Authors: Carey Regenold

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and Ellen talked until the restaurant was closing.  These two lost souls who
now had a life purpose, had so much to say, so much to share.


drove back to the Moose Lodge still talking. As they walked to Ellen's car and
faced each other, Rick opened his arms.  She snuggled against him like this one
act of human affection was the most natural act in the world. They stood
together saying nothing, just soaking up the awesomeness. 

closed her eyes, savoring Rick's warmth, feeling like she had finally come
home.  Her agony of loss was dissipating like mists over a sunny mountain

Ellen felt the steady beat of his heart, she knew Rick was also healing. Both
had been wandering a desolate desert with no hope on the horizon of being rescued.
Then the kaleidoscope of life turned. A split second in time, when loves are
taken, so can they be restored. By some quirk of fate, Ellen and Rick have
rescued each other.

voice was but a whisper. "You are the only woman besides Laura that I have
held like this."

leaned up to place a soft kiss on his lips. "If you are as happy as I am
right now, then I'd say what we have found is what Mark and Laura would have
wanted for us."

am happy, Ellen, and I know Mark and Laura are smiling." 

gazed into sparkling emerald eyes. "There is so much I want to share with

we will for as long as the fates allow."

lips met in a soft, exploring kiss that was so sweet and innocent it curled her
toes. Ellen's arms tightened around his neck.  Her heart was taking flight, her
soul melding with his. The magic between them blossomed. Ellen heart was gently
releasing her husband. When the kiss ended, Rick was gazing at Ellen and
smiling. The grin was contagious.

she said.

just thought of a great idea."

Tell me."

you ever been fly fishing for trout?"

but it sounds intriguing."

absolutely the most thrilling activity I've ever done, well maybe the second
most thrilling."

do like to fish."

let's go tomorrow."

looked at him.  "Really?  Tomorrow?  Sure, let's do it."

would have gone to the moon with Rick Carrington.  Her heart was beating with
excitement and something more. What an unbelievable extraordinary feeling this


















man dressed in black looked under the loose tile and retrieved the key. 
Knowing no one was home he let himself into the chalet, finding his way in the

hesitated for a few seconds. What little conscience he had left began to
sting.  Then the vision of Ellen in another man's arms fueled a rage so
powerful, it was like nothing he had never known.  That intense jealousy spurred
Gene into action.  The video equipment was tiny.  He knew he was an expert in surveillance
and non-detection. 

surveyed Ellen's bedroom satisfied with his handy work.  Bugging the house was
only the first step.  He had strategies up his sleeve guaranteed to put an end
to whatever was happening between those two.    

night on her couch when Gene had come so close to possessing Ellen, he knew she
belonged to him. No man would dare take what was his. If he can't have her, he
would see her dead first. Now was the time for action.

had just finished installing the camera when he heard the front door open. 
Damn, he was hoping to be gone before Ellen got home.  Gene looked around,
quickly planning his escape.

any luck she would stay downstairs in the kitchen for a few minutes.  But that
wasn't happening.  He could hear footsteps on the stairs.

turned on the light in the bedroom.  She just couldn't stop grinning.  She
closed her eyes hugging herself, reliving every minute she had shared with Rick.
Seeing him at the dance was the last person she ever expected to be there.  But
God what a welcome site he was.  The huge mountain man was getting down-right

the sweater over her head, Ellen placed it in the sweater drawer then unhooked
her bra.  The skirt came next as she walked to her bureau to find a night
gown.  Tonight she wanted to sleep in a sexy gown that would hug her tingling
body.  Laughter and excitement bubbled up from within.  Ellen felt so happy.

opened the drawer and froze.  She sensed a presence like the night of the
burglar.  Ellen felt eyes on her.  Then she chided herself for being
ridiculous. Now where did that come from?  Looking to the window with its thick,
closed curtains, everything was secure.  Who would be watching her?  No, Ellen
was not going to allow anything to burst this exquisite bubble of joy suffusing
her psychic. She turned down the bed, slid in between the cool sheets and
flicked off the light.  Day dreaming about Rick, Ellen was asleep within

waited until he knew for sure she was in a deep sleep.  Having her discover him
in her bedroom did not even bear thinking about.  He came out from behind the
thick, billowing drapes.  Thank heavens there was room to hide there.  Ellen
must've added them to the window after the prowler incident.

quietly crept past her bed.  Seeing her lying there with soft honey curls
spread over the pillow made him pause.  God, she was exquisite.  Just looking
at her had him rock hard.

so long Gene had hoped Ellen would someday come to him. And she almost did
twice.  Now, that hope has been dashed. Even as a married man, Gene felt he
could've enticed her in time, but not now. Damn that Richard Carrington.  Gene
had never known the agony of mind blowing envy before.  Seeing Ellen gazing
with love at another man was sending him over the edge.  His plan was to watch
them and look for a weakness.  The photos would come in handy for leverage. 
Gene was not about to give up on Ellen Anderson.  Accidents can happen. 
Relationships can wither and die.  People can die too.

walked to the bed.  His hand reached out, the urge to feel her skin was so
strong it made him tremble with need.  Then Gene's rational mind took over. 
His hand fisted and went to his pocket.  His plans would call for stealth and a
lot of patience. This exquisite woman was worth it.  With utmost silence, Gene
made his way down the stairs and out the front door.


