If I Loved You (Hollywood Hearts 1) (20 page)

BOOK: If I Loved You (Hollywood Hearts 1)
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“Don’t stop now.” Chaz’s gaze grew warmer, and a sexy grin swept across his face.

“No strip tease over the Internet.”

“How about in person?” He sat straight up in his chair, his attention riveted to her.

“Maybe,” she teased, smiling flirtatiously.

“I can’t wait.” He wiggled his eyebrows.

“Me, too.” She slid her chair back up to the desk, propped her elbows up, and rested her chin in her hands.

“Megan…I…I…” He leaned forward slightly.

He paused and she sat stock still, waiting for him to continue. “I’ll tell you when I see you.”    “Gotta go,” Megan said, hiding her disappointment.

“Goodnight, little chick. Sweet dreams.” Chaz blew a kiss at the screen.

“Goodnight, Dunc. Sending hugs and kisses.”

They both put their palms on the screen, and Megan swore she could feel his hand against hers.
Then, the screen went black and Meg’s smile evaporated.
He was going to say it. I could see it in his eyes. He was definitely going to say “I love you” tonight. Maybe when I get to Phoenix.
She sighed, brushed her teeth, removed her lingerie, and slipped into bed.
It won’t be long now before I’ll be lying beside him again, even if only for a little while.
She pictured herself snuggled in bed against Chaz and sleep engulfed her quickly.


* * * *


Brielle arrived at the office early on Monday morning. She could hardly contain her excitement. After checking the computer and finding her changes made, she rubbed her hands together in silent glee.
Down you go, little Miss “Harvard.”

Brielle checked her watch.
That little bitch is out for three days. Timing is perfect.
She sat drinking her coffee for a minute, practicing showing a worried expression. When she had it right, she put down her coffee and marched into Harvey Dillon’s office.

When she knocked on Mr. Dillon’s open door, he waved her in. “You’re in early, Brielle. What can I do for you, dear?”

“I wanted to talk to you before anyone else arrived. I’m really worried, Mr. Dillon.”

“Come in and tell me about it. Close the door.”

She walked in and sat in the chair facing his desk.

“Every now and then I check to make sure all the deposits and withdrawals have gone through…the way you asked me to…”
Dumping that thankless job on me gave me this idea.

She shifted uncomfortably in her chair, making sure Harvey never took his eyes off her.
This performance should get an Academy Award!

“Well, you know how I love Dillon and Weed. I wouldn’t want anything bad to happen to the firm, so I’m coming to you right away.”

“What is it, Brielle…spit it out.” Harvey lounged back in his chair.

“I thought it looked funny that twenty-five thousand dollars disappeared from the total on Chaz Duncan’s account, and when I looked at Megan Davis’ account, it was twenty-five thousand dollars higher than last week.”

Harvey Dillon sat up so fast he almost spilled his coffee. “What?”

“Megan transferred twenty-five thousand dollars from Mr. Duncan’s account to her own. I thought that was odd and wanted to bring it to your attention right away…before any scandal broke.”

“Are you sure?” Harvey went to his computer and pulled up the records.

“I’m pretty sure,” she said, trying not to smile.

“I see the transfer. There must be some explanation.” Harvey’s brow knitted.

“I can only see one. I suppose it’s too much temptation…handling seven million dollars. Guess she figured he wouldn’t miss a few thousand here and there.”

“Oh my God! Meg is stealing from Chaz Duncan? I thought she might be having an affair with him…but stealing? Shit! This is terrible. We’re ruined if this gets out.” He turned to Brielle.

“Tell no one. I’m going to put the money back and we can pretend like this never happened.”

“What about Megan?” Brielle opened her eyes as wide as she could.

“She’s fired, of course. I’m shocked, totally shocked. And to think I was about to give her access to several other wealthy clients’ accounts that are coming to the firm.” Harvey blew out a big breath and collapsed back into his big chair.

“You have my word. This will never leave my lips.” Brielle motioned locking up her mouth.

He turned to face her, a grateful smile on his lips.

“Thank you so much for bringing this to my attention. You’ll get a bonus for this, Brielle. You’ve saved our company. I’m going to get right on this.” He stood up and offered his hand. She shook it and left.

Back in her office, Brielle couldn’t stop smiling.
Now, part two.
She sat down at her desk and sipped her coffee while she looked up a phone number on her computer. Sitting back, she smiled broadly before dialing. “
Celebs R Us
? Tiffany Cowles, please.”

Brielle lounged back in her chair, resting her feet on her garbage can. She licked her lips as she waited to be connected. “Tiffany Cowles? I have some information for you…”


* * *


The plane landed on time at the Mesa Gateway Airport in Phoenix. Megan had only a carryon bag, and she stood tapping her foot while she waited for other passengers to move off the plane. Her eyes scanned the crowd as she headed toward the door, but she didn’t see Chaz.

A young man with a mustache wearing a cap approached her. “Taxi, lady?” The young man asked in a thick Italian accent.

Megan barely looked at the man as her gaze continued to search the crowd. “No, thanks, I’m expecting someone.”

“Me, perhaps?” The man dropped his accent.

Megan whirled around and saw a pair of dark eyes twinkling at her. “Chaz?”

“At your service. Right this way.” He picked up her bag and took her arm, leading her to the door.

As the doors to the outside opened, they were met with a wall of hot, dry air. Chaz opened the front door of a waiting taxi and deposited her bag. Then he opened the backdoor and motioned her in, joining her after she slid over. He removed the cap and carefully peeled off the mustache.

Megan laughed as he transformed from a handsome stranger to the gorgeous man she loved.

“I never know what to expect from you.”

