Moonlight Captivation [Moon Shadows Book 1] (18 page)

BOOK: Moonlight Captivation [Moon Shadows Book 1]
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The mage dropped his arms, turned and walked back to where Jezebel stood. “I have upheld my part; my debt is paid. I want no further part in this,” Xenith told her.

Jezebel nodded and Xenith

"Search every inch—I want the Chosen One and Neman brought to me!” Shadow demons and her soldiers flooded into the Ziggurat.

"Looking for someone, my Queen?” a familiar voice said. Jezebel swivelled, seeing Slazzamar leaning against a pillar outside the temple where they stood.

"You are aware that I'm going to skin you alive, and then I'm going to finish feeding your human to my guards,” threatened Jezebel, not failing to notice he was in battle regalia and heavily armed.

Slazzamar yawned with boredom. “Promises, promises. The Chosen One is safely hidden in the Outer Realm. If you want her, you're going to have to fight."

Jezebel's eyes narrowed, her rage a like a simmering cauldron ready to explode. “Kill him,” she ordered Gremlock, who started to charge his magic.

Slazzamar smiled, blew her a kiss and vanished.

"Follow him, Gremlock, then get everyone to their location. I want Slazzamar's head on a platter and the Chosen One in my grasp before this night is over!"

Gremlock bowed and followed Slazzamar.

"Don't forget Neman—he poses the greater threat,” said Belshazzar.

"Once I have the Chosen One, Neman will fall. I'm going to kill two birds with one stone.” She patted the jewel nestled between her breasts. “I have a plan which cannot fail."

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Chapter 17

Slazzamar ran the last three hundred yards across the plain, meeting Neman at the entrance to the Sulfur Canyon. He knew someone would be close behind him and, sure enough, Gremlock appeared and threw an energy bolt toward his back. Neman dove forward, reflecting the bolt with the shield of Anu.

"Talk about the skin of my teeth.” Slazzamar's lungs expanded rapidly to take in more air. “You wanted me to draw them out; well here they come."

Neman nodded in approval.

Slazzamar turned, but Gremlock had vanished. Slazzamar had no doubt the demon would report his findings to Jezebel and Belshassar. Very soon, the plains would fill with their armies.

"I want you to stay with Mark. He's a strong fighter, but still only human."

Slazzamar paused to watch Neman pull a crimson-stained cloth from his armor. He scented Nessa's blood on it. Any tracker demon would easily pick up on it—another trick to make sure they believed she was hidden beyond the canyon to lure them in. Neman took the lead, crossing the boundary and Slazzamar followed almost immediately, feeling the effects of this place. Both his demon and elf side reacted against it, making his magic feel heavy and oppressive. Closing his eyes for a brief moment, he tried to summon a simple spell, but felt like he was striking a wet match. Try as he might, there was no spark and no fire. It was not going to work. Even with Derkin's large army already in the canyon waiting and the werewolves and vampires as well, they were still hopelessly outnumbered ten to one. More likely than not, they would die in battle today.

Still, Slazzamar had a sense of self-assurance that no matter the outcome, this was the right thing to do. Darren brought such light and life to his existence in the brief time he knew and loved him. He would die here today with honor and pride, knowing he was fighting, not just for Nessa and the fulfillment of this prophecy, but for the freedom to love Darren without fear. He was battling so they could have a life together.

Jezebel gazed across the barren plains of the Outer Realm.

"They have gone beyond into the Sulfur Canyon, my Queen,” reported Gremlock.

"Very clever—he knows magic and powers can't be used there."

"Derkin!” hissed Belshazzar angrily. “I can smell the vile filth."

"I thought you would relish this opportunity to finish your enemy off once and for all."

"That I shall, that I shall. Then I'll take control of his whole quadrant."

"Good for you.” She walked across the plains, every sense she possessed on high alert. Stopping immediately before the entrance to the canyon, Jezebel sniffed the air. It tingled with an overuse of teleports from this spot, a few were still fresh. She held up her hand and her whole army stilled. Every instinct told her this was only a ruse to draw them out and away from Neman's precious Chosen One. Once inside the canyon, all creatures became vulnerable without their powers. Not for a moment did she believe he would have put her in harm's way. Fernos, the Kat demon, came charging over with a cloth between his paws.

