Midnight's Warrior (14 page)

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Authors: Donna Grant

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Midnight's Warrior
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“How? I thought you had to be willing? One of the Druids at MacLeod Castle was forced to become
by Deirdre. Isla’s magic was strong, and the evil never took over as Deirdre had planned. Isla is one of our strongest Druids.”

Her head shifted so she could look at him. “My family is very … persuasive. The ones before me might not have wanted to be
but my family is relentless. None have ever refused.”

“Until you.”

“Until me,” she said with a smile. “I think my grandmother was impressed with my stubbornness. She even tried to talk my mother into allowing me to remain as I was.”

Ramsey turned so that his back was against the wall and he faced her fully. “What happened?”

“If you spoke with my mother I suspect you know what happened.”

“Your grandmother was never brought up.”

Tara leaned forward and dropped her face in her hands. Images of her grandmother laughing and teaching her magic rolled through her mind.

“My grandmother was
like all the rest of my family. Yet she was different.” Tara lifted her head and released a long breath. “Grandmother always had time for me, teaching me, or just laughing with me. From the time I was a wee child she told me over and over again to follow my heart even if it meant going against the ones I loved.”

“Do you think she knew what you were going to do?”

Tara shrugged. “I have no idea. When I first refused and Grandmother stood up for me, my mother—” She had to stop as the wave of pain slammed into her. “My mother’s fury was legendary in our family as was her affinity for whisky. She turned on my grandmother in her drunken rage. I didn’t realize her intent until it was too late. Until Grandmother lay dead on the floor.”

“I’m sorry, Tara.”

She swallowed, determined not to cry. “My mother turned on me next. She wouldn’t listen to me, just kept yelling and throwing magic at me. I dodged many of them because she was so clumsy, but not all of them.”

Tara lifted her eyes to Ramsey. “She intended to kill me. I got away with my life that night, with my mother’s promise to find me ringing in my ears.”



Ramsey was glad he hadn’t known this when he spoke to Tara’s mother or he might have killed her.

After hesitating just a moment, Ramsey walked to Tara. He could feel her pain and her loneliness in her magic and it called to him.

He knelt before her and looked into her blue-green eyes. “I’m sorry, Tara.”

“I’ve never told anyone that story before.”

“If it helps, I doubt your mother will be looking for you. Her liver is failing, and she’s no’ expected to live out the year.”

A tear dropped on the back of Ramsey’s hand. He’d never really known what to do with a crying woman, but this time was different. This time he knew what to do.

Ramsey wiped the second tear from Tara’s cheek before it fell. To his surprise, she took his hand and closed her eyes as she held it against her cheek.

He remained still, torn between giving her the time she needed and the urge to pull her into his arms. But if he gave in to the need surging through him, Ramsey knew it wouldn’t stop at just holding her.

His gaze moved from her face to the wisps of magic that began to float around their hands. He still didn’t know what it meant, and though it could be something dangerous, all he knew was that it felt wonderful to touch her.

She drew in a deep, shuddering breath and to his disappointment released his hand. With no other reason to touch her, Ramsey let it fall to the cushion, but the tendrils of magic continued to grow stronger as they wound around him.

“You aren’t what I expected in a Warrior,” Tara said.

“What did you expect?”

She shook her head, staring at the fire. “I don’t know, but not you. You must make some lucky woman very happy.”

“I doona have a woman.”

Her brows knit as her gaze swung to him. “I find that difficult to believe.”

“It’s the truth.”

“No. You’re too handsome, too dangerous, too amazing not to have some gorgeous woman on your arm.”

There was only one woman he wanted, and she was sitting before him. Tara’s face was so close to his. He could lean up slightly and brush his lips over hers.

As if reading his thoughts, she lowered her eyes to his mouth, and Ramsey bit back the groan that rose swift and true within him.

“Why are you alone?” she whispered.

“Because of what I am.”

“A Warrior?”

“A Druid and a Warrior. I have to stay in control always, lest something bad happen.”

