Heavenly Angel (16 page)

Read Heavenly Angel Online

Authors: Heather Rainier

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Western, #Erotica, #General, #Adult

BOOK: Heavenly Angel
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“Will you listen for Michael while I take a shower?”

“Yes, sweetheart. My robe is on the back of the bathroom door. You’re welcome to it.”

“Thank you. That’s perfect.” She went to Angel’s bedroom, thankful now that Joaquin had suggested putting Michael in his bed. She used her new gardenia body wash in the shower then borrowed Angel’s shampoo and conditioner. After rinsing off, she toweled the moisture from her warmed skin, noticing that she was copiously wet between her legs. Trembling with anticipation, she wondered, even hoped, they might touch her there tonight. She had no idea what to expect, but she was going after what she wanted. She wrapped herself in Angel’s thick fleece robe, feeling enveloped in his clean, woodsy scent. Pushing the long sleeves up her arms, she gathered the length to exit his bathroom.

Lit candles were placed on the night tables on either side of his king-size bed, providing the only illumination in the room. Angel rose from the bed and went to her. “We left Joaquin’s door closed, so our voices won’t disturb Michael, but we should hear him if he calls out or cries.” She hugged him, respecting him even more for placing Michael’s needs and her job as his mother before his own pleasure.

“He’s a sound sleeper, but thank you for telling me.” He took her hands and drew her to the bed where Joaquin reclined against the pillows.

“I know it took guts to ask for what you need, to pursue what you want now that you’re sure. I talked to Joaquin while you showered. You know that we desire you in a fierce way.”

She didn’t doubt it, judging by the desire glittering in his eyes and the tremendous bulges at their groins.

“We look forward to making love to you someday soon. But we don’t think we should start there tonight. I don’t want you to look back and regret rushing into anything, and I think we’ll know when the time is right. We want to show you how it would feel to be pleasured by a man as you deserve.”

“Oh,” she whispered, biting her lip.

Angel closed his eyes and breathed deep for a second. “We want to remove the robe and just look at you. Will you let us do that?”

“Yes.” She allowed him to untie the belt but then stayed his hands. “But please be patient with me. I’m not toned and taut like what you’re probably used to. Short and dumpy is a little more like it, and I have a scar. I don’t mean to destroy the mood. I don’t want you to be disappointed.”

Angel responded, “The scar, is it the result of an injury?”

“No, Michael was delivered by C-section.”

Desire and love still shown in their eyes.

“You’ve never been like this with a man who truly loved you, beautiful. We desire every luscious inch of you, even the parts you think are flawed.”

Joaquin came to the edge of the bed. They were both shirtless and barefoot but still clad in their jeans. She understood this was so she could touch them, but not be frightened by their total nudity. She appreciated Angel for thinking of that. He was taking things a step at a time and not throwing too much at her at once.

Joaquin reached for the robe as Angel did. They slid it from her body with a heavy sigh from them both. She was glad the candles made the room dim, so she wasn’t so self conscious of her blushing.

Angel slowly sighed as he looked her over. “Teresa, all the times I ever fantasized about you, my imagination never did you justice.” he murmured.

Joaquin’s voice was a velvety whisper. “Every inch of you is lovely, sugar.”

Joaquin feathered his fingers through her hair, stroking her neck, and then slid his hand down over the curve of her spine, drawing a shiver in the wake of his fingers until he reached the top of her hip and paused there. His thumb stroked the inner curve of her hip, and the small but intimate touch almost made her knees buckle.

Angel gazed into her eyes, and his fingertips lightly slid from her cheek down to her throat. Her breath hitched as his fingers continued their motion past the hollow at the base of her throat and slowly trailed between her breasts.

The backs of his fingers brushed the underside of her breast, and he whispered, “Like silk.” Then he stroked her nipple with his thumb.

She stifled a moan as Joaquin’s fingers stroked at the base of her spine. The folds between her legs flooded with moisture and pulsed.

“She’s trembling,” Joaquin said.

She allowed him and Angel to draw her with them onto the sheets. Joaquin helped her to the middle of the bed and kissed her, still stroking her.

