Lord of the Grrr's (40 page)

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Authors: Amelia Jade,Terra Wolf,Mercy May,Kit Tunstall,Artemis Wolffe,Lily Marie,Lily Thorn,Emma Alisyn,Claire Ryann,Andie Devaux

BOOK: Lord of the Grrr's
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“Oh, God.” She sank to her knees, her body shaking.

Corey gripped her hand. “Uncle Roman will win. He always wins.”

Jenna pressed her free hand to her mouth and watched the battle, helpless. She had just found the man she wanted to grow old with, have children with—and there was a damn good chance she was about to watch him die in front of her.




Roman roared as Paul scraped him with that damn knife. Again. The cuts barely registered, but the fact that he managed to get in past Roman’s guard infuriated him. Paul hadn’t lied—he was a better fighter. Good enough that what Roman had planned as a fast defeat was turning into a battle that didn’t have a certain outcome.

“I warned you, Roman.” Paul darted in again—and this time the knife slid in. Pain erupted in Roman’s left side and he staggered. “I’ll be happy to kill you by inches. In fact,” Paul slashed at him, and sliced across the pad of his right paw. “I’d prefer it.”

Roman retreated, blood pouring out of his paw. The sensitive pad throbbed, telling him the cut went deep. He needed another plan of attack, and fast. Paul was getting bolder with each wound he inflicted…

An idea flashed in his mind. One that would probably cost him in pain. But it would draw Paul in, and give Roman the opening he needed.

Jenna’s scent hit his nose. God—he didn’t expect her to catch up before this was done. He circled Paul, scanning the edge of the clearing. There—she knelt next to Corey, tending his cheek. She looked up at him, tears bright in her blue eyes, despair on her face. She expected him to lose.

Like hell. He had too damn much to live for.

Braced for the pain he was about to inflict on himself, he let out a roar and lowered himself to all fours, charging at Paul. He aimed his left side at the waiting knife, grunting when the blade sank into his shoulder.

He kept going, his heavy body trapping Paul as he collapsed.

Jenna screamed, and a second, deep roar echoed through the trees. Jed. Roman saw him, standing at the edge of the trees, vibrating with fury. He wouldn’t interfere, unless Roman invited him into the battle.

Paul struggled under him, and managed to free his right arm. He whipped up, his claws tearing at the left side of Roman’s snout.

“Get off me!” With a desperate shout he sank his claws into Roman’s left shoulder, just under the knife. “Get off—”

Roman growled and swiped his throbbing paw across Paul’s cheek. The man screamed as Roman’s claws raked his face, then finally passed out.

After making sure Paul was really unconscious, Roman staggered to all fours, turning toward Jenna. She pushed to her feet and moved forward, crouching in front of his left side.

“Oh, Roman. What did you do, you brave, foolish man?”

Jed joined her, back in human form. “Fast or slow, little brother?”

She looked at him. “What are you—oh. Not at all, not until I get him back—”

“He didn’t tell you, did he?”

She raised one eyebrow, and Roman knew she was annoyed. God, his shoulder felt like it was on fire, never mind his paw. He couldn’t even touch it to the ground.

“Tell me what, Jedidiah?”

“We shouldn’t shift with pointy objects sticking out of us.” His gaze swung to Roman. “Or bits of metal stuck inside us.”

Jenna gasped, and reached for Roman, right before Jed yanked the knife out of his shoulder.

Relief was immediate, followed by a different kind of pain. His body wanting to shift, to be held by her.

No—I need to heal—

His bear had other ideas.

He shifted in front of Jenna—again—and collapsed.


“Gather up the kids, Jenna. We’ll head back to your truck.”

“But he’s—”

“Too stubborn to die from a simple knife wound. You can play doctor once we get him out of here. Go on—it’s time to get them back to their parents.”


Roman opened his eyes, saw her head across the clearing, where the cubs and human kids were huddled in the cave opening. Damn—they’d probably watched the fight.

“They did, little brother.” Jed’s voice shifted his gaze. “What you did was stupid—”

“I had—”

“And it worked. I’m going to make sure our newest prisoner doesn’t go anywhere while we take care of business. Don’t die while I’m gone.”

“Okay,” he whispered. He hurt too damn much to think of a sarcastic comeback.

Jed picked up Paul and tossed him over one shoulder, heading past Jenna and the kids, into the cave. Roman didn’t want to know just how Jed was restraining him. Paul built his own prison the second he threatened a group of innocents.

