McKenzie, Cooper - Taming Blaze [Club Esoteria 8] (Siren Publishing Classic) (3 page)

BOOK: McKenzie, Cooper - Taming Blaze [Club Esoteria 8] (Siren Publishing Classic)
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“Eyes forward,” he ordered softly.

She turned her head to stare at the couch as he moved behind her. “What’s your safe word, kitten?” he asked as he wrapped the rope under and around her ankles.

“Red, Sir.”

“Very good,” he said. “Hands behind your back, kitten.”

She moved, and he positioned her arms so that her arms rested palm to forearm across the middle of her back. Then his cool fingers brushed over her skin as he wrapped the ropes around them and secured them. She shifted and found herself unable to move her arms more than an inch or so.

“Any pain?”

“No, Sir.”

“What’s your favorite color?” he asked, catching her completely off guard as he did something further with the ropes. She fought the urge to snuggle into his touch as he traced his fingertips up and down her upper arms and over her shoulders where strong fingers began to massage the tight muscles there.

“Purple, Sir,” she answered on a sigh as he quickly and effectively loosened muscles that she had not even realized were tight.

Her breathing began to come faster as her body grew excited at the inability to move either into or away from his touch. When she relaxed her shoulders, his hands then stroked down the front of her body to her breasts.

“The color of creativity. Interesting. Mine’s green, the color of renewal and new growth. What was the first pet you ever had as a little girl?” he asked as fingertips ran around and around her breasts before he cupped his hands underneath each mound as if weighing them.

“My parents gave me two gerbils for my tenth birthday.”

Closing her eyes, she fought down the moan that wanted to escape as the pads of his thumbs began to brush back and forth over the silk of her camisole that covered her nipples. His teasing touch sent streaks of fire straight to her clit, contracting every muscle along the way. She wanted to bend forward and press deeper into his touch. She wanted to demand he squeeze the now-rigid peaks tight and give her pain to focus on instead of this pleasure that she was so unused to.

“Please, Sir,” she breathed when he did nothing else, just sat cupping her breasts and gently stroking her nipples.

“What does my kitten need?” Master Z whispered in her right ear just before he took the lobe between his lips and sucked at it.

Blaze tried to think, but her body felt out of control, demanding something she did not understand. She had never felt like this, even when she had been able to have an orgasm without using her toys. Her clit was on fire, her pussy dripping wet, and she needed something but she did not know what.

“I don’t know,” she finally admitted.

Chapter 3

Andy could feel Blaze’s heart pounding and her breathing growing shorter as she grew more and more aroused. Her words, though softly spoken, told him that they were in waters she had never been in before or at least not any time in the recent past.

Not knowing if pushing her further this soon would help or hinder the relationship he hoped to establish with this little fireball, he lifted his hands from her breasts.

“Not yet, kitten. We’re not done talking,” he said as he returned his attention to his ropes.

He slid one hand under the thick braid of white-blonde hair and smoothed it down her back to her waist. She pressed back into his touch, telling him that she was as touch-sensitive as he had figured her to be. But until tonight, her focus had been on pain and not gentleness.

Picking up ropes, he measured down the crease of her ass to the puckered star just out of his view.

“Have you ever had anal sex before?” he asked as he tied a knot in the rope that would press just against that sweet pucker, and then another a few inches farther down the rope.

“Yes,” she said as her body went stiff.

“Tell me why you didn’t like it?”

“How did you…” she started and then hesitated before saying, “we were both drunk. He missed my pussy, but wouldn’t stop even though I begged him to.”

“When I take this gorgeous ass, you won’t be drunk, and you won’t be begging me to stop,” Andy said as he coiled the rope and slid it under her between her thighs.


“Oh, yes, sweet kitten of mine, when,” he stated simply before standing.

Picking her up easily, he moved her back a foot so he could get between her kneeling form and the couch to finish binding her. Smoothing his hands between her legs, he confirmed the first knot did indeed press against her anus. The second knot was in the wrong spot, so he adjusted it.

Her gasp of surprise confirmed that the ball now pressed against her wet, knotted up clit. Shifting the rope aside, he ran two fingers up and down her center, gathering the slick wetness he found there before lifting his fingers to his lips. His eyes met hers as he opened his mouth and sucked her juices from his skin.

“Mmm-mmm, good,” he said with a grin.

His cock twitched with angry anticipation as her eyes widened, and she looked shocked at his actions. Knowing he needed to finish quickly because his own need for release was growing impatient, he pulled the rope up the front of her body and between her breasts and then separated them and laid one over each shoulder. Pulling the rope just enough to keep the knots pressed against her, but not tight enough to cause pain, he crossed them behind her neck.

After threading them between her arms and her body, he crossed them again just under her breasts, which plumped the mounds a little higher, before taking them behind her back again, this time over her arms. He tied them together and around the length that led from her arms down and between her legs.

Any movement of her shoulders or arms would pull the rope, which would press the knots tighter against her clit and back hole. Standing up, he walked around her, checking.

“Wiggle your fingers and toes.”

She did as commanded, and everything looked right. Then her hips began to arch back and forth.

“Nothing too tight? No pain anywhere from the ropes?”

“No, Sir. It feels okay, just…” She hesitated, still sounding bewildered as her hips continued moving, a subtle pulsating move that he knew was pressing her clit harder against its knot.