“How do you feel?” Angel asked before tenderly kissing her.

“Wobbly and excited. Nervous.” She lay back with Joaquin’s help.

They lay down on either side of her and continued to stroke her, their body heat and nearness reassuring her. Their hands were so gentle on her arms, her face, and her abdomen and down her thighs and calves, and the trembling deep inside her increased. They stroked her breasts, delighting in her nipples that were tight and ultra responsive.

Joaquin murmured, “Her skin feels like warm satin. I’ll bet she tastes sweet as honey.”

She laid her head back and sighed blissfully, swamped in the eroticism of the moment. Listening to his sexy drawl made her even wetter. He wanted to taste her? As in

Angel brushed his lips against her forehead while his he cupped the underside of her breast. “Sweetheart, we don’t want to make assumptions, so I’m just going to ask. Do you know what an orgasm is?” Teresa nodded mutely, trusting him fully. “Have you ever had an orgasm before?” She hesitated, “Have you ever come before?”

She shook her head. No, she never had.

“To come, or have an orgasm, are two different ways of saying the same thing. It’s a climax of pleasure. You’re going to have
at least
one tonight,” Angel murmured playfully as he kissed her lips again.


“Do you like us both touching you at the same time?” Angel asked, smiling when she nodded vigorously. “It doesn’t scare you?”

She sighed shakily and whispered, “No. I l–like it a lot.”

He smiled as she gazed up into his sensual, golden gaze. “Good. We want to taste your skin, is that all right?”

Like he had to ask?
She nodded breathlessly.

The place between her legs throbbed as they put their lips on her skin. Joaquin tasted her throat, his lips and tongue sliding over her collarbone in teasing, feathery touches before his hot lips settled over her nipple and her back bowed off the bed. She felt, once again, like she was on the crest of something huge, like riding a tidal wave. Angel’s lips and tongue caressed her other nipple, and she was overwhelmed by the erotic onslaught. They tongued the underside of her breasts then looked at each other and smiled at her.

“You are delicious, both your scent and your taste,” Joaquin whispered to her before his mouth and Angel’s continued down her abdomen and kissed her C-section scar one at a time before moving over her hip bones. Angel growled softly before moving on to her thigh, whispering, “My mouth is watering for your little pussy.”

His words inflamed her, and her sheath pulsed achingly as she trembled under their lips. She thought she might explode at any moment.

Angel whispered to Joaquin, “She’s about to go over. Help her, then I want to taste her. Joaquin is going to touch the place between your legs, your clit. Will you come for him?”

She nodded, her breath came in high-pitched pants as her back arched, waiting for Joaquin’s touch. Angel kissed her as he rubbed a nipple between his fingers and whispered, “It will feel
good you’ll want to cry out. Don’t hold back, beautiful.”

Joaquin’s exquisitely gentle fingers slid between her lips over the aching bundle of nerves at her apex. She let loose a shuddering gasp as one of his fingers slid into her entrance.

“So hot and wet.” He growled deeply as he stroked in and out.

Teresa’s body drew up tight, and her breath turned to rapid, sobbing pants. Angel’s lips descended on hers, muffling her cries as the tidal wave crashed over her, around her, and within her. Joaquin stroked her through the first orgasm she’d ever had. Her sheath clutched at his fingers as she thrust against his hand in a rocking rhythm her body instinctively knew.

When the pulsing waves receded, she opened her eyes and looked up in wonder at Joaquin. She was mesmerized as she watched him slide his fingers into his mouth. He closed his eyes slowly, licking every drop from his hand as if it were nectar.

“Sweet, like I knew she would be,” Joaquin murmured as he moved to her side and stroked her abdomen with a warm hand. “Angel wants to taste you, here.” He stroked over her mound, his fingertips in close proximity to her sensitive clit, which drew a gasp from her. “Will you let him?”