“Stay here,” Jenna said. She managed to touch every shoulder or cheek before she left them, and knelt next to Roman, opening her kit. “I’m going to at least slap a bandage on your shoulder and your side before Jed manhandles you.” She dug out the familiar supplies, then lowered her head, her hands shaking against her thighs. “You scared the hell out of me, Roman. When you charged him like that, I thought—”

“I know,” he whispered. He swallowed, his throat raw. “Sorry—”

“That I had to see it? Or that you were forced to do it? What exactly are you sorry for, Roman Black?”

“That—” He felt himself fading, and forced what little strength he had into his voice. “That I claimed you before you—understood what you were walking into. You’re—free, Jenna.”

He closed his eyes before he could see her reaction. The pain from all his wounds, the exhaustion of fighting through that pain, finally dragged him under.



Jenna watched Roman sleep, his fever finally broken, after three days of fighting to keep it down.

She was beyond exhausted, which made dealing with him easier. What he’d said to her before he passed out still hurt, a deep ache that not even sleep would let her escape.

Being rejected by Darrel had hurt, wounding her pride more than anything. But Roman’s rejection struck her deep, and made her realize just how hard she had fallen for him.

Stupid move, Jen. Now you’ll have to leave again—

“How is he?” Lindy stepped to her side, her remarkably young face drawn with exhaustion and worry. It was hard to believe she had six grown sons, a stepson, and grandchildren on top of that.

“Sleeping. The fever broke a couple hours ago.”

“Thank God. Foolish boy, running straight into a knife. I’m assuming he didn’t have much choice at the time.”

“He didn’t.” Jenna lowered her head, blocking out that horrifying moment. Again.

Lindy wrapped one arm around her waist. “I’m so sorry you had such a violent introduction to us, my dear. I hope it doesn’t scare you off. We need your talents here, as you can see.”Jenna did. Now. A vet with a medical degree would be invaluable to shifters. “Why don’t you get some sleep? I saved the bedroom next to this one for you. I’ll wake you if there’s any change, I promise.”


Lindy’s arm tightened on her waist when she started to move away. “Jed told me what Roman said to you.” Jenna closed her eyes, heat flushing her cheeks. “He loves you, my sweet girl. Don’t let him give you up.”

Tears lodged in her throat, and she nodded, afraid she’d break down if she tried to talk. Sleep wouldn’t be on the agenda, but she could hide from everyone crammed into Lindy’s house, if only for a few hours.

Then she would plan her own escape, before she became more attached to them than she already was.



Roman cursed himself all the way to Grey’s—Jenna’s—homestead. Mama had told him, with more than a few derogatory terms—exactly what she thought of him letting Jenna go.

He thought it was the best thing, at the time. Good God—she’d just witnessed his bear take down a man, not even a day after finding out he was a shifter. Now, with the sharp ache in his heart growing every hour they were apart, he had to convince her to stay.

It had been the longest month of his life.

His heart nearly stopped when he pulled into her little valley, and her truck wasn’t there.

He raced to the back of the house and slammed on the brake, out of the SUV before it finished stopping. One glance through the window of her clinic started his heart again.

All her equipment was there, supplies neatly stacked in the glass front cabinets. She must be out on a call…

He heard her truck before he saw it, the familiar rumble echoing across the valley. And he knew the second she spotted him; her truck jerked to a halt, and he half expected her to turn around and drive away.

Instead, she started moving forward, and parked next to him, her face unreadable when she slid out of the truck. His first glimpse of her shot need, lust, and possession straight to his cock.


His bear said it first, and he agreed. All he had to do was find his way back into her heart. Hell, he’d grovel if he had to. He deserved any humbling demand, after pushing her away.

“Roman.” Her waist length hair was in a thick braid, draped over one shoulder. The simple blue plaid shirt, jeans and worn hiking boots left him weak. God help him, she was so damn beautiful, the faded denim hugging her curves, her strong, shapely legs. He wanted those legs wrapped around his waist, wanted to fill himself with her, love her until they couldn’t see straight. “What are you doing here?”

“I came to—” Apologize, beg, plead, lick her feet. He wasn’t sure which to say first. “How are you?”


“Busy.” She pulled a big canvas bag out of the back of the truck. “So spit out whatever you came to say, so I can—”

“I’m sorry, Jenna.”

She halted, the pain in her eyes driving right into his heart.

“Thank you. Goodbye, Roman.”

He grabbed her arm when she walked past him, braced for violence. She didn’t disappoint.

The canvas bag smacked his right arm, the sharp edges of whatever she had in there digging into him.

“Get your hand off me.”


“You told me you didn’t want me. I’m okay with that.” Her shaky voice told him different, and he hated himself for it. “But I can’t see you. I can’t see any of you. I’m leaving.”

