[manhatten men 2] A Marrying Man (4 page)

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Authors: Sandrine Gasq-Dion

BOOK: [manhatten men 2] A Marrying Man
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“I said call me Blaine!”

I couldn’t help but smile as the secretary blushed. He really was all kinds of adorable. I eyed him skeptically. If I thought he was adorable…

“What’s your name?” I asked.
“Casper Kennedy. Go right on in.”

Blaine was on the phone when I walked in. He held a finger up in a ‘one minute’ gesture so I took a slow walk around his office. Pictures adorned the walls, mostly of Blaine and Kent with their awards, some of them with their boss. Matthew Hawke was a seriously hot man.
What was wrong with me lately?
I was noticing men more and more. My college ‘experimental’ days were starting to look like my preference.

I stopped walking as my eyes landed on one picture in particular. I knew that face. My eyes widened as I put two and two together. The picture was of Blaine and his father — Radford McKlintock. Blaine was maybe twenty in the picture, but I remembered that face. It was the kid that I had backed into, sending him to the stock exchange floor. I remember thinking back then that he had the most beautiful eyes, not to mention gorgeous lips. That face had haunted me for years.

“Um, sorry about that,” Blaine said behind me.

I turned around, keeping my face a blank. Blaine didn’t need to know that I remembered him, but now I was wondering if that’s why he always looked nervous around me.

“No problem. Ready to look at flowers?” I put a hand on my hip and grinned.
Blaine snorted.
“If you’re trying to come off as gay, you’re failing.” Blaine grabbed his jacket and threw it over his shoulder.
“I am?” I widened my eyes comically.
“Yes, you are. Let’s go.”
Blaine walked ahead of me as we left his office. My eyes strayed to his ass as we walked out. I heard a short cough and looked up to see Casper smiling at me knowingly. I narrowed my eyes at him and then smiled when he did the same.
“I’ll be busy most of the day, Casper. Feel free to go home, I’ll pay you for the entire day.”
“Yes si—I mean, Blaine,” Casper said.
I followed Blaine down the hall and we boarded the elevator. As the doors closed, I heard Blaine mumbling under his breath.
“So,” I leaned against the elevator wall. “Are you fucking the friendly ghost?”
Blaine’s head shot up.
“Are you doing your male secretary?” I leaned into his face.
Blaine licked his lips slowly and I swore my dick hardened.
“No. I’m not fucking Casper.” Blaine looked at me indignantly. “I don’t shit where I eat.”
“Well now, that’s a colorful expression.” I looked down at my phone and read the message from my mother. “So, we’re headed to Flowers On First.”
“Not too far from here actually,” Blaine said, looking at his own phone.
“We can take Broadway to Fifty-ninth.”
The elevator doors opened and we stepped out. I walked ahead of Blaine and exited the building, my hand already out hailing a cab.

* * * *

The flower shop was quiet. I looked around for something that Terry would like. I know I should have picked up some hints from my parents; I just didn’t have the ‘wedding’ bone in my body. Blaine was looking at roses. I joined him over at the arrangements and looked over the flowers.

