Hellbound Warrior: (Dark Warrior Alliance Book Five) (35 page)

BOOK: Hellbound Warrior: (Dark Warrior Alliance Book Five)
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Her wings created a soft pillow as he thrust inside in one harsh move, stealing her breath. “Yes,” she hissed in pleasure. This was what she needed. Rhys looming above her, using his strength to bring her pleasure. His pace quickened and her core clenched so hard he grimaced. She knew he loved the pleasure-pain of it.

Without warning, Rhys reached into the nightstand without slowing his movements. When something silver glinted in his hand, she was too lost in the moment to allow her fear to surface. Another orgasm began slowly like the last one, but was building in strength.

“It’s time, Illianna. I can’t hold out much longer,” he informed her, leaning down to kiss her as he thrust into her. She felt a small sting at the side of her neck, but the discomfort was drowned out by the way he masterfully played her body.

When he lifted his head, she saw his blood trickling from a small incision in the side of his throat. The coppery scent didn’t repulse her, but aroused her further. She wanted every part of this man, barely able to control her hunger for him. She leaned up and swiped her tongue across his blood, licking and then latched onto his vein, sucking hard. She had been forced to consume demon blood while in Hell that had always sickened her, but taking Rhys’ blood washed away the horrible memories. He was at her neck in the next instant drawing from the cut he’d made on her flesh.

She had an out of body experience as her soul left her, surrounded by a sense of peace and love that expanded and embraced her. Floating for several seconds, she screamed when he slammed back inside her body, orgasms exploding through her.

She shouted Rhys’ name while he roared above her, throwing his head back while his semen shot hot streams inside her as he climaxed with her.

Her entire body tingled with magic and she felt his body tremble as their releases continued. The rainbow of chains binding them together grew with every breath, transforming into a million, tiny, iridescent chains, linking him to her from every point of his body. The chains fully enveloped them, encasing them in their love and passion.

She felt his soul like a tiny hummingbird flying around her heart. The sensation was comforting and loving, bringing tears to her eyes. From day one, he’d promised to protect and keep her safe and she had no doubt that he would. She never imagined loving someone as deeply as she loved Rhys.

The moment was broken when the skin above her core began burning. Crying out, she reached for the area, but Rhys’ hand was there before hers. He placed his palm over the area and gently pulled himself from her body. This was not how she imagined this interlude ending.

“It’s my mark. I didn’t think you’d gain my mark,” he said with reverence, lifting his hand to examine the area. The brand was clearly visible and was rapidly changing, inking into her skin in vibrant oranges and yellows. It was identical to his horns and halo she had traced with her tongue minutes ago.

The pain quickly faded, and having his palm inches from her sex reignited her fire. “I’m glad. I prayed that I would carry your mark,” she admitted.

He looked up and his eyes went wide. “Your wings. The tops of them are covered with diamonds.”

She reached up and touched the arches of her wings. “That happens when angels complete a mating.”

“Now you sparkle on the outside, too,” he whispered, kissing the outside of one of her breasts. That fast, she ached to have him again.

She couldn’t help but laugh. “Now that we’ve got fast out of the way, are we moving onto slow now?” she murmured suggestively.

A sexy grin slid across his face and heat sparked in his eyes, caressing her dark side in a lover’s embrace. Accepting the challenge, she claimed his lips, sucking on his lower lip as she straddled his muscular torso once again. In one fluid move, her sex-demon plunged deep inside her welcoming body, sating her need.

She may have bitten off more than she could chew, and, may not survive the coming hours, but she was going to enjoy every minute.


Rhys couldn’t erase the smile from his face when he and Illianna finally emerged from the house several hours later. Their ceremony had taken place right at dusk and it was now past midnight, but the party was in full swing. As warriors, they fought brutally and partied just as hard.

Rhys was glad to see that Illianna’s brothers were still there, along with everyone he loved, because he was ready to celebrate his perfect mate.