Panic shot through him. “No—”

“I have another job waiting for me in Colorado. It’ll be for the best.” She gave him a sad smile. “I made sure it was shifter free territory. Good luck, with everything.”

She walked past him, and he saw his life going with her.

“Jenna.” She halted, her hand gripping the door knob. “Can I say one last thing?”

He heard her curse under his breath. “Fine.”

“Can you look at me while I say it?”

“Fine.” She dropped the bag, and he watched her take a deep breath, her fists clenched, before she turned around. “What.”

He moved so fast she barely had time to gasp against his lips before he claimed them.

She tasted like heaven. Her body fit against his like she was made for him. Roman kept the kiss soft, let her respond, or reject. After endless seconds, she let out a choked sob and opened her mouth under his.

Relief crashed through him. He hiked her up and pinned her against the wall, those strong legs wrapping around his waist as the kiss turned wild. She rode his cock, moaning against his lips as she pulled him in tighter.

He needed to be inside her. Now.


“Yes,” she gasped.

He leaned back enough to pop the buttons on his jeans, release his aching cock. Jenna had her jeans open, her fingers pushing aside the lace panties she wore. She wrapped her fingers around him and guided him forward, squeezing his length before she let him go. He growled, his cock pulsing, and drove himself in, until he filled her completely.

“Shit,” he whispered. She was so wet, so tight around him. He didn’t plan this—he brought flowers and food for a slow, sensual apology, before he took her to bed and loved her like she deserved. Instead he was taking her against the wall of her own house. “Jenna, I—”

“If that’s an apology for what we’re doing, swallow it.” She rocked against him, and he groaned. “I want to hate you, Roman Black, for even thinking that I’d leave just because you defended your family.” She cradled his left cheek, the faded scars left from Paul’s assault a permanent reminder of the battle he came close to losing. “I love you more because you’re that kind of man.”

He kissed her, his love, his need, translating into movement. He thrust into her, his tongue sliding over hers at the same rough, fast pace. She met every stroke, her breathing ragged, her body arching into him. He gripped her round, gorgeous ass and drove himself in deeper, faster.

His climax shook him, and he pumped into her as he spilled himself deep inside her, felt her clamp around him as she found her own release. She held him, with her strong arms, her body, until his final, shuddering stroke.

“Jenna.” He brushed sweat damp strands of hair off her flushed cheek, wanting her again. “Have dinner with me.”

She burst out laughing, the movement making his cock twitch. “I haven’t done any shopping, since I was planning to leave.”

Panic threatened to choke him. “You’re not—”

She cut him off with her lips, and arched against him when he started to grow hard inside her.

“I’ll call them as soon as I can get to the phone. I’m assuming dinner was your original plan to seduce me into staying.”

“It was.” He grinned. “But I decided to use a more direct approach.”

“Good choice.” She let out a sigh, relaxing against him for the first time since she drove up. “I didn’t want to leave,” she whispered. “But I couldn’t stay, knowing you were here, that you didn’t want me—”

“I’m so sorry, love. I wanted to give you an out, not because I didn’t want you. God, I’ve wanted you since I first saw you. But I claimed you, before you really understood what that meant. It wasn’t fair.”

“And if I did leave? Would you have taken another—mate?”

He told her the truth. “You would always be my chosen mate, Jenna. There wouldn’t have been anyone else.”

She kissed him, gently this time, and he smelled the salt of her tears. “I love you, Roman,” she whispered. “Nothing will ever change that. Are we clear?”

“Crystal.” He wiped at her tears, then eased himself out of her, both of them moaning as they separated. After he lowered her, he wrangled his hard cock back into his jeans. By the time he finished adjusting, still uncomfortable, she had straightened herself. “I have food in the SUV, and flowers that are probably wilted by now.”

“You brought me flowers?” Her smile wrapped around his heart. “You sweet, beautiful man.”She stood on tiptoe to kiss him, then ran over to his SUV, peering into the window. “Oh, Roman—they’re gorgeous.”

“Just some wildflowers.” He opened the back door and pulled out the cellophane wrapped bouquet.“Out of my mother’s garden.”

“I’ve seen her garden. It’s worthy of awards.” She grabbed the bouquet when he held it out, pressing her face into the flowers. “They smell amazing. What’s for dinner?”

He cleared his throat, nervous. “I made a few dishes.”

“You cook?”

“It’s a hobby—one learned out of necessity. I like to eat, and I refused to eat the garbage served at the fast food stops wherever I happened to be.”

“I can’t wait to taste them. Need any help?”

