It's My Life (Filming Rhiannon. Book 1) (4 page)

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Authors: TL Messruther

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: It's My Life (Filming Rhiannon. Book 1)
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“After we were done with the photo shoot I had to go back to Matthew, and he asked me if I would do nude, and I kind of told him yes.” I say as I feel myself blush.

“Oh my gosh, Rhi, you didn’t even want to do the interview, now you're going down the whole nude route, what changed your mind?” she asks surprised at my change of heart, which I am shocked at too.

“I don’t know to be honest, I just had loads of fun. I’m glad you talked me in to doing it, it’s not an average job, but it does look like fun. I get a call back tomorrow to see if I get the job or not. So for tonight, let’s forget about it, and get drunk.” I smile at her.

“Perfect plan. Jake knows I’m out tonight and won’t be back till morning so let’s just have fun.” she says smiling a big smile. I know that when she tells me her boyfriend knows she won’t be home, it means she will be laid in my bed till five tomorrow evening, suffering hangover. I love our girly time, we don’t do it often, but when we do, we do it good.

After we have finished our cocktails, we both decide to dance a few songs, one of my favorite songs starts to play, and I attempt to sing to it, which is gunny because my singing is dreadful, but you have to sing along to Taylor Swift. We dance, laugh, and mock other people’s dress senses. Some of these girls in here, might as well walk around naked.

“Look at what that girl there is wearing.” I point out to Grace. “And she looks about thirteen.” I finish with a giggle.

“Rhi, seriously, after the interview you had just today, you are going to complain about the length of her dress.” she questions mockingly.

“Yeah, this is different, I won’t be going out wearing stuff like this.” I try to defend it.

“Rhi, seriously. You might not go out in them, but you will be in papers, magazines, and even on the TV. Seriously – you just had an interview at Kalebs Productions – a bloody company who makes porn movies, and naked modelling.” she says making her point very valid.

“Urm – yeah. I guess so. I didn’t look at it like that.”

“Never mind, let’s go order another drink.” she says smiling again. “What would you like my little porn star?” she asks a little too loudly as she hooks her arm over my shoulder, and leads me back towards the bar.

That sentence hits me hard. If I do this, I would be classed as a porn star. I’m not sure how I feel about that, but at the end of the day, it’s a job that will pay my bills. I just have to be careful with the media, and my parents finding out. I follow Grace back to the bar.



I wake the next morning, to find Grace fast asleep, and snoring next to me. I nudge her awake, she snores every time, and it does keep me awake, but I love her like a sister, so I put up with it.

“Jeez Rhi, what time is it?” she asks sleepily, rubbing her eyes.

“Its eight-thirty.” I respond groggily.

“Why the hell you waking me up so early? And on a Sunday!”

“You woke me up snoring.”

“I do not snore,” she responds in defense.

“You do. Next time I’m going to record you.” I say laughing. “Anyway, I’m awake now so I’m going to shower.” I inform her as I climb of the bed.

“You always get up far too early.” she mumbles throwing the duvet over her head. “I’m going back to sleep. Don’t wake me for another few hours.” she whines at me, making me chuckle as I make my way to the bathroom.

As I’m showering, I’m taken back to last night. Boy did I drink a lot, we were out till three this morning. We were drinking vodka and shots. Saying that though, Grace drank more than me, at least twice more easily, so I will be shocked if she doesn’t suffer a hangover today. She did complain a few times that I was a lightweight, but in reality I just know my limits. She bypassed hers in a few hours.

Once I am done with my shower, I walk back to my room, and Grace is snoring again. Revenge I think. I quietly grab my phone of the bed side table and record her. I suspect you can hear me giggling in the background, but it was hard to not laugh, I did warn her, she just didn’t believe me.

I proceed to get dressed, once I know the recording has saved. I pull out my white lacy underwear, and my white shirt dress. I slowly walk back to the bathroom, where I put my clothes on.

