I'm Holding On (15 page)

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Authors: Scarlet Wolfe

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Attempting to Put on the Brakes



of my many fantasies about Brynlee is coming true. Her nakedness is pressed against me in the shower. I could be on borrowed time, and although the moments we’re intimate make me love her more and will only cause me pain if I don’t get to have her, it’s still worth it. They’re memories that can’t be taken from me.

My hands glide along her hourgl
ass figure until they’re holding onto her hips. She throws her head back as I pull her nipple into my mouth, sucking on it before I let it pop free. She moans every time I do it, and I want to erupt as her sultry, wet body brushes against mine.

er hand slides around my throbbing cock that’s shoved against her stomach. She strokes up and down, water making her hand move with ease. This is not going to take long. I plunge my tongue into her mouth and bury my hands in her hair.

I’m overwhelmed by all the sensations from
the steam billowing around us to her tongue in my mouth, her tits hitting my chest and her hand rubbing my dick.

Fingers go
down over my sack, and back up the length, before her thumb circles the tip, sending me over the edge. I growl into her neck and pull on the hair I have hold of. My legs want to give as the ecstasy continuously pumps through me.

When I begin to come down from the insane high Bryn has sent me on, I can’t resist sinking my fingers into her. “Dammit, Bryn, you are so fucking warm inside.”

She whimpers and presses her forehead against my shoulder. Her hands wrap tightly around my biceps as her body begins shaking. My two fingertips find her front wall and begin lightly pumping, her cries encouraging me to do it more.

“Dear god, Drew, what are you touching?” she asks in a drawn out groan. I stifle a chuckle.

“Your special spot, baby, and damn are you ever special.”

er legs are giving, so my free arm holds her up at the waist. The grip on my biceps tighten before she cries out my name and sinks her teeth into my shoulder. Bringing her to orgasm is the best feeling of all.

You’re so tight, Bryn. I’m already hard again.”

“Fuck, Drew. I had no idea an
orgasm could feel like that.”

I wrap her in my arms and hold her snugly for a minute. After our shower, I grab a towel and rub it over her hair and her body some to dry her off. Scooping her
up, I carry her out of the bathroom to my bed. I’ll make her forget she ever met Ian.



“I don’t know, Drew,” I say as he hovers over me, holding himself up with his hands. He leans down and runs his tongue along my ear and then moves to my neck.

“Please, Bryn. Let me taste you.” He kisses a path to my collarbone.

“So much is happening so fast. I need to put the brakes on.”

“Need or want?” His mouth moves to my chest, his tongue making a circle around my hardened nipple. Drew’s mouth, his hands … even his commanding voice turns me on.

“Need, but doesn’t that count for something?”

“Yes, for bigger things. I just want to pleasure you. What harm is in that?” He sucks in my nipple before twirling his impatient tongue around it.

“No. Get off.” I feel
like I’m going insane. I’m only getting in deeper with both of them. Drew lies next to me and turns me toward him.

“Bryn, l
ook at me. What’s happening?”

Please get my clothes,” I say as I begin to cry. Drew sighs and leaves the room.

already love him, and I think I might be falling in love with Ian. It’s not supposed to be like this. Drew walks back in with his shorts on and my clothes in hand.

“Please let me explain what I’m feeling,” I say. Staring at me from the side of the bed, he hands me my clothes.
“Having a physical relationship is bringing us closer, but it’s happening with him, too. The difference is I feel a need to protect your feelings more.”

I’m not sure if I should take that as a good sign or not. Dammit, Bryn, I don’t want you to look at me as only your friend or the nice guy! I told you I want to be with you, and I’m trying to show you that.”

“Stop taking your anger out on me. You helped create this nightmare of a situation,” I say, continuing to cry.
I move to the side of the bed and put on my clothes. He’s pacing around the room, running his hands through his hair repeatedly.

“I’m sorry, Bryn, but I feel desperate to get closer to you in that way.”

“I don’t only think of you as a friend, Drew. I never have, and we obviously have chemistry. Look, I want you to touch me. I want your mouth all over me. I do, but I’m afraid.”

