Insatiable (6 page)

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Authors: Mirrah

BOOK: Insatiable
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“Drake…we mustn’t, we’re not alone.” I bit back a moan.

“The privacy glass is up, Bella. Aidan can’t see us.”

,” I purred like a cat in heat.

“You have too much clothes on.” Drake unclasped my bra and tossed it and my blouse aside. His assault was fierce. He kissed and sucked deeply from my areolas until they were taut and stinging before moving onto the next.

that feels so good,” I cooed in Spanish.

My breath came in long, surrendering moans as he continued to lavish my nipples.

Imminent surrender.
I was in heaven from the naughty ravishment of Drake’s wicked tongue. Soon, his fingers slid sensuously over my body knowing exactly what his touch was doing to me. He raised my skirt and pulled back my thong. His masterful fingers played with the nest of moist feminine curls. Soon, the feverish thrust of his fingers dipping inside of my heat had me crying out for more. My desire crested, my creamed oozed down his fingers as the impending start of an orgasm shook my body.

“You like,” Drake groaned.

“You…know…I…do.” I cooed when I could form the words.

I sighed and moaned. My body was on fire. I desired him as badly as he wanted me. Needing more than his fingers teasing me, I lifted off his lap and helped him to remove his pants and silk briefs.

He will never have to use drugs to enhance his sexual drive. His erection bopped before me sinfully—deliciously causing me to flow generously

Finally, I took him into my hands and squeezed him.

“Hey, I need that. Be gentle with my joystick.”

“Your joystick,” I repeated, amazed by the names men came up with for their other head.

joystick. You care to come on board?”

I want a ride

I teasingly covered him up as I protected us.

“Bella,” he groaned and I watched his eyes smoldered again.

I was nearly purring when Drake lifted me and took him into my body, inch by sweet inch, until his loins hit the tip of my womb.

, you feel so good. I’ve missed you,” Drake whispered in my ear.

“It has only been five-days since we last made love,

“I’m a ravenous man who doesn’t like to be kept waiting.”

I laughed at him. Drake wasn’t a patient man—stubborn, but generous with his money and body. I knew what he wanted and was more than happy to give him what he desired—me.

“Fuck me like you missed me,” I naughtily cooed to him in Spanish. “Five-days
a long time to not have you inside of me Drake—loving me. I need you now,

Drake pulled out, and then seated himself between my moist thighs in one deep sweet thrust. He began to fuel my body, pumping in and out slowly—deeply—feverishly, until I screamed with delight. I found new bound energy as heat rippled down to my toes.

“You are
every damn sweet inch of your body—

He kissed me.


He took one nipple between his teeth and gently gnawed on it until I screamed again.

pussy, Bella—
pussy,” Drake chanted.

, yes, yes, yes!”
I could feel my love muscles pulling him in deeper.

Suddenly, he reversed our positions. Our sex separated.

“Drake,” I whimpered needing him fully back inside of me.

He stretched me fully out on the leather seat, and then drove into me like a horny bull.

“Yes! Drake, yes, I am yours. I am yours!” I cried out, offering myself to him again.

His thrusts were hard and deep, but desirously wanted. My toes curled, my limbs immediately wrapped around his hips for more of his pleasure. We stroked each other rhythm for rhythm. Soon, we were moaning and staring into the other’s daze filled eyes. His cock pumped into my haven again and again. We were lost in our own passionate world until we climaxed within seconds of the other.


That set the tone for the weekend. By Valentine’s Day I had been thoroughly made love to. Drake woke me up to breakfast in bed that morning, later we bathed together in the Jacuzzi until our skins were wrinkled. After consuming several glasses of chilled champagne mimosas, eating a dozen oysters and steamed shrimps, we fell back into bed and made love again. I spent the most romantic—erotic weekend in Drake’s arms and I didn’t ever want to leave him.



Chapter Seven

Our secret love affair was in a holding pattern by the middle of May. Drake went away to Boston for a business conference. He was away the entire week, and I missed him like crazy. However, Ms. Phillips kept me busy at the office.

Drake returned to the office on Wednesday. Before I could greet him with a kiss, he was called into a meeting. At noon, I stopped by his office and found he was still held up with his top division heads, including Ms. Phillips. His secretary ordered a working lunch for them. I caught a glimpse of him when he grabbed his lunch. He winked at me. I gave him a subtle smile, and noticed the stress etched across his forehead. I planned to relieve him of his stress the moment we are alone. My sexual appetite was as equal to his. I missed him.


