My Favorite Distraction (Distraction #1) (17 page)

BOOK: My Favorite Distraction (Distraction #1)
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He pulled away and got off his stool
, and I watched him with dreamy eyes.

“I will get ready then, unless you want to do something else?”

“Are you seducing me?” I got off my stool and walked toward him, wanting just to feel his contact.

He picked me up in his arm
s, my feet dangling. “Take a shower with me.” It wasn’t a question.

carried me to the shower, and I took off my clothes, and he helped me in. I stared at him in wonder as he washed himself with soap. He was truly a sight of beauty. His muscles bunched up, his hair dripped with water, and the curve of his lips held the most intoxicating smug ‘like what you see’ smile. My insides were swept with a herd of butterflies and I shivered from the feel of it. His large arm reached over to hug me, our bodies very slippery together. He started to kiss me, and I melted in his arms. He took advantage of my willingness to please him, and before long, we were both breathing hard. He turned me and lathered my back with soap, rubbing his front to my back. I felt his penis rub against my backside, and I gasped. His chest on my back was smooth, and I relished the feel of smooth on smooth. He reached around and lightly caressed my breast, his fingers tracing flames down my body. He reached between my legs and used his thumb to draw small circles on my clit. It was slow and unhurried. I was so close to my release my eyes closed, my head resting on his chest. He stopped, lifted my leg up, and placed my foot on a shelf about the height of my knee. I could feel him lining himself up behind me with his hands, his fingers still dipping in and out of me, his face buried in my hair. He plunged into me with such force my foot fell off the shelf and I lost my balance. His body pressed into mine keeping me from falling. He grabbed my foot and placed it back on the shelf and moved my hands to the shower wall. He grabbed my hips and moved my butt out—I am sure I looked like I was climbing the wall from his angle.

I felt his face buried in my hair. I heard his breathing
, felt his hands all over me. He was worshiping me, getting as close to me as he could. I heard his grunts as he initiated sex with me again, his body so close to my body, the water and soap making the contact slippery except for his penis inside me. It was happening so fast, no time to think, to anticipate, what was going to happen. I felt all of him at this angle. He was so deep. He kept playing with my nipples, his hands aggressive. The heat inside me was growing, the constant groaning and grunting helping me reach the point I had become so addicted to. He was moving in and out of me so fast and pinching my nipples so hard, I felt his need for me everywhere, and I climaxed loudly. I felt his release shortly after that. I flexed my muscles around him as he came, pressing my forehead against the tile, my eyes closed, and I felt his cock jerk inside me and there was a tingling sensation that followed. He stayed still for a while as the hot water sprayed down our backs, and then he removed my foot and slipped out of me.

lingered behind me. I felt his teeth graze my shoulder, and he whispered in my ear, “Please don’t leave anymore without saying good-bye. I need you to wake me if I’m asleep.”

I didn’t say anything because he was right
. For the second time, I had left without a word. He held me until our breathing returned to normal, and then he grabbed the soap and began cleaning me again, this time focusing on the area between my legs. I was patient and let him clean me thoroughly before moving to face him again. He looked at me with a smile, a smiled filled with pleasure.

After the shower
, my body was sore in spots I didn’t think could be sore. He watched me dry off, careful not to touch my now-aching breast, and walked slowly out of the bathroom to get dressed.

, huh?”

I turned around fast and stuck my tongue out
. He laughed. I treaded down the hall to get dressed and dry my hair. I was surprised when I saw him out of the corner of my eye.

“I am going to move your clothes into my room
. That way you don’t have to go down the hall every time you need something.” He moved away from the door before I could say anything.

I finished and wa
ndered to his room, where he was organizing my clothes in his closet. I lay on the bed and stared at the ceiling, my mind skipping from different thoughts.

“You don’t think you are moving a little fast
, do you?”

He stuck his head out of the closet.
“It’s been over three months. I want to be with you every day, every minute I can.” I turned on my side to glance in his direction. He smiled, all his teeth showing, and my heart melted.

“I am in no hurry, you know. I enjoy this, but I feel like you’re in a hurry for something.”