Tara looked down at his hand where the magic swirled around him and placed the tip of one finger on the back of his hand. As she lifted her finger, a white line of magic stretched between them until it moved like smoke around her before joining the others that surrounded his hand and arm.

“Something bad has happened, hasn’t it?” she asked.

He gave a single nod.

Her blue-green eyes met his. “Innocents were killed.”

Ramsey wanted to look away, to hide his guilt, but he couldn’t. “They did.”

“I’m not an innocent, Ramsey.”

He could hardly breathe from the passion that overtook him. Tara was too close, her magic too alluring. And with the wisps from touching her, he was a powder keg waiting to ignite. He had to get away from her, to put some distance between them. But the very thought kept him rooted where he was.

“You are an innocent,” he insisted.

She shook her head, leaning toward him a fraction. “In all my years of running and hiding, I’ve only ever felt at peace and free one time. The night I spent here.”

Ramsey dug his fingers into the cushions, only vaguely aware that his claws punctured the fabric. The hunger, the need tearing at him was overwhelming. He had to have another taste of her, one that went deeper, longer.

Her hands covered his, and one of her fingers touched a claw. She jerked slightly but didn’t pull away.

“You fear me.”

She shook her head, her golden-brown waves moving with her. “No. I’ve only seen Warriors once, while I was in Edinburgh. I’ve heard what you are, but I’ve never been this close.”

Ramsey found himself leaning closer, closer. He rested his forehead on hers as he tried desperately to find the will to pull away. But when it came to Tara, he had none. All he wanted was her.

He tilted his head, their mouths breaths apart. No more waiting, no more wanting. He was going to kiss Tara until neither of them could remember their own name.

Her eyes fluttered closed, and just before his lips touched hers his mobile rang.

Ramsey pulled back, muttering, “Fuck,” beneath his breath so Tara wouldn’t hear. He got to his feet, his claws sheathed, as he hurried to the phone atop the kitchen table.

He wasn’t surprised to see Fallon’s name appear. Ramsey answered it with a curt, “Aye?”

“Charon has filled me in on what’s going on.”

“All of it, I assume?” Meaning what had happened with Arran earlier.

Fallon sighed. “Aye, my friend. All of it. There’s nothing to be upset about. Arran is fine.”

Ramsey didn’t bother to reply, because he knew if it had been anyone but a Warrior, they’d be dead.

“I’m no’ comfortable with just you three handling this alone. And I’m told Tara refuses to leave unless you do.”

Ramsey glanced at Tara who watched him from the couch. “That’s right.”

“Damn,” Fallon said with a long sigh. “I’d feel better if I could send others to help you out.”

“As it is I’m worried Arran, Charon, and Tara willna get out in time. I can no’ worry about any others as well.”

“Just what do you have planned?”

“I’m going to kill him.”

There was a pause before Fallon asked, “Will this kill you?”

“I doona know the answer to that.”

There was a bang on the other end of the line that Ramsey could guess was Fallon’s fist hitting the table. “That’s unacceptable, Ramsey. I willna loose another friend.”

“And you have no idea what’s going to happen when I face Declan. Trust me, Fallon. You doona want anyone else around.”

“If they’re Warriors they’ll survive.”

“Possibly. Do you want to take that chance?”

As expected, Fallon didn’t have an immediate answer. Ramsey didn’t like putting his friend in such a tight spot, but as leader, Fallon needed to know all the details. As ugly as those details were.

But Ramsey also knew Fallon well enough to know he’d already sent men ahead. “Who did you bring?”

“It wasna my decision. They were going with or without my help. I figured I’d get them there earlier in case they could help.”

“Who, Fallon?” Ramsey demanded, raising his voice. He needed to know how many were here so he could ensure they were gone. Soon.

“Hayden, Logan, Ian, and Quinn.”

Ramsey turned and punched the cabinet door, shattering the wood as his fist went through it. “Come and get them. Now.”

“They’re your friends, Ramsey. They want to help.”

“Then they can help by no’ being here.”

There was a string of curses from Fallon before he said, “I’ll do my best to get them out of there. How much time do I have?”

“No’ much.”