“Well now, don’t you two make an impressive couple?”
I turned around to find an older woman looking at me.
“Oh, no,” I smiled. “We’re here for wedding arrangements? My mother called ahead for us I believe. Raquel Cassidy?” The older woman’s eye lit up at my mother’s name.
“Oh! I just loved her weddings! Always so chic!” she beamed.
“Well, thank you,” I said smoothly. “We’re looking for something for friends of ours. They’ll be getting married the day before Christmas.”
“How about purple roses?” Blaine picked one up, inspecting it closely.
“What a lovely choice!” the shop owner exclaimed. “But I would say to add dark red and maybe some white in the arrangement. Purple roses are indicative of love at first sight, or enthrallment, they are not a symbol of permanence. So, to offset that, you add in the dark red and white.”
I looked over at Blaine with my brows raised. “Well? What do you think?”
“I like it. It shows how they went from enthrallment to love.”
“You are kind of sappy, aren’t you?” I chuckled.
Blaine sighed in exasperation and whipped out the card Kent had given us to use for the wedding. I hipbumped him, and then elbowed him. I got a grunt and a shove, and I kicked him in the shin.
“Ow!” Blaine rubbed his leg.
“Are you sure you’re not a couple?” the shop owner asked with a grin.
“Yes,” we both replied.
After securing what we thought we’d need for the wedding, we stepped out onto the sidewalk. My phone chimed and I looked down at the caller ID hoping it wasn’t Vanessa. It was my mother.
“Hey, Mom,”
“Your brother surprised us! He’s coming in at La Guardia! Can you pick him up?”
“When?” I looked at my watch.
“Right now! Go, go, go!!” she squealed into the phone.
The line went dead and I exhaled in frustration, rubbing my temples.
“Something wrong?” Blaine tilted his head looking at me.
“Feel like taking a ride?”
Blaine’s perfectly waxed eyebrows shot up.
“My brother’s landing at La Guardia. I wouldn’t ask, but I haven’t talked to him in a long time and I need a buffer.”
Blaine studied me closely.
“What?” I asked.
“We’ve barely spoken to each other in almost a year and now you want me to go with you to pick up a family member?”

have spoken plenty,” I said, leaning into his face. “It’s you who rarely speaks. Why is that, Blaine?”
Blaine’s pupils expanded at my close proximity and I leaned in even closer.
“Fine.” Blaine backed up. “You owe me, Cassidy.” Blaine pointed at me.
“You made a bet with Kent,

Blaine bristled. “Are you ever going to let me live that down?”
“Not today!” I said cheerfully. Then I hauled him into a cab.

* * * *

By the time we got to the airport, my brother’s plane had landed and we made a mad dash for baggage claim. I looked through the crowd in search of him. Blaine poked me in the side and pointed across the way from us.

“Is that him?”

I looked at where Blaine was pointing and a smile hit my lips. My brother was in ACUs. I’d know that stance anywhere.

“Slater!” I shouted.

The man in ACUs turned and looked right at me. My brother’s face broke out in a smile and he crossed the space between us.

“Spence!” he shouted.
As he reached me, I hugged him hard.
“What? No dress blues?” I laughed, holding him

tightly. I couldn’t believe how relieved I was to see him. He’d already done two tours in Iraq.

“Hell, no! I travel in style. ACUs only, bro!” My brother pulled out of the hug and looked over at Blaine. “So, is this your hot boy toy?”

Blaine spluttered and I slapped his back.


“No, this is Blaine McKlintock. Blaine, my brother, Slater Cassidy.”

My brother seemed to eye Blaine from his Barker Black shoes to his salon styled hair. I cleared my throat and narrowed my eyes at him.

