Melonee Bracs Mistletoe Madness 30 (7 page)

BOOK: Melonee Bracs Mistletoe Madness 30
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Ruttford swallowed as he looked at the way Maverick was glaring at them—or more precisely, him.
“What are you doing here?” he snarled as Melonee ran forward and slapped the palms of her hands onto Maverick’s chest, trying her best to hold him back. Ruttford had a feeling she wasn’t stopping him so much as he didn’t want to bowl her over.
“You have to listen, Dad,” Melonee began. “It’s a long story.”
“I’ll listen as I’m roasting Rutt
-ford’s balls over an open fire!”
Oh jeez.
“Why the hell is he here?” Maverick asked as he looked at Adam. “What the hell are you into, elf?” Maverick’s face contorted into pure rage. “What in the hell did you have my baby girl doing with you?”
Ruttford shimmered himself and Adam to the staircase when Maverick moved Melonee aside and came after him. The man was going to kill Ruttford. There were no two ways about it. He was going to find a way to blame him for the two of them having a second mate.
“He’s my mate, Dad!” Melonee yelled as she grabbed Maverick’s arm, trying in futility to pull him back.
Maverick stilled.
The house grew deathly quiet.
Ruttford could have sworn he heard the devil himself laughing.
“Your what?”
“Adam is my second mate,” Melonee replied behind him. “So you can’t kill him.”
Maverick slowly turned, piercing his grey eyes into Melonee as his face became mottled with rage. “Wait. Right. Here.”
The three watched as Maverick walked down the hallway to his office and slammed the door so hard, Ruttford’s teeth rattled. A second later, something very large and very heavy crashed in the man’s office.
“Oh, hell,” Melonee whispered.
Then something else was destroyed.
“You really do need to work on your subtleties, beautiful.”
They all winced when something else crashed and they heard Maverick cursing so loudly that people started gathering downstairs.
“What’s going on?” Johnny asked as he glanced between the three and then looked down the hallway.
“I think Maverick is finally cracking,” Law Santiago said as he came to stand by Ruttford. “Who’s the human?”
Adam glanced up at Law and then looked back at Ruttford.
“Not a damn word,” he warned his mate. Adam struggled to get out of Ruttford’s arms, but Ruttford wasn’t sure if he still needed to shimmer them out to safety. “Hold still.”
Everyone grew quiet when Maverick walked out of his office, dust and small pieces of splintered wood on his shoulders and in his hair. “Tell me why you have brought them here,” Maverick said to Melonee.
Ruttford grabbed Adam tighter because the werewolf was about to try and kill Adam when he found out their mate wanted to exploit the supernatural world.

Chapter Nine

“Is that him?” Cecil asked as they walked into the back room of an illegal boxing match. The place smelled of sweat and blood. Cecil wasn’t too sure about the unsavory characters around them either. He’d dealt with his fair share of bad guys, but these men looked like they would slice someone’s throat while they were smiling.

They didn’t really scare him—not after dealing with vampires, demons, and rogues—but he was cautious, staying alert to everything going on around him.

He nodded at a few people as they worked their way through the room. Carter had met Fire before, so knew what he looked like. Cecil wasn’t about to ask how Carter had met Ruttford’s brother. He just wanted to grab the man who had gotten himself into this mess and get out of here.

“Gross,” Oliver said as he lifted his boot. Cecil glanced down to see that the Goth man had stepped in blood. “Can we just get the guy and get out of here?”

“That’s the plan,” Blair said.

The four turned when the bell rang and two men began to box in the center of the room. Cecil had seen boxing on television, but never up close. They weren’t even wearing gloves, just white tape around their knuckles.

Carter tapped him on the shoulder and nodded toward the back of the room. “We need to get Fire and get out of here before the Shadow elves show up.”

Cecil tore his eyes away from the fight and began to make his way back to Fire when he saw two blue elves shimmer in.

“Hurry,” Cecil shouted when the two henchmen began to glance around the crowded room. He pushed through the throng of people, trying his best to reach Fire before the other men did.