“I’m surprised to see you two out here,” Gerrick teased, clapping him on the back. “Hope you don’t mind that we cut the cake without you.”

Shae smacked him playfully on the shoulder. “Stop teasing him. We don’t even adhere to that human tradition. Although, I am craving some of that key lime pie Elsie made.”

“Haven’t you already had two pieces?” Gerrick retorted.

“So what if I have. I just can’t get enough of that tangy dessert,” Shae countered, smoothing her hand over Gerrick’s chest. Rhys understood when the male all but purred, mates had that effect on you and Rhys was happy for his friend. Having found and almost lost Illianna, Rhys understood better what Gerrick must have experienced for centuries after losing his mate.

“Don’t tell me there’s a little Gerrick on the way. A little Zander will be enough chaos in the house,” Rhys teased.

Both Gerrick and Shae went stock-still and glanced at each other with wide, panicked eyes then back to him. “Fucking Rhys,” they both exploded and walked off towards the food table.

He grabbed Illianna’s hand and brought it to his mouth for a kiss. “Are you hungry?”

“Starving, actually. Do you think we can tease them some more while we get some food?” she asked excitedly. His mate was the first being who really understood and appreciated him.

He smiled wickedly. “Absolutely. It wouldn’t be a party if I didn’t hear Fucking Rhys at least ten more times. Hey Gerrick,” he called out as they picked up a plate and began filling it with food. Twinkling lights filled the trees and illuminated the area. Rhys was glad to see that while his friends had put a dent in the food, there was still plenty left for them. Since Elsie had joined their ranks, their food table always overflowed. “You finally slip one past the goalie? Good work, buddy.”

Gerrick turned and glared at him, but his retort never left his lips because the party suddenly went silent. Spinning around, Rhys cursed when he saw Kadir and Azazel standing on the beach flanked by skirm and several lesser demons. Chaos ensued as staff and friends ran for cover. Thankfully, Shae’s grandmother took over and directed most of the guests into the house.

“I’m tired of this motherfucker showing up at our celebrations,” Rhys barked, taking a stance in front of Illianna. Her hand at his back gave him strength. He wouldn’t allow her to be injured or kidnapped again.

“I agree. You armed?” Gerrick asked as Illianna’s brothers suddenly appeared at her side. Rhys shook his head and his friend tossed him a weapon.

“You were no’ invited,” Zander growled. “Leave now before you die.”

“When did the Vampire King side with angels?” Kadir asked, his wariness obvious when the angels called their weapons of Light.

“We sided with them when you decided to take our sister,” Abraxos barked.

“We have no issue with you or your sister. Take her and leave. This is between the vampire and us. Where’s the amulet?” Kadir asked, taking a threatening step forward.

Illianna and her brothers laughed and it was Ayil who responded this time, “We aren’t going anywhere. Especially, not when there are demons to kill.”

Out of the corner of his eye, Rhys noticed some lesser demons rush toward the Rowan sisters and their mates. Lights flashed as spells hit their marks on the demons close to them.

A loud cry brought his head around. Kyran flashed behind a skirm and struck quick before disappearing again. His mate, Mack, watched for several heartbeats before muttering, “Save some for me, bloodsucker.” And then she jumped into action, taking out every enemy in her path.

“You doona stand a chance, Kadir. And, we doona have the amulet. I gave it to you, remember?” Zander taunted.

“You’re lying and you aren’t in a position to deny me, Zander. Your pregnant mate is awfully vulnerable,” Kadir sneered.

Suddenly Azazel disappeared and reappeared behind Elsie. Never piss off a mother, Rhys thought as Elsie spun so fast he almost missed it. Before Zander could reach her side, Azazel cried out, a titanium
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stuck in his chest. The demon immediately turned grey, hardening in place. He screamed out when his legs wouldn’t move and his entire body became a stone statue, his grimace frozen in place with a blast of power.

Kadir screamed his rage as everyone looked around trying to understand what had just happened.

