My Chameleon Loves [Galactic Nuptials 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (10 page)

BOOK: My Chameleon Loves [Galactic Nuptials 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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He turned her around and studied her face. Her eyes widened, and she licked her lips. “Fate decides our mates, Jeni. She picks the one person in the whole universe that will complete us, fill in the empty spaces in our hearts to make us one solid unit, whole. Basically, you were meant for us in every way. When I’m near you, I feel joy and happiness in my heart and soul, like everything is right in my world. I feel like there’s no problem I couldn’t tackle and win. Zin may have recognized your scent first, but I recognized you from the way you made me feel, the way you filled my empty soul. Jeni, even if Zin had not caught your scent I would have wanted to make you my mate.”

She looked down at her hands. “I was told there were three of you. Do you have another brother?”

“Yes, our brother Xortz.”

“Why isn’t he here? If the scent is always right, why aren’t I his mate as well?”

Kernz ran his hands down her arms and twined their fingers together. “Ordinarily that would be true, but on his last visit to Arridia he received a special calling.”

“What kind of calling?”

“His heart and soul drew him to the Kakatiz much the same as my heart and soul drew me to you.”

“I don’t understand.”

“The Kakatiz is a type of spiritual order. It’s a group of men and women responsible for the protection of the souls of my people. They commune with nature and with The One Who Sees All.”

“Jeff told me he went to some religious order, but he wasn’t sure. That would make him like a monk or priest.”

“‘Priest’ is a good word for what he is now. He knew in his heart that he wasn’t meant to take a worldly mate.”

“What’s gonna happen with us now?”

Kernz turned her around so she was facing him. He placed his hands on her cheeks and smiled. “Do you feel anything for us, Jenilyn Montgomery? Does your heart beat faster when we’re near to you like I am now?”

She swallowed and lowered her voice to a whisper. “Yes! I’ve never felt this way about anyone before.”

Kernz felt his nostrils flare.
I’m pleased she didn’t attempt to lie to me. I can smell her arousal.
Her pulse raced as her pheromones filled the room. To solidify their mating they must take her together, but there was nothing in the rules that said he couldn’t make love to her alone. He pressed a gentle kiss against her lips and swept her off her feet.

Jeni squealed and threw her arms around his neck. “What are you doing?”

He turned and started walking down the hall. “It’s time we got better acquainted, love. I want you, and you want me. It’s as simple as that.”

“What about Zin?”

“Don’t worry. I imagine Zin will find his own personal time to get to know you soon.”

Jeni bit her lip. “Kernz, maybe this isn’t a good idea right now.”

He studied her a moment and then grinned. “Don’t worry, love. This won’t bond you to us. We’ll both have to be present for the bond to be permanent. This is simply me getting to know all about my mate-to-be. He carried her back to his bedroom and set her on her feet.

Jeni closed the space between them and ran her hands up his chest to the top of his shoulders. He cupped her head and stared down at her face. Her sparkling green eyes smoldered. He brought his face down to hers, his hard lips touching her mouth hesitantly. She shivered when he pressed featherlight kisses against her skin.

Kernz rubbed his lips against hers, enjoying their softness before skimming the tip of his tongue across the seam of her lips. When she opened, he captured her mouth in a hot kiss, his tongue swirling against hers. After a moment, he lifted away and buried his lips into the curve of her neck. He nibbled his way down as she squirmed in pleasure, sweeping his tongue along her collarbone and down to the top of her breasts. Quickly, he peeled away her shirt and raked her naked skin with a heated glance. “You’re so beautiful, my Laan Asawa.”

“Touch me, Kernz,” Jeni whispered.

He ran a shaking hand over her almost reverently, from her shoulder to her hip and then up again, cupping one breast. Growling softly, Kernz yanked off his own shirt, tossing it carelessly to the floor. Jeni pressed closer and rubbed her taut nipples against his chest, melting against him with a sigh.

