Jana's Journey: The Complete Collection (17 page)

BOOK: Jana's Journey: The Complete Collection
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She was pleased to find the bathtub had warm, if not particularly hot, water and the bath helped ease the pain in her shoulders and back from hanging from the ceiling, but the pleasure of the warm bath were fleeting. Her mind was still spinning with this new reality – everything she had known was gone, it seemed.

She lay back down on the bed, naked, the chains preventing her from falling fully asleep, and wrapped up in the blanket and waited.


Hours later – there was no clock anywhere in the basement, but she assumed it was hours – she was pulled from a light doze by the sound of the lock and the door opening and heavy footsteps on the stairs.

It was the cop, Officer Schmidt – in full uniform – followed by Principal Stevens.

And then a third person came into view. Courtney, the Principal’s 18-year-old stepdaughter. She was wearing her school uniform and looked pale and haggard and dazed, her dark hair pulled back in a pony-tail with stray strands hanging in her face.

Behind her was the Principal’s son, Joshua Stevens. The young man who she had raped with a strap-on dildo a week previously, with Courtney’s help, after they had stolen incriminating videos of Joshua drugging and raping various young women.

Office Schmidt stood before her, looking down thoughtfully. Finally he reached down and pulled the blanket off of her and threw it aside. Jana whimpered and pulled her legs up, feeling terribly exposed and vulnerable.

“Hello aga
in, bitch,” said Joshua Stevens, sneering.

Jana just bit her lip and waited.

“You raped my son,” said Principal Stevens. “Do you have anything to say for yourself?”

“He was going to rape me,” said Jana in a small voice.

“So it was self-defense rape?” said Officer Schmidt, and he and Principal Stevens laughed. Joshua Stevens just glared at her.

Jana wrapped her arms around her knees and held them in front of her, her chains rattling.

Officer Schmidt spoke. “Do you remember the name that I gave you in the police station?”

Jana thought for a second. “Crystal,” she said.

“Your slave name will be Crystal. Do you understand? You are to answer to the name Crystal from now on, and only to Crystal. Forget about who you were before. Your life before is gone. Understand?”

Jana just looked at him.

“Forget about all that nonsense with the videos. We have all of them, don’t we Courtney?” the big cop glowered.

Courtney nodded. “Yes, sir,” she said quietly.

“You friends were all arrested, and they will all be prosecuted on drug, stalking, and illegal weapons charges. I really don’t know what you people were thinking,” said Principal Stevens.

Could Matt have left all the videos with Courtney? Jana wondered. Surely he didn’t trust her. Her heart still held some hope that Matt could sort all this out and find her.

Jana was almost afraid to ask about her mother, but felt she had to. “You promised you wouldn’t hurt my mother,” she said softly.

“Our arrangement stands,” said Officer Schmidt curtly.

“How long do you … “

“As long as we want,” said Officer Schmidt, and laughed again.

The Principal moved forward and unlocked the end of the chain from her wrist manacles. “Stand up, slave.”

Jana stood up, using her hands to cover her breasts and crotch, the chains that bound her wrists cold against her skin.

“Move to the spanking rack,” said Officer Schmidt. He indicated a padded bench with leather manacles attached to the lower legs. “We’ll start with a punishment for violating Principal Stevens’ son.”

Jana hesitated.

“Every time you hesitate will make your punishment worse, do you understand? Every time you disobey, or fight, or make unpleasant comments, or try to escape, your punishment will be worse, and you will also endanger your mother. Understand?”

“Yes,” said Jana dully.

“Do you remember what I said would happen to her?”

“She would be arrested and jailed.”


“The arresting officers would take turns fucking her,” Jana said, her voice barely audible.

“That’s right. Or maybe she’ll join you down here. Would you like that?” asked Officer Schmidt.

“No,” said Jana. “Please, not that. I’ll do whatever you want.”

