My Masters' Nightmare Season 1, Episode 7 Connections (3 page)

Read My Masters' Nightmare Season 1, Episode 7 Connections Online

Authors: Marita A. Hansen

Tags: #fbi, #romance, #erotica, #mafia, #sex slaves, #human trafficking, #captives

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No, I don’t.”

He flicked his hand. “Then leave, and
remember the red bow and nothing else. My bedroom is at the end of
the east wing on the second floor.”

I already told you, I’m not
going there.”

It’s not a request, it’s an
took a hold of my shoulders and turned me around. “Now,

Not needing to be asked a third
I took
off, cutting through the lounge and kitchen, heading out the back
door and into the yard. Fields and a vineyard spread out as far as
I could see, the purple grapes adding color to the

spotted one of the soldiers who’d
taken off after Jagger. He crossed the yard and stopped in front of
me. He was breathing heavily and his armpits were soaked with
sweat, the man looking exhausted.

Where’s Jagger?” I

I don’t know;
he was too fast to
catch. My colleague is still looking for him.”

have to find him, he can’t be outside
alone. He’s hurt and has drugs in his system. He won’t be thinking

I’m afraid drugs will be
the least of his

What do you

There are Donatelli still free,
being one of them.”

I inhaled, now even more scared for

The soldier continued,
e need to
find him before the
does. Do you know where he could’ve gone?”

I shook my
knowing hardly anything about Jagger’s life.

Then ask his

I don’t know any of

What do you think
he would do,

I don’t know.”

Do you know anything about

I exhaled, now even more upset. I was in
love with a man I barely knew—and I had no idea how to save





I opened my eyes and
shocked at seeing the
sitting on my bed. I yanked those damn sheets up
fucking fast and covered myself, because I slept in my birthday

What the fuck are you doing?” I
yelled, pushing to my feet, making sure there was a bed between his
cock and my ass.

Watching my nephew sleep, which
isn’t a sin,” he said, still sitting on the bed. “And really, for
someone as great as you say you are, I would’ve expected you to
have woken up as soon as I entered your room.”

I was fucking
d, and I
didn’t expect my own bloody uncle to be creeping on me. No, scratch
that, I should’ve known better, you freaking pervert!”

Watch your mouth, boy, I
didn’t touch you.”

But I bet you eye-fucked me,
and don’t think Nino won’t be hearing about this.”

He won’t care, he hates

I pointed at the door. “Just
get out!” The
realization that I’d locked it hit me. “
How the fuck did you get in
here? Did
you climb in through my window?” I said, my gaze moving to
it. The only two entries into my room were through the door and
window. We were in a small cottage owned by an ally, who was also
supplying us with food and weapons.

grinned. “No, I picked your lock. You’re
not the only one in this
with skills.”

I pointed a finger at
“If you
touched me—”

Get over yourself; I already
said I didn’t.”

I don’t believe you. So, get
the fuck out before I kill you.”

He pushed to his feet.
“Watch your mouth,
boy. It isn’t wise to threaten me.” His angry expression dropped
away, a leer replacing it. “After all, I can come in here
time I

rounded the bed, almost ready to
forget who his brother was, because I wanted to pulverize the
fucker. “Are you threatening me?”

No, I’m giving you a dose of
reality, meaning you will respect me or God’s punishment will
befall you.”

And I’m guessing you will bring
the hand of God down on me?”

. I will punish you the same way as my Angel
Gabriel.” He leered at me, making my eyes widen. I knew he’d fuck a

dropped the sheet and rushed him,
grabbing the sick fucker by the neck. I rammed him into the wall,
putting my full force behind me. His hand whipped out, but I
knocked it away, the bastard no doubt going for my nuts. I pushed
my body into his to stop him from hurting me. “
come near me again, don’t even
fucking look at me, or I will snap this trunk of a neck as though
it was a twig.”

He smiled at me, but it wasn’t his
expression that made me let go of him quicker that a punch to the
face. The fucker was hard! I bolted away from him, absolutely
repulsed. “Get out!” I yelled, pointing to the door.

I came in here for a reason,”
he said, looking down at my cock.

I covered it.
“Yeah, to gawk at

No, you distracted me. You need
to get dressed and ready for Christo; he will be here

I yelled louder, “I’m not going to say
it again, so get the fuck out!”

He laughed, then turned
nd walked
to the door. “By the way,” he said, pushing it open, “I’ll be going
with you to the nightclub.”

Like hell.
You’ll stick out like a sore

ll change my clothing.”

You’re still not coming. You
have psychotic freak written across your forehead.”

Regardless, you will abide by
my wishes.”

You w
on’t like it; it’ll be a straight
club, besides my sister will be helping me. She’ll be distracting
the guards while I get to the girls.”

