LustUndone (27 page)

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Authors: Desiree Holt

BOOK: LustUndone
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His fingers probed between her ass cheeks, finding the tiny
puckered hole and rimming it with a fingertip. “And your point is?”

“I don’t know how I’m going to leave you,” she cried. “And I
can’t stay here once we’re finished.”

He bit her lower lip. “I might have some ideas in that
direction. Meanwhile let’s turn off our brains and enjoy this nice start to the

His tongue glided over her lower lip, licking it like an
ice-cream cone, while his busy finger continued to push against her rear
entrance. Heat boiled and erupted deep inside her, spreading through her veins
like a slow-burning fire. She tried to push back against him but he chuckled
against her mouth.

“Don’t be in such a hurry. I want to take my time.”

She whimpered, a soft sound that expressed her displeasure
when he took his finger away. But in the next moment his tongue slid into her
mouth and his hand slipped around to cup one of her breasts. Thumb and
forefinger pinched the nipple, hard, and the streak of pleasure-pain shot right
to her womb. His tongue glided over hers, coaxing it to dance with his, licking
at her soft flesh. Already the muscles of her pussy were fluttering in

Wriggling in his grasp, she insinuated one of her own hands
between their bodies and found the hot, hard length of his cock. Breath hissed
through his teeth and the muscles of his stomach contracted.

“You have wonderful hands,
,” he whispered. “My
cock loves to feel your fingers around it.”

“And I love to touch it. Here.” She rubbed her thumb over
the velvety head. “And here.” She slipped lower, past the root to cup and
squeeze his balls. “And to do this to you.” Her fingers wrapped around him
again and began the slow glide up and down, from root to tip and back again.

But Clint wasn’t letting her have all the fun. He licked the
tender spot behind her ear before drawing a wet path along the column of her
neck. In a moment his lips closed over one already taut nipple, pulling it into
his mouth and grazing it with his teeth. Her cunt was liquid with her cream and
hungry for him to fill it. She thrust her hips at him but he wasn’t about to be
hurried any more than she was.

As she continued to stroke his shaft he worked his hand past
her tummy, fingers sifting through the curls covering her mound to find the
wet, swollen folds of her labia. When one fingertip brushed over her already
throbbing clit she tightened her grip on his erection and pushed her hips at

Somewhere in the back of her mind she wondered if they’d
ever get to the slow and easy Clint was always talking about. It seemed all
they had to do was touch one another and they went up like fresh dynamite, so
hot they almost burned each other alive.

Clint moved his head to her other nipple and at the same
time thrust two fingers inside her slick pussy. She moved, trying to ride those
fingers, to rub her clit against his hand. But the moment she did he pulled
them free and lightly stroked her clit again.

“You’re killing me,” she moaned.

“Ah, but it’s a good death, right?”

Against her breast she felt his lips curve in a smile. But
his breathing was raspy and she knew he wasn’t as controlled as he wanted her
to think. She tightened her grip on his cock, feeling it swell even more in her

“Okay,” he rasped. “You win.”

He jerked himself from her grasp and reached into the
nightstand where he’d dropped a stash of condoms. In seconds he had one open
and rolled onto his cock. With startling swiftness he flipped her over and drew
her up onto her hands and knees.

Was he going to take her ass? He hadn’t prepared her at all
and she trusted him not to hurt her, except in a most pleasurable way. In the
next moment she realized that wasn’t his intention at all. His thumbs opened
the lips of her cunt, the head of his cock probed the opening and with one
forceful thrust of his hips he drove into her deep, burying himself in her
slick flesh.

He shifted slightly so his balls tickled her cunt and then
his lips were kissing the small of her back, his tongue drawing tiny wet
circles that sent shivers skating over her spine. His hands slid over the curve
of her ass, gently separating the cheeks, his thumbs pressing against her
tightly clenched anus.

.” His voice was deep and husky, rich
with need and hunger. “This is good,

“This is good, yes,” she gasped, rocking back against him.