He pulls me
up from the bed, taking me into his arms. “What are you afraid of?”

“I’m scared
I’ll get in deeper with the both of you, and it will only become harder to decide, but mostly I’m afraid of you getting even closer to me and getting hurt if I choose him.”

“Too late, Brynlee
. I gave you my heart long ago.” He gently plants his lips on mine and kisses me slowly. My fingers find their way into his hair that’s still damp from the shower.

We share a long, sensuous kiss, and it’s near impossible not to let him do more to me, but whether he likes it or not, the strong friendship between us is already there, and it’s so
mething I’m trying not to mess up. The sad thing is if I pick Ian, Drew might not want our friendship.

I pull away, and our foreheads rest against each other’s.
“The alpha male in both of you is coming out, and it’s intense.”

actually chuckles. “I’m sorry. I can’t stop myself. I’ve fantasized about you for over two years, and now, you’re in front of me, and I can touch you.

But I know how Ian is, too, so I’m sure it is difficult for you. Come on. I’ll take you home. I don’t want to, but it sounds like I don’t have a choice this time.”

I don’t respond. I can’t say what he wants to hear.
He drives me to my apartment, and once I can finally pull away from another heated kiss, I go inside.

I decide to give Ian a call since I’m supposed to see him tomorrow.

“Hi, sweet girl.”

“Hi, Ian.” I really like hearing
his voice. He always sounds happy. Drew’s moodier with this situation.

“How are you?”

“Fine. Listen, I told Drew today that I need to share less intimate moments with the two of you. Things are getting out of hand.”

“OK. I’ll try to beha
ve. Do you still want me over at noon tomorrow?”

Yes, and make sure you have on those running shoes, and don’t worry, I have an apron for you,” I say, snickering.

“I’m sorry, but w
e had a negotiated wager prior to this new touching rule of yours. I’m an attorney, so of course I’m going to hold you to it.”

I sigh. Th
ese men are too much.

“Fine, but it’s irrelevant since I’m going to win. I miss you
. See you then.”

“We’ll see, sweet girl. I miss you, too.”



I’ve struggled with my anger since speaking to Brynlee yesterday. Knowing she had to tell Drew to keep his hands to himself has me pissed. I’ve probably had my hands on her more since he’s a chicken shit, but I still hate thinking of them fooling around.

This situation
is getting out of control, and it’s irritating since Brynlee is the first woman I want to date exclusively. I park in front of her apartment and see that she’s outside waiting for me with a sly grin on her face.

I haven’
t been getting my exercise in since I came back to my hometown, and I have a strong suspicion we’re going to be running far. Before I even get to her, she’s on her feet.

“Hey, don’t
I even get a hug and kiss.”

She turns and runs backward.

“You’ll have to earn it first.”

She’s so fucking hot.
She has the shortest, thin athletic shorts on, and a bra top that goes just below her awesome tits. If I didn’t want to see them moving, I’d stay behind her to stare at her tight ass.

She’d probably smack me if she knew the thoughts I’m having. I catch up with her and give her a sly grin of my own.
“So, how far are we running today?”

“I’m not sure. If I’m in a hurry, I only do about five miles, and something tells me I’m going to be in a hurry since I’d like to kiss you, too.”

“We’re not going to have a winner then since I can easily do five miles.”

She turns her head to look at me.

“I guess we’ll both win.” She winks, and damn, I’m happy now. I might have to wear an apron, but I get to lick food off her body later.

We run through the Pearl district, n
ear where Bryn lives. It’s an eclectic area where the shopping is diverse from cheap to expensive with a lot of handmade items. There are antiques and bookstores to clothing boutiques and places selling outdoor gear.

offee shops and an array of restaurants serving anything from pizza to organic meals line the streets. It’s a cool part of Portland. Although there are some upscale shops, it’s not stuffy like the area I grew up in.