I decide to let Grace sleep, like she so nicely demanded, and I make my way to the kitchen to fill the coffee machine for my morning coffee. I might need more than one to function today.

While that’s filtering my coffee, I make a start on preparing breakfast. Pancakes and bacon, and a side serving of fruit. I best make Grace some too, or she will eat mine.

Once that’s all cooked, and the coffee is ready I put it all on a tray, and make my way back to my room to wake up Grace.

On my way, I pass my front door, and notice someone has posted something.

Instantly fear runs through me. It’s a Sunday, which means no mail, and I have a horrible feeling in the pit of my stomach as I open the envelope.


I told you, you wouldn’t escape me bitch. You have something that belongs to me, and I want access to it. Ignoring me won’t make me go awake. It’s time to pay up. I don’t do waiting, and you should know that. I always get what I want. Tick tock Rhiannon, the clock is counting down.


Reading this note, tears spring to my eyes. I am getting these notes weekly, and I can’t tell anyone about them, I know who is sending them, I just don’t know how to get them to stop. I can’t give them what they want, because I don’t have it. I gave it away years ago, and I font even know how this person knows where I live. I have tried to keep myself hidden, and now I know it will only get worse if I get this job. I will be everywhere, and this can all become unhidden and could ruin my life. I have to find a way to stop this, and quickly.

Stuffing it in my bag, I put on the famous smile that everyone believes, and finish my way back up to Grace. She doesn’t even know about the notes, she will flip if she knew, and that could lead to danger for her. She is one of the ones who knows about my past, but I will not lead her into danger. This I have to do on my own.

“Hey sleepy head. It’s time to wake up.” I say placing the tray on the bedside table.

“I brought you breakfast.” I say smiling. “It’s almost ten now, so come on get a move on.” I say dragging the duvet of her.

“I hate how you're always so cheerful. My head is banging, and you're up, showered, cooked breakfast, and ready to start your day. I’m just ready to sleep all day.”

“I do say every time we go out, not to drink so much, but you still do.”

“I won’t next time.” she says seriously.

“You also say that every time. I'll go get you some tablets, don’t go back to sleep” I threaten. I run to my bathroom, and get the tablets from the medicine cabinet and make my way back to my room.

“GRACE,” I shout as I walk in, and notice she has fallen back to sleep.

She rolls over and moans. “Tablets are here for you, as is coffee.” I say handing her the tablets.

“Thank you.” she responds after she has taken them, but not before she moans at the sudden movement.

“Your welcome. Oh yeah, I also got a recording of you snoring.” I inform her trying not to laugh. “While I showered you went back to sleep, and I did warn you.” I say looking at the horrified expression on her face.

I grab my phone of the bedside table and play her the recording.

“You can’t prove that’s me,” she answers, with a pout, knowing I have her.

“Next time, I will actually video record you then.” I say while she pulls a face.

“Oh I forgot to say, while you were in the shower, you had a phone call. Someone called Kaleb Braxton,” she pauses while deep in thought. “Shit, Kaleb productions,” she says more to herself than to me after more though.

“Shit, why didn’t you say earlier?” I ask pulling up my call log.

“I totally forgot.”

“Did he say what he called for? – damn.”

“He just asked me to tell you to call him back when you have the time.” she says looking apologetic.

“I'll call him now.” I say as I press the call button.

It rings a few times before a female answers.

“Hello, thank you for calling Kalebs productions. This is Sammie speaking, how may I help?” she says with efficiency.

“Hi, this is Rhiannon calling. I have a message from Kaleb Braxton to call him back.”

“May I grab your name again please?” she asks.

“Certainly. Its Rhiannon Addison.”

“Oh yes, we interviewed you yesterday, please hold while I put you through to Mr. Braxton.” she responds before putting me on hold. Some nice relaxing music is now playing in my ear.

“What’s happening?” Grace asks while I’m still on hold.

