Love Again (24 page)

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Authors: Christina Marie

BOOK: Love Again
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Her skin was still as smooth and sweet as I remembered, the way her body reacted to my touch and kiss still made me smile to myself.  Lying there naked in front of me, her eyes hazed with lust and need, her chest rising and falling with each deep breath she took was enough to make me want to throw myself at her.  I was going to take my time with her, I was going to show her that the two of us were meant to be together…meant to be more than just friends. 

Lennie watched closely as I pulled my t-shirt over my head, then popped the button of my jeans open before pulling the zipper down.  My cock throbbed inside my boxer briefs, I pushed them down with my jeans and stepped out of them.  The rush of air made the pre come that was beading on the tip of my cock send a heated shiver down my spine.  I crawled up the bed and rested some of my weight on her, her skin was hot and shined with the incandescent layer of sweat. 

“Are you sure?” I asked.  The tip of my cock touched the entrance of her pussy, her slick juices were all the encouragement I needed.  With one forearm resting beside her head I used my other hand to drag the tip through her swollen pussy lips.  The tight bundled nerves of her clit hard against my cock.  “Do you want this?” I pulled my cock down to her entrance where more of her come was collecting.  “Do you?”

“Yes…please…please!” she tried to shift her hips so that I could push inside of her.  Instead I pushed my entire length between her folds, I could feel her shiver and heard her whimper.  I pulled back then slowly entered her, the tight heat and slickness gripped my cock so tight I couldn’t stop the moan that escaped me.  Lennie wrapped her legs around the back of my thighs encouraging me to continue. 

I lowered my mouth to hers, this kiss was spine tingling with emotion.  Lennie lightly scraped her fingernails up and down my back.  I pulled away from the kiss and looked at her, her eyes were closed, neck arched back, her kiss-swollen lips parted.  “Look at me.” I said softly.  When she opened her eyes I gave a small smile, “You’re perfect.”

She shook her head, “No…you are.”

I thrust deeper, both of us moaned in the back of our throats, her pussy filled with more of her ecstasy.  Our eyes stayed connected, “I missed you.”

Lennie was starting to breath heavy, “I missed you too.  God I hate when you leave.” She said, and her eyes misted with tears. 

“I love you.” My voice shook slightly. 

A single tear fell from the corner of her eye, I brushed it away with my thumb.  “I love you too…so much.” She said quietly. 

My movements stilled, “Say it again.” I grinned at her. 

“I love you Dominique Hastings.” More tears started falling from her eyes. 

“I’ve waited a long damn time to hear those words, I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of hearing you say it.” I wiped away the tears and kissed her.  “I’m never letting you go again Lennie.” I spoke against her lips 

Her pussy walls started to tighten so I started thrusting again.  I pulled her hands up linked my fingers with hers above her head and pressed them down against the mattress.  We didn’t break eye contact as we both found our release, together.  “You okay?” I asked.

She nodded her head and cupped my face in the palms of her hands, “I’m more than okay.  I’m here with you and feel happier than I have in a very long time.  Thank you.” She smiled at me.

I kissed her so hard I knew that her lips would bruise, “You have no idea how happy you make me.”

My cock was still stiff inside of her so I pressed deep inside until the tip was hitting her cervix.  She gasped against my mouth and dug her fingernails into my shoulders.  I groaned, put one hand on her hip and gripped her shoulder with the other and thrust hard.  “Don’t stop, please don’t stop.” She breathed out.


After having sex three times we were both lying in bed, I rolled onto my side and started stroking my fingers over her skin.  “I need to tell you something.”

“Hmm?” she asked but didn’t open her eyes. 

“Actually a couple of things, do you want the good or the bad first?” I needed to tell her that I had slept with Hannah so I didn’t feel like I was hiding anything from her. 

Lennie finally opened her eyes and looked at me, “If you have to say that, then the good really isn’t that good.”

I nodded, “I did have sex with Hannah.” My stomach tightened as I waited for her to reply. 

She bit the inside of her cheek and looked away from me, “I didn’t expect you to wait for me Dominique.  You waited longer than most people would have, had the situation been different I might have had sex with somebody else too.”

“You never…?”

“I couldn’t bring myself to even look at another guy like that, except for Eli.”

I narrowed my eyes at her, “I hope that he knows we are together, now.”

“He’s not stupid he could tell that I wasn’t interested in being anything but a friend to him.  What’s the other thing you wanted to tell me?”

“Uhh,” I scratched the back of my neck.  “Well.”

“Just say it!”

“IkilledBUZZ.” I mumbled.

She stared at me, blinking rapidly.  “You KILLED BUZZ?!  What did you do to him-it?” her voice rose but I could tell she wasn’t mad.

“He could very possibly have been thrown out the window as I went down the freeway?”

“YOU THREW BUZZ OUT ON THE FREEWAY?” her eyes got big.

I started laughing, “Oh yeah, he flipped and flopped through the air bounced a couple of times before he become a statistic!”

“I don’t like you very much right now.  BUZZ was good to me…really good to me.” She crossed her arms over her chest.