It’s June and the weather is great today, only being in the mid-seventies right now.
I can see that Brynlee takes her running seriously. She’s in a rhythm, a zone you could say, and I get the vibe this is her therapeutic time to think.

never says another word until we make it back to her place. I’m winded, and she’s not whatsoever, but I would’ve killed myself not letting her win if she’d ran farther.

“Come on in.”
I follow her into the apartment and watch her go straight to the kitchen. She pulls two bottled waters out of her fridge and hands me one.

“I’m going to jump in the shower. I’ll be quick. Then you can take one if you l
ike, but don’t feel obligated.”

“I brought a change of clothes. We
would conserve water taking one together.”

Her hands go to her hips and her head cocks to the side. “No, Ian. We’re taking separate showers
. You’re already overturning my rule today with your loophole.”

I hold my hands up in front of me.

“OK, sorry. You can’t blame me for trying. It wouldn’t be me if I didn’t.”

She wraps her arms around my neck, and the feel
of them sliding across the sweat between us has me hard. I yank her to me.

“That I believe,” she says, smiling.

“Feel what you do to me.”

“Yes, I can’t miss what
you’re rubbing against me.”

I let out a chuckle. “Go get your shower before I show up in there, anyway.”

She lets me go, and when she turns, I swat her ass. I can’t help it. It looks awesome in those shorts.

We’re Good at Our Jobs



I’m in the shower, trying to keep up the confidence I’ve managed to display so far today. Inside, I’m a nervous wreck since Ian’s surely going to push my restraint.

I saw no sense
in trying to race him. First, I’ve never met anyone so determined, so I’m sure he would’ve beat me. Second, even if I had won, it wouldn’t have stopped him from touching me. These guys barely take no for an answer.

I put on a hot pink tank top and
a pair of Victoria Secret grey sweats with their Pink logo going down one of the legs. I enter the living room, and Ian eyes me from head to toe, giving me his signature look. The one that makes the craving I hold intact to unfurl in my belly.

“Help yourself to the towels on the shelf i
n the bathroom. I put out the shampoo and soap that smells the least girly.”

Ian grins before he saunters to the hallway, his change of clothes in hand.

I have a very small island in my kitchen, which I set the ingredients on for our croissants. I’m sure he’ll be doing more watching, touching and eating than learning, but I think it’ll be a fun time with him. He never disappoints in that department.

Ian come
s out, his golden blonde hair messy and damp. His black athletic shorts are hanging low on his hips, and his blue, Columbia University t-shirt is snug. This man looks sexier every time I see him.

His hands splay across my stomach after he wraps his arms around my waist. His lips find my neck before his teeth nibble.

“You’re not wearing a bra. That’s sexual harassment in the workplace.”

“Bothering with one is kind of
futile with you, but I imagine I could have a full on harassment lawsuit if you do to me what you have planned.”

Ian yanks me around until I’m facing him, my b
ack pressed against the island.

“I kinda think you’re looking forward to this trouble today, and I haven’t had my kiss yet.”

His tongue slips between my parted lips that have no urge to put up a fight. Taking his time, he explores every corner of my mouth and caresses my tongue with his while his thumbs draw circles on my waist.

He’s in control and giving me a taste of the sexual prowess he’ll impose on me later. I put my hands on his chest.

“OK, it’s time for you to learn not teach.”

I get a big laugh
from him.

“I love how clever you are. Teach away.”

“We’re making chocolate mousse croissants today.”

“Are those the ones you brought me on our first date?”

“Yes, and now, you’ll be able to make them.”

“You’re a funny girl.”

I proceed to give Ian a quick rundown of what we’ll be doing exactly. He’s meticulous in measuring the ingredients out for me. With his personality, I expect as much. I’d already gotten the dough ready since it takes a lot of preparation and time being refrigerated.

Ian insists on standing behind me as we roll it out. His strong
biceps are rubbing against my arms as his powerful hands move with mine on the rolling pin.

I feel like Demi
Moore in
. It’s erotic as his breath falls on my ear and cheek. My lips are quivering, and my legs begin to tremble. I try to grasp how I quickly became a junkie to Ian’s sensuous being.