“Let’s get your bag, shall we?” I grabbed Slater by his bicep and pulled him away from Blaine.
Slater looked over his shoulder at Blaine and smiled. “Hot damn, bro. Why aren’t you with tasty little thing?”
I stopped walking and looked at my brother. “Are you gay now?”
Slater pursed his lips at me and narrowed his eyes. “I’m still bi, thank you very much. Are you going to have an issue with it now?”
I laughed. I think it echoed through the entire baggage claim area.
“No, dumbass.” I gave him a noogie.
gay?” Slater smiled at me.
“He is bi,” I said. “I think. Anyway, why? You interested?” I watched my brother’s face closely. He was an exact replica of me, but twenty-three. My mom had an obsession with
Saved by the Bell
when she was pregnant with him. So, Slater it was. Thank God she had gotten over her
Joanie Loves Chachi
phase by the time I came along, and I got tagged with Spencer.
“Maybe,” Slater gave his lopsided grin. “How old is he?”
I had no clue. Huh. I turned around to see Blaine standing a few feet away trying to look like he wasn’t eavesdropping.
“Blaine?” I said.
“How old are you?”
“Twenty-eight. Why?”
“You single?” Slater asked, licking his lips.
I wanted to slap my brother. I don’t know why it bothered me so much at that instant that he was hitting on Blaine. I didn’t want him in that way.
Shit. Did I?
I had to admit, the Blaine that Terry had described in the beginning was not the Blaine before me. Even Kent had said that Blaine was a pompous ass.
I glared at Blaine waiting for him to answer.
“I’m not seeing anyone at the moment,” Blaine said slowly.
“So, you might, like, be free sometime this week?” Slater inched closer to Blaine.
“Oh, well, I don’t know,” Blaine said, looking directly at me. “Spencer and I have a wedding to plan so I think I’m going to be really busy.”
“That’s a shame; I think you and I could hit it off.” Slater eyed Blaine’s crotch. “At least for one night.”
“Okay then!” I said. I realized I’d almost shouted it and Slater cocked an eyebrow at me. That devilish smile hit his lips and I realized he’d caught me red handed. Fucker.
“Let’s get you home!” I smiled brightly.
I was going to strangle my brother.


The whole airport thing had thrown me for a loop. Spencer put me in a cab home and then he and Slater took a different one. I know when I’m being eyed for sex, and Slater was looking at me like he wanted to grab a hotel room and fuck my brains out. I had to admit, it was tempting. Slater Cassidy looked exactly like his brother. It was uncanny. And a little freaky. Spencer had acted almost jealous. At least I thought so.