Ramsey ended the call and tossed the phone on the table. He didn’t even look at the mess he’d made with the cabinet. Rarely did he lose control of his anger in such a fashion, but it was bad enough Charon, Arran, and Tara were staying behind.

The only way Ramsey could face Declan as he needed to was knowing his friends would get Tara out in time. If others were here and refused to leave, then it complicated everything.

He turned to Tara to find she stood just a few paces away from him.

“Are you all right?” she asked.

“Nay, I’m no’. You’re here. Arran and Charon are here. And now Fallon tells me four of my other friends are here as well.”

“Warriors are immortal, Ramsey. Whatever you have planned for Declan can be survived by all of you.”

There was no use trying to tell her exactly what he had planned. If nothing else, Tara would endure after this battle.

“We’ve a few hours of daylight left. Is there anything you need from the castle?”

She shook her head.

“Then I suggest you rest while you can. I doona expect this storm to hold Declan much longer.”

“How else can he get here? No cars can travel these roads.”

“Aye, but he has another option. His helicopter.”

She turned away but Ramsey wasn’t ready to be parted from her just yet. He stopped her and turned her back around to him. Her gaze searched his as he slowly backed her against the refrigerator.

He caressed his fingers down her smooth cheek to her neck before plunging his fingers into the cool strands of her hair to wrap around the back of her head.

Her lips parted and her breath quickened, showing him she wanted the kiss as much as he did. He moved his other hand under her sweater to her waist.

The impact of skin upon skin only fueled the magic wisps flowing between them. Ramsey moaned deep in his throat when her hands rested on his chest before moving to his back as she tugged him closer.

“Tara,” he whispered just before his mouth descended upon hers.

The first contact of their lips was like an explosion of magic between them. His skin sizzled, his body burned in pleasure so wild and fierce he thought he would explode with it.

And it was nothing compared to the hunger within him.

Ramsey slid his tongue between her full lips and plundered her mouth. He gave no quarter as he kissed her as he’d been dreaming of doing from the first time he saw her.

He deepened the kiss, holding her lithe body tightly against him. Her fingers dug into his back, her moans filling his ears.

Still it wasn’t enough.

The yearning, the longing had taken him. He had only one thought—Tara.

With each heartbeat, each pleasurable moan, the kiss grew in intensity. Ramsey ground his aching cock against Tara, and her answering gasp only increased his desire.

He wasted no time in tugging her sweater over her head. The sight of her dark orange bra and her passion-filled gaze made his balls tighten.

Tara rose up on her toes and wound her hands around his neck, her fingers delving into his hair and her nails skimming his skin.

Ramsey turned so that he was the one against the refrigerator as he crushed her body to him. He used both hands to roam over her back and shapely behind while he kissed her again and again.

The kiss consumed them. It was passion and desire and need. And it swept them along on a tide neither wanted to fight.

Ramsey bent so that his hands moved over her behind to the back of her thighs. He lifted her, spreading her legs at the same time.

She wrapped her legs around his waist as he walked them to the couch. With a flick of his fingers, he’d unclasped her bra. It fell to the floor as he sank back on the couch, his arms full of Tara.



Tara’s body was not her own. Every touch of Ramsey’s hands and mouth sent her blood heating and her heart pounding. She eagerly, anxiously, awaited Ramsey’s next caress.

Her lips ached from his kisses, yet she wanted more. So very much more.

It never entered her mind to tell him to stop when he had taken off her sweater, nor when he had unclasped her bra. She was the one who had let it fall to the floor.

And through all the passion and heated desire, her body throbbed from need.

Her lips parted and her body arched toward Ramsey as he ran a finger slowly, softly, down her spine and past the waist of her jeans.

He whispered her name and nuzzled her neck, sending goose bumps over her body in anticipation of more. She slid her hands into his soft midnight locks and let the silky strands glide through her fingers.

His hands were on her back while he kissed her neck to keep her head back and her body arched. Never had Tara felt so sexy or like a woman desired.

She sucked in a breath when one of Ramsey’s large, callused hands cupped her breast and kissed the inside of it. Her breasts swelled, the nipples tightened in expectation of his touch.

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