She nodded, as Angel lifted her thighs and placed them over his shoulders. This was not a position she’d ever thought she’d be in, but the thought of his mouth on her, down there, was so powerfully erotic her body drew up with tension again. He cupped her buttocks, lifted her to his mouth and slid his tongue over her slit, drawing a trembling cry from her. She pondered for a millisecond why he would want to taste her down there and why she’d never known what she should call that place before now.

Her pussy. He laved her pussy, flicking her clitoris with the tip of his tongue in a way that had her once again rising on the crest of
wave. Faint, rumbling sounds came from his throat as he slipped one finger slowly into her entrance. Her pussy tightened around his finger, drawing up steadily harder and higher. Joaquin stroked a nipple before latching onto it and suckling. He reached for the other peak and lightly tugged on it. Feeling like she might soar away, she held onto Joaquin’s muscular shoulder.

She flexed her hips against Angel’s hand, rising higher still on a wave of another climax. He pulled out and slid two fingers into her opening and continued the same slow pumping rhythm. The increased tightness was unbearably pleasurable, and when he bore down on her clitoris and suckled tenderly, she came for him with another muffled cry of ecstasy.

He continued, pumping his fingers deeper into her pussy. She arched tightly and cried out again as a third orgasm slammed into her, taking her by surprise with its almost painful, burning intensity. She found it exhilarating that he made a feast of her as the last pulses faded away, licking the evidence of her orgasm from her.

,” she murmured in a shaky voice, her breasts heaving as she tried to catch her breath. Her body trembled with aftershocks created by his tongue.

“Yes, beautiful.
is what it’s
to be like,” Angel whispered softly but emphatically. “
is what we wanted to give to you. To show you how
would love you.” His voice was deep and intense with emotion. Tears flooded her eyes at the love she heard in his voice.

“That’s only the beginning of what we want to do for you, sugar.” Joaquin kissed her lips again. “I’ll be right back.” He climbed from the bed and went in the bathroom, and a moment later she heard the shower running.

She reached for Angel, and he held her securely as she shook and sniffled quietly. “I never knew it could be like that, Angel. It was so
,” she murmured as he stroked the tears from her cheeks.

“Yes, baby. It was like that for us, too. I love you.” He kissed her, and she tasted a hint of herself. It made the moment all the more intimate.

“I love you, too, Angel.”

A few minutes later, he rose from the bed as Joaquin returned. Joaquin slipped under the covers and spooned to her, smelling fresh, like soap. He nuzzled the hollow under her ear, and she realized he was nude and so very warm.

“Sleep now, sugar. We’ve worn you out. I’ve got you,” he whispered, his hand sliding over her bare hip and abdomen. She snuggled back to him trustingly.

Sleepily she whispered, “You gave me something precious tonight. I’ll remember this night for the rest of my life. I love you, Joaquin.” She felt cocooned in safety, and a tranquil ripple of bliss slowly washed over her.

He brushed a lock of hair from her cheek, kissed her there and whispered back, “I love you, too, Teresa. Your heart and your son are safe with me, sugar.”

After his shower, Angel returned to the bedroom and blew out the candles. He slipped into bed and cuddled up to her. She noticed he was nude, also, as she felt his bare hip before he pulled the covers over them. She rested her hand there and tilted her head up and kissed him goodnight.

* * * *

Joaquin woke at five o’clock ready to start the day but unable to move from the bed. Actually, unwilling might have better described the way he felt. He looked at his brother, who was also awake and watching Teresa sleep. Unaccustomed to rancher’s hours, she was deeply asleep. She had shifted between them during the night and now lay flat on her back with her head still pillowed by Joaquin’s biceps. The fingers of her left hand were feathered in Joaquin’s hair. Her right forearm was curled around Angel’s right arm, holding it snug to her chest. Her right knee was drawn up with her thigh resting open against Angel’s hip.

One of them had kicked the covers off during the night, so she was exposed down to the other knee where the cover rested. Joaquin lay motionless with a thick, twitching cock eager for action and watched her like a sap with his first crush. Angel was in similar straits. They needed to get up and dress before she saw them in all their erect glory. They lay there a few minutes longer, watching her peaceful face and gazing at her lush form as she dreamed on.

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