Hellbound Warrior: (Dark Warrior Alliance Book Five) (32 page)

BOOK: Hellbound Warrior: (Dark Warrior Alliance Book Five)
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“As much as I want to make love to you again, we need to go down and tell everyone that we are back, as well as, what happened. I have no idea what the amulet’s disappearance means, but we need to be prepared for anything,” he murmured, placing a kiss on the top of her head.

She looked up at him and he wanted to cry when he noticed that her eyes were now steel gray rather than the sparkling silver they had been. A painful reminder of her sacrifice. He lightly traced the area around her eyes with his fingertip and she closed them, leaning into his touch. Goddess, he adored this female.

“I’m not sure how to reach my brothers now, but you can guarantee that they will be here to help protect me. I’m mortal now and they won’t leave me completely vulnerable. I don’t have my powers, but at least I can offer you a legion of angels to help fight whatever we may face.”

Cupping her cheek, he placed a tender kiss to her lips. “You are the most powerful being I’ve ever met. I don’t want to hear you say that you aren’t capable of doing whatever you set your mind to. You never cease to amaze me and I’ve never met a more selfless creature in my life. Now, let me find you something to wear and we’ll head down.”

Her laugh echoed behind him, “You’re like twice my size. I guess I could wear one of your shirts like a dress. But, I am going to need to get some clothes soon,” she observed, biting the end of her fingernail nervously. “I can’t live in your shirts forever. I don’t even know where to go for clothes or how to pay for them, I have no money. What do I do?”

Rhys grabbed a pair of sweats and shirt from a dresser drawer and went back to her side. Tossing the clothing onto the bed, he wrapped his arms around her, holding her close.

“You don’t have to worry about any of that. I’m going to take care of you from now on. The females in the house will be more than happy to go shopping for clothes with you. I know this is a lot to take in. You gave up everything for me and I will make sure you don’t regret that decision. Don’t get overwhelmed by everything. There is a lot to adjust to and I will be by your side every step of the way,” he promised.

“I love you, Rhys. I will never regret choosing you,” she murmured, kissing his lips.

“Get dressed,” he instructed, smacking her ass. His mate mark sent a sharp pain surging through his groin to complete the mating. Ignoring the discomfort, he continued back to his closet and threw on the first set of jeans and shirt he came across.

After lacing up his boots, he went back out to the bedroom, falling in love with his angel all over again. Her long blond hair fell in wet waves down her back and his clothing swallowed her slender frame, but she’d never been more beautiful. She didn’t need new clothes, he decided. He liked her wearing his clothing.

“Come on, Luscious. Let’s go.”

She asked him a million and one questions about everything as they headed down the hallway to the main staircase. He’d forgot that she hadn’t been in his world for over a century, so it made sense that she didn’t understand modern technology.

He cocked his head at the bottom of the stairs and heard a group in the kitchen. Grabbing her hand, he led them to the closed double doors. She pulled her hand out of his, stopping outside the kitchen.

“I don’t know if I can do this. What if they don’t accept me?” she asked, biting her lower lip.

“Don’t be silly, they are going to love you. Oh, and by the way, the kitchen is the only room, aside from the private bedrooms, that I will tell you to enter with caution,” he said in an attempt to get her mind off how she would be received.

She leaned closer and whispered, “Why’s that?”

“Because,” he said pushing the door open, “Elsie and Zander have a tendency to have sex in here. It’s her favorite room in the house.”

Elsie turned and instantly squealed, running to greet him with a big hug. “Oh my God, you’re alive! Dante said you were dead. How are you alive?” Elsie asked, touching his face and arms in disbelief.

Rhys looked down into her puffy, red eyes and then glanced at Zander and noticed the strain to his features. Looking around the room, he noticed the same sentiment reflected on his fellow Dark Warriors’ and their mates’ faces.

“Elsie, this is Illianna, my Fated Mate and the reason I’m alive,” Rhys replied, choking back the emotion clumping from that admission.

Elsie immediately pulled Illianna into an embrace. “Thank you so much for saving Rhys. He is an integral part of our family and our lives wouldn’t have been the same without him. My baby girl needs her Uncle Rhys. Plus,” she nudged him playfully, “he’s never shared his
hey juice
recipe with me and I’m going to need some after this child is born.”

