Lying in the Sand (9 page)

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Authors: E. L. Todd

BOOK: Lying in the Sand
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Chapter Eight

Not working tonight?

Cheyenne smiled when she read the message on her phone.
No. I’m off today.

I was disappointed when I didn’t see you behind the counter when I got off work.

Sorry. I have a life outside of work.

I hope that includes me.

It has this week.

And last week.

She lay on the couch while she texted him, unable to wipe the smile off her face.
And maybe next week. We’ll see how it goes.

I hope it goes well. Are you hungry?

I’m always hungry.

Good answer. I like a woman that eats. None of that house salad with a side of dressing bullshit.

She laughed out loud
. That’s definitely not me.

Since you aren’t at work, can I come pick you up?

She lived in a hole compared to the lifestyle he was used to. But there was no point in hiding it. She wasn’t ashamed of her penniless existence. She was trying to change it, and that’s all that mattered.
. She typed the address.

I’ll be there in an hour.


By the way, I’m eager to taste you.

Me too, Gray
. She knew the use of his name would get him going.

Just to warn you, we’re having a huge make out session on your couch before dinner. You might want to eat a snack before then.

Her spine shivered.
Dully noted.

Since she wasn’t working, she actually got to pick out an outfit. She decided on a backless black dress with silver heels. She wore a silver bracelet and necklace to highlight it.

Exactly an hour later, he was at her door.

Her heart accelerated when she heard the doorbell rang. She wiped the sweat from her palms on her thighs then opened the door.

As soon as he saw her, he stepped inside and slammed the door behind him. His lips were on hers and he guided her back, heading for the couch. She barely had a chance to breathe, to process what was happening. His hand found her bare back and he moaned when he felt her. His hand was warm on her skin.

He grabbed both of her hands and pinned them against the couch while he sucked her bottom lip, his erection pressed into her thigh. His mouth moved to her neck, sucking the skin, and then he moved back to her mouth, flooding her lips with hot kisses. She wrapped her legs around her waist and held him to her, loving the feel of his arousal against her hip.

“Cheyenne, you drive me crazy.” He breathed into her mouth.

She loved the sound of her name on his lips. Now she understood his obsession.

He gave her a long kiss for the finale then pulled away. “If I don’t stop now, there will be no dinner.”

“Maybe I’m not hungry anyway,” she said playfully.

He growled. “Baby, don’t do that to me.”


He growled again. “You’re playing with fire right now. I’m about to take you into that bedroom and make you scream my name so loud you’ll be evicted tomorrow morning.”

That made her skin prickle. He somehow ignited her in a blaze with just his words and the feel of his lips. “I guess I’ll be homeless but it’ll be worth it.”

He sucked her bottom lip hard before he let it go. Then he looked her in the eye, giving her a serious expression. “Tell me what you want. Because now I can’t tell. The last thing I want is to pressure you when you aren’t ready. So, make it clear so I don’t fuck this up.”

“I don’t want dinner.”

His eyes expanded slightly. “And what do you want?”

“To go to bed.”

“And do what?”


“Including or excluding sex?”

She wanted to have all of him, but she knew she should hold back. It felt right with him and she was sure she would enjoy it. But perhaps it wasn’t a good idea. “Once I have sex with you, will you stop talking to me?” Either answer wouldn’t hurt her. She just wanted to know the truth. “Because if your answer is yes, I’d like to do it tonight instead of wasting more time. If your answer is no, then I’d like to wait.”

His eyes softened. “You wouldn’t care if I said yes?”

“We both know this isn’t going anywhere.” She looked up at him, staring at his lips. “So I don’t judge you. I’d just rather know upfront what you want.”

He stared at her for a long time, his face unreadable. The silence stretched while he held her hands down. His fingers were interlocked with hers. “Just like every kiss and every touch, once I’ve had it from you, I want it again and again. After our first time, there will be many others. And if that first time isn’t tonight, I’m okay with that.”

That wasn’t the answer she was expecting. Actually, she wasn’t sure what to expect. She wasn’t even sure why the question escaped her lips. “Okay.”

He picked her up then carried her to her room, laying her on the bed. All her furniture was white and her bedspread was pink. She liked girly things and she wasn’t ashamed of that.

“Are you a princess?” he whispered.

“Yes. I even have a tiara.”

He smirked. “That sounds pretty hot.”

Her hands moved to the button of his shirt and undid each one, looking him in the eye. “I want to see you.”

“I’m sure you won’t be disappointed.”

“Cocky, are we?” She smirked at him.

“Just confident.” He pulled the shirt off, revealing his naked chest and stomach.

She leaned forward and kissed his bare chest, feeling his heartbeat under the skin. “You were right. You’re beautiful.”

His eyes softened when he looked down at her. “Beautiful? No one has ever said that to me before.”

She kissed the skin over his heart. “Well, you are.”

He watched her, fascination in his eyes. “I want to see you.”

“You won’t be disappointed,” she said with a smirk.

“I’m sure I won’t be.” He unzipped her dress then slowly peeled it off. When her breasts were exposed, his eyes widened. “Wow, you’re gorgeous.” He pressed his face in the valley between her breasts and kissed the skin.

She fisted his hair while she felt him, loving the feel of his hot kisses.

He pulled the dress the rest of the way down, leaving her in her pink thong and heels. “You’re a fantasy, Cheyenne.” He kissed her inner thighs and then her knees. “Perfect.”