Kernz caressed her butt as he dropped a brief kiss on her mouth and then groaned, his nerves screaming in pleasure when she undid the fastening of his pants and slowly pulled the material away. His hands smoothed down her back to her shorts which he began to slip off past her hips. He didn’t hesitate to rip her panties off and then shrug out of the rest of his own clothes.


* * * *


His big, warm, gentle hands eased up the length of her ribcage and hovered at the base of her breasts. “I want you, Jenilyn, so very much.” His thumb circled her nipple, rubbing back and forth until it stood erect. He cupped the tender globes and squeezed gently, his fingers tracing the rigid tips. Her nails scraped down his back when he bowed his head to one breast and laved the nipple hungrily with his tongue, while kneading the other one between his fingertips. He drew the sensitive tip between his teeth with an edge of roughness. Jeni closed her eyes and arched her back.

Kernz let his hands trail down to her waist and then swept her off her feet and laid her on the bed. He quickly followed her down, sheltering her with his warmth. The sheets were soft against her naked skin, his scent permeating the air around her. He caught her hips, urging her to rise up, crushing her to him, and pressing his hardness against her. She could feel the firm length of his cock against the inside of her thigh.

Placing one knee between her parted legs, he covered her body with his and began grinding his aroused shaft against her belly. “Goddess, my Jeni. I need to feel your touch.” He brought her hand to his cock, placing her palm against the veined shaft thrusting proudly from his hairless body. His face buried in the crook of her neck as she fisted his erection in her hand. “That’s it. Yes, your hand feels so good. Stroke me,” he whispered guiding her hand up and down.

“Wait!” Jeni placed her hands on Kernz’s chest and pushed.

“What’s wrong?” He moved back and stared down at her, his brow furrowed. “Did I hurt you?”

She smiled and pushed him over onto his back. “No, of course not. But you don’t get to have all the fun.” He closed his eyes and moaned when her fingers wrapped around his shaft. “I wanna taste you.”

Kernz growled softly and threaded his hands through her hair and drew her closer to his cock. Grasping his length more firmly, she licked and stroked it from root to tip, feeling it harden more and buck against her hand. “Woman!”

Jeni grinned and let her hair drape across his thighs. He pumped his hips when she alternated between sucking and swirling her tongue around the head of his cock. She let out a squeal when he moved suddenly, tossing her over onto her back. “What?” She laughed. “You weren’t enjoying it?”

Kernz growled, his hands moving slowly up her legs. “I was enjoying it too much, little love. It’s my turn to play now.” He brushed his knuckle against the inside of her thigh, curving his hand over the bare flesh, and stroking the sensitive skin again and again. Gently he rolled Jeni to her side, one of his hands caressing her buttocks. His fingers slipped into the crevice between the cheeks of her ass, his thumb tracing over the puckered opening. Jeni moaned, lost in the sensation of his wicked exploration.

Kernz dropped his other hand to search between her legs. He probed her with his thick forefinger for only a moment. “You’re already wet for me.”

Jeni dug her fingers into his arms, biting her lip to keep from screaming. “You excite me, Kernz. More than I’ve ever been before.”

He tugged playfully at the curls covering the entrance to her sex while he continued to pump his finger in and out of her pussy. “This fascinates me. You probably already noticed that we don’t have hair anywhere but on our heads. I like this fur of yours.”

“Kernz, please.”

“Please what, my Laan Asawa. What is it you want?”

“Please, make me come.”

Kernz took her clit between his thumb and forefinger, massaging gently. Then he moved down, spreading her legs wide with his shoulders and covering her mound with his mouth. Jeni cried out, sinking her fingers into his hair when he took her clit into his mouth, pursing his lips and sucking around it. Jeni stiffened her body as a climax rolled over her.


* * * *


Kernz watched as Jeni’s eyes rolled back in her head, her mouth open in a silent scream. He wanted to remember this moment and find ways to bring her this pleasure as often as possible. She was glorious in the throes of passion. When her eyes fluttered open, he moved up between her thighs and lifted her hips high. He probed her wet entrance with the tip of his cock and then surged inside. “Oh, Goddess. The blessed heat. You’re so tight and hot. I could happily die between your thighs.”

