More Than Physical (The Physical Series Book Book 2) (7 page)

BOOK: More Than Physical (The Physical Series Book Book 2)
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He started to move, a nice easy rhythm, gritting his teeth at how tight and wet she was, fighting the urge not to come.

“Then let’s just consider this tonight’s appetizer.” She leaned up and bit his earlobe, letting her tongue slide in the shell of his ear, as he pumped inside her long and hard.

“That’s it, Jax. Right there,” she murmured, her eyelids closing in response to his deep strokes. “You always feel so good.”

He pulled all the way out to the tip and slammed back in, burying himself to the hilt, rocking his hips at her pelvis, as her nails dug deep grooves down his back. Her moan of appreciation had him doing it one more time.

The continued momentum of his thrusts, his strokes against her sensitive nub, caused the friction she needed to come again. Her inner walls clenched around him as she shouted out her climax.

“Oh, Jax. Yes. Yes.

His own pleasure mounting, brought to the heights of sexual pleasure by her spasms around his cock, had his balls tightening and his release barreling up his legs as he let go with the most powerful climax he’d ever had. The orgasm ripped through him, as his cock jerked and pulsed, exploding in a hot release inside her body.

…” He groaned as his body went lax, his chest pressed firmly on top of hers, his feet planted on the ground and her legs still wrapped around him. “Damn, woman. I need to catch my breath.”

His nose was buried in the silky tresses of her hair, as he inhaled the sweet honeysuckle scent, breathing in her beauty.

She laughed lightly underneath him, making her breasts jiggle and his semi-hard dick growing hard again.

“Damn, yourself. You’ve got quite a little soldier there,” she giggled, her hands still wandering up and down his back. “Unfortunately, you need to tell him he has to be up in front of three hundred people in” – she glanced over at the digital clock on the nightstand – “ten minutes.”

“Shit.” He grabbed hold of the end of the condom and slid out, immediately missing her warmth. He gave her a longing look before straightening up. “I’ve got to get cleaned up. You okay? Need a bottle of water or anything?”

He walked into the bathroom, shutting the door halfway and washing up. He could hear the rustle of her dress as she moved off the bed, her voice soft and still raspy from the sex.

“Nah, I’m good,” she called out. “Why don’t you head on down and I’ll take a few minutes to freshen up after you leave. I’ll join you in a bit.”

Jackson came out of the bathroom and saw the thoughts flickering across her face as she bit down on her lip, worrying it between her teeth.

He could tell she was already regretting their encounter. He could see it in her eyes, the way they were downcast, her lashes hiding them from view and her hands nervously toying with her dress as she tried avoiding his gaze.

Jackson wasn’t about to let her find a way to escape their evening together and he wouldn’t put it past her to walk out of that hotel and not look back. She was a wily one and probably would get away with it if he wasn’t the suspicious attorney that he was.

It was in his nature to disregard the words most people said, instead listen to body language and how they behaved. And the woman in front of him was definitely feeding him a line.

“Don’t worry about it. I’ll just wait right here for you,” he argued, taking a seat on the edge of the bed, patting the mattress they’d just had mind-blowing sex on. He swatted her butt as she walked past him. “So hurry your ass up.”

Nope, she wasn’t getting away from him that easily again.

Chapter Eight


The evening flew by in a blur of food, booze, an award delivery and subsequent acceptance speeches by Mitch and Jackson, along with a continuous flow of accolades from various business associates. It was a never ending stream of well wishes and congratulations for the hot man who had his arm wrapped possessively around her shoulders. The same hot man whom Sasha could still smell on her skin, which was a constant reminder of their down and dirty sex just two hours earlier.

The residual ache between her legs, a delicious soreness that lingered from their quick fuck, had Sasha wanting a second helping as soon as the chance allowed. Part of her felt cheated because of the speed that their coupling had occurred, and she wanted to remedy that with a longer, more thorough session, where she could relish every single part of him. Devour him with her lips, her hands and more importantly, her mouth.

“You look like you’ve been lost in the desert for years and are in desperate need of water.”

Rylie’s comment had Sasha turning toward her friend, eyeing her friend inquisitively. Rylie stood next to her in a half-circle of strangers, all vying for the attention of the men of the hour. Mitch and Jackson were engrossed in conversation with several other men, so Rylie tugged on Sasha’s arm, dislodging her from Jackson’s possessive hold, pulling her away from the group.