He ducked back into the closet and finished, then came out to sit next to me on the bed. “Are you worried about your virtue, sex without marriage?” He looked at me to gauge my reaction. I could tell he was concerned.

My virtue?” he was adorable. “Jason, you are not going to marry me just to have sex with me.”

He put his hand on my leg
, and it drifted up. My eyes widened.

“Really? Again?”

He flashed a knowing grin and leaned in for a kiss. I savored his touch and kissed him back. He picked me up and put me on his lap so I straddled him, and our mouths connected.  Jason was tender and caring, his hands gently roaming my hair and my back.  I felt wetness pool between my legs and was slightly annoyed that he had this much control over my body. I pushed forward assuming the dominate position, an illusion I know, but how far would he allow me to go. I moved over him taking charge, pushing him back, but a few minutes of kissing was all he could take. He definitely had control issues, but I was OK with that, just curious how far I could push.

“I could do this all day with you, but I can tell you are sore
, and I want you to hunger for this like I do.” He offered with a smile and licked his lips, clearly happy with himself.

I pu
t my fingers in his hair and pulled him closer to kiss him, craving the closeness, giving him temptation. The soreness I felt suddenly didn’t seem to matter. What was sore anyway? Another version of feeling, feeling even without the act, just the thought made me hungry for him.
Make me sore.
Again I wanted that bond between us that was the most addictive stimulant.

He pulled away and smiled
. “You are a dangerous girl.”

“Do you want to go with me somewhere?” l laid my head on his chest.

“I would love to go with you, as long as I can bring my new camera.”

I smacked his arm
, and he laughed.

Chapter 11
The Water Fall



We made our way to Jason’s
Jeep, and I called Bo over to get in first. Jason opened my door, and I climbed in. I plugged in his camera battery as he started the Jeep and pulled out of the driveway. I gave him directions to where I wanted him to drive, and we listened to music on the way.

When we got there
, the parking lot had no other cars. We got out, and Bo led us to a trail. I put the camera together and began taking pictures of everything—his Jeep, the woody trail ahead, Jason, and Bo. We walked along the trail, and Jason made small talk about my favorite things. I answered and continued my picture taking. About forty-five minutes into the trail, we reached the waterfall. It was so beautiful. We all walked down to the water, and Bo was the first in. I took off my T-shirt, and shorts, but my panties were already unusually wet and sticky so I left them on as I waded in the cool water.  I rinsed my face and neck, careful not to get my lacy bra wet. Jason wasted no time taking off his clothes and dove in next to me.  He swam over closer to the waterfall with Bo.

The place was as peaceful and serene as I remember
ed it years ago.  I gazed around at the green trees and the bright open sky.  The only sound I heard was the waterfall, even the birds I saw in the trees didn’t have voices.   This is how I pictured the Garden of Eden, where Adam and Eve lived. I saw Jason disappear under the water and reappear in front of the splashing water of the fall.  He would make the perfect Adam.

I got out
of the cold water to take more pictures.  I removed my panties and placed them on a rock close to me.  I slipped on my other clothes and took a seat on the rock overlooking the amazing scenery.

appeared to be completely in his environment taking his time doing his own exploring.  He swam closer to me, flashing a smile as he approached the rock to get out. He walked out slowly shaking his head and I watched all the droplets of water fall into the calm water creating a rippling effect.  I was captivated by all the rippling he created.  My body was the same as the water.  One little touch and my whole body rippled from Jason. My eyes shot back to him as I felt a shiver run up my spine.  He was putting his shorts back on and I watched his bare butt flex as he lifted one leg at a time.  Hypnotized by his body, my eyes followed his movements as he scaled the rock to sit with me.  He stopped at my pink lacy panties and grabbed them looking at me in the process.  He moved the panties to his nose and I watched in slow motion as he inhaled and then stashed them in his pocket.  And there it was, without even a touch, I felt the ripple effect.  It started in my core and extended to the tips of my toes. I closed my eyes savoring the feel, focusing on the areas that the rippling stayed creating a tingling sensation. 

e came to sit behind me resting his hands on my stomach.  His fingers slipped just under the waist band on my shorts. Jason’s body settled with mine and I felt his very hard member pressed against my back. He pulled my ponytail to the side and kissed me along my neck. I relaxed laying my head on his shoulder.

