McKenzie, Cooper - Taming Blaze [Club Esoteria 8] (Siren Publishing Classic) (4 page)

BOOK: McKenzie, Cooper - Taming Blaze [Club Esoteria 8] (Siren Publishing Classic)
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A sharp crack followed by red-hot pain to the outside of her right breast caused her to squeal in surprise. Without thought, Blaze lifted her head and turned it. Her eyes widened when she found herself eye-to-eye with Master Paul, one of the meanest, harshest Doms in the club.

He met her shocked look with a frown. “Who the hell are you looking at, slut?” He sneered at her as he drew his arm back, slapping the outside of her left breast with even more painful force.

She jumped and cried out again as she forced her face back down though she continued to watch the big Dom out of the corner of her eye. Tears blurred her vision as fear flooded through her. Where was Master Z? Why she had allowed herself to be trussed up like a turkey and put on display? Had he abandoned her to be abused by the rest of the club membership?

The arousal she had felt just moments before fizzled as she tried to pull an arm from her bonds. But though the silk rope was not tightly wrapped around her limbs, the material would not stretch enough for her to work her way free.

Master Paul pulled his arm back once again. “Scream for me, little sub. I want to hear you cry out for more like you usually do.”

Before he could strike even harder than before, someone grabbed his arm and jerked him around.

Chapter 4

“What the
do you think you are doing with
sub?” Master Z stepped into her limited view, putting his body between the bar and the big Dom.

“She’s an
sub, and she’s on the bar. I don’t see your name on her forehead, and there’s not a mark on her. That’s not normal for this little pain slut,” Master Paul said, bristling with anger.

“Those are my ropes, and I’m sure you watched me place on the bar just a few minutes ago. She may not be wearing my collar, but Blaze is under my command this evening.” Master Z sounded so calm and cool as he faced down the man who was nearly twice his size.

Lifting her head a fraction of an inch, Blaze watched as Master Paul stared down at Master Z. Finally, after the longest thirty seconds she had ever counted off, the big man blinked and turned away.

“Fine. Have at her, but be warned. She’s into severe pain but even then can’t get off. I don’t think she’ll come for anybody,” he said over his shoulder before walking away. “And next time, hang a sign.”

Master Z remained still until the other man had rounded the bar and headed to the
sub area. Only then did he turn to look at her. She was surprised to see remorse in his expression.

“I’m sorry, kitten. He’s right. I should have left a sign on you that said you were spoken for, but I thought my ropes would be warning enough to anyone with a brain. Guess I was mistaken. Are you all right?” he asked.

His hands came up on either side of her body. He traced over the reddened skin of her breasts where the other man left handprints. His touch was so gentle she barely felt them.

“Yes, Sir, I’m fine.” She dropped her eyes so he would not read the uncertainty in her eyes.

“Look at me, kitten. Keep your eyes on mine,” he said, the power in his gentle tone pulling her eyes up to his.

Her pussy clenched as she met his eyes that had deepened to a glowing amber color. The arousal she thought was dead surged back to life. Cream dripped from her pussy lips to the bar top as he began to stroke her breasts.

He drew ever-smaller circles around the mounds until he reached her coral-tinted areolas. Her breathing hitched as he brushed the pad of his index fingers across the peaked nipples.

“Like that, do you?” he said, smiling in approval.

Unable to find the words, Blaze just nodded. Her breathing grew even more rapid, and she shivered when his gentle fingertips traced down the sides of her body to her hips.

“So beautiful,” he murmured.

He broke eye contact, his eyes dropping to where his fingers now traced the line where body met thighs. She continued to watch his expression as he studied her body, finding herself intrigued by this man who was so gentle, but who just moments before, had been willing to go to battle to keep her safe.

What would he be like outside of the club?

Her breathing stopped again when he stroked across the top of her thighs then down between her legs to graze the sides of her pussy lips. She shifted, trying unsuccessfully to trap those fingers. The knots pressed into her clit and back hole, and she sucked in a breath as her arousal built, like waves rolling over the shore as the tide came in. Each touch of the rope and each stroke of his fingers sent her a little closer to unfamiliar territory.

Her fingers wrapped around the opposite arm as she fought to hang onto control of herself. Her breathing grew faster and faster, and her blood raced through her veins.

“Kitten, open your eyes and look at me,” Master Z ordered gently.

Blaze blinked and forced her eyelids up. When had they closed?

His breath was warm against the skin of her breast. He maintained eye contact as he leaned even closer. Extending his tongue, he slowly and easily dragged his tongue over the nipple of her right breast. Two fingers slid full length into her dripping pussy and held steady as his thumb slowly and gently rubbed the knotted rope back and forth over her clit.

“Come for me, kitten,” he murmured before sucking her nipple into his mouth and batting at it with his tongue.

As if her body had simply been waiting for permission, her orgasm became a mushroom cloud that exploded over her. She panted as if she had been running speed sprints, and her body bucked and jerked, fighting the ropes that held her in position and wide open to his touch.

He continued playing, licking, and sucking at one breast then the other. His thumb continued pressing the rope in circles against her clit, prolonging her orgasm long past anything she had ever experienced before.

“Sir, please,” she whispered softly.

