. Also, if you
were trained well, of which you obviously were not, you wouldn’t be
feeling embarrassed over anything of a sexual nature.”

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