L'amore: The Luminara Series (5 page)

Read L'amore: The Luminara Series Online

Authors: SJ Molloy

Tags: #The Luminara Series - Book 2

BOOK: L'amore: The Luminara Series
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“It is not my house, it is our house. You will be screaming at the top of your lungs when I fuck you senseless there.”

Oh my God.

“I need you inside me,” I blurt out in desperation. This is still new. I never thought I could be so confident or make demands like this, but I know it turns Lucca on.

“Fuck, you are so hot right now. I need to take you hard if you will let me,” he growls.

“Do it. I want you, all of you, any way I can.” I push my chest up to his and rock my hips towards his mighty cock so that my wet folds strum against his raging rock.

I love that he still has some sort of boundaries. He knows when to ask and when to take. He has read my journal, the old one and the beginning of the new journal and has pretty much figured out my personality. My moods, my insecurities, and as of recent … my desires.

One day, I’ll speak them instead of writing them in my journal.

“I am going to fuck you mindlessly,” he blazes then flips me over in a quick move. Spreading my knees, he holds me on all fours, wrapping his hand around my stomach and snaking his fingers to my pelvis as he pulls me towards his hips.

“Lexi, hold on and bite your lip. Remember we are not alone. This will be hard,” he assures. I rock towards him, and he slams inside me.

“Oh my God, I … I need this. Don’t stop,” I moan as he pushes, rams, and buries into me. I feel as if he could pound me to the very core.

I grab the headboard with both hands and drop my head between my arms, clenching my teeth and closing my eyes. Then I push myself back to meet his intense intrusion.

“Fuck, you are too fucking good. I feel so goddamn good in you.” Lucca drives into me, his fingers rubbing my wet, throbbing clitoris as he builds me up until I’m almost at my cusp of ecstasy.

It’s a race to orgasm, and he’s grunting deeply, coaxing me to finish. He thrusts again, but with more conviction as he pushes me further up the bed, causing the sheets to burn my knees, flicking his fingers quickly over my clit. I bury my face in a pillow to muffle my cries as I reach an intense pinnacle.





“Jesus, fuck,” he grits roughly. Then with one final thrust, he fills me with his hot sperm. My legs are shaking, my knees are red from the friction, and my hands ache from clenching the bed.

I surf out the waves of pleasure, dragging out the cavernous penetration until Lucca releases his fingers. He releases his cock and flips me around again then slumps down on me.

He rubs between my legs, smearing his sperm over my folds then up to my navel and settles it on my breasts. Nuzzling into my neck, he kisses me repeatedly and nibbles my ear.

“That was fucking amazing. You okay?” he gasps into my ear.

“Uh huh. I’m great. You blow my mind. I love you,” I drawl breathlessly as I allow my heart rate to descend slowly.

Lucca leans on his side and lifts me around to face him, pulling me into his contracting chest. The cloudy cream smothered on my skin makes me stick to him like glue. He moves some wavy, soft, just fucked curls from around my face and rubs the pad of his thumb across my lips. “You have no idea how much I love you, what you do to me, how you make me feel. And fuck, Lexi, it just keeps getting better.” His blue eyes sparkle at me with sincerity, love, and gratification.

I kiss him softly and sigh, completely content in my post-coital glow. “I really can’t be bothered with packing today, but I suppose I will need to get on with it. Besides, we have another matter we need to attend to.”

“Yes, plenty more sex, any which way.” He rubs his fingers down my back and cups my ass.

I giggle. “Yes, plenty of that, but we need to check in with Cameron and Mr. Carlin and call my grandparents and my mum.”

“Okay. Well, I will help you pack up, then yes, we do need to make the calls.” He looks at me, his eyes serious. “Lexi, I want to do this right. I want to ask your grandfather’s permission. It is the right thing to do, but I would rather he met me first, so we should pay them a visit very soon. I cannot very well take his
without asking for permission to bite, and I understand that this may be a shock for them because we have not known each other long.”

Lucca is right; it’s the respectful thing to do. I know they will love him, and I do miss my grandpa. I’m quiet as I contemplate my thoughts, becoming slightly antsy in his arms. I feel sad that our romantic holiday is officially over, and I have to face the crazy screwed-up reality of my life again. This reality is ultimately making me restless, and I worry about what my mum will think.