How weird would that be if the man I secretly lusted over for years lusted me back?
My whole dating life I’d never found someone who wanted me for me. They wanted me for my money or the exposure I could give them. It didn’t take very long for their true colors to emerge. I had made it a point never to have feelings for anyone. Why should I? In less than six months, I’d know what their true intentions were. I sighed and looked out the window.
I hailed a cab and sat in the back seat with a sigh. I hadn’t seen Spencer for two days. He wanted to spend some quality time with his brother. I tried to stay busy myself. Today I would be meeting him down at his office. I knew where that was. I’d been there with Kent before when he had gone begging for Terry back. Terry was supposed to have the day off, but I had gotten there early anyway. The cab pulled up in front and I got out, looking around. Two doors down from Cassidy’s, a little girl was looking up and down the street. I did a quick check of my surroundings and realized there was no adult supervision around. At least no one who looked like they were with her.
I approached her cautiously nonetheless. I really didn’t want to be tased, or hit with someone’s Gucci purse. I got within a few feet of her before I cleared my throat. Steel grey eyes looked up at me and dainty little brows furrowed.
“Are you lost?” I asked.
“Who are you?” She said.
I took a few steps back because I swear the child sounded possessed. Like
The Exorcist
possessed. I was waiting for her head to spin around and pea soup to fly out of her mouth. Her eyes narrowed at me and I stood my ground. It took me all of a second to figure out what little Damianette was up to.
“Ah,” I nodded. “The stranger danger. Well, I’m Blaine McKlintock. Is there someone I can call for you?” I took my cell phone out of my jacket and held it out for her to see.
“Are you a pedestrian?” she asked me.
“A pedestrian?” Okay, I know what a pedestrian is. I was trying to figure out what that had to do with anything.
“You know, someone who takes little kids?” she clarified.
“Oh!” I couldn’t help but laugh. “You mean a
. No, I am not a pedophile.”
“Isn’t that what a pedo, um, thingie would say?”
I bit my lip to keep from laughing and knelt down to her level. “Do you know what your phone number is? I can give you my phone and you can call your parents.”
“My daddy works right there.” She pointed behind me. “He should be here soon.”
“Why are you all by yourself?”
I turned to see Spencer getting out of a cab. He was running for the little girl next to me. I stood back as Spencer swept the little girl into his arms and held her tight.
“Sweetie, what are you doing here?” Spencer asked, aghast.
I stood with my jaw on the ground. Spencer had a daughter? Spencer was a dad?
“Mommy took me to Nana’s house but I didn’t want to be there! I wanna be with you for Christmas!”
Spencer set his daughter back on the ground and looked her over from head to toe. “How did you get here?”
“I took a taxi.”
“By yourself?” Spencer held his daughter at arm’s length. “How did you pay for it?”
“I took some money out of mommy’s purse before she left for the Bahamas.”
“Sweetie, you can’t do that, okay? It’s dangerous!”
“I made the demon voice like you said! It works,” Valerie giggled.
I chuckled and Spencer turned his attention to me.
Uh oh.
“Why didn’t you call me?” Spencer glared at me.
“I didn’t even know you had a daughter. I was just getting to the part where I asked her if she wanted to use my phone. Besides,” I smiled at Valerie. “She growled at me.”
“I did,” Valerie grinned. “He’s nice, Daddy. Is he your friend?”
“Something like that.” Spencer looked over his shoulder at me. “I have to call your Nana and let her know you’re okay and with me. You shouldn’t have snuck out, Valerie.” Spencer checked his daughter over again. “What kind of cabbie picks up an eight year old child?”
“A cabbie that wants a big tip?” I offered.
I stiffened and my eyes met Spencer’s. Shit. Terry.
Spencer stood up and took Valerie’s hand.
“Hey, Terry. You have the day off. Why are you here?” Spencer asked.
Terry’s eyes swept over Spencer and his daughter, then landed on me. Uh oh. There was no way in hell Terry would believe we just bumped into each other in front of his place of work. My mind was racing to try and come up with an excuse as to why I was standing there with Spencer and his daughter.
“I knew Drakon would be here this morning. I didn’t expect you to be here, so I was bringing my key.” Terry looked back and forth from me to Spencer. “Why are you here, and with Blaine?” Terry looked down at Valerie. “And who might you be?”
“I’m Valerie. This is my daddy. Are you a pedothingie?”
I snickered as Terry’s brows rose.
“Pedophile,” I provided.
Terry looked surprised, but recovered quickly.
“I’m friends with your father.” Terry put his hand out. “Terry Barron.”
“You sound funny.” Valerie tilted her head, shaking Terry’s hand.
“He’s from England, sweetie,” Spencer smiled.
Valerie’s eyes widened. “With the trolleys and bobbies?”
“Yes,” Terry shook Valerie’s hand then stood up. “So, why are you two together?”
I opened my mouth but nothing would come out. Spencer took my hand and I looked in his eyes. There was a warning in there. Spencer leaned down to Valerie and whispered in her ear. Valerie nodded and then took my hand. I blinked in surprise.
“Why don’t you grab us a cab, babe? I’ll just be a second.” Spencer leaned into me.
Spencer’s lips met mine and every thought flew from my mind. A warm hand swept up my cheek and the pressure on my lips increased.
Oh. My. God. Spencer was kissing me.
As fast as it started, it was over and I swear my breaths were coming out in gasps. Valerie’s small hand tugged on mine and then Spencer was nudging me towards the curb. I vaguely remember hailing a cab and sliding into it. I was staring at the back of the cabbie’s head. It reminded me of a Chia Pet.
“Are you and my daddy boyfriends?”
I snapped out of my thoughts and looked down at the little girl sitting next to me. Now that I knew who she was, I could have slapped myself for not seeing Spencer in her face. She had curly black hair that hung around her face in ringlets and the most beautiful steel grey eyes.
“Pardon?” I stammered.
“I’m kidding,” Valerie smiled. “Daddy explained everything. It’s okay you know. I’m not going to need therapy,” Valerie sighed. “My friend Billy has two dads and they always bring cupcakes for birthdays. Last year I got
Little Mermaid
“That’s nice?” I said slowly.
Spencer slid into the cab and gave the driver directions to the bakery. He leaned over in the seat and whispered in my ear.
“We’ll talk about this later.”

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