“Can you—” Why the hell was he so nervous? “Can you set up for a picnic? I planned to have it outdoors, but there’s a storm coming.”

“How do you—never mind. One indoor picnic, coming up.” She cradled her flowers, and smiled at him before she walked to the door.

Roman leaned against the side of the SUV and watched her, the sway of her hips only making him harder.

He wanted her, tonight, tomorrow, and every day, for the rest of their lives.




Giant butterflies battled each other in Jenna’s belly as she waited for Roman to finish setting up their picnic. He’d banished her to the bedroom, wanting to surprise her. She decided to surprise him as well, and rinsed off in the shower, rubbing in just enough of her favorite lotion to smooth her skin. Then came the real surprise; she pulled out her favorite sundress, a silky blue floral print that accentuated her waist, and hiked up her breasts with the halter top.

She’d need that, since she wasn’t going to wear any underwear.

She stepped into the dress, adjusted herself, and tied the halter, rebraiding her hair so strategic tendrils fell around her face. This felt like a first date, even though she knew more about Roman than she had about Darrel after more than a year dating him.

The knock on the door had her heart pounding.

“Jenna? It’s ready. I’ll wait for you out here.”

She gave herself time for a few deep breaths, then opened the door and walked out, halting in surprise. Roman had turned her living room into a candlelit wonderland.

He stood next to the plaid blanket she had laid out, barefoot, and wearing his shirt, jeans, and a smile. It faded as he studied her, and she pressed one hand to her belly.

“What is it?”

“God, Jenna.” He moved to her and slipped one arm around her waist. “You take my breath away.” His finger traced he edge of her halter’s deep v neckline, and she shivered, her nipples hard just from that slight touch. “Let’s eat.” His voice sounded raw.

She swallowed, and let him lead her to the blanket. He raised her hand to his lips and kissed it before he let her go. She lowered herself to the blanket, tucked her legs under her, and watched him as he knelt in front of a huge basket.

“I hope you don’t mind lukewarm food. We got a little distracted.”

“I’m starving, and lukewarm will be more than fine.”

Her eyes widened as he started pulling out container after container. The first one revealed a gorgeous beet salad, with what looked like chunks of goat cheese. Another container held pieces of roasted chicken, the skin crispy. It smelled incredible, and her mouth watered. He’d also brought roasted red potatoes, carrots, fresh asparagus, and two pieces of an incredibly decadent chocolate cake.

Roman picked up a fork, and speared some lettuce, beet and cheese on it. “Open.”

Jenna did, and he slipped the fork into her mouth. An explosion of flavors had her moaning.

“Oh, my God. More.”

He fed her, taking bites for himself while she chewed. Once the salad was gone, he loaded two of her plain white plates with chicken, potatoes and carrots, and long, crisp spears of asparagus.

“Here. Fingers only—it’s the best way to eat this kind of food.”

He handed her a thick linen napkin, and stretched out on one side, watching her as she took her first bite of chicken.

“God—Roman, this is amazing. You’re one talented cook.”

He smiled, and took a big bite out of a breast. They both ate, Jenna moaning after nearly every bite. Roman kept feeding her bits of his food, so she fed him hers, her mouth going dry when he licked chicken grease and olive oil off her fingers. Slowly.

He sat, wiping his hands on the napkin. “Dessert?” His voice sounded a little strangled.

She nodded, not trusting her voice. He set the cake on a smaller plate, and handed it to her.

“Feed it to me,” she whispered.

He swallowed, and moved to her, holding the plate as he broke off a piece. She opened her mouth, and he slipped the cake in. She closed her lips over his fingers, letting the rich cake sit on her tongue. The tip of her tongue licked his fingers, then she finally freed his hand and swallowed the cake

“Holy shit.” He dropped the plate and jumped her.

They tumbled to the floor, Roman cradling the back of her head, kissing her with such need she could barely breathe.


“I need to be inside you, Jenna.”

“I’m good with that.”

He smiled, then lifted her to her knees and turned her around, wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her back against his chest. “That dress has been driving me crazy since you walked out in it. Let me see if my suspicions are correct.” He slipped one hand under the hem, up her leg, and over her ass. “You bad girl.”

“The easier for you to love me, Mr. Black.”

He reached up and untied the halter, and the silk fell away from her breasts. “Beautiful, “ he whispered, both hands replacing the dress. Jenna moaned, arching into his touch. “You are so beautiful.”

She reached behind her and gripped his firm ass, sliding over his erection. He growled, and started teasing her nipples, his mouth finding the sensitive spot behind her ear.

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