awoke with excited anticipation she didn't think to ever feel again.  Her heart
was filled with Rick Carrington. How quickly does tortured grief turn into mind
blowing ecstasy. Yesterday, she would not have thought that possible.  The
smile on her face just wouldn't stop.  They loved the same things, shared the
same ideals, and both have walked the red hot coals of loss and despair.  Ellen
wondered what the day was going to be like.  Fly fishing in a mountain stream
with Rick has got to be the adventure of a lifetime.


chilly morning air was beginning to heat up as misty clouds of fog still
mingled over the sparkling water.  Thank heavens it was going to be a warm day
for December in the Smoky Mountains. The river was freezing. It flowed rapid
over the rocks to settle in deep green pools. Rick had two pairs of hip boots
as he showed Ellen how to put them on.  Walking around in them was anything but

we're actually going to wade around in this icy river?"

course, to catch fish we have to get in there where the fish are.  Come
on," Rick took Ellen's hand.  "It's easy once you get the hang of

in the fast moving water, Ellen grabbed Rick's shoulder.  She felt like her
feet were going to slip right out from under her.  Plunging into this frigid
stream was not something Ellen cared to experience.

stood behind her holding the fly rod. 

works sort of like a bull whip." 

never had the opportunity to use a bull whip."

laughed.  "Neither have I."

his hands over hers, he pulled the rod back and whipped it forward with a flick
of his wrist.  The loose line went flying past their heads and back out into
the river. "See?  The tiny fly dances around on top of the water like
this.  He gave little flicks of the rod.  The fish think it's alive and
delicious. Here, you hold the rod and slowly pull in the line this way."

did as he said while watching the tiny fly skip around in the water. Suddenly
she saw a swirl as the fly disappeared.  The rod bent double as the line
stripped out. She almost dropped it. She shrieked.  "What is that?"

caught a fish. Pull it in like this." Rick moved behind her helping to
retrieve the loose fishing line.

felt like she had snagged a whale.    

is one big fish. I can't hold it."

you can, you're doing great."  Rick slipped his arms around her to hold her
and the rod steady.  Once the fish got close, he reached out with his net. 
"See? It's your first catch.  Wasn't that fun?"

was. Now what do we do with it?"

set him free."  Rick eased the fly out of the trout's bony mouth. Laying
his net in the water, the fish quickly swam away.

don't keep them to eat?"                               

not the point of fishing for me.  The fun is when they fight.  Then they can
grow up and fight harder the next time."

like that idea. Let's catch another one.  Let me try throwing the line out this

go ahead."

pulled the rod back like she had seen Rick do.  With the forward movement, she
put everything she had into the swing. The slippery rocks underneath her feet moved
with the momentum of her body. With a yelp, Ellen knew her balance was
compromised three seconds before her butt hit the flowing icy water. It was so
cold it took her breath away. Rick reached out to catch her but the rocks
betrayed him too.  So there they sat together on the rocky bottom in two feet
of water while the river surged by them.  Both were chilled to the bone and laughing
with hysterics.  What a memory this was going to be.

didn't say we were going swimming."

wasn't exactly in the plans."

helped each other struggle to the shore with their water filled boots, which
made the chore even more difficult through hoots of laughter.


and Rick came in through the back door looking like drowned rats and still

put a hand to her mouth. "Oh Senora, what has happened?"                               

fell in the river."  She looked at Rick.  "I'm glad you brought extra

always bring extra clothes.  That's one of the hazards."

directed him to the downstairs bath.  Right at the door Rick pulled her against
him.  Want to join me?"

much so, but I think Juanita would have a cow. There will be other times."


leaned up for a kiss.  As their lips tasted her passion soared.  God how she
wanted this man right now, right here. Breathless, Ellen gazed him.

got to stop this or you won't be safe around me."

wants to be safe?"

had fresh hot coffee waiting when they both emerged from their showers in dry
clothes.  As they sat at the breakfast nook sipping coffee, Rick took her hand.

you like to look at properties tomorrow?  It's Sunday and there are quite a few
open houses.  Maybe we'll get lucky and find something suitable for the

a great idea.  I would love to."            

come by and take you to breakfast."                                                      


left Ellen's home with a buzz vibrating through his body that was
unbelievable.  In the two years his family was gone he had given up hope of
ever finding love again.  He couldn't see anyone replacing his beloved Laura. Rick
had made up his mind to live out his days in solitude.  After two years the
pain had settled into a tolerable numbness.                  

Ellen came into his office, Rick felt a connection but quickly dismissed it. 
They had a professional relationship which could not be breached.  Even
thinking about her in any way other than doctor/patient was unethical.                        

had no intention of going to the singles dance at the Moose Club.  A friend had
goaded him into it.  He was on his way out the door when he spotted Ellen
struggling with a bear of a mountain man.  There was no choice.  Rick had to
help her.  But outside the clinical area, he was surprised how sparks flew
between them.                                                    

at the river was icing on the cake.  Ellen was such a good sport. They shared a
passion for helping people. Being with her felt as natural as breathing.  Rick
couldn't believe she was such a perfect fit in his life. For the first time in
two years Rick was happy.                                                    

a strange feeling made him look in the rear view mirror.  What he saw didn't
exactly surprise him. Rick was being tailed by the sheriff's patrol car.  The
two men stared at each other for awhile until the highway widened.  That was
when Gene pulled alongside.  The glare he tossed at Rick before speeding off
was undeniable.  This man was a dangerous adversary.                                                                                     

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