Jeni gave a weak laugh. “I certainly hope that’s just a figure of speech, big guy.”

Kernz grinned. “It is, love.” Catching her buttocks in his hands, he bore down on her, sinking more deeply still. A groan escaped her lips as she closed her eyes, opening her legs a little more. Cupping her bottom in his hands, he pounded into her fiery heat. Jeni dug her fingernails into the tops of his shoulders and squeezed his shaft with her strong inner muscles. “I want you to scream my name when you come, Laan Asawa.”

“Oh, God, yes.”

He angled his strokes higher up on her body so his shaft rubbed her clit with each stroke. After a few moments, Jeni arched upward and let out a cry as she came. He could feel her muscles contract around his cock as she climaxed, bathing him in her liquid heat. When her body went limp, his own convulsed in exquisite pleasure, his hips jerking with spurt after spurt of semen. When the spasms stopped, he slid from her body and collapsed beside her on the bed. Without a word he pulled her close, burying his face in her hair.
If I could, I’d spend my life between this woman’s thighs. She is perfection.


* * * *


Zin cursed viciously and pushed away from the vid monitor.
Jeni will be very disappointed.
His contacts still hadn’t been able to uncover any information regarding the disappearance of Linda Phelps. The local authorities had not even investigated, believing she left of her own free will, but the State Department was going to put a couple of federal agents on the case. They were anxious to stay on the good side of the Arridians in order to obtain the mineral from their world that would help in their fight for clean, inexpensive energy.

He sighed and stood up. “I’ll have to let Jeni know that there still isn’t any news.” He hated being the one to give her the bad news every day. Seeing the light die in her eyes more daily was killing him slowly. He would do anything to bring back her happiness.

He started to walk away and noticed a small blinking green light in the bottom corner of the vid screen. Someone was using the communicator in the cottage. Quickly he sat back down and pulled the keyboard closer, entering his personal code. He watched the vid’s history scroll across the screen. If he could get a list of anyone Rich or Danny contacted it might help the State Department with their investigation. “Okay, this is interesting.” In the last four days they’d made calls every time the wormhole opened. “Let’s see who you’re spending so much time talking to.” He typed in a series of commands and a list of identification numbers popped up on the screen.

“Okay, every day they call the same number at noon, and the rest of the time they’re talking to a different number. Let’s find out exactly who these numbers belong to.”


* * * *


Jeni tensed when Kernz pulled her down the hall toward the office. She wasn’t sure she was ready to face Zin after making love to Kernz. As much as she enjoyed it, she’d felt like she was cheating on the other brother.

Kernz turned and smiled. “Relax, little love. He’ll be happy that we’ve taken the first step toward being a mated family. I promise you he won’t be upset or jealous.” He grinned. “Well, maybe a little jealous. But only because he didn’t get to go first.” He leaned down and lightly bit her neck. “You’d better be ready because he’s going to want to even the score and very soon.”

She swallowed hard and stopped when they reached the door to the office. She hesitated when he tried to pull her toward the closed door. Kernz pulled her into his arms and gave her a wickedly erotic kiss. “Relax,” he whispered. “Just wait and see what happens. I promise everything will be fine.” Before she could stop him, he pushed open the door and pulled her inside. “Brother, you’ve been at this for hours. Aren’t you finished yet?”

Zin looked up and rubbed his hand across the back of his neck. There were dark circles under his eyes from lack of sleep. Jeni took a couple of steps closer. “What’s wrong?”

Zin motioned for them to come in. “Sit down. We need to talk.”

Jeni walked over and sat in one of the chairs in front of his desk while Kernz took the other one. His hand crept over and closed around hers, his fingers warm and comforting.

“Rich and Danny have been exchanging communiqués daily with two different numbers. One of them they call around noon. I sent a message to our man on Earth, and he says that number is the police precinct where they originate from.”

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