Highlander's Bride (Heart of the Highlander Series Book 1) (6 page)

BOOK: Highlander's Bride (Heart of the Highlander Series Book 1)
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Katherine felt the last of her tension dissolve
and smiled back. Obviously the young man held true affection for his brother
and offered friendly acceptance of her. 'Twas a pity Alexander showed not as
pleasing a manner. He would do well to learn from his younger brother.

Ian MacGregor stood and held up his hand for
quiet. When the hall became hushed, he spoke. "I agree with William, but
will add something more besides our good wishes." Smiling, he pulled a
small rolled piece of parchment from his sporran. "Alexander and Lady
Katherine, as laird of this proud clan, I vow before all, that as a wedding
gift, I give you Castle Ironwood and all of the surrounding lands and vassals
that serve it. Upon yer marriage, Alexander, you shall be laird of

Merrymakers jumped to their feet, raised their
cups, and shouted, "To Laird Alexander and Castle Ironwood!" A few
men pounded the hilts of their dirks on the tables, while others shouted the
clan motto over and over again.

The MacGregor piper set his lips to his chanter.
His skilled fingers called forth the notes to a lively Highland reel. Several
clansmen headed toward the center of the hall with their women folk. When they
reached a large area clear of tables, they began to dance while others looked
on, clapped and sang.

Alexander turned to Katherine and asked, "My
lady, do you know the dance to Muirsheen Duirkeen? It is expected that we dance
together to bind our betrothal."

The clamor and excitement rippling through the
hall lifted her spirit in spite of her misgivings. She nodded. "Aye, I do,
and would find it most pleasant to join in the dancing."

"Well, if you think you can keep up with me,
then let us do so."

Did he think her so easily controlled? Lifting her
chin, she returned his gaze. "Ah, Sirrah, I shall match you step for step.
Dinna fash that you must drag me about."

"'Tis good to know, lass."  For a moment
he looked as if he were going to smile, then his expression turned indifferent
once again.

When they reached the center of the room, he bowed
and took her into his arms. His tall muscular frame obstructed most of her view
and his large hands easily wrapped around her waist. Fusing warmth spread
through her at his touch. She couldn't hold back a slight tremble as he pulled
her close.

"Are you chilled, lass?" His keen smile
told her he knew otherwise.

Her pulse began to race. Confusing thoughts danced
in her brain. In truth, he was indeed handsome. Tanned skin, full lips, and
aquiline nose framed vivid green eyes that seemed to peer into her soul. Rather
than bright red hair as his sire had, Alexander's shoulder length hair was
auburn. But whenever he moved, highlights of red shone among the brown. His
square chin was clean-shaven, exposing a cleft in its center, above his thick,
powerful neck. And his shoulders. Had she ever seen such broad ones before?
Saints be with her. She mustn't be swayed by his braw looks.

Although not dressed in the MacGregor kilt, his
clothing still drew her attention. A leather jerkin and a shirt of fine white
linen stretched taut across his wide chest. His black leather breeks fit snugly
around his slim hips and well-muscled legs. Even the thick woolen hose that
showed above his boots did not hide the sinewy strength of his calves.

The top of her head just reached his chin and at
times his massive shoulders obscured her sight. When they twirled with the
music, the ends of his hair fluttered in the air before her face, leaving a
tantalizing hint of musk and spice.

His body pressed closer the longer they danced,
and excitement rushed through her leaving her breathless. His nearness left her
filled with pleasure. Her skin tingled from his touch. What would it be like to
remain wrapped within such strong arms forever?

Heat flooded her face as the startling idea
drifted through her thoughts. By the saints, what was she thinking? Was she so
easily swayed by the mere good looks of the man's physique that she lost all
sense of what the future held? She'd danced with other handsome men before.
Aye, and learned the treachery behind an attractive smile and warm embrace.

True, but never had she felt the instant physical
attraction with anyone else that she did with Alexander when he held her. Never
before had she felt so alive as she did now, not even with Daniel. She yearned
to know more of the Highlander's touch. To stare into the green depths of his
eyes until she lost herself.

