Her Proper Scoundrel (35 page)

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Authors: A. M. Westerling

BOOK: Her Proper Scoundrel
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“No, I don’t think it is.”

Josceline held her breath while he pulled on the velvet bow. Would he pleased? Or would he be insulted?

The ribbon dropped off and the cloth bundle fell open leaving a bemused Christopher holding onto the corner of a handkerchief.

Why in blazes had she given him a handkerchief? Fitzsimmons the haberdasher had given him more than enough to last him for years.

He inspected it more closely to find the handkerchief freshly laundered and pressed. Then he unfolded it to see his name embroidered on it.

Realization cascaded through him.

It was the handkerchief he had given to a young woman in a carriage on a cold, dark winter night long ago. And she had returned it with all evidence of their initial encounter washed away.

Any lingering doubts he had harbored over their marriage and of his worthiness to her disappeared like spindrift flung from a bow.

He tipped back his head and laughed for sheer joy then held the handkerchief up to his nose to inhale her scent, the scent of violets and sandalwood.

“Do you like it?” she whispered, eyes tender upon him. “I forgot all about it but found it when the maids were cleaning the room for Elizabeth’s visit.”

His eyes grew moist. “It’s the best gift ever. It’s love and trust and loyalty all bundled up into one,” he said huskily. “Just like you, kitten. Just like you.”


The End


Author’s Note


All characters are fictional although I do mention Mary Wollstonecroft, a proponent for women’s education, and the English artist Thomas Girton.

St. Peter’s Hospital, the Greyhound Inn, Broadmead, Redcliff, Clifton, Broad Street, Back Bridge Street are all actual places. Bath Road, where Christopher and Josceline first meet, was notorious for highwaymen so Josceline’s accusations would have been correct.

I have a personal connection to Bristol – my brother’s wife and my critique partner are both Bristolians. It seemed like a good setting for a book, particularly in light of Christopher’s nautical background.

Bristol has always been a thriving port and because of its location on the west coast, its importance increased with the growth of the colonies in the West Indies and North America. However, its position inland on the Avon River meant the harbor was severely affected by tides. As a result, the river could be too crowded with ships trying to reach or leave Bristol. Regularly, tides were not high enough (neap tides) and ships could be stranded for weeks in the harbor itself or at the mouth of the Avon River. Also, at low tide all the ships in the harbor went aground and fire was a very real risk. To that end, a floating harbor was proposed to alleviate these concerns. It was completed in 1809.

Christopher chose not to carry slaves on the “Bessie.” During the 18th century, however, Bristol was heavily involved in the slave trade. Goods such as woolen cloth, brass and iron were bartered in Africa in exchange for slaves who were then transported to the West Indies or North America. They were sold for tobacco, sugar, rum and cotton which were then transported back to Bristol. The route formed a triangle. The slave trade was abolished in 1807.

Christopher mentions several times the Society of Merchant Venturers. It was incorporated in 1552 to protect the interests of the merchants of Bristol, and effectively controlled the port.


About the Author


From vikings to viscounts, join the adventure, live the romance.


Living by the motto "You don't know unless you try", A.M.Westerling started writing historical romance because she couldn't find the kinds of stories she enjoyed. After all, she thought, who doesn’t enjoy a tasty helping of dashing heroes and spunky heroines, seasoned with a liberal sprinkle of passion and adventure?


Westerling, a former engineer, is a member of the Romance Writers of America and active in her local chapter. As well as writing, she enjoys cooking, gardening, camping, yoga, and watching pro sports.


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