Just as Cecil cleared the crowd, someone yelled, “Cops!” Okay, now he really needed to get his ass out of here. If Maverick found out that Cecil was in a place like this, the shit would hit the roof. Cecil darted between the running crowd, trying to keep his eyes on the men who had come with him, Fire, and the men after Fire.
Not to mention the cops.
Cecil knew everyone was in a panic because no one noticed the two blue men heading toward the elf with murderous glares on their faces.
Someone grabbed the back of Cecil’s shirt, but he pulled free and continued to head toward Ruttford’s brother.
He was relieved to see Carter reach Fire first, but before he could make it there himself, a man in a blue uniform stepped in front of him and cut his path off.
“This way,” Oliver shouted, grabbing Cecil by the arm and yanking him along. Blair was right behind them, all three heading for the door. He knew Carter would get Fire back to the Den. The question was, would Cecil and the other two make it back. He hadn’t a clue where they were or how far away from home Carter had taken them.
Cecil almost made it to the door when he was thrown to the disgusting floor, his hands pulled behind his back. “Hold it right there.”
“But I didn’t do anything!”
“That’s what they all say,” the cop said as he snapped the cuffs into place. “Tell it to your lawyer.”
As the cop pulled him to his feet, Cecil began to struggle. There was no way he was calling Maverick and telling his mate that he had been arrested at an illegal boxing match.
The cop yanked at his arm. “Do you want to add resisting arrest to your charges?”
“Where’s your holiday spirit?” Cecil asked as the cop started marching him toward the door.
“Santa hasn’t left it under my tree in years.”
Glancing around, Cecil saw that Oliver and Blair were cuffed as well. Thankfully, he didn’t see Carter, Fire, or the two blue men. Cecil just hoped like hell Carter got the man out before the henchmen were able to get them.
This was not going as planned.
“Where am I?” Cecil asked the cop.
“Earth,” he answered sarcastically. “Welcome.”
“You have a real fucked-up sense of humor,” Cecil snapped.
“At least I’m not the one being arrested.” He was pulled through the back door and taken out into the lot. There were cop cars there, swirling lights, and a lot of noise as more people who had been arrested were brought out.
“Can’t you just give me a warning?” Cecil asked. “I cross my heart I won’t be caught here again.”
“Real comedian.” The cop opened the back door of the car and pushed Cecil’s head down. “Laugh your ass into the backseat.”
“Maverick is going to shoot me this time,” he mumbled as the car door slammed shut.

* * * *

Melonee squeaked and leapt in front of Ruttford and Adam when Maverick went after them. “He wants to do what?” Maverick shouted. “I’ll kill him.”