“What are you thinking?” His voice was a whisper and he followed it up with a small bite on my ear.

It made me giggle, like a school girl with a crush. “I was thinking. It’s hard to believe I didn’t notice you at the coffeehouse, because I can’t seem, to not notice you now.  All I do is stare at you.”

“I like
it.” He nibbled again on my ear and the sensation sent more wetness to my already soaked shorts.   His fingers still played at the skin right above my mound and I heard him groan in my ear, before he moved his hand away.

“I am so glad you brought me here.”

used to visit here when I was young. When the incident with Jared happened, I came here and hid for two days.” His embrace became tighter.

“What happened

“My grandfather paid an obscene amount of money for people to find me. I am positive he saved me. I came here and fell asleep
. When they found me, I was dehydrated, and I had bug bites all over.” I tensed against him just thinking about it. “Funny thing is, a few years before that day, he would have never cared to find me. I was lucky he was into saving people at all costs. I moved in with him after that.” I lay against him trying not to think about my grandfather. I began thinking about last night, and Bettina popped into my head.

“Will you tell me about her
, the girl you were in love with? Bettina mentioned her last night. She said you will always be in love with her.” He was stiff behind me and went completely quiet. “I’ll take anything, her name, when she died, how you met. Anything. I want to know the girl who stole your heart.”

He was still quiet
. I felt his head in my hair. I heard him inhale and then exhale.

“I met her at church
. I was thirteen years old, and she was the prettiest girl I had ever seen. We were just always together outside of school and sports. I was going to marry her after high school. She wanted to wait to have sex until we got married. I was so in love with her, I agreed. She was my forever. I only knew her and from an early age she was everything.  When she died something broke, snapped.  I found out the hard way there was no such thing as forever.  I guess I guarded myself after that and put a block of ice around my heart.  It made sense if I couldn’t have forever with her, I didn’t want forever with anyone. We were together five years. She died two weeks after her eighteenth birthday.”

He was quiet after that
. I knew he had finished. I picked up his hand that I was squeezing tight and kissed his palm. “I am so sorry for your loss.” I kept his hand next to my face and closed my eyes again. I wanted so desperately to take away his pain.

had a long moment of silence before we started to head back to the Jeep. He kept his questioning light like the walk to the waterfall and asked about things I didn’t like. I answered all his questions, flattered that he was so curious about me. He stayed away from anything more personal. I did the same when asking him similar questions. I could tell he enjoyed the conversation and didn’t want me to stop talking.


* * * *


We stopped for an Italian dinner and by the time we got home, it was after 8:00 p.m. We were tired. I checked my phone before I crawled into bed. It had been two days since I checked my phone, four days for my e-mails. My phone had fifteen texts and twenty voice messages. They were all from Heather. She was having problems with Jared. I felt really bad for abandoning my friend, I left the bedroom and went downstairs to make a phone call.

, Heather, what’s going on? Everything OK?”

Heather was crying on the other end.

“Did he hurt you?”

She was still crying

, do you want me to come stay with you?”

She was quiet

“I am on my way.”

She finally stopped crying. “No, Kat, I’m OK. We just got in a fight, but we’re all right now. He said that you and he had sex, Kat. He said you were his first love. Why wouldn’t you tell me?”

“He wasn’t my first love
, I promise.” I spun around and saw Jason grabbing a water bottle and resting against the counter, listening. “Heather, I can explain everything, but I need to talk to you in person, not over the phone. I never said anything about him because I know how important he is to you.”

“He said he came and talked to you on Friday
, and he was really upset after. That was when we got into the fight.” She was still really emotional. I could hear it.

, he came and saw me on Friday, but I told him to leave and asked him not to see me again without you. Listen, Heather, I have never lied to you, and I never will. You have done way too much for me. I will come stay with you tomorrow night. We’ll do girls’ night. We’ll watch
.  We’ll catch up and have chicken, and I will tell you whatever you want to know. You have my word.”

She agreed
, and we got off the phone. Jason’s cool expression gave me goose bumps. He handed me a water bottle, and I drank it down.