“Here we go,” he ground out and began a slow, steady
in-and-out movement.

Sophia wanted to hurry him but as always he was determined
to set the pace. She moved with him, riding his hot erection that filled every
inch of her. His thumbs continued to press against her rear opening until they
breached the tight muscle, pushing just inside. As he increased the tempo of
his thrusts his thumbs penetrated her deeper and deeper.

“Touch yourself,” he growled, his voice nearly
unrecognizable with lust. “Rub your clit for me, Sophia.”

She balanced herself on one hand and reached between her
thighs to find that throbbing button. The flesh around it was dripping with her
juices, the nub itself swollen and tender.

“Go on,” he urged. “Do it now.”

She stroked herself with two fingers, her flesh almost too
sensitive to touch, but the moment she did lightning bolts of lust shot
straight to her womb and her nipples, and her cunt clamped down hard on Clint’s
pulsing cock.


She moved her fingers faster and as she did Clint’s thumbs
pushed all the way into her ass.

“Now,” he roared.

And as if her body had just been waiting for his command it
began to convulse in hard, wringing spasms, her cunt milking him as he thrust
once, twice, again. His entire body tightened and he exploded into the latex.
Even through the thin layer of the condom she could feel the hot pulses of
semen and she pushed back onto him as hard as she could.

Everything ceased to exist except their two bodies, linked
together, exploding together, and she fell into space. Her heart pounded and
she gasped for breath as she spun and whirled. Clint’s thumbs pressed deeper as
his hips bucked one more time and were still.

Sophia collapsed forward, Clint falling with her and rolling
them both to the side. After what seemed an eternity her heart rate finally
settled and her lungs stopped protesting the deprivation of air. Clint
feathered kisses across her shoulders, licking each spot then pressing his lips
to it. At last he eased himself slowly from the tight, hot clasp of her.

“I could stay here like this forever,” he told her, “but I
think we need to start our day. And Logan or Ric is sure to come pounding on
the door any second.”

She groaned. “I think you’re right.” She laughed wickedly.
“But we still have time to shower together, right?”

He laughed, a lusty sound, and nibbled her shoulder. “Of

* * * * *

They spent the day in busywork. Sophia really wanted to take
out the snowmobiles but agreed with Logan that with the devil beast ready to
strike again the noise would probably scare it off. However it left them all
feeling anxious and frustrated.

Rebecca spent the morning at the barracks and filled them in
on what was happening when they gathered for lunch. Again they chose a time
past the usual lunch hour so The Crown would be fairly empty.

“Harland Warren was arraigned today,” Bec reported. “They
brought him into court in shackles because apparently he can’t seem to control
his temper.”

“Not the best attitude when you’re accused of murder,” Logan

“No kidding.” She looked at Ric. “Bobby asked me if I knew
anything about the helicopter that flew up from Texas. Apparently because of the
proximity to the border we get reports of all private traffic into the

Ric’s face was carefully expressionless. “What did you tell

“The truth. That it’s part of the company that Sophia works
for and that you’re providing air support for the search.”

“I’ll bet that went over well,” Logan muttered.

She shrugged. “It is what it is. He doesn’t have to like it
or even have anything to do with it. As long as no one’s breaking any laws
there’s nothing he can do.”

“And he still thinks we’re all crazy,” Sophia guessed.

“You know Bobby. Mr. Practical Common Sense. He never even
liked story hour at the library.”

The sisters looked at each other and burst out laughing.

“At least he’s not getting in our way,” Bec pointed out.
“And believe it or not, a couple of the detectives stopped by my desk—quietly,
of course—to tell me they’d been doing research on the Chupacabra and they were
beginning to think we weren’t so nuts after all. They even offered to help us
off shift.”

Ric’s smile was humorless. “They’d all be willing to help if
they got a firsthand look at this thing or lost someone to it personally.”

“Hey.” Sophia put her hand on his arm. “We’re good, okay?
And tonight we’ll get the job done.”