Kota and Hawk grabbed Maverick and pulled him back. “You can’t kill her mate,” Kota said as Maverick shoved them off of him.
“Watch me.”
“I swear to god, if you lay a hand on either of them, I’ll leave and never come back!” Melonee shouted at him. “Go cool off, break something, shoot something, but go.”
“Your goddamn mate wants to expose us and you want me to cool off?” Maverick asked in angry astonishment. “He better be lucky he is still breathing.”
“Don’t dad me,” Maverick said in a tone he only reserved for when he was truly pissed at her. “Both of your mates are real damn winners. The only reason
that human
isn’t dead right now is because he’s your mate. But trust me, he isn’t leaving this house until I know he isn’t a threat to us.” Maverick glared at Adam. “But if I find him in your bedroom, I’ll make him into a eunuch.”
“You can’t keep me here!” Adam shouted indignantly.
Melonee groaned.
Maverick walked closer, his eyes narrowing to two tiny slits. Melonee could see the vein on the side of his temple not only pronounced, but throbbing. “Oh, I can keep you here, human. I can do whatever the fuck I want. You would be wise to keep your mouth shut and stay under my radar if you want to leave here with your balls attached.”
Thank heavens Adam didn’t say another word. But then again, it might be the fact that Ruttford had a hand over the man’s mouth. Whatever the case, Adam didn’t utter another sound.
Maverick turned, stabbing a finger in Hawk’s direction. “Show them both to a room. Make it on the opposite end of the house as Melonee’s.”
Melonee knew her dad was talking about Adam and Ruttford. She wanted to kick him. She could understand his anger about what Adam wanted to do. But it had been a while since Ruttford had pulled his pranks. Her mate had tried his best to make it up to the alpha, but Maverick was as stubborn as they came.
“You can’t keep me from my mates,” she argued.
“As long as you are under my roof, watch me.”
Melonee wanted to pull her hair out in frustration. “I’m not a little kid anymore!”
He ignored her as he walked away. Melonee wasn’t sure if he would ever see her as the woman she had become. It was as if he refused to let her grow up. What hurt her heart was that fact that she knew the only way she could ever be with her mates was to leave.
Once the crowd had dispersed and Hawk took her mates to their room, Melonee sat on the step leading upstairs, rubbing her hands on her thighs and wishing she didn’t have to make the hardest decision of her life.
She had been ready to leave before she knew she had two mates. She was still ready to leave now. But that didn’t make the decision any easier. She listened to the noises of the house and knew she would miss each and every one of the people under this roof. All of them had come to mean so much to her over the years.
“He’ll come around,” Tank said as he walked down the steps and sat down beside her. “Just give him time…like one hundred years.”
“I don’t think he’ll ever come around, Uncle Tank. He’s got it in his head that I’m still the little girl who was brought here when I was five. He refuses to see me any other way.”
“It ain’t easy letting go.” Tank wrapped his arm around her shoulder and pulled her close. “But you can’t let him win, or you’ll be miserable.”
“I know that, but I can’t figure out how to make him see me for the adult that I am.” Melonee had racked her brain trying to come up with a solution. She had argued until exhaustion with the stubborn man, but Maverick refused to hear anything she had to say. In her heart, Melonee knew her only option was getting from under his roof.
“Whatever you decide, I’ll back you one hundred percent.” He kissed her temple and then cleared his throat. “By the way, I’ve been meaning to talk to you.”
Melonee stiffened in his arms. “Do not tell me you want to talk about the birds and the bees.”
Tank shrugged. “Fine. We’ll talk about the feys and the humans,” he said. “But since you have two mates, there are things you should be aware of.”
Melonee jumped up, backing away. “If you start talking to me about sex, I’m going to kick you.”
“We all know you’re innocent, Mel. Tell me you know what to do with two men,” he argued.
“I’ll figure it out on my own.” She hurried down the hall, praying he didn’t come after her and try to finish their conversation. Had they all gotten together and had a powwow about her virginity and decided to educate her into insanity?
She came to a skidding halt when Maverick walked out of his office, his eyes so dark that they looked black. “I haven’t disobeyed you,” she argued. “I haven’t gone anywhere near their room.”
“It isn’t that, this time. It seems Cecil, Oliver, and Blair got arrested, by the NYPD.”
Melonee blinked at him. “How?”
Maverick headed toward the front door, Ludo and Kota joining him. “That’s what I intend to find out.”
She watched them walk out the front door and then spun on her heel, heading back down the hall. Since Maverick wasn’t here, she was going to find Ruttford and Adam. She needed to talk to them about her plans, but she also needed to see if Adam had changed his mind.
After searching through two dozen rooms, Melonee finally found her mates on the second floor, on the other end of the house. She slipped inside and pressed her back against the door. Ruttford was sitting in one of the bedroom chairs, relaxed. It was Adam who was pacing the room, looking like a caged bird.
“You have no right to keep me here,” Adam argued.
“Will you be quiet?” Melonee snapped. “This is bigger than you and your idea of making us known to the world.”
“How?” Ruttford asked as he stood, moving across the room to pull Melonee into his arms. How was she supposed to think with all this man-muscle wrapped around her? It really didn’t help when his hands began to wander all over her body.
“How do you know Maverick won’t bust in here any second?” Adam asked.
“Because,” Ruttford said as he began to nibble at her ear. “She wouldn’t be in here if Maverick was home.”
Ruttford was right. Melonee wouldn’t chance her dad killing these two if he found her with them. That only solidified her resolve to get from under Maverick’s roof. She knew she would never have a chance with them if she remained here. “I can’t think,” she moaned as Ruttford slid his hand up the back of her sweater, running his fingers over her bare skin.