She grabbed his slacks and got them undone. Then she pulled them off, leaving him in his boxers and socks. Her fingers felt the brim of his briefs then she pulled them down, revealing his throbbing cock.

“You want me to take off the socks?” he whispered.

“No. I think they’re hot.”

He smirked. “You’re my kind of woman.”  His hand moved to the lace of her thong then he slowly dragged them down, getting them off her heels. When he saw the area between her legs, he leaned down and kissed it. “I want to please you all night.”

“That would be lovely.”

He kissed her stomach then pushed her thighs back, opening her legs wider. Then he pressed his mouth to her sensitive area and kissed it, using his tongue to circle her clitoris.

She writhed on the bed and moaned. “Gray.”

He sucked a little harder, loving the sound of his name. He used his thumb to rub her clitoris in a circular motion. Then his tongue was at her entrance, driving her wild.

She fisted his hair. “Oh god…Gray.”

“Come on, baby. Come for me.”

She screamed as he sent her over the edge. She tried to catch her breath but there wasn’t enough air. The sensation spread to her whole body, lighting her on fire. Her legs shook because it felt so good. She moaned at the end, feeling the tenderness between her legs.

Gray pulled away then leaned over her, delighted by the pleased look on her face. “Listening to you is so hot.” He sucked her nipple while she caught her breath.

“You’re good at that.”

“I try.”

She gripped his shoulders and turned him on his back.

He looked up at her, the affection in his eyes. “I have a goddess sitting on my lap.”

“More like the devil.” She leaned over and kissed his hard chest, moving down to his stomach.

He moaned at her words.

She moved to his cock then pushed it in the area between her breasts, rubbing it against her skin gently.

He gripped her shoulder, groaning. “Cheyenne…”

She moved up and down, making his cock twitch between her breasts. Then she leaned over and took him in her mouth.

“Fuck.” He gripped her neck while he felt her take him completely.

She pulled back and sucked the tip before she took him in again. He was long so she couldn’t fit the entire thing in her mouth, but she could fit most. She gripped the base and kissed the tip, lavishing it with her tongue before she shoved him into her mouth. She did it again and again, listening to him crumble and moan incoherently. Then he came, squirting in the back of her throat. His hold on her neck increased as he filled her, and then it passed.

She pulled him out then wiped her mouth.

He stared at her, his head in the clouds. “Wow…”

“Well, I try.” She smirked.

He chuckled then pulled her to his chest, cuddling with her. Then he kissed her forehead while he held her in his arms. “I’ve never been so satisfied with a woman I wasn’t having sex with.”

“Maybe because it’s different.”

“No. It’s because it’s you.” He pulled her back to his chest, his body as close to her as possible.

She wasn’t expecting him to snuggle with her. He didn’t seem like that kind of guy, but she was obviously wrong. He kissed her shoulder then her neck. “Who needs dinner when I have you?”

“Well, you can’t eat me.”

“I think I just did,” he whispered.

Her cheeks blushed.

His hand moved down her side and down her leg. “You have the perfect body, Cheyenne.”

She tried not to laugh. “Uh, thanks.”

“What? You do. I wouldn’t change a single thing.”

“Not even my big thighs or the flab over my stomach?”

“Flab? I didn’t notice anything. All I saw were curves. And that’s what I like in a woman.”

“Now, your body is perfect.”


She laughed then hit his arm. “Have some humility.”

“Well, it seemed like you enjoyed it.”

“Because I did.”

“Are you hungry?”

“Yes. But I don’t feel like going out anymore.”

“Me neither,” he said. “How about we order in?”

“That sounds nice.”

“What do you want?”

“Hmm…I like Italian.”

“Excellent choice.” He pulled out his phone and made the call.

Cheyenne stood up then put his shirt on, buttoning up the front.

Gray stared at her from the bed, his eyes dark. “You’re every guy’s fantasy when you wear that.”

“But just your reality.” She pulled on her thong and kicked off her heels.

He smirked. “Yeah.”

“You want to watch TV in the living room?”

“Sure. I just wish I brought my PJ’s.”

“Naked is perfectly okay.”

He chuckled then pulled on his briefs.

They moved into the living room and she grabbed a few blankets.

“And how will we answer the door when the delivery guy comes?” he asked.

“I can get it.”

“Dressed like that?” he asked incredulously.

She shrugged. “I’m sure he’s seen worse.”

He laughed. “If it’s a guy, you’ll make his night.” He grabbed his wallet then put the cash on the table.

She hated taking his money but she hadn’t gotten paid yet. “I would offer but—”

“I don’t ever want you to pay for anything. Even if you were the CEO of Apple it wouldn’t matter.”

His chivalry saved her ass. “But when I get paid I would like to take you out.”

“Forget it. I always treat a lady right.” He sat on the couch then pulled her on top of him. She turned on the TV and they watched an old classic movie. He moved his fingers through her hair, making her eyes grow tired. She felt him stare at her, the heat of his gaze burning her skin.

The doorbell rang and she fumbled to her feet.

“I can get it, darling.”

“No, it’s alright.” She walked to the door then opened it.

The guy glanced at her legs then his cheeks turned red. “Uh…I’m here to drop off your order.”

“Thanks.” She handed him the cash and took the food. “Keep the change.”

“Uh…thanks.” He took it but kept eyeing her legs. “Will you marry me?”

She shut the door and tried not to laugh.

Gray smirked at her. “You know he’s going to beat off in his truck before he has to head back to the restaurant.”

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