“Dolcezza, what is wrong? What are you thinking?” He lifts my chin and looks straight into my eyes.

“I’m just thinking that my grandparents and my mum will love you. They’ll be delighted to know I’m happy, and how much progress I’ve made since meeting you. I’m just a little worried about seeing my mum and how I’ll manage. It always seems such a struggle, and I don’t want to go back to that dark place I was in before meeting you, and if she’s in her own dark place, it upsets me. I hate to see her like that because I love her so much. Sometimes she is better than others.” I bite the inside of my cheek nervously.

“Hey, I am going to help you. I love you, and I will not let you back into that dark place, I promise you.” He tightens his grip on me and kisses my temple.


A promise is a promise.

“Lucca, I don’t always cope great when I’m around them, and I’m worried you won’t like it. I just ask that you be patient with me.”

I drop my head slowly and sigh, but he lifts my chin up. “What have I told you about doing that? Keep your chin up so I can see your beautiful eyes. I understand now how difficult it is for you. I love you, and nothing you say or do will change that. Please relax and stop worrying. I have got you.”

“Thank you, Lucca,” I say, tracing my fingers over his jaw, his dimple, and then his lips.

“I need to clean up before I shower. Can you get me a towel from the bathroom?”

“Sure.” He kisses me, then jumps up, giving me a great view of his sexy ass. He throws on his jeans and turns around to wink at me with a cheeky, dimpled smile before walking out the door to the bathroom down the hall. I admire my ring again while he’s away, feeling the nicest rush of warmth rippling through me.

True perfection.

True happiness.

True bliss.

He’s taking his time. I can hear him talking to someone before he returns, shaking his head as he grins, and I’m not sure if it’s in a good way or not. He hands me a towel, and I dry myself off between my legs.

“Who were you talking to?” I ask.

He leans over to kiss my lips, then my breasts. “Never mind, but you do have visitors downstairs.”

Oh my God—I hope no one heard us having sex.


File S for silence. Silence me next time I’m mid-orgasm. As much as Lucca has been good therapy for me, and worked wonders in helping me with my issues, I’m still filing. I’m so used to it that I don’t think it will ever go away.

“What do you mean never mind? Who was it?” I challenge him, raising my voice in panic.

“Fuck, Lexi. You are getting me horned up again with that fiery shit.”

“Stop trying to distract me.” I stand firm and assertive with my hands on my naked hips. “Bloody pest!”

“Okay, calm down. I was speaking to
,” he says, frowning guiltily.

“Why is Anna here so early? Oh, I’m going to bloody kill him.”




My brother has not kept his word and is, in fact, cheating on Rachel with Lucca’s younger sister. Fretting, I open my drawers to pull out some sleep shorts and a vest top and throw it on quickly.

“Lexi, do not go barging in there. He can do what he likes. They are both adults. You need to let it be, Doc,” he says with amusement in his voice. This just confirms that he does condone this and it doesn’t bother him, which makes me even angrier.

“It’s not funny, Lucca. Cameron should not be cheating on Rachel like this. I love your sister, I do, but it’s not appropriate. My brother is a jackass, an absolute friggin’ halfwit.”

I storm out of the room leaving Lucca sighing in exasperation and running his hands through his hair. I head down the hall and bang on Cameron’s door. “You’ve got two minutes to get downstairs. Both of you! Anna, I know you’re in there,” I shout.

Anna opens the door and squeals before hugging me tightly.

She has just-fucked hair but is dressed in smart work clothes and smells of expensive perfume. Cameron is sprawled across the bed, naked like a rock star with the duvet covering his modesty and nothing else.

“Hi, Sis. Good holiday?” he asks casually.

“Don’t you ‘hi, Sis’ me. What are you two playing at? Cameron, you have a girlfriend. This is not fair to Rachel, and it’s not fair to Anna.”

“Lexi, relax. I am fine with it. I am not going to be moving in. It is just a fling, and Cameron has spoken frankly, so I know where I stand. I am just having a bit of fun.” Anna tries to reassure me with a confident explanation.

“And Rachel? What about her?” I glare at Cameron and then Anna with the most distasteful scowl.

“We have a very open relationship. I don’t expect you to understand it, but we see other people. Period,” Cameron adds, mussing his hair with his fingers.