That demon
will only hinder you,” he said,
the man having a habit of calling women strange names.

My sister isn’t a demon, you
are, and I don’t give a shit what you say, you’re still not

Oh, I’ll be
.” He smiled at me, his eyes roaming
my body.

I’m your nephew!”

We are the only two unnaturals
in the
, so why not allow me to teach you a thing or two. I would
like to pass on some of my knowledge to you.”

The only knowledge you’ll pass
on to me is herpes, and what the fuck do you mean by

Our curse.”

speaking in riddles.”

We both like

My jaw clenched, his words
angering me
even more—if that was possible, because I was pissed off
beyond compare. “It’s not a curse and the only unnatural one here
is you. And, you don’t like men; you like cock that looks

Are you calling Gabriel a

Yes, he looks like a

He does not
. He is just beautiful, and you
lust after ugly men.”

No I don’t, otherwise I’d
like you, freak!”

I’m not ugly; you just don’t
like attractive qualities—”

f which you have none.”

Stop acting like a child, it’s
tiresome.” He left the room, closing the door behind

If I was a child you’d be onto
me in a second, you sick motherfucker!” I
hollered. I turned and smashed a fist
into the wall, the pain shooting through my knuckles. If he wasn’t
Christo’s twin, I was a hundred percent certain I would’ve killed
him by now.

I brought my
sore knuckles to my
mouth and licked the blood off, then threw on a pair of boxer
shorts, making a mental note that I needed to wear them to bed from
now on. I also needed to set up a warning system, so that
didn’t take me by surprise again.

got dressed in my favorite jeans and
shirt, then headed for the door. I opened it and surveyed the small
lounge. Nino was sitting on the leather couch, AGAIN, talking on
the phone, the man permanently attached to it, while the
was sitting on a
single chair staring at me. I glared back at him, still aching to
kill the ass-fucker.

Nino clicked
his phone off and
rose to his feet, his attention moving between me and Darth
Fuckabutt. “What’s going on?”

I pointed at the
. “He broke into my room and was perving at me while I was
sleeping. If that happens again I’m going to kill him.”

Nino breathed out. “Uncle, please, you are
not to go into Matteo’s room.”

crossed his arms over his chest. “I will
do as I please until he pays me some respect.”

I’m never going to give you
that,” I said, “and how do you expect me to act around you when
you’re constantly eye-fucking me? You’re my damn uncle, for
Christ’s sake.”


I didn’t fucking

You took the Lord’s name in
vain, and stop using vulgar language.”

The only vulgar thing here is
you, you incestuous, lecherous freak. You’re the type of person who
gives gays a bad name, and if God was real he would put you down
like the fucking dog you are.”

The front door opened, my eyes shooting to
it. Christo stepped inside, the man a bald and much slimmer version
of his twin. “Who’s a fucking dog?” he said with a grin.

pushed up from his chair and went to his
brother, the twins embracing. After a few seconds, the
pulled back, giving
his brother a good stare. “You’ve lost weight, Christo, and what
happened to your hair?”

I shaved it off.” Christo
headed for Nino, embracing him as well. He let go and took a hold
of Nino’s face. “I will avenge what was done to your father and
brother, I promise you that, Nino.”

Nino nodded, the man looking choked

headed for me next, also giving
me a hug. “You’re looking well, Matteo. I’m very pleased you are
here to help.”

pulled back and smiled at him,
grateful that someone appreciated what I was doing. After Alberto
had died, I could’ve washed my hands of the entire situation, but I
didn’t because I wanted to find Alberto’s killer as well help the
family, no matter what the others thought.

He smiled back. “So, what’s the
?” he said, calling me
. Well, I think it meant that, although I
wasn’t sure since my grandfather used to call me it too, so maybe
it was an endearment. Fuck, Italian was confusing.

I leaned back against the
going to get at the D’Angelos through their weakest link: Jagger’s
half-brother. He’s now staying at the Landi house.”

That place is a

Maybe, but the Landi do go out,
notably the sisters, who seem to have adopted the little puppy. I
will go to the clubs they frequent tonight, and get with one of the

Smart boy. Work through the
women to get to the
men.” He patted my cheek. “I knew I could trust

Feeling proud,
I flicked Nino a
glance, basically saying ‘I fucking told you, you useless prick’,
but the man was texting on his phone, probably ordering in some
hookers. I shifted my focus to the
, who was grinning from ear to ear, making me want
to cut his throat from ear to ear.

I refocused on Christo. “Your brother is
responsible for our family’s downfall.”

That’s a lie!” the
said, storming
over, his grin now gone.

Christo stepped in front of his
brother. “You may deny it all you want, dear brother, but I have
been informed that it was you who compromised the

That is not so.”

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