Tears filled her eyes and overflowed in a steady stream. Though it felt as if her bones were melting from the pleasure he forced upon her, she also felt better emotionally than she ever had on a Saturday morning after a night of being tied, flogged, and caned.

He pulled off her nipple with a quiet pop and studied her critically for a moment. “Good girl, kitten,” she heard him say as someone began to clap. A pink fog of relaxation descended over her, blocking out the fact that people were applauding them.

Without another word, he pulled his fingers from her core. She fought to stay upright on the bar when all she wanted to do was collapse. Her muscles were so relaxed she began to shake in her bonds.

A hand ran up her back and pulled her head down to rest upon a muscular shoulder while the ropes holding her loosen and fell away. Closing her eyes, she relaxed both body and mind completely for the first time in nearly five years.

Blaze heard people talking, but it was like two flies buzzing in a silent room. Her thoughts drifted as she contemplated the magic Master Z had weaved over and around her. Were the red ropes that had held her hostage full of magic? Or had he had figured out something even she herself had not realized? If so, she hoped he would share the secret with her.

When the pink cloud finally lifted from around her, they were back in the half-hidden sitting area where they had started. Master Z sat on the couch with her draped across his lap. He murmured softly words of praise as his arms smoothed over the blanket securely wrapped around her.

She shifted against him, surprised she did not want to get away from this Dominant as she normally did after a scene. Instead, she took a deep breath and relaxed even further into his chest as her trembling slowly eased.

* * * *

Andy held the shivering petite woman, unable to keep from grinning with his own contentment. Blaze felt so good in his arms, in his lap. She fit him as if she had been made just for him to hold and cuddle. He could not wait to take things further and see if they were as compatible in other ways as well. But that would have to wait until their next encounter. For now, he had to content himself with the knowledge that he had done what no other Dom in the club had, given this pretty little woman a long-overdue orgasm.

The question now was once she recovered, would she want to see him again? Would she be willing to let him be more than just Master Z, club Dom? Or would this be all they would have, playing only in the club under the watchful eye of anyone who looked in their direction?

,” he murmured when her trembling ceased and she grew restless in his lap. “You’re safe. You did great. You are so beautiful.”

At his softly spoken words, she took a deep breath, released it on a sigh, and relaxed even further, returning her head to rest against his shoulder. The feeling that he could spend the rest of the evening on this couch with her in his lap surprised him. Normally when he played with women in public, he quickly settled them afterward then walked away.

After a several more minutes, she roused enough to drop her head back to look up at him, her expression soft. “Sir?”

“Yes, kitten?”

“What happens now?”

She sounded uncertain, as if the trust she had placed in him to tie her up and bring her pleasure was drifting away like a cloud on the wind.

He hesitated a moment before slipping his right hand through the opening of the blanket. He laid his hand against the warm skin of her hip but made no further move. She stiffened at his touch but did not pull away.

“What would you like to happen?” he asked carefully.

He knew what he wanted, which was to pack her up and take her home with him for a weekend of slow and easy sensual play, but this was not his decision to make. At this moment the little submissive had complete control. His fingers began to massage her hip as he not-so-patiently waited for her to decide whether or not they had a future together.

* * * *

Listening to his slow, steady heartbeat and regular breathing, Blaze barely registered Master Z’s question in response to her own. She felt her own pulse slow and match the Dom’s as if their bodies were running from the same engine.

“Kitten? Are you still with me or have you fallen asleep?”

His tone sounded amused instead of irritated, but brought Blaze’s thoughts back to the matter at hand. What did she want to happen now?

Usually the Doms she
with were gone by this point, off to the bar for a stiff drink or to find another submissive to conquer. To be asked her desire was new. No one had ever asked her what she wanted, or if they did, they never waited around long enough to hear her answer.

This was another of the reasons she learned to set her goals and then never ever let anyone get in her way from reaching them. From getting her best friend Jillian to come to the club on her birthday instead of sitting home alone and sulking, to talking an abusive father into giving up custody of his children, Blaze always, always,
got what she wanted.

So what did she want now?

Instantly she knew, but also realized he would never agree to it. After all, Master Z was the Dom, the boss, the one making all the decisions.

“I’d love to do it all over again, but I’m not sure I’d survive,” she finally said. “I guess I need to go back to the
subs area and hang out until my ride gets here.”

When he remained silent, a shiver of fear crawled up her spine. Did he have something different in mind? Was the rope play and orgasm only the beginning, and now he would tie her to the St. Andrew’s cross and beat her bloody?

Or would he release her without another word?

“There is a third option,” he said, his voice low and as gentle as the hand that remained on her hip. “We could get something to eat from the buffet and talk.”

Before Blaze could answer, Taurus approached and stood over them. “Excuse me, Master Z, but Blaze’s ride is here.”

Before she could answer, Master Z said, “Please tell her driver she won’t be needing a ride tonight.”

Blaze stiffened and pulled back to look at him as Taurus walked away. “But I do need a ride home. Why did you do that?”

“I’m taking you home tonight, kitten.”

His expression was that of Dom in action, set and serious enough that she wondered for a split second the wisdom of crossing him.

“No. You can’t. I…I…You just can’t.” She tried to pull back from his hold and climb from the couch, but between the blanket wrapped around her and tucked in and his arms holding her still, she found herself trapped.

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