"'Tis her, my Queen—the scent of the Chosen One."

Jezebel looked down at the bloodstained cloth. Did Neman think her such a fool? “Belshazzar, you have command of my soldiers. I'm sure even you can manage to kill Neman's little army. Spare no one but Neman—I need him alive for my plan to work. Also spare Slazzamar the Sneak. I would like the privilege of peeling the skin from his worthless body."

"Where are you going?” Belshazzar looked at her.

"To play teleport roulette.” With that, she tracked through one of the residual teleports. The first one came out at the Ziggurat. She popped back to the barren plains and then went through another traceable port. Landing in the Human Realm, once again she glanced about with an evil smile. She saw a huge painting of Neman's Ziggurat on the wall and heard human voices. Something told Jezebel she'd just gotten lucky.

Neman watched Mark check his weapons for the eighth time. They faced demons before, but never en masse like this.

"We're going to die, aren't we?"

Slazzamar shrugged his shoulders as the mass of demons approached. “Probably."

"Is it worth it?” Mark asked.


"Typical answer of a man in love,” Mark muttered. “Still, a dead demon is one less demon I'll have to worry about later on—no offense, Derkin."

"None taken, lad."

Nessa sighed for the millionth time. Both she and Darren were staring at the table laid with indulgent foods, but neither of them felt the slightest inclination to eat. How could she, when the man she loved was out risking his life for her?

"Try to eat something,” Darren encouraged. “If not for you, then for them.” He pointed to her stomach. “You have two little ravenous creatures inside there."

He was right; she didn't want to end up in the same state as before. She took a piece of the pizza and tore a chunk off, chewing mechanically, then forced herself to swallow. Slowly, she finished the pizza slice, swallowing it down with a tall glass of orange juice.

Thomas slammed the kitchen door and the panicked look on his face made Nessa and Darren jump to their feet in fright.

"What is it? What's going on?"

Sudden gunfire and an explosion sounded through the house.

"We've been breached by a demon—get her out now!” Her two bodyguards yanked their guns from their body holsters, grabbed her arm and dragged her toward the other end of the kitchen racing out the door. Darren followed close behind. Before they reached the back door, the whole kitchen exploded. Nessa caught a glimpse of a woman dressed in deep green silk before she was dragged down a long corridor.

"Holy shit, it's Jezebel!” gasped Darren.

"You have to run, Ms. Myles,” her bodyguard said.

Nessa panted, running as fast as she could down the long hallway, but the woman suddenly appeared in front of them. Nessa gasped, skidding to a halt. Her bodyguards lifted their weapons and fired at the woman. She flashed again and suddenly Nessa's bodyguards were thrown against a wall. Nessa watched in horror as they were lifted and she heard their bones suddenly snap.
Oh God, the evil bitch killed them.
She barely registered Darren taking her hand and yanking her forward toward the mansion's exit.

"I'll hold her off. You go, Nessa!"

"No, you can't—she'll kill you."

With another burst of demonic power, Darren was flung sideways.

Nessa fell to the ground, trying to suck much-needed air into her lungs.

The tall, slim woman in green flowing robes, her eyes glowing red strode purposely forward.

Nessa crawled over to Darren's unconscious body to shield him. More men came running to fire at the woman, but any attempt to subdue her by gunfire or sword was met with a fierce power bolt, knocking them off their feet.

"Stop! Don't kill them!” Nessa screamed at her. She turned her eyes to her. “Leave them alone. It's me you want."

Darren stirred and he gripped her arm. “Nessa, no,” he groaned.

Jezebel glared down at her. “An act of self-sacrifice. Human stupidity will never cease to amaze me. Come willingly then and I will spare these pathetic mortals."

Nessa swallowed, tugging herself away from Darren, and rose to her feet. She looked Jezebel straight in the eyes to show she held no fear. “Why don't you just kill me?"

"Oh, that would be too easy. If I kill you, I would have no leverage to bring Neman to his knees."

Nessa bit back her rage and the sarcastic comments on the tip of her tongue. “Leave Neman alone. You have me—isn't that what you wanted?"

Jezebel stepped forward, gripping her arm.

Nessa felt the power surge and
. Daylight disappeared, replaced by darkness and heat.