“I'm getting put through to the boss now, hold your horses’ woman.” I whisper back.

A few more seconds on hold, and a smooth velvet voice comes through the line.

“Kaleb, how may I help?”

“Hello, this is Rhiannon Addison. I had a message asking me to call you.” I explain nervously.

“Of course. Miss Addison, I looked over your interview records, and I must say I am very impressed with what you produced. You have the looks, and personality we are looking for. I am willing to offer you the job, if you're still interested.” he says, getting straight to the point.

Wow his voice alone could be dangerous, but still he is offering me the job. I didn’t expect this to be honest. I thought I was a nervous wreck in my interview compared to others, and at one point, I thought I lost it because of my smart mouth.

“Urm, Miss Addison, you still there?” he asks with a hint of annoyance in his voice.

“Yes, sorry.” I respond realizing I lost myself to my thoughts while I was still on the phone.

“I would love to come work for you Mr. Braxton.” I say as excitement floods my system.

“That’s brilliant. Come by tomorrow, tell Sammie on reception that I sent you. I would like to chat with you before you start tomorrow if that’s okay. Could you be here for say...... seven-thirty?”

“Off course I can. Thank you Mr. Braxton.” I say hanging up. Trying to contain my excitement, I look at Grace who is watching me closely. I try to keep a straight face, but fail epically. I jump off my bed, and start screaming.

“I got the job, I got the job.” I scream at her. She jumps of the bed and screams alongside me. We both jump on my bed, screaming and laughing.

“Well done. I am so proud of you.” Grace says. “Does this call for a drink tonight?”

“Wow, you sure got over your hangover.” I laugh.

“No, I put it aside to celebrate with my best friend.”

I laugh at her, “I can’t drink tonight. I have to be there by seven-thirty in the morning. The boss wants to see me before I start.” I explain as I drag her down to sit on the bed beside me. I’m not sure how much jumping my poor bed could take.

“Oh the boss wants to see you before you even start, is this good or bad?”

“I'm not sure, but I’m not going to worry about it. I'll just go see what he wants.”

“Well, I’m proud of you, but don’t forget about me when you're famous.” she jokes.

“I will never forget you Grace, you're my best friend, and always will be.” I say going in for a hug.


I arrive at work ten minutes earlier than planned. I need to make a good first impression. It’s a wet Monday morning, and the roads are full of traffic, transporting people to their jobs no less. I pull up to the big house and hand my key to the valet. He smiles at me and takes the key from me.

I walk in to the big house once again, and I’m greeted by the kind old man.

As I approach the reception desk Sammie is there.

“Good morning, Miss Addison. Mr. Braxton told me he was expecting you. He is just on a conference call, and should be done in the next five or so minutes. Please take a seat and I will call you once he’s ready for you.” she says professionally before retreating back to her tasks.

I walk back to the same waiting area I was sat in not even two days prior.

As I nervously wait for Mr. Braxton, I make sure my appearance is acceptable once again. I know I was told I won’t be wearing my own clothes, but I still like to look the part. This morning I decided to wear my white summer dress, and brown cowboy boots. It’s not a suit, but its presentable and comfy. As I sit and wait, my foot makes a nervous tapping on the floor. I try to sit as still as possible, but I fail, nerves are just making it extremely impossible.

A few minutes later Sammie calls me to let me know Mr. Braxton is ready. I smile my thanks and follow her out the room nervously.

She leads me to a big dark wooden door, knocks to make her presence known, and leaves me on my own. Okay, I can do this. I take a steadying deep breath, and prepare myself for what awaits me on the other side of this big intimidating door.

“Come in,” the voice calls back. I slowly open the door and make my way in. The room is stark white, with movie posters dotted around the walls. There is a man sat at a dark desk, who I presume to be Mr. Braxton. He is wearing a crisp black suit jacket, on top of black jeans, and a white t-shirt.

He stands as I walk in, and extends his hand professionally.

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