Worry washed over Sasha, wondering if Rylie had noticed the change in attitude Sasha suddenly had toward Jax. Trying to come up with a fabricated explanation wasn’t going to fly, because lying to her best friend wasn’t on Sasha’s agenda. If there was one thing she never wanted to do, it was to be dishonest with Rylie. But telling the truth in this particular situation might cause more questions from her friend than she could ever hope to answer. Sasha had been successful up to that point in keeping her fling with Jackson a secret, but apparently she’d left her poker face at home tonight. She knew her warm and fuzzy feelings about Jax were written all over her face.

“Hmm. You’re right, I am a little parched. But I think I’ve had my fill of champagne tonight, so I should probably track down some water.”

Rylie linked her arm in the crook of Sasha’s elbow as they headed toward the small bar in the corner of the room.

“Yeah, I meant that metaphorically speaking, dumbass. What I meant is that you have been ogling Jax all night like
was water, and you were dying to quench your thirst,” she titled her head, giving Sasha the stink-eye. “So spill it. You two seem attached at the hip tonight.”

Sasha flicked her wrist to downplay the comment. “Meh. It’s nothing. Jax asked me to pour it on thick because his ex is here tonight, and he is doing his best to avoid her.”

There. Not a full-out lie. Jax
mentioned something about a former fling possibly showing up tonight, and warned Sasha in the event they ran into her. Of course, that only made Sasha more curious about Jackson’s past, and what kind of woman he normally dated. Tall, blonde, Barbie Doll’s? Submissive woman who catered to his every sexual whim?
, it only drove her crazy. Jealousy was not a good look for her. 

Rylie glared into Sasha’s eyes, the suspicion clear on her face.

“You don’t say. How very uncharacteristically thoughtful of you to offer up your assistance to Jax. Who, by the way, you normally avoid at all costs. A man you wouldn’t lift a finger to help in the past, especially since Cabo. So I’m sure you’ll understand my reluctance to believe you.”

Sasha feigned indignation. “Whatever. You’re the one who forced me to come with Jax tonight,” she emphasized, pointing a finger in Rylie’s direction, hoping to divert the blame. “Jackson doesn’t want any entanglements, and either do I. Simple as that. And I don’t
mind the guy all that much. He’s actually been growing on me. I admit, he’s not as stuffy as I originally thought.”

All true. No lies lurking in that statement, Sasha grinned inwardly to herself. And the part about him growing on her. Well, that was an understatement of the year. He definitely
on her –a full eight inches, by her count. She couldn’t help the giggle that escaped her mouth.

Rylie’s mouth dropped open, as if she’d heard Sasha’s internal dialogue, as she thrust the water bottle into Sasha’s hand. They both turned from the bar then to head back to their dates, who were now down to just a handful of admirers surrounding them.

“I don’t know what your deal is…but I will find out. And when I do, you better be prepared for the consequences. I’m watching you, girly.” Rylie gave her the two-finger signal between their faces, indicating her watchfulness and obvious distrust.

It became apparent to Sasha that if she and Jackson were to continue hooking-up, they would have to be extra vigilant if they wanted to remain under the radar. And what exactly that would further represent sent ripples of anticipation from her head to her toes. There was no denying that they had some off-the-charts chemistry and could burn up the sheets together. And that’s exactly what she wanted, but it was imperative that they keep it under wraps.

What she didn’t want was for it to move into territory where there was a declaration of love or talk about a long-term relationship. She wanted good, clean –
or dirty
– knock your socks off, hit the headboard against the wall, sex.

Fast, slow, naked, sweaty sex. She liked it all. And there was no doubt that she liked it a lot with Jackson. More than she should, in fact. He was a freaking stallion in the sack. She’d found that he was as intense in bed as he was out of it. And it blew her away.

She had definitely misjudged him from the beginning. His love-making techniques were as far from vanilla as one could get. No snoozing allowed when she was knocking boots with Jackson.

And that body of his. For a white-collar, stuffed suit, his body was buff, hard and lean. She couldn’t keep her hands off him – which was extremely difficult in the midst of his colleagues tonight. Her hands begged to roam up and down his chest, settling in the indented flesh of his pelvic V, licking the skin below his belly button.