"I've been trying to bring Neman to his knees for thousands of years. His first wife, it was almost too easy with such a weak-willed mortal. She wanted immortality and was easy to manipulate. I almost had him, but the fool didn't give him the correct dose of the drug."

"But why? Why kill his whole family?"

"Why not? They were of no use to me. But you, my little human, will be of great use to me. Neman will fall and I will have the power I need to conquer each and every Realm. I have worked too hard to obtain the power I have today and no little upstart will ruin it."

"Lady, you are one seriously fucked-up bitch!"

Jezebel slapped her across the face. “Respect your Queen, mortal."

Fire exploded across the side of Nessa's face, but she held back her whimper. “You can shove your respect up your royal ass for all I care!"

"You are strong-willed, I grant you that, but not for much longer.” She pulled a shimmering jewel from beneath her green silken dress. Her red eyes glowed evilly while she held it out.

Consumed by a sudden curiosity at the sight of the pretty blue gem, Nessa took it into her hands without thinking.
What is it?

"Take care now, mortal,” Jezebel warned and began babbling away in a strange tongue.

Nessa had no clue as to what she was saying, but she suddenly wobbled, feeling dizzy. She tightly gripped the jewel as the whole world tilted, and she descended into complete darkness.

A severed head flew backwards as the sword of Anu sliced with complete accuracy, never missing its mark. Another demon was pushed against his shield; the creature screamed, disintegrating into dust. Neman charged into the battle, slicing and hacking every demon who crossed his path. The canyon floors ran red with demon blood. Neman looked up through the haze of dust the shuffling feet of demons and their combatants kicked up. Jezebel stood at a distance, watching him. Charged with rage, he battled his way to her. She turned, heading toward the barren plains. Neman followed, pausing only to kill a demon on the verge of killing Mark. Slazzamar was busy battling two others.

"Thanks, man,” Mark said, reloading his handgun with another clip and drawing his sword, then charging back into the thick of it.

Looking up once again, Jezebel smiled evilly at Neman. She was now beyond the canyon and could use her magic. Neman charged forward, his bloodied blade at the ready to strike her down.

"If you want to see your beloved Chosen One alive, I would not do that,” she warned.

Neman skidded to a halt, fear suddenly gripping him. She couldn't have Vanessa.

"You lie!"

"Oh do I? Did you think you could let mortals protect her? Mind you, I should have killed Slazzamar's little pet human. Maybe I will return and finish that little task later on."

Neman took another menacing step toward the demon queen. She told the truth, but how?

"I followed through your ports, till I hit—what is it the mortals say?—the ‘jackpot.’”

Neman's heart sank. It was true then. “Where is she? I swear, if—"

"Oh shut it, Neman. Spare me the dramatic ‘if you've harmed her’ speech. I have your human. Come to my domain and see for yourself. Leave your little toys behind.” She looked at his sword and shield and

Neman quickly tossed aside the shield and sword of Anu and followed her though the port.

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Chapter 18

Killing Jezebel was too good for the glorified demon queen. Neman wanted to make her suffer, as he had these past four thousand years. She took everything from him, and now she took Vanessa. She was going to pay. Flames roared up, licking at his skin as he crossed the thin, stone bridge. Ahead was a deep blue swirling light. He ran forward, taking care where he placed his feet, as one wrong move would plunge him into the pit. Here, he could not teleport. He felt the dampening spell the moment he stepped into Jezebel's domain.

Finally, he saw Vanessa. She lay across a stone altar, where the demons came to give their gifts to their ruling bodies. Her eyes were closed and her body still. Neman saw the soft rise and fall of her chest. Relief flooded through him; she was still alive. As to her state and the state of their children, he had yet to determine. If the demon witch laid one damn finger on her, he would make her suffer until she begged for death.

Drawing closer, he stepped forward to gaze down on her pale face. He dare not touch her lest he trigger any booby trap Jezebel may have placed. No doubt, a trap had been set; glancing down her body, Neman saw it. Cradled in Vanessa's unconscious hands, a blue jewel glowed. Neman's heart almost stopped. She held his powers, the very ones which were stolen from him! Every instinct screamed at him that this was a trap. That fucked-up bitch, Jezebel, was going to pay. Four thousand years he had hunted and tracked to recapture his powers, to no avail. Now, the two things he wanted most in his long, long life lay before him. Yet, he dared not touch.

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