“You do have the amulet. I will steal it from your mate,” Kadir threatened.

Illianna’s brothers suddenly surrounded Elsie with their weapons drawn just as Kadir teleported. When Kadir reappeared in front of Elsie, Araton’s sword of Light pierced his left arm, turning it to stone.

“You assed out, motherfucker,” Bhric muttered a few feet away.

Shrieking, Kadir disappeared again, leaving the lesser demons and skirm behind. Rhys shot into action, fighting beside Gerrick like they had for over a century. They sliced and diced, ashing their enemies. Rhys cursed when a skirm got past his defenses and managed to sink its teeth into his shoulder.

Ash exploded over his back and he turned to find Illianna standing there with a blade in hand. “Do all your parties end like this?” she quipped.

He smiled and kissed her quickly. “Lately they do,” he spouted, turning to survey the scene. With the help of Illianna’s brothers, they had managed to eliminate all of the enemies in short order.

“Do you have the amulet?” Abraxos asked as everyone gathered on the dance floor.

“Nay, we doona have it,” Zander responded, running his hand through his hair. “What happened just now and how do we get rid of that statue?”

Ayil twirled his sword of Light and smiled. “I can take care of that,” he offered and crossed to the stone statue of Azazel. Swinging in a high arc, he brought his weapon through the stone. The statue exploded in a million particles, dust raining to the ground.

“That demon won’t be bothering anyone ever again,” Araton informed them.

“Thank you,” Elsie murmured, clearly trembling in Zander’s arms.

“Don’t thank us,” Araton continued. “You are the one who gave him the final death. The question is, how?”

“Fuck,” Zander barked, holding Elsie close to his side.

“I take it you have no idea how you managed this. Whatever else happens, your mate has a target on her back now,” Abraxos informed Zander. “Demons don’t take kindly to those who can kill them and deny their rebirth. I guarantee they will be gunning for her.”

“I’m sorry, Luscious, but from my experience, this is going to be a very long night and not in the way I had intended,” Rhys muttered, gathering Illianna close. The Dark Warriors would rally and do whatever it took to protect Elsie and the baby.

“It doesn’t matter, as long as I have you,” she said, going on tiptoe and kissing him.

“Forever and always,” he murmured against her lips.






Fuck Zander and his damn rules
, Santiago thought as he glanced up at Jesaray House. It might be colder than a witch’s tit outside, but he didn’t feel it because his blood was boiling. Zander was losing sight of their goal if he was questioning Santiago about his actions and wanting to punish him for taking a drug dealer off the streets.

Had he meant to kill the slimy fucker? No, he hadn’t intended for Miguel to die. He’d only wanted to give him a taste of his own medicine, but to think Santi deserved to go to the dungeons because of it was ludicrous. The male’s death proved Santi was serving the best interest of the realm. It could have been the bear shifter dying because assholes like Miguel were pushing that shit on innocents.

Zander and his fellow Dark Warriors were fucking clueless in this new war against Angel’s Kiss. It was a foreign concept to them that they should be overly worried about a drug crisis. Until Angel’s Kiss, there hadn’t been a substance that had instantly addicted supernaturals. In their minds, drugs were humans’ problem, but along comes a ballsy sorcerer, or witch, and it was a game changer. This was serious and couldn’t be handled by the realm police. They had no fucking clue about how to deal with a situation like this.

He and Orlando, on the other hand, had been trained by the human police and were very fucking aware how quickly this could become an epidemic that devastated a community. And, speaking of Orlando, he couldn’t believe his partner of two hundred years didn’t have his back. After all they’d been through he expected more from the male.

Unclenching balled fists, he took a deep breath, trying to relax before going into the log cabin. To say the home was a cabin was a misnomer. It wasn’t as big as Zeum, but it had two wings and over ten bedroom suites. The suites at Jesaray House consisted of a large bedroom and private bathroom, but didn’t have the luxury of private kitchenettes and living rooms like the suites at Zeum.

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