I couldn’t stop laughing, “I’ve got a BUZZ, and anytime you want it you just let me know.” I started to roll on top of her when suddenly a woman yelling my name stopped me. 

“How the fuck do I have a security system that everybody is able to get through?  I don’t think my relator took the time to explain it to me.” I kissed Lennie quickly before getting out of bed. 

“Whose down there?” she frantically climbed out of bed.  I stared at her naked body.  With her hands resting on her hips she waited for me to say something.  “Dominique!” she whisper shouted.  I grinned when I heard my name be yelled again.  I grabbed my sweat pants.


Lennie’s eyes got huge, “Your…your mother?!”

I kissed her, “Yep, get dressed.  See you in the kitchen.”

“I can’t…seriously?” she rushed over to her bag and started pulling clothes out then darted into the bathroom.  “I’m going to punch you when she leaves!”

I tried to walk into the bathroom but she shut and locked the door.  “I love you.” I said through the door. 

“I love you too…but I’m still mad!”

Dominique was leaning against the island in the kitchen, his mom sitting across from him on a barstool.  He looked at me and smiled before walking over to me.  I was nervous since I had never met his mom, only heard stories from Dominique.  And I was afraid she would be able to tell that I had just spent the last few hours in bed with her son.

“Mom, this is Lennie.  Lennie my mom Sherri.”

She was beautiful, with mocha colored skin and the same blue eyes as Dominique.  Her long black hair was pulled into a low ponytail. 

“I finally get to meet the woman that has captured my baby boys heart!” she stood up and waked over to me.  “You’re just as beautiful as he described.”

I tucked my hair behind my ear and smiled, “Thank you, I can see where Dominique get’s his beautiful looks.”

“I’m beautiful?  What happened to sexy or hot or handsome?”

His mom and I both rolled our eyes, “Come sit, I’ll make you guys supper.”

Sherri moved around the kitchen, “So Lennie, I hear you’re involved with the youth center in Fair Lawn.  I think that’s amazing!  Tell me all about you.”

“I am, I love helping them.  The kids really helped me get through some of the tough times.”  Dominique stood behind me and rubbed my shoulders as his mom and I talked. 

After supper I cleared the table and loaded the dishwasher even though Dominique protested that the housekeeper’s could do it in the morning. 

Sherri had been on a cruise for the last three weeks so Dominique hooked her digital camera up to his TV.  “Whoa wait a minute…who is that dude?” he questioned.

His mom blushed, “That’s my friend Zachary!  He’s so nice.”


I bumped Dominique’s knee with mine and smiled at Sherri. 

We visited for a while longer, “I’m going to head home I just wanted to surprise you.  But low and behold I’m the one that got the surprise, it was great to finally meet you Lennie.  Dom give her my number.” She hugged each of then left.

When Dominique turned around he slowly walked toward me, “She really likes you.” He bent down and kissed me.  “You’re in trouble!” I pushed him away and started for the stairs.  I wanted a shower then to go to bed.  I was physically exhausted and the wine I drank during supper relaxed me. 

“For what?” he called out.

“Killing BUZZ!”


The following morning I woke up to Dominique’s fingers brushing my hair out of my face.  “I don’t want you to leave.” He said softly.  His voice thick from sleep.

I stretched, “I’ll get to see you next weekend.”

“I’d rather you stay here.”

I covered my mouth and yawned then got out of bed and went into the bathroom.  “I mean it Lennie, I want you to stay.” He said from the doorway.  After I finished brushing my teeth I turned toward him.

“You mean permanently?”


I shook my head, “I can’t…”

“How long then?  How much longer until we can be together?”  Dominique walked over to the sink and brushed his teeth.  “I don’t like being away from you.  I’ve waited a long damn time.”

“I don’t know, I have work and the youth center.  I can’t just up and leave!”

He took a deep breath and blew it out, “Just think about it, please?”

I nodded my head, “I will, just work with me.  I love you and I really do want to be with you.”

He pulled me into his chest, “I’m going to need to record you saying those words so I can listen to them whenever wherever I want to.”


Dominique cancelled my flight and insisted that I fly back to New Jersey via his personal jet, and he went with me.  It was nice not having to wait in line and sit in a congested cabin for a change. 

“Did I tell you that the youth team I coach is playing the youth team you donated to?” he asked.

“No way!  Really?”

“Dead serious, it’s for the title.  You better tell your boys to bring their A-game.” He smiled and winked at me. 

“I will be there, you can bet they’ll play their little hearts out!”

The flight went fast and we talked about his mom and how she was so happy with her life. 

I walked down the steps of the jet to the waiting taxi, “Call me when you get home.” I kissed Dominique.

“Always do.” He said with a smile. 

We told each other we loved each other and with a final kiss I climbed in the taxi and left. 


The Tigers from Fair Lawn and the Rangers from Chicago were on the field warming up.  Dominique paced back and forth talking to the players as they stretched.  He looked mouth watering in a pair of blue jean’s, black athletic shoes, his red coaching shirt and a matching Rangers hat. 

“Where’s this guy that is consuming all of your weekends?” Jadra asked from beside me. 

I smiled, “Right there.” I pointed at Dominique. 