“I’d like to give Damien and Shelley some closure before the
baby’s born,” Rebecca added.

“Amen to that.”

But the tension in the air was almost palpable. Restless
with nothing to do, all of them except Clint piled into the SUV and drove the
roads in the target area again and again until every route was burned into
their brains.

And finally daylight began to fade and darkness descended.

And the hunt began.

* * * * *

Marie Arquette stood on her back porch, a lined wool jacket
wrapped around her, while she waited for Ike, the collie, to take care of his

“Come on, Ikey,” she urged him. “I’m freezing my ass off.”

But despite the dropping temperature the dog didn’t seem to
be in any hurry. Rather, he was sniffing frantically around the yard as if
looking for something. It occurred to her he’d been doing that since the day
before. Something was making him edgy but she couldn’t for the life of her
think what it might be.

They lived out here in the middle of all this acreage, their
closest neighbor a good mile away. Just the way she wanted it. After spending
her life in a low-rent part of Boston, crowded into a home with ten other
people, she loved the isolation. When she’d found the discarded newspaper on
her lunch table with the ad for a nurse at the hospital in the godforsaken
wilderness she’d believed it was fate.

The day she’d been hired she went immediately to a realtor
and used her meager savings as a down payment on this place.

“Far away from people,” she’d told him.

He’d laughed. “Out here, everyone’s far away from people.”

She hadn’t regretted it for a minute. She’d made a few
friends at the hospital but for the most part she kept to herself. The terrible
killings of two hospital employees had shaken her but when she discovered they
were connected she brushed away any anxiety.

“Ike.” She snapped her fingers. “Come here. Now.”

As if sensing her impatience the dog gave up his search,
took care of his business and trotted up to the porch.

“It’s freezing out here, pal,” she told him, rubbing his
head and leading him into the house.

Before he crossed the threshold he paused and looked back
out over the frozen landscape. When Marie touched him she could feel the
tension running through his body. Uneasily she followed his gaze but all she
saw was the piles of snow around the house and the heavily forested land surrounding

A shiver danced along her spine and an old saying of her
Granny’s popped into her mind.

Someone’s dancing over your grave.

She closed the door and fastened all the locks securely.
Then for good measure she went to the pantry closet and took out the rifle
she’d learned to shoot when she moved up here. After all, a woman alone
couldn’t be too careful.

* * * * *

It was full dark now and the beast had emerged from its new
hiding place. Too bad there wasn’t enough time to assume an acceptable form and
insinuate itself into the prey’s territory. But time was running out and the
headache was getting worse. It would be tonight. Period. And then the beast
would be satisfied and could disappear.

Using the thick forest of trees as cover it made its way
slowly to where its prey lived, eyes darting everywhere to search for the black
streak it had seen the night before. Whatever it was, the devil beast knew it
spelled danger and was to be avoided.

When it neared the house, standing in the small clearing
within the trees, it pressed itself up against one of the trees. All the lights
were on right now but soon…soon it would be dark inside and the creature could
make its move.

* * * * *

“See anything yet?”Ric asked.

It was the fourth time he’d asked Sophia, unusual for such a
controlled, taciturn man. But everyone’s nerves were stretched taut, knowing
zero hour could crop up at any minute. She was riding in the copilot’s seat in
the helo, connecting with the others via the satellite radio.

“No. Nothing. Let me check with Bec.” She had one channel
for Clint and Logan that went directly to the tiny devices around their necks
and another for Rebecca.

“Negative,” Rebecca answered her. “Except for two deputy
sheriff cars crisscrossing the area.”

“Well, at least Bobby kept that much of his word. Whatever
the reason.”

“Making the turn and doubling back,” Bec reported. “Damn,
Soph. I’ve been up and down this area five times already but I still feel like
I’m missing something.”

“It’s always like that when we get close to the end in one
of these situations.”

“What if we’re wrong and just wasting our time?”

“Nope. Tonight’s the night. I just feel it. Keep looking.”
She pressed a second button on the radio. “Clint? Logan? Come in.”

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