Disgusting. I’m going to kill him. “What is wrong with you? Why would you do that? It’s—”

“It’s not wrong, it’s normal for Rach and me. We have an understanding. I don’t need to explain, Lex. For fuck’s sake, just because you don’t—” Cameron shrugs and scuffs his bare feet across the carpet.

“Sleep around?” I retort, hand on my hip.

“Yes.” He sighs, holding the nape of his neck.

Lucca is standing behind me. “Orianna, why have you not left for work yet? You told me you were going. I am going to fire your ass, and then you will need to find some other boss who lets you gallivant at your leisure all over the fucking place.”

“Calm down. I am going in today, but I was just visiting Cam, and I wanted to congratulate you both.” She squeals and claps her hands. It’s not lost on me that she’s changing the whole direction of this confrontation I’m trying to have with Cameron.

Hazel comes running up the stairs in her pyjamas to see what the commotion is. She grabs my waist and hugs me senseless. “Are we all friends up here?” she asks warily, looking around at everyone trying to suss out what the problem is.

I give Cameron my best “we will talk about this later” look. He mutters something under his breath and shakes his head.

“Congratulations again, you two! I am so, so happy for you both.” Hazel hugs me tightly, before releasing me to wrap her arms around Lucca. I giggle as he shuffles restlessly.

Hazel grabs my hand. “I know I said this last night, but bloody hell, that is not a ring, it’s a blooming boulder. It’s beautiful, Roo. I love it!”

Anna’s eyes light up. “At least you picked a decent diamond, Brother Dearest. You do have impeccable taste. Lexi, it is amazing, very beautiful. I am so happy you will be my sister-in-law!” she says enthusiastically.

Cameron jumps up out of bed naked, and I blush and look away. He has never covered up around the house, but I’m embarrassed as Lucca and Anna are here. Hazel doesn’t flinch; she’s seen it before, but Anna smirks and lifts her eyebrow as he turns around to pull on jeans and a T-shirt.

He walks up to the doorway where we have tightly grouped together in the narrow landing area. “Congratulations, baby girl, I’m so, so happy for you. I love you. You know that, right? Even when you’re scolding me. I’m glad you have Lucca. He’s going to take great care of you, and I’m glad to see you home. I missed you.”

He hugs me and I snuggle into his neck, forgiving him briefly for his infidelity because I did miss him too, and his embrace reminds me of the heart-to-heart we had in Tuscany when he came over for a few days, causing my heart to skip a beat. I know we are going to have to talk about it again at some point in proper depth. I respect him massively for sharing his own ghosts with me and thinking about it does draw my attention away from his infidelity, which seems inconsequential for now because he reminds me how much I love him regardless of his flaws.

He shakes Lucca’s hand. “Congrats, mate. Take good care of her. She means the world to me.”

“I will, you do not need to worry. She will be well looked after. Lexi
my world.” Lucca wraps his hands around my waist, closely pressing himself against my back as he rests his chin against the side of my head.

“Is this a private party up here?” Samantha asks, standing behind Hazel.

I scream and let go of Lucca, forcing myself against her and wrapping my arms around her neck.

She squeezes me tightly. “I’m so glad to have you back but also delighted with your news. Good God, you’ve been busy, my darlin’. Let me see this ring.”

I nervously lift my hand up, and her eyes nearly jump out her head. “Oh my God. Girls, get up here, you need to see this!” she yells down the stairs, grabbing my hand to admire my rock. “Your ring is gorgeous, honey. Now are you going to introduce me to your handsome man?” She smirks as she drinks Lucca in.

“Lucca, this is Samantha. Sam, Lucca.” He has her charmed in no time. He does the double-cheek kissing, and I can tell she’s hot and bothered, but she is trying to keep her composure and act professional, more business-like instead of one of my best friends. She blushes and I think she’s trying hard to make a good first impression on Lucca.

Shit, I wish he’d put a shirt on to cover his sexy body.

Carrie, Jessica, and Lucy all come pounding up the stairs, but stop and gaze at Lucca when they reach the top step. Their mouths drop like bloody goldfish. Lucca laughs, and I see Jessica elbow Lucy in the ribs.

I can barely breathe. There is just not enough room on this compact landing, but I’m deliriously happy to see the girls.

“Girls, this is Lucca. Lucca, these are my girls. Carrie, Jessica, and Lucy,” I proudly say as I look at the girls with the biggest smile on my face.

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