“So he saw you on Friday?”

I almost choked on the last bit of water I was swallowing.  He didn’t react to me choking, just studied me. He was obviously irritated by the lack of forthcoming information.

, he was my last patient on Friday. I cleaned his teeth, but I don’t think he was there to see me. His teeth were really messed up. It looked like someone cleaned the floor with his face, if you know what I mean.” A smile broke across my face at my words. Jason looked at me and I could see the anger boiling inside him. He was trying to intimidate me, but it wouldn’t work.

“He told Heather about the two of you?” He was sticking to the topic.

“No, he told her he was in love with me and we had sex. I was his first love, to be exact.”

“Do you want me to talk with him?”
His jaw clenched and his lips formed a straight line. Damn. He was sexy when he was protective.

“I love the way you want to protect me
, Jason, but leave him alone. He is only going to cause us more problems. If you care about me like I know you do, don’t go near Jared, for me.”

He turned around
rolling his head on his shoulders in the process.  I slipped my fingers through his, and we walked upstairs together. We brushed our teeth and flossed, and I raced him to bed. He set the clock and turned off the lights. I heard whispering before I felt his body wrapped around mine, and I fell fast asleep.


* * * *


I woke once when there was movement on the bed. I heard the shower running in the bathroom and started giggling. I rolled over and grabbed a condom and hopped out of bed. I stepped into the shower, but Jason didn’t notice me. His eyes were closed, suds in his hair, and soap was all over his hard body. He was so beautiful, all man and muscle. He opened his eyes and flashed me a big smile.

, blue eyes.” His voice was raspy, and it sounded sexy.

“I have wondered lately what goes on in here.”
He winked at me.

“I couldn’t sleep
, and a shower sounded good.”

OK?” I looked down, and he finished rinsing off and stepped toward me.

“I just couldn’t sleep
. That is all.” I stepped under the hot water and let him watch me clean myself, spending extra time on my breast and private area. I finished, stepped away, and turned off the water.

We didn’t talk
, just dried off, and I put my pajamas back on. He sat on the edge of the bathtub and watched me blow-dry my hair. When I finished, I cleaned up my mess and walked back to bed. I sat on the edge of the bed and watched him stop in the bathroom doorway and look at me. We stayed that way for minutes, but it felt like time had slowed and we were in a duel or a face-off. I knew this game well, and I always won.

I la
y down while he watched me, closed my eyes, and I woke later when the alarm went off. Jason was not there. I got dressed and went downstairs. He was in the backyard, sitting in the chairs on the deck. I sat next to him and listened to the birds sing before he started to talk.

“So you are not going to be here tonight?”

I stared at him and wondered if this was the reason for the lack of sleep.

, I am going to stay with Heather. She needs me. I can’t say no to her, Jason. She has been there for me for too long.”

K, will you call me?”

I nodded my head
, and he got out of his chair and walked upstairs.

Bo came over to greet me
, and I sat there and pet him while enjoying the colors of the morning. I got up and fixed breakfast and placed the food on the counter, then went upstairs to find Jason. I found him in the bathroom, hair wet, freshly shaven. His green eyes found mine, and he smiled. I watched him in the mirror brush his teeth, and then I disappeared into the closet to get my stuff ready to take with me. I got my laptop and small bag ready and came out of the closet.

“I made breakfast downstairs. I thought I would eat fast and still make it to the
coffeehouse to check my e-mails.”

was standing in the doorway to the bedroom, and I gave him a quick kiss as I walked past him. He put both arms around me and held me tight and began kissing me. I felt warmth spread all over and a sudden sensitivity to his touch. I pulled away this time.

“I have to go
.” I looked at him, not sure I wanted this to end. I licked my lips and stared into his eyes. “You make me feel things I didn’t know it was possible to feel. I have a heartbeat in my crotch now, thanks to you.”

He laughed
, and I smiled at the sound. I walked behind him downstairs to our spots at the counter. He waited for me to sit down. Then, his thigh touching my thigh, we ate in peace. When I was done, I got down and cleaned up our mess. He handed me his plate, and we made our way to our cars.

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