Katherine shook her head to clear it. Sweet Mary,
this braw Highlander had a way of disarming her resistance with one look.
Instinctively, she knew his virility could easily conquer her body and soul if
she let him. She must be on guard against his charm and her awakened longing.
She would not give him the chance to break her heart.

Suddenly, the music played faster. Alexander
clasped her tighter and spun her around until everything in the hall became a
blur. All she noticed was the strong, handsome man holding her close.

When the dance ended, she clung to him dizzily for
a moment until she could regain her balance. Her breasts were crushed against
him, making it difficult to breathe. Forcing herself, she took a step back and
looked up at him. She wasn't sure what she expected, but it was not the deep
frown he wore. From his grim expression, 'twas no doubt the dance had not
affected him as it had her. His voice turned gruff and he dropped his arms to
his sides as he jerked his head back toward the dais. "All this dancing
has brought on my thirst. Let us return to our seats."

Before she could speak, he led her back to her
seat at the laird's table. Then he picked up his goblet and walked across the
hall. Pouring himself a drink, he struck up a conversation with some of his

Bemused, she watched him and sighed. Saints above,
she must look like a senseless love struck maiden. She had best get control of
herself.  Katherine took a deep breath to compose her thoughts. How could she
hope to change her parents' plans if she sat there looking dreamy eyed and dumb
as a post?

A burst of laughter drew her attention back to the
dancers as a large group of revelers frolicked in a lively reel. 'Twas no sense
wishing to join them. Alexander had unnerved her enough with just one dance.
Best not to think about that. Looking down at her plate, she shrugged. She
should eat a bit. He would return soon enough.

Three dances later, she darted an annoyed glance
across the room. It seemed she had misjudged the man. He displayed no enticing
charm of which she need be wary. After yet another dance, a bard began an
ancient tale of star-crossed lovers. The lengthy story wound on and on.
Katherine tapped her fingers on the table. Was she supposed to sit there and
meekly bide her time until her betrothed tired of conversation with everyone in
the hall and decided to return to her? His impudence knew no bounds.

Grasping her knife, she stabbed at a piece of meat
on the trencher. The music began again in a familiar tune. Setting the knife
down, she glanced across the table. "Sir William, Lord Alexander has gone
to quench his thirst and the song your kinsmen are playing is one of my
favorites. Would you stand in his stead, as my future brother within the law,
and lead me in the dance?"

"Aye, my lady, with pleasure."

Just as they reached the dance floor, the music
changed to a slow pavanne. Murmurs rippled through the crowd in their wake. As
William and she circled around the area, bemused stares met her at every turn.
Hearing a snort of laughter, she looked to her right.

Alexander stood a few feet away, watching her. She
was close enough to hear his clansmen's comments as they nudged him and pointed
toward her. "Will ye look at that now? What's she doin' dancin' with yer
brother? Is she so wont to have men pantin' after her that she couldna wait fer
ye to return?"

An elderly man with a gray matted beard grinned,
exposing several black gaps from missing teeth. Wiping his mouth on his
shirtsleeve, he said, "Aye. Ye'd best be wary, Alexander. The lass forges
links to yer chain o' bondage by tryin' to stir yer jealousy."  When
Alexander stepped forward, the old man shook his head in protest. "Och,
lad, will ye let her shame ye into attendin' her?"

Another clansman slapped the grizzled man on the
back, causing his drink to slosh over the rim of his mug and drip down his arm.
"Are ye daft, old mon? He willna bend to the whims of such a lass. She'll
soon learn he canna be made to jump to her will."

All three clansmen looked at Alexander as if
expecting an answer. Disturbed more than he wanted to admit, he quickly downed
the rest of his drink, spun on his heel, and left the hall.

Katherine nervously looked around the room in his
wake. Many faces were set in a scowl. Had she gone too far? No. She was the one
who had been abandoned at her own betrothal feast. Not him.

The music ended abruptly as Ian MacGregor strode
up to her, his lips set in a tight line. Katherine swallowed nervously. Was he
going to rebuke her? She shot an anxious glance toward her parents, but they
did not respond.