She lay face-down on the padded bench, which had a sort of s-shaped curve so that her ass was in the air. The Principal shackled her hands to the legs of the bench and his son strapped her legs into place. Another padded restraint was fastened around her waist that securely held her on the padded spanking bench.

God, she felt so helpless and humiliated like this, her ass and pussy sticking into the air. She started to cry quietly. But she knew she had to take the punishment to keep her mother safe. This was all her fault. Even now she began to feel aroused, and ashamed at her arousal. She was a bad girl, that’s why all this had started.

“Let’s see … I think Courtney should do the spanking, for her involvement in this,”
said Principal Stevens.

“They made me do it,” said Courtney, looking at her feet. “I didn’t want to.”

“No, let me do it!” said Joshua.

Principal Stevens glared at his son. “You’ll have your chance.” He opened one of the locked cabinets and took out a long flat paddle, made of hard rubber. He held it in front of Jana’s face.

“Now, Jana, Courtney is going to beat your ass with this. You understand why you deserve it, right?” asked the Principal.

“I was a bad girl,” said Jana, choking back her sobs.

“How were you a bad girl?”

“I ... defied you,” she choked.

“Yes, but how?”

“I tried to … make videos to use against your family.”

“That’s right. My wife and my son. That’s pretty dirty of you, right Jana? Don’t you think I should, by rights, retaliate against your mother in this case?”

“No, sir, please,” Jana whined. “I’m here to be a good slave so you won’t hurt her. I was just trying to protect her, that’s the only reason I …”

“Shhhh,” said Principal Stevens, stroking her long blonde hair. “Shhhh, Jana. It’s all over now, isn’t it?”

“Yes sir.”

“You belong here, right, to serve us?”

“Yes sir,” she said.

“That’s what I meant when I said it was our last session. You’re no longer mine,” he said quietly. “You are ours. You are here to serve all of us, and you must obey us all equally.”

Jana made small whimpering noise.

“Are you ready to be spanked, Crystal?” asked the Principal.

“Yes sir,” she repeated, and the tears were flowing more freely.

“Courtney,” said the Principal, and handed the paddle to his stepdaughter. She looked very confused and hesitant, very unlike herself. She usually prowled around like a panther. Now she looked like she’d just woken from a long sleep. “You helped Jana in all of this, didn’t you?”

“Yes, Stepdad,” she said, still looking down at her feet.

“Why did you do that, Courtney? You hurt our family.”

“I … I was jealous of your relationship with her, Stepdad.”

“You wanted me to fuck you, hmm?” said the Principal, moving to stand behind his stepdaughter and speak in her ear.

She nodded her head, still looking down.

“You want to make Stepdad happy, hmmm? That’s why you were always walking the house in your little bra and panties.”

Courtney nodded again, shuffling from foot to foot, holding the paddle awkwardly in front of her.

“Are you going to spank her now, Courtney? Do you want to beat her ass hard?” asked the Principal.

“I do,” hissed Courtney more energetically. “That bitch has caused
much trouble.”

“You may spank her now, Courtney. Go ahead.”

Courtney moved out of sight behind her, and then Jana felt searing pain across the cheeks of her ass. She cried out.

“Go ahead,” said Officer Schmidt. “Spank her until we tell you to stop.” He was smiling for the first time since Jana had seen him yesterday, standing with his hands in his pockets.

Courtney spanked Jana with the paddle again, even harder this time. Jana bit her lips to keep from screaming and instead just hissed through her teeth.

“Very good,” said Principal Stevens, and Courtney began slapping Jana’s ass harder and harder with the paddle, grunting with anger and effort. Tears rolled down Jana’s face as she struggled to keep from screaming. She strained against the straps but the leather bands holding her wrists and ankles were not going to budge.

The Principal moved in front of Jana and lifted her head by the hair.

“Open wide, my good little slave,” said Principal Stevens. “She’ll stop spanking you when you make me cum, so make your lips nice and tight. Remember the first time I fucked your mouth, honey? Just like that.”