Smiling at the Queen, he was amazed at how pregnant she looked in the short time he’d been gone. Her stomach sported a small bump and she had a glow about her that was enchanting. He was touched to know that he meant as much to them as they did to him.

“He saved my life several times in Hell,” Illianna divulged, gripping his hand tightly. “In fact, I never would have gotten out of that realm if it hadn’t been for him. Besides, I couldn’t live without him, either.”

Rhys ran his hand down Illianna’s back. “She’s the one who paid the ultimate sacrifice by giving up her wings for me,” Rhys told the room proudly.

“That’s because you’re a male of worth,” Gerrick interjected simply.

He had no doubt that he was standing a little taller as he met his closest friend’s gaze. “I’m partly the male I am today for having you, and the rest of you, as family. Speaking of, what happened to Dante and Kellen? Illianna lost track of them when we were pulled to Heaven,” Rhys posed the question to no one in particular.

Zander leaned one hip against the countertop and Elsie went back to prepping dinner. The room was so familiar and had not only been a place for Zander and Elsie to get amorous, but a meeting place for their household. It was the place the family gathered to catch up and share a meal. Much had happened in a short amount of time, but this was still home. He might have failed in the mission, but he’d never felt more welcomed and loved.

“They arrived at the Sensabaugh Tunnel and just in time. The Dark Warriors in the area were in the middle of battling numerous lesser demons that had escaped when you went through the portal. After helping them kill the lesser demons, Dante caught the first flight back here. He arrived this morning. Shite, he told us you’d jumped in front of a sword meant for your mate and were killed by Lucifer. Elsie has been crying for hours,” Zander relayed in his heavy Scottish accent. Rhys hadn’t realized how much he’d missed the male. Hell, he had missed everyone. Honestly, he hadn’t believed he’d ever make it back home.

“Thank God they are both okay. I didn’t think Raphael would harm them, but I wasn’t sure where he had sent them,” Illianna interjected, finally relaxing against him. “They came to mean a lot to me and I was so worried when we were separated. I’d like to see and thank them for saving me.”

“Don’t worry about that, Angel, you will,” he promised, kissing her forehead. “Dante lives close by and I have no doubt that Kellen will want to come to our mating ceremony. But, first, Illianna needs help with clothing. Breslin, isn’t this your department?”

Breslin set her drink down and smiled. “You got that right, fashion is my middle name. I would be happy to help you shop,” the Vampire Princess told Illianna. That comment sparked agreement from each of the other females in the house and they practically shoved Rhys out of the way as they proceeded to talk clothes.

Zander claimed his attention, handing him a drink. “So the amulet disappeared when you called it to your hand. Shite, do you have any idea where it went?” the King asked, taking a sip of his own drink.

Rhys took a sip of the scotch, enjoying the burn. “No idea. I didn’t do anything to it, I swear. I realized that I had an advantage because Lucifer wouldn’t have been expecting my power. I admit I acted without thinking. If I had known he would go for Illianna, I doubt I would have tried to steal it from him,” Rhys admitted, rubbing his chin wondering if the King would see him differently knowing that.

“The Goddess has a plan for everything. I doona doubt she intended for the amulet to be stolen so you could find and rescue your mate. Do you sense the necklace anywhere?” Zander inquired, setting Rhys’ nerves at ease.

“I feel it,” Elsie blurted, scooping some curry paste into a large frying pan.

The pungent aroma of the Panang filled the room as Elsie stirred. Rhys’ stomach rumbled, he couldn’t recall the last time he’d eaten. He’d bet Illianna was hungry, too.

“Can’t you feel the power, too?” Elsie murmured, looking up from her task.

Zander was at his mate’s side in a flash, cradling her shoulders in his large palms. The rest of the room had gone deathly quiet. “No, I don’t. What do you mean,
a ghra
? What exactly do you feel?”

“I’m not sure,” Elsie hedged. “I’ve only felt the Goddess’ power one time and that was during our mating ceremony, but I feel that same energy. It’s like a low hum in my blood. I don’t know what it means.”

Elsie’s sister, Cailyn, approached with a bowl of chicken and handed it to the Queen. “Don’t worry yourself over this. You’ve always trusted your instincts. My guess is you’ll understand when the time is right. Why don’t you sit down and let me finish this,” Cailyn offered, taking the wooden spoon from Elsie.