Ian cleared his throat and bowed. "Lady
Katherine, might I have the honor of being yer next dance partner? My son will
return soon and I fear I willna have another chance to dance with so lovely a

Feeling light headed with relief, she managed a
nod as William stepped aside. "It… it would be my pleasure, Laird

Ian signaled for the music to begin and led her
into the dance. As they passed William, he looked at his younger son and jerked
his head toward the doorway. William nodded silently and headed in that

Sweet Mary, he was sending for Alexander. Her face
grew hot with embarrassment and she stumbled.

Ian smiled and winked. "Och, I beg yer
pardon, lass. I fear my dancin' skills are not what they used to be."

When the dance ended, and Alexander still hadn't
returned, Ian led her back to her seat at the dais. Bowing over her hand, he
said, "Thank you for the dance, lass." Then glancing at a nearby
group of clansmen, and raising his voice slightly, he added, "'Tis sure I
am that ye will be too busy the rest of the evenin' to afford me time

No sooner had he left her side, than several eager
clansmen came to her asking for the honor of a dance. The time sped by quickly,
and before she realized it, the hour to retire was nearly upon them. Still
Alexander had not returned. Where could he be? The whispers of the crowd grew noticeable
and she felt her face heat in embarrassment for a second time. How dare he do
this to her! The man was an ill-mannered boor and she wanted none of him.

Katherine fanned her warm face as she looked at
her current dance partner. Desiring a breath of fresh air, she asked,
"Might we step into the garden for a moment? 'Twould be much cooler
there." She smiled at the young man's apparent expression of discomfort.
"I promise not to keep you long from enjoying the music with the other

He pulled at the collar of his shirt as if it were
too tight. "Outside? Uh, well …uh, aye." 

No sooner had they walked into the garden, than
she heard two familiar voices raised in obvious anger.

"… and I tell you I willna have you embarrass
the lass or our clan. Return to the hall immediately, Alexander, and attend
your betrothed until all retire!"

The reply was clipped short as if spoken through
clenched jaws. "As you command, Father."

Embarrassment shot through Katherine. Sweet Mary,
she wanted to hide and never show her face again. No. She had done nothing to
be ashamed of. 'Twas that pompous dolt she was betrothed to who should be
feeling so.

Silently, her escort led her back into the hall as
if nothing had occurred. He bowed and left her seated at the dais.

Throughout the room, a murmur of voices rose. She
didn't need to glance at the doorway to know Alexander had entered, but she
looked nonetheless.

He strolled toward her as if he had nothing more
serious on his mind than another taste of food from the trencher they shared,
but his fingers gripped her chair with an inflexible hold. "Lady
Katherine, I would ask your pardon for my absence, but 'twould appear you have
been much too occupied to notice. Perhaps now, as my betrothed, you will spare
one dance for me."

Furious at being treated so, she lashed out in a
low hiss. "Faith, sir, I am weary and do not wish to play nursemaid to
your arrogance. I shall retire now, and you have my leave to find a less
discerning dance partner!"

For a moment, he faced her in stony silence. Then
he bowed coolly over her hand and placed it on his arm. "If m'lady seeks
to retire for the evening, then by all means, I will escort you from the

Rising stiffly, she walked in tense silence beside
him, stopping in front of her parents and Laird MacGregor to wish them good

When they reached the corridor, she yanked her
hand from his arm. "I am perfectly capable of returning to my chamber
without your escort. By your leave, I will do so now and leave you to entertain

She'd moved no more than two steps before she felt
the warm grasp of his fingers on her arm.

"Ah, but lass, I did not give you leave to
go. Therefore, as your betrothed, I will escort you to your chamber door as is
my duty."

All along the silent passageway, their echoing
steps seemed to mock their lack of conversation. At her door, Katherine turned
to him, barely able to control her angry voice to a whisper. "You, Sirrah,
possess a truly convenient memory as concerns your duty and attentiveness.
Kindly leave me now to rest from such ardent regard!"

Without waiting, she stepped into her chamber and
shut the door in his face. She leaned her cheek against it and drew a shaky
breath. Her damp palms pressed against the wood as her heart hammered so loudly
she feared Alexander could hear it.

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