“Just what?”

“I’m not sure,” she answered softly. “I feel all itchy and tense, like something’s going to happen. I’ve never felt this way before.”

Andy knelt down and looked her straight in the eye. “What you’re feeling is arousal. Good, healthy, I-need-to-come arousal. Would you like to come now? Do you want feel what an honest, man-induced orgasm feels like? Or would you rather suck my cock first?”

Not knowing which she would choose, Andy waited patiently, watching her closely as she thought about her options.

“May I suck your cock, please, Sir?” she asked, her eyelids heavy with arousal and eyes wild with need.

Instead of answering immediately, Andy leaned forward and kissed the lovely blonde kitten. She gasped as he brushed his lips over hers and then slow and easy took the kiss deeper by degrees. He was surprised that her tongue matched his stroke for stroke, taking the kiss even deeper.

Instead of going even further, he reversed direction, just as slowly taking the kiss from full-out tongue warfare to nips and licks at her bottom lip. Finally, he lifted his head, earning himself a disappointed sigh from the woman he had already decided would be his.

“You ask so nicely, kitten. Yes, you may suck my cock. And then it will be your turn.”

Standing, he slid his hands under her armpits and lifted her up off the floor. He shifted her closer to the couch until just inches separated her chest from the couch. When he set her down, her nose pressed against his groin, causing his hunger to surge to an even higher and more painful level. He opened his belt and jeans then leaned back as he carefully pushed them down his body past his cock. Sitting down on the couch, he hissed as his ass settled on the cold leather.

* * * *

Blaze had to swallow and lick her lips to keep from drooling all over herself when Master Z’s cock popped into view. It was long and thick with a bulbous head that glistened with wetness. She leaned forward, gasping softly when the knots rubbed against her clit and asshole. He spread his legs as far as his jeans would allow and slumped down on the couch so she could reach his cock.

Parting her lips, she took him deep inside her warm, wet mouth. As he filled her mouth, one hand reached out to thread fingers through her hair. He did not force her to take him deeper. He just held her head. She started just by sucking on the head of his cock, but within seconds moved slowly down his shaft, taking in more and more.

She smiled when his cock jumped and twitched as her tongue stroked him. His pulse beat against her tongue, fast and strong and getting faster with each trip she took up and down his cock. His taste of tangy, sweet maleness coated the inside of her mouth, driving her ever closer to her own limits.

She had always liked giving head, but this time it felt different. She worked her mouth up and down his shaft faster and faster. She sucked, stroked, and swallowed on his shaft, determined to drive him wild. It took two minutes to drive him to his peak.

“I’m going to come, kitten. Will you swallow, or do you want me to paint your pretty breasts?”

“I’ll swallow,” she said the next time she held only the head between her lips.

The vibrations of her words seemed to send him over the edge. She tightened her hold and increased suction as she pressed forward until her nose brushed against his belly.

A moment later, she felt the first spurts of his juices enter her throat. Master Z groaned deep in his throat as his hips snapped forward, sending him even deeper in her mouth. She continued swallowing on him as his seed pulsed from his cock.

When he slumped back against the couch with another hiss, she licked him clean before pulling off his cock with a soft pop. She leaned back then shifted her hips left an inch and right, testing the limits of her bonds. She marveled at how each small movement pulled the ropes that wrapped around her and only added to her arousal and the need for something that remained just beyond her reach.

She looked up at him and was surprised to find him smiling down at her as he caught his breath. “Very good, kitten. You have a mouth made for sucking cock.”

Blaze smiled at his soft words, a shiver of pleasure shooting straight to her clit. “Thank you, Sir,” she murmured, dropping her eyes to his cock that remained long and hard.

Suddenly she felt shy and uncertain. What would happen now? Would he untie her and call it a night? Or would he really keep his word and help her to find a long overdue release?

Her answer came a moment later when he stood up and stepped around her. She heard the rustle of clothes and the slide of his zipper as he straightened his clothes. So, the evening was over.

But instead of feeling hands working the ropes free from her body, Master Z wrapped his arms around her. “Hold still, kitten. I don’t want to drop you.”

In the next instant, his hands slid under her ass and lifted her so her chest just under her breasts rested on one shoulder, and she stared down his back at his tight ass. Straightening, he turned and started walking.


“Be silent now, kitten,” he said without stopping. “But know that I will not let anything bad happen to you.”

She bit her lip to keep from demanding answers, hoping the trust she had placed in him to this point would not be tossed back in her face. A moment later, he shifted his hold before leaning forward and setting her down.

When he released her and stepped back, she found herself kneeling on top of the bar just a few feet from the stocks where one of the Doms she had
with just the week before now flogged another

“What’s this?” Jackson asked as he approached from behind the bar.

“I thought the bar looked a little naked. Keep an eye on her while I clean up the couch and get the rest of my stuff. Kitten, don’t go anywhere,” he said as he patted her thigh before turning and walking away again.

Instead of turning her head to watch Master Z walk away, her submissive side kicked in and she dropped her gaze to the glistening, wide wood bar she rested upon. As she sat waiting for his return, her thoughts drifted to what might happen next. Would he really continue playing with her until she found the ever-elusive release? Or would he untie her and call it a night?

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