“I’m pregnant, not disabled. I can cook us a meal,” Elsie protested, rolling her eyes. It was great to see some things hadn’t changed. One of the traits he liked best about Elsie was her stubborn streak. It kept Zander on his toes.

“I know you can, but this pregnancy has progressed quickly and Jace said you’d be more tired than usual,” Cailyn countered in a motherly tone, rubbing Elsie’s shoulders.

“Oh, Elsie!” Cailyn suddenly exclaimed, dropping the spoon. “Oh my God. You were right, sis. It is a girl! I can hear her thoughts,” she said, tears forming in her eyes.

Rhys’ jaw dropped. He knew Jace’s mate had the ability to hear thoughts, but he’d never really seen it in action. He could only imagine how Elsie and Zander must feel to know their child was happy and healthy in her womb.

Zander knelt at Elsie’s feet and pressed his face to her stomach, cooing to his daughter. “We’re having a girl. Och, Goddess, thank you. I’m certain you’ll be as beautiful as your

“And, as brave as your father,” Elsie added, leaning over and kissing the top of Zander’s head.

Sniffling grabbed Rhys’ attention. Turning, he noticed that his angel was also teary-eyed as she watched the scene. He gathered her into his arms and held her while the group joined in a toast to the baby.

“Do you have a name picked out?” Rhys asked.

Elsie looked up at Zander than back to him. “We haven’t talked about it yet, but for some reason the name Isobel feels right.”

“She says yes,” Cailyn interjected. “She likes the name.”

Zander threw back his head, laughing aloud. “Of course my
is as opinionated as her
. Isobel it is. To my Isobel,” Zander said, holding up his cup, bursting with pride.

“Can you imagine having a little Elsie running around this place?” Gerrick asked Rhys.

Rhys turned to his fellow Dark Warrior and best friend. “It’s gonna be great. Poor Zander has no idea what he’s in for,” Rhys replied and they both began laughing.

“Hey, where’s Santiago? I haven’t seen him yet,” Rhys asked Gerrick. The question was enough to dull the happiness of the moment, making him wonder what the hell had happened.

Zander narrowed his eyes as the rest of the room went quiet. “What happened to him?” Rhys asked, worry taking front seat. “He’s not dead, is he?”

“Nay, he’s not dead,” Zander answered, running his hand through his hair. It was a habit he had when agitated. “Santi fucked up, and, instead of facing the consequences of his actions, he decided to leave us.”

Rhys gasped. “What do you mean he fucked up? Where the hell did he go?”

“He took matters into his own hands, turning vigilante. Rather than calling in the realm police to handle a criminal, he decided to inject the male with Angel’s Kiss, and, it killed him.”

“Shit, I didn’t see that one coming. Surely, he’ll be back, he’s one of us. You don’t just quit being a warrior once it’s in your blood,” Rhys protested, unable to believe the male had gone so far off course.

“Santiago took it too far. As much as I hate to admit it, I doona believe he will be back,” Zander replied grimly.

Elsie patted her mate’s chest. “I wouldn’t be so sure. We haven’t seen the last of him,” she added cryptically.

“Have you had a vision? You haven’t had a premonition since you became pregnant,” Zander remarked, looking both concerned and hopeful.

After their mating, Elsie and Zander shared her ability to see the future, but the male didn’t have as much of a grasp on it and was always one step behind her.

“Not a vision per se. Like with the key before Rhys left for Hell, it’s more of a feeling. I know he will be back and I hope that you will keep an open mind when he does return. He wasn’t acting out of malice or with ill-intent. He needs help seeing the power he wields should be moderated rather than given free reign,” Elsie explained.

“Och, I canna promise anything, but I will do my best,” Zander agreed.

“Now, onto happier things. We have a mating ceremony to plan,” Breslin said, changing the subject. “When we go shopping for clothes, we can find you a mating dress, as well, Illianna. The next full moon is in two weeks. Do you want to do it then or wait until the next one?”

Rhys’ mate mark throbbed in answer, nearly making him double over from the pain. “Two weeks. I can’t wait any longer,” he blurted.

The mated males in the room all chuckled, knowingly. “It’s the best pain in the world, isn’t it?” Gerrick asked from beside him with a smile, wrapping his arms around his mate, Shae.

“Absofuckinglutely,” Rhys replied. He would endure it for months if it meant having his angel by his side forever.


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