We cut out the
dough, and I show him how to fill each piece with the chocolate mousse we made from scratch.

“I knew I’d enjoy doing this with you, but it’s been more fun than I expected,” he says. After he finishes the last one, he scoops out a finger of mousse and sticks it straight into my mouth. I suck it off as he slowly pulls it out.

Eyes never leave my mouth, and I see Ian’s control slipping. “Who knew baking could be so erotic,” he says slowly.

I lick
my lips. “I didn’t until today.”

While we wait on the croissants
to finish cooking, we discuss other places we long to travel to. I tell him about the chef I’d like to take a class from in France, and he seems excited about it since he’s tried his hand at baking.

I place the
warm croissants on a tray, and show Ian how to pipe a drizzle of melted chocolate onto each of them.

re really good at this. I knew you would be. You’re too intelligent and attentive not to be able to follow the directions. That’s all cooking really requires.”

“Thank you, but you need to give yourself a litt
le more credit. Not everyone could do this. When will Andrea be home?”

“Not until
late. She’s out of town for the day, visiting her mother.”

There’s the look.
He’s been patient, but sucking on his finger killed it.

“Do you want a croissant?” I ask.

He shakes his head no, his seductive look never wavering. “But I am pretty fond of this mousse and chocolate sauce.”

He reaches over and slowly pulls my tank top over my
head. “Your body is phenomenal, Brynlee.” In one swift move, Ian has me picked up and is laying me on the kitchen floor. He squats down at my feet and begins sliding my sweats off, displaying my pink, silky panties.

“I’m going to honor your new rule today.”

“Oh really? It sure doesn’t appear that way, seeing I’m one, tiny article of clothing away from being stark naked.”

“You said I could kiss you.” He stands and then returns to the floor with the bowl of mousse and the pastry bag of chocolate sauce. “
I’m going to spread this on you with my fingers, but then I promise to only use my mouth to remove it.”

“Mr. Williams, is this how you plan to man
ipulate your way around a courtroom?”

He smirks. “A lot of money has been spent to ensure I’m good at my job.”
His playful expression darkens to the provocative one I’ve grown accustomed to.

You’re going to come for me right here on this floor, and I’m not even going to put my mouth on the easiest spot to make that happen.”

My lips are quivering again, and I’m holding my breath. Can he really make me orgasm wit
hout touching me there? He’s good, but he isn’t that talented.

“No way.”

“No way, you won’t let me, or no way it isn’t possible.”

“It isn’t possible.”

“We’ll see about that.”

Ian scoops a handful of mo
usse out of the bowl and smears it lightly along both sides of my neck and my arms. Another scoop slides down my legs. My body shivers as I force air out of my lungs.

More of it smears
across my chest and all over my stomach. I can’t help but flinch from the feel of his fingers and the coolness of the mousse.

Picking up the pastry bag, he pipes c
ircles of chocolate sauce on my nipples, which bead even harder under the liquid. He’s calculating and patient with his placement, his eyes becoming heady as every inch of my body transforms into a living pastry.

He puts the bowl and bag back on the island and removes his shirt. My breath hitches even more when I see his broad chest, streamlined waist and ripped abs. The V’s off his hips are showing, and the trail of
blonde hair that disappears into his shorts has me wanting to take them off.

The next thing I know, he’s over top of me, holding himself up with his arms. His mouth goes to my ear, and his blistering breath sends chills down my spine.

“Relax, Brynlee. I promise I won’t bite, not too hard, anyway.” His lips begin their descent down my neck, his tongue twirling and teasing as he licks up the mousse. The anticipation of what’s to come has me ready to hyperventilate, and my body is stiffening from his faint touch.

His sizzling mouth moves to my arms
next, his slick tongue skimming down the length of them. My fingers form a tent as I press them hard into the floor.

“Ian, this is torture.”

“You deserve to be in paradise, so close your eyes and let me take you there.”