Returning to stand by the two men, Sasha sidled up to Jackson, trying to keep an appropriate distance, her eyes focused anywhere else but on him, while still enjoying his nearness. Seeing her reappear, Jackson’s hand shot out to grasp hers, linking their fingers together in a sweet, reassuring gesture. He continued talking to the group, squeezing tightly, his thumb brushing along the top of her hand, easing her hurried mind. It made her feel achy and tingly all over.

Sweet Lord, it would be so easy to get used to this

Jackson had Sasha wanting to rub against him like a cat, purring in sexual need. Unconsciously, her body molded against his side, releasing whatever lingering thoughts she had about how it might appear. In this moment in time, she could give a rat’s ass if they appeared to be more than they were – like a couple. The freaking man smelled so good, crisp and clean, with a hint of her still in the mix. He looked good. He felt good. And he certainly made her feel good. So why the hell not just enjoy the ride, and to hell with everything else?

The conversation tapered off as Mitch and Jackson returned their attention to the women at their sides.

“Well, I’ve had just about enough schmoozing for one night. I think I’m going to track down a nightcap, and take my girl upstairs to our suite,” Mitch said, flagging down a waiter with the drink tray. He then leaned in, whispering something in Rylie’s ear that had her blushing like a virgin bride.

Rylie nodded and stepped in to hug Jackson and Sasha goodnight, lingering a bit more with her arms around Sasha.

“Did you two arrive together tonight? Are you okay to drive Sasha home?” She asked this of Jackson, but looked at Sasha for confirmation.

Sasha glanced up at him, eyes flashing panic. They hadn’t discussed what they’d do after the banquet. Before their evening began, she assumed he’d drop her back to her place. Alone. But that was before their romp in his hotel room. Now it seemed plausible that she had an open invitation to spend the rest of the night with him.

Jackson’s eyes flashed with amusement, catching her unspoken concern, and too care of responding to Rylie’s question.

“I’ll make sure to give Sasha a ride tonight.” His tone was subdued and serious, spoken with an air of confidence. His fingers danced across her wrist, suggestively stroking the soft skin on the underside, letting the innuendo embedded in his statement wash over her. Heat swarmed between her thighs.

Mitch gave his friend a head nod and manly pat on the back, then bent down to place a chaste kiss on Sasha’s cheek.

“All right then. Now come on, IQ. I know how much you hate wearing a dress, so it’s my duty tonight to get you out of that thing as soon as possible.” Rylie gave a brief chuckle, shrugging her shoulders as if to say, “
What can you do

Sasha let out a sigh of relief, thankful for the easy exit. She waved them both goodbye, watching the happily engaged couple walk off, drinks in hand. Although that easy comfort would only be a momentary reprieve, because she knew her friend wouldn’t let her off the hook for long. Rylie would sure as shit be asking questions tomorrow.

Watching her friends leave the room, she sighed at how good they were together. Mitch was the reformed playboy and Rylie was his Ice Queen, or IQ, as he affectionately nicknamed her. It had nothing to do with her personality, but all to do with the now infamous ice bath she’d given him on his first day as her patient.

Speaking of nicknames, Sasha returned her attention to Jackson, who was holding an open bottle of champagne and two champagne flutes in his hand that he’d nabbed from a waiter.

“So what do you say, Shorty?” Jackson arched his eyebrows, his arm swinging around Sasha’s waist to direct her out of the ballroom. “Are you going to
me tonight, or do I need to get you home before you turn into a pumpkin?”

She bumped her hip against his, glancing up into his eyes, which were grazing over her salaciously. “Do I look like a fairytale princess to you, Rowdy?”

“In my fairytale you are.” He gave her broad grin. “And I’m more than ready for my happy ending tonight.”

God, when he said things like to her she wanted to melt. He was so playful. Naughty and playful.

“Well, aren’t you just a prince. A very sexy prince.” She fisted her hands in his jacket lapels, tugging him down to her face. “And I like the naughty fairytales the best.”

The top of her breasts brushed against his chest, her nipples pebbling at the rough texture the woven material produced, as Jackson’s eyes closed slightly at the touch. She was nearly frothing at the idea that his mouth might be on her breasts in mere minutes.

“Times a’wasting, Princess Shorty. Your carriage awaits.”

He gallantly bowed, waving his arms out in front of him so she moved ahead of him as they walked out the ballroom doors together.

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