Drake was still inside his office in another meeting when I left work at six o’clock. I envisioned what we
needed, another insatiable weekend of sex. I immediately planned a surprise for Drake that weekend. I ordered a bouquet of red roses, and a romantic dinner rich with seafood—oysters, and shrimps, his favorites to be delivered to his home.


Thursday morning, I sat at my desk with a cup of coffee in my hands, wondering why Drake never called me last evening. I texted him at nine
and after not receiving a reply went to bed and dreamed about him.

, get to work,” I told myself.
I turned on my computer and began my day assured I’d hear from Drake shortly.


The buzz of the telephone startled me, an hour later.

“Hart Enterprises, Accounting department, Ms. Ruiz speaking. How may I help you?”

“Ms. Ruiz, Mr. Hart would like you to come to his office.” Drake’s efficient secretary stated, in her dry monotone voice.

“Yes, ma’am,” I giddily replied. I couldn’t hide my delight. I was eager to see my man.

Finally, I’d get some alone time with him. I planned to kiss him until he couldn’t control himself, and I didn’t care if we got another quickie right there in his office again.

I wanted him fiercely. But Drake wasn’t alone when I stepped inside. Ms. Phillips and the security officer, Mr. Nolan accompanied him.

“Good morning,” I politely greeted them all.

Mr. Nolan offered me his seat, but his usual friendly personality was gone. He was very formal, and I felt a chill in that room.

 Ms. Ruiz, I’ll come straight to the point of this meeting,” Drake said, all business-like, and impersonal. “Our recent examination revealed a discrepancy with one of your accounts.”

“Which account is
, Mr. Hart?”

“The Donnelly account has a seven hundred-thousand dollar discrepancy. Can you explain that, Ms. Ruiz?” He
an accusatory tone in his voice.

I couldn’t miss the anger in his voice, nor his unwavering glare. He looked right through me, as if we weren’t lovers.

I like to see that reports,
. Hart,” I countered.
I know he isn’t sitting there calling me a liar and a thief!

I bolted out of my seat, and snatched that report right out of his hands. How could that be? I sat back in my seat and flipped through the report. “No, there has
to be a mistake.” A migraine was beginning and my head started to pound. “May I use your computer?” I whispered, in a state of denial.

“Please do,” he said and stood. For a moment when I slipped into his chair, I saw a sparkle of life come back into Drake’s eyes.

His sandalwood cologne wafted under my nostrils, and the heat from his body warmed me when we brushed past each other.

My hands frantically dashed across the keyboard, entering my password, and calling up the Donnelly spreadsheets. There was still a discrepancy.

“Isabella, did you
that discrepancy?” Ms. Phillips inquired.

Ms. Phillips’ superior attitude and that smug look on her face sent a chill down my spine. For the first time, I
looked at her. I didn’t take that money. The only other person who could have was my immediate supervisor.

misappropriated that money, Ms. Phillips,” I accused.

“Really, Isabella; Mr. Hart that would be next to impossible.
Each of the accounts assigned to our accountants are password protected. There’s no way I could’ve gotten into her accounts. The Information Technology department could confirm that. All of the entries on that report displayed Isabella’s password.”

“Which you could have easily obtained, Ms. Phillips.
I wrote it down on a notepad inside of my locked desk— for which
have the spare key,” I spat. Professionalism was long gone since I was fighting to regain my honor.

“I didn’t know that. Besides, your password is supposed to be stored in your head, and not lying around for anyone to get hold of, Ms. Ruiz,” her words were quietly spoken as she maintained her control.

I stared at the bitch, my supervisor. She looked back at me with a big smile on her face which proved
to me.

Drake sat back at his desk with the incriminating report. This time when he looked up at me, his blue eyes were flat. His tone of voice became colder when he spat out his orders.

“Ms. Ruiz, you’re relieved of your duties!”

He turned to the security officer. Mr. Nolan, please
Ms. Ruiz to her desk, make sure that she packs up her personal belongings, and see her out of this building—now!”

“No!” I screamed.

My professionalism was gone when I ripped that report right out of Drake’s hands.

fire me!”

“You’re lucky I’m
firing you. I could have you arrested for embezzlement. That’s serious jail-time, Ms. Ruiz.”

“Ms. Ruiz,” I repeated.

Tears welled up in my eyes. Drake truly believed I had taken the money!

I found my right hand sliding across his desk, grabbing his wrist, and wrapping my fingers around his. My mind replayed the last time we made love, and how Drake held my hands. He had a touching fetish, and I hoped he could feel my love for him. We were so close, then. Now, we’re miles apart.

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