“I don’t want you to think, beautiful.”
“We face certain death if that behemoth of a man finds her in here and you’re thinking about sex?” Adam asked in astonishment.
“Oh, yeah,” Ruttford replied.
Melonee shivered as his warm breath felt like a small, hot wind across her neck. His hands were massaging her sides, working their way up toward her breasts, and his lips were teasing her flesh so damn wickedly that she forgot why she had come in here in the first place. Her womb clenched as her thighs tightened, thinking about the naughty things he could do to her, had done to her already.
“Watch or join in, your choice, Adam.” Ruttford pushed the hem of Melonee’s shirt up and over her head, groaning when his eyes landed on her breasts. She was nervous and excited all in one. He had been going further and further with her lately, and she wasn’t sure how far he would go today.
Melonee also had never dealt with another man in the equation before. Adam may do nothing, but just the thought of both of them touching and kissing her made her shudder. She needed skin. Melonee pulled Ruttford’s shirt that was tucked in his waistband free, and then slid her hands under the soft material to feel the hot flesh beneath her fingers.
She could feel a hunger building inside of her for the man she had waited so long to be with and for a man she had just met. The scent of Ruttford infused her senses. It was male, hot and dark, captivating, as she trembled under his touch.
His green eyes seemed to darken as he gave her the full weight of his stare. Ruttford was just as hungry as she was. Melonee could see it, sense it, and taste it in the very air around her. She fought for breath as she felt warm hands skim down the curve of her back and knew they didn’t belong to Ruttford.
Her body was gearing up for the claiming. She was ready, but terrified of the intensity she could feel pulsing through her like wicked licks of flames.
When Adam pressed his chest into her back, Melonee knew there was no stopping them. Ruttford gripped her jaw, slipping his tongue inside her mouth and giving her slow, easy strokes. Her body tightened as Adam’s hands moved to the waistband of her pants.
It seemed they weren’t wasting any time. They knew Maverick wouldn’t be gone that long, and had plans on claiming her without any preludes or foreplay. She groaned as her hands slid over Ruttford’s shoulders—strong, wide shoulders. They were shoulders that flexed with strength and power.
“Oh, god,” Melonee groaned when Adam’s hands squeezed the rounded curve of her flesh as her pants slowly lowered.
“I love the taste of your skin,” Ruttford said as he kissed his way down to the swell of her breast. Melonee arched her back, her pussy clenching and her clit throbbing at the sensual way both her mates were touching her.
“Get undressed, Adam,” Ruttford said as he took the tip of her nipple into his mouth, laving the sensitive flesh with his tongue as he pulled her closer. Adam finished removing her pants, leaving Melonee standing there in her panties and bra.
She felt vulnerable, exposed to these men as Ruttford began to walk her backward. Melonee licked her lips, panting hard as she felt the erotic heat washing over her flesh. These two were going to make her combust. Melonee wasn’t sure if she would survive. An allconsuming need was taking over, and she didn’t care anymore if she drowned in the two men.
Ruttford laid her down as Adam crawled in on the other side, entirely naked, his thick and heavy cock protruding from his groin.
“You are sexy, erotic, and hot as hell,” Adam said with a guttural growl as he leaned down and took Melonee’s lips for the first time. She writhed under searching hands as Adam’s tongue delved deep into her mouth, devouring her. Reality began to recede as Adam kissed her like his life depended on it and Ruttford sucked her nipple back into his mouth.
Her breathing became shallow when Adam grabbed her hand and guided it toward his cock. The shaft felt like forged steel under her fingers as she curled them around his heated flesh. She wondered what it would feel like to have Adam buried deep inside of her, claiming her, fucking her until she screamed her release.
“You’re so wet,” Ruttford said as he slipped his fingers between the folds of her pussy, capturing the small bud between his fingers. Her hips hitched as his fingers played, drawing out more juices as Ruttford explored between her legs. Wicked, driving hunger rose to the forefront of her senses as Adam pulled back and stared down at her with his Siberian husky blue eyes. Arousal was swimming in their depths, making them almost crystal clear, void of any color whatsoever.
A chill raced up her spine to explode at the back of her neck as electricity seemed to charge her entire body when Ruttford kissed her intimately between her thighs. She could feel the rioting pleasure rising inside of her.
Adam cupped her chin, turning her toward him as the head of his erection pressed against her lips. His fingers opened her mouth until he slid home with a guttural cry. “Suck me, baby.”
Her tongue caressed him with slow and unsure strokes as she tasted the hot, spicy essence of her mate in her mouth. A low, sexy growl filled the room as he held her head in place, pumping with measured thrusts.
Arching her back, Melonee cried around Adam’s shaft as her body splintered into thousands of tiny, pleasure-filled shards as her orgasm swept through her. Ruttford held on to her hips, holding her down as he licked her until her body could only jerk and shudder.
She cried in protest when Adam pulled his shaft free, but the protest didn’t last long when Ruttford appeared at her side, his cock in his hand, moving closer to her mouth.
“My turn, beautiful.” His lashes lowered, becoming heavy with sexuality. His lips were fuller, his face sang with pleasure, tight with needs that he was looking for Melonee to provide. Her lips parted as she took Ruttford’s cock into her mouth, suckling the head as she felt Adam move between her legs.
Melonee’s stomach clenched and her pussy throbbed at the thought of binding with Adam. He was her mate and about to intertwine their souls together forever.

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