My eyelids shut, but I feel
my lashes fluttering from my frayed nerves. The tip of his wet tongue plays along my stomach, causing me to flinch and whimper from the prickling sensations. In an effort to brace myself, I thread my fingers through his hair.

“Mmm …” I hear come from his lip
s. His body then moves farther down mine until his tongue is swirling languid circles along my legs. My heels shove into the floor as the ache between my thighs pulsates, and a burning heat spreads out to my extremities.

Oh, Ian,” I mutter.

slithers back up to my neck, sucking, nibbling and groaning. “I know you’re close, baby,” he whispers in my ear.

His mouth traces chocolate down to my nipples
. My breasts are swollen and at full attention when his tongue begins circling them. I pull his hair and let out “awws” from the mounting sensation of his mouth lapping up the mouse and chocolate sauce.

I’m beginning to believe
I could reach climax if he continues, and I don’t know if it’s because what we’re doing is so erotic or the fact my eyes are closed, leaving me to only focus on the euphoria his mouth is giving.

The heat of his tongue mixing with the coolness of the chocolate is like fire and ice to my skin. He contin
ues licking and sucking at my breasts until I’m moaning wildly and digging my nails into his scalp.

e then drags each nipple through his teeth, causing me to buck beneath him as every tug of my stiff peaks makes my ache stronger and my panties wetter.

“Let go with me. You want to come, and I’ll keep doing this until you do.” The assault on my nipples is never ending as he repeatedly drags them through his teeth before sucking on them hard.

Oh, god. I feel it beginning. The tingling everywhere is overwhelming, the throbbing too much. My muscles squeeze over and over, wanting something to clench, wanting Ian’s hard cock to hold onto.

, Ian. I want you inside of me.”

Tell me to do it, and I’ll be in that warm, tight space in a second.” He slides my nipples one last time through his smoldering mouth until I can’t take it anymore. “That’s it. Come for me, Brynlee.”

My body convulses
as the bursts of pleasure explode like fireworks. I’m lightheaded and starving for oxygen. His mouth is back on mine, sharing the taste of chocolate and his incessant want.

“Every day I could make you feel that incredible
. Let me, sweet girl. Please,” he whispers against my lips.

I want to
make him feel as good physically, so I manage to roll him over in the small space between the counter and the island. I’m now on top, sitting up and straddling him.

“Don’t move
. I can’t tell you what you want to hear right now, but I can show you how much I want you, too.”

scoot farther down his legs and work my fingers along the happy trail of his taut abdomen. After climbing off of him, I pull on his shorts taking them and his boxers off quickly, and I can’t help but stare at his long length.

his legs again, I let my eyes roam back up his body. The light above us is shining into his, and they’re greener than any I’ve ever seen before. The eagerness and wonder is there as he waits for my next move.

I grip his swollen cock and revel in the feel of it. The last time I touched him, he was pleasuring me, and it was almost all I could focus on, but now, the velvety
outer feel over the rock hard, pulsing flesh beneath my palm arouses me.

Leaning over, I
wrap my mouth around his dick, sealing my lips, taking him all the way back to my throat. He growls and grabs hold of my hair on each side.

Yearning to make him feel even better, I pull back some and run circles around his tip with my tongue, taking in the taste of the first drop of evidence fro
m his excitement.

My lips slide back down the smoothness of his length, and I pick up sp
eed. Each time I go farther, he pushes my head and groans.

“Fuck, Brynlee, I’m not
going to last much longer. You’re great at this.”

I grip the base of his erection harder and run my thumb in an upward then downward motion while taking him as far back as possible until he’s
saying my name with a long growl. He holds my head still as his salty, sweet release pumps into my mouth. I love knowing I made him feel good.

Still fantasizing about sex with him
, I crawl up his body and rest my head on his shoulder. He wraps his arms around me and buries his face in my thick strands.

“That’s it. You ruined me. Sorr
y, but I’m never letting you go.”

I’m aware
he’s talking about a blow job here, but his words still sound sweet and give me butterflies.

I lean back and look at him. “You’re doing a number o
n me, too. I swear I’m still turned on.”

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