“Smooth pickup from the airport when I arrive as Giuseppe, eh?”

Before she could answer, he folded her into his arms and stole her breath away with a passionate kiss. Megan returned his ardor as desire overtook her, sending heat pulsing through her body.

“Where to?” 

Chaz broke away from her for a moment. “The Ritz Carleton.”

“Aye, aye, Captain Spencer.” He made the
West of the Sun
salute then put his cab in gear.

The lovers kissed for the entire ride to the hotel. He slipped one hand up over her breast, lighting her fire. They broke apart when the hotel doorman opened the door and cleared his throat. Glowing with desire, their eyes met when Chaz took her hand, escorting her through the automatic doors.

He stopped at the front desk to pick up a second key for Megan.

“Miss Davis? You have a fax, I believe.” The desk clerk went into the back room.

“A fax? Already?” Chaz looked at her.

“I told Harvey where I’d be staying...just in case of emergency. Besides, it’s company policy, I think. You have to give them a place to locate you.”

“What if you’re camping in the woods?” He lifted an eyebrow.

“Good question. I don’t know.”

Their conversation was interrupted by the desk clerk, who tried to maintain a mask-like expression. When Megan saw the crease of his brow, it was obvious that he had read the fax and he was troubled. She looked at him then back at Chaz.

“Maybe I’d better read it.”

They walked toward the elevator as she pulled open the flap and slid the paper out of the envelope.


Dear Ms. Davis,

Your employment with Dillon & Reed has been terminated, effective immediately. Your belongings have been packed up and delivered to your apartment, so there is no need for you to return to our offices.


Harvey Dillon



Tears blurred Meg’s vision as she stared up at Chaz.

“What is it?” He asked snatching the paper from her hand. “What the…can they do this?”

She nodded, a lump formed in her throat blocking speech. The elevator door opened and Chaz took her elbow, ushering her down the hall to his suite. Once inside, Megan slumped against the front door and slid down to the floor, tears cascading down her cheeks.

Chaz put his hands on her upper arms and raised her up. He enveloped her in
his strong arms as she sobbed onto his chest.

“What happened, Meg?”

She shook her head and shrugged.

“You don’t know?”

She took a deep breath and let it out slowly, but her voice still shook as she answered.

“I have no idea. Everything was going so well. I even had a couple of new people ready to sign on.”

“Call Harvey. Maybe you can straighten this out.” Chaz went over to the bar and poured Megan a vodka and tonic. She sat down and dialed the office. Harvey’s secretary referred her to the Dillon & Weed lawyer. “Harvey won’t talk to me. He’s foisted me off on their lawyer.”

Megan covered her face with her hands. Chaz pulled her onto his lap and rubbed her back.

“We’ll get to the bottom of this. Let’s go out and eat. Are you hungry?”

“Not really, though this drink feels good.”

“We can go to a nice restaurant, have a quiet dinner, and plan a strategy of attack…okay, little chick? The press has been good about leaving me alone here, so we should be safe.”

He kissed her sweetly. Meg got up to splash cold water on her face. They held hands while riding down in the elevator. When the doors opened, Megan thought she saw a flash of light.

Once they entered the lobby, a reporter and a photographer cornered them, snapping pictures so fast that the flash temporarily blinded Megan and Chaz. The reporter stuck a mic in Megan’s face.

“I understand you were fired from Dillon & Weed for stealing, Ms. Davis. Care to comment on that?”


“Stealing. Did you do it?”

“No!” She gripped Chaz’s hand harder.

“In fact, my source said you stole from this guy here…Chaz Duncan. Twenty-five thousand large.”

“What? What are you talking about?” Megan knitted her eyebrows when she looked at the reporter.

“So, did you do it? Did you steal from Mr. Duncan, Megan? Come on, you can tell me.”

“I didn’t steal from anyone.” Meg stuck out her chin in spite of the tears stinging at the back of her eyes.

“Weren’t you fired recently?” The reporter persisted, despite Chaz straight-arming him and pulling Megan along behind him.

“That’s none of your business,” Chaz spat at the reporter.

“Who are you? Why do you care about my life?” Megan questioned the reporter.

“Tiffany Cowles sent me. I’m from
Celebs R Us
and as long as you’re hand-in-hand with this guy, you’re news baby.”

Chaz did an abrupt turn-around, pulling Meg with him toward the elevators. The reporter fired questions at her while the photographer continued to snap pictures even as they disappeared into the elevator. Megan stood back from Chaz.

“I didn’t steal from you…honest. I would never do that. You have to believe me.”

“I do believe you, Meg. Let’s go inside. I have to explain something.”

The look of shame on his face piqued her curiosity. Once they were inside, Meg sank down on the sofa. “Maybe we should order room service tonight.” Chaz double-locked the front door.

“What were you going to tell me?”

“This may be my fault…sort of. I contacted Brielle…”

“Brielle? What for?” Meg jumped to her feet.

Chaz waved her back to her seat. “Not for what you’re thinking. Calm down. I got the part in the Broadway show…”

“You did? That’s wonderful!”

Megan moved to get up, but Chaz held up his hand to stop her. “There’s more...You were such an important part of that…rehearsing with me, giving good feedback, encouraging me. I haven’t had that since I lived with the Golds. It meant a lot to me. You helped me realize one of my dreams…to perform on Broadway…and in a musical…the best. So, I wanted to thank you. I wanted to help you have your dream…of helping people, doing financial advising for non-profits…the things we talked about…”

“And so you did…what?” Her eyes narrowed.

“So I contacted Brielle and asked her to move twenty-five thousand dollars from my account to yours…as a gift. Something to help you get started, on your own, if you wanted to. I just wanted to say ‘thank you.’”

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