Jadra choked on her soda, “What?!  But that’s…”

“The Destroyer, Dominique Hastings?” I finished for her.

“Uh yeah!  Are you serious?” she asked with big eyes.

“Yep!” I popped the p for good measure. 

“I don’t believe you.”  She argued.

Dominique turned toward us and winked at me with a smile on his face. 

“Okay, that’s panty melting and I think you’re a bit of a bitch now.”

I couldn’t help but laugh.  I scanned the field for Marshall, when I had talked to him and told him I would be at the game he jumped up and down with excitement.  “I’ll make three touch downs just for you Lennie!”

He was sitting on the bench staring at the ground and his helmet on the bench beside him.  I looked around for his dad but didn’t see him, I excused myself from Jadra so I could go talk to him. 

“Hey buddy, shouldn’t you be out there?” I asked.

“Yeah, I’m just sad.”

“Because your dad’s not here?” I asked.

He nodded his head and wiped at his eyes.  “Daddy got arrested last night and momma isn’t coming home.”

My stomach sank and my heart hurt for him.  “Where did you and your siblings stay?”

“With a foster family, the cops brought all of our stuff to the house this morning.”

I looked around the field, when I spotted Dominique he was watching us with his head tilted to the side then he walked over to us.  His large frame cast a shadow over Marshall. 

“Hey buddy, you okay?” He asked.

Marshall sniffled but didn’t look up, “Yeah.”

Dominique knelt down so that he was eye level with Marshall.  “You going to beat the other team?” He asked.

Marshall shrugged his shoulders, “I promised Lennie I’d make touchdowns for her.” He finally looked up.  “Holy crap are you—The Destroyer?”

Dominique smiled, “In flesh.  Let’s take a little walk.” He stood up and held his hand out to Marshall.  Marshall grabbed his helmet and walked beside Dominique.  I went back to my seat so they could have their ‘boy talk’. 

The Rangers were ahead by one touchdown at halftime but the Tigers were playing hard and Marshall had even scored a touchdown. 

Jadra and I had just set down at our seats after going to the concession stand for nacho’s and a soda.  I had just shoved a big chip with gooey chees sauce on it, in my mouth when a little boy’s voice echoed through the speaker.

“Miss Lennie,” my eyes got big “I’m right here!” it was Marshall standing at the fifty-yard line.  “Come here hurry!” he motioned for me.

I chewed the chip and about choked on it.  Jadra shoved my soda at me. 

I walked down the bleachers and around the wall.  “What are you doing?” I asked with a laugh. 

“Umm…” He looked around his voice echoing and a smile on his face. He looked behind me, “Okay.” He took a deep breath.  “Are you enjoying the game?” He asked me.

“Yes.” I dragged out. 

“We’re losing, but we’re trying.  They’re a great group of kids.”

I laughed slightly, “I can see that.”

“Okay, well I need to go sit with the team.” He darted past me and handed the microphone to me.  There I stood embarrassed and confused.  I waved at the crowd and quickly turned to leave the field, but when I turned around I bumped into a solid chest and dropped the microphone. 

Dominique chuckled and bent down to retrieve the mic, “He had to stall for a few minutes.” He told me.  The deep timber of his voice echoed around me.  Then he dropped down on one knee, “He was stalling because, for the first time in my life I’m so nervous I actually felt sick from my nerves.  Lennie Hudson, since the very first day I met you I haven’t stopped thinking about you. Your beautiful smile lights up a room, the way your eyes shine when you smile, the way your laugh makes me smile.  You have the most caring, loving heart of anybody I know and you’re the strongest willed woman I know—besides mom, she’s probably standing third row up crying right now.” I looked past him, there stood Sherri with her hands on her face and tears glistening on her cheeks. I blinked away tears when I looked back at Dominique.  “I’m down on one knee for one obvious reason, I want you to be my wife.  I love you more than you’ll ever know Lennie.” He opened the ring box.  “Please say yes?” He whispered. 

I nodded my head, “Yes!” I choked out.

Dominique stared at me, “Yes?”

I nodded my head and threw myself at him before he could even slip the ring on my finger.  The stadium of people erupted in cheers.  I pulled away and kissed him, then he put the beautiful round halo cut diamond on me.  I wiped away tears, “It’s beautiful.”

The referee’s congratulated us then told us it was time for the game to resume. 

“I’ll see you after the game.” Dominique kissed me then jogged across the field to the sideline. 

When I got to the sideline I was greeted by Corrina, Trevor, dad, Jennifer, Jadra and Sherri.  Corrina hugged me and cried.  She had known that he was going to propose and it “Killed her” to keep the secret. 

The Tigers one by one field goal that day and Marshall scored four touchdowns, after each one he pointed at me and gave me a thumbs up. 

After the game both teams had their pictures taken together during celebration.  Dominique shook hands with the parents and coaches before walking over to the sideline where all of us were standing.  Jadra was still in complete shock and speechless. 

“I’m gonna steal your girl, if that’s okay?” Dominique said to her.

She nodded, “I’m Jadra… if you have any single friends…”

Dominique and I both laughed, “I’ll keep you in mind.”

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