Jana obeyed. It took about five minutes. Courtney had worked herself up into a fever pitch of anger as she spanked Jana, but was growing tired from the exertion, so the spanking was trailing off a bit by that time anyway. The Principal exploded into her mouth and he grunted and pulled out, and he told Courtney to stop.

Jana’s ass felt like it was aflame. Tears rolled down Jana’s face and semen trickled off her chin. Her back was already beginning to ache from the position she was forced into.

“Did I do good, Stepdad?” asked Courtney, looking at him with eyes blazing with excitement.

“Mmm, not so bad, honey. Not so bad,” said Principal Stevens. He considered her thoughtfully. “Joshua, rip your stepsister’s clothes off, please.”

Joshua Stevens looked at his father for a moment, and Courtney raised her arms and opened her mouth as if to protest; Joshua Stevens lunged forward, pushed her arms away and ripped her white blouse open, buttons flying across the room. Her white lace bra was visible.

“Joshua, stop it!” cried Courtney, trying to push him away.

“Don’t resist!” yelled Principal Stevens.

“But …” said Courtney, lowering her arms as her brother ripped the blouse off her back. Courtney’s face was bright red and her cleavage above the bra was also flushed.  Her breasts were smaller than Jana’s, but round and athletic. Joshua grabbed the zipper at the back of Courtney’s plaid skirt and unzipped it and pulled the skirt down until it was lying in a puddle at Courtney’s feet.

Courtney’s white lace panties matched her bra. Jana knew that white lace was the Principal’s favorite, and wondered if he’d told Courtney to wear that.

“Her underwear, also?” asked Joshua Stevens, eagerly.

“Hmmm, what do you think, Schmidt?” Principal Stevens asked the cop.

“Naked,” said Schmidt. “Naked, completely bare.”

Joshua reached behind her and unhooked the bra and pulled it off; Courtney resisted only insofar as she whimpered. Joshua then pushed her panties down until they too were lying on the cold white linoleum tile floor. Courtney began to cry, trying to cover her breasts and crotch with her hands.

“Rape your stepsister, Joshua,” said Principal Stevens.

Courtney screamed, “No!” as Joshua Stevens pushed his sister down on the bed and pinned her wrists on the bed, and began trying to force his way between her legs; she screamed and kicked at him.

“What’s the matter, son, can’t handle a weak little girl, unless she’s drugged up?” asked Principal Stevens.

“I can handle her,” grunted Joshua as he unbuttoned his jeans and pulled his cock out, pushing his forearm across his stepsister’s throat to cut off her breathing and curtail her struggles.

“You get this done, all by yourself, no ropes, no drugs, or you’re going to get the next ass-whipping,” said Officer Schmidt.

“I’ll do it,” said Joshua, now forcing his cock into his stepsister, eliciting a cry of
as she pleaded and begged for him to stop.

Jana watched dully. Courtney was an evil bitch, but she didn’t wish this on her.

Officer Schmidt and Principal Stevens watched the rape, clearly aroused, and Officer Schmidt finally removed his belt and moved behind Jana; she braced herself but couldn’t help crying out in pain when he began fucking her hard from behind.

She smelled the beery breath of the office as he leaned down and spoke into her ear. “By the way, your buddy Matt, the soldier boy … he was shot dead during the arrest.”


Jana screamed and began crying and her frantic struggles brought the cop to a swift orgasm, and he didn’t withdraw as he ejaculated.


After they were finished, the men left the basement, warning the two girls not to talk until they returned.

Courtney was still lying naked and bruised on the bed, breathing shallowly, staring at the ceiling and not moving; Jana was still strapped to the table. Jana wanted to ask if it was true, if Matt could really be dead, but she didn’t want another beating. Her ass was still burning from the spanking. She also figured that Courtney either might not know the truth or would deliberately lie.

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