Hearts in Overtime: A Bad Boy Sports Romance (11 page)

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The friction of his hard thrusts heats me up fast, and even though I can count the number of vaginal orgasms I’ve had on one hand, I think I’m about to experience another one.

I grab two fistfuls of blanket and squeeze my eyes shut tight, focusing on the incredible sensation of Ryan’s amazing cock tearing through my tender tunnel. My g-spot is pulsating with pleasure, but I’m not there yet. Not yet. And then, out of nowhere, Ryan reaches down, and with sure fingers, he squeezes my clit.

“Oh, fuck!”

It’s a good thing my eyes are closed because I’m pretty sure they’ve rolled back inside of my head. I don’t know if my orgasmic explosion is thanks to his fingers squeezing and stroking my clit or if it’s a combination of that and the stimulation of his cock against my g-spot but whatever the reason, I’m in the midst of the most incredible orgasm ever! My heart is pounding, my body is trembling and convulsing and I’ve lost all feeling in my legs and feet. I probably look like something out of an alien flick and I probably should be embarrassed that Ryan Blake is here to witness this, but I really don’t care because it’s just too good.

And right when I get to the apex of all that’s awesome about this amazing experience, I feel Ryan’s orgasmic explosion inside of me. The warmth is so beautiful. There’s nothing like an injection of warmth into your most intimate parts to make you feel sated and serene… This is especially true when you’re coming down from an earth-shattering orgasm.

Once I’ve caught my breath, I open my eyes to find Ryan gazing down at me. I run my hands up his arms, wind them around the back of his neck and bring him in for a kiss.

I want to tell him how amazing that was, but I’m afraid I won’t be able to hide the depth of my feelings for him. I’m afraid I’ll let it slip out somehow that I’m falling for him, and he can’t know. If I let on that I’ve got real, romantic feelings for him, that’ll ruin everything.

And so I don’t say a word. I just kiss him.

With his cock still firmly lodged in my pussy, Ryan slides his arm under my waist and flips us both over so that he’s on his back and I’m on top of him. I laugh and lay my head down on his chest. When I shift my legs, I accidently kick him in the shin with my lone wedge heel.

“Oops. Sorry.”

He gives me a lopsided smile and arches his neck to glance down to the foot of the bed.

“You still have one of your shoes on?”

I shrug.

“You’re a crazy girl.”

“You should talk.”

We both laugh, and I’m so glad things are still friendly and cool between us. I am absolutely committed to keeping the stupid sappy, romantic feelings I’ve been developing all to myself. I just want to enjoy this experience as much as possible. It’ll be something I can look back upon with fond memories. And I’m fine with that. Because Ryan is not the guy for me. Obviously. He’s way out of my league.

So to speak.


16. RYAN



I can’t remember the last time I had so much fun with a girl—or when I had so much fun, period. After the incredible sex right after we arrived at the house last night, Charlotte and I lay in bed naked for like an hour afterwards, just kissing and talking about random stuff. It was great. Very chill.

Then it started to get dark and we started to get hungry, so we got dressed and went into the kitchen to get something to eat. We ended up dining on these frozen gourmet pizzas we found in the freezer.

I have to say it is such a relief to be with a girl who actually eats! My last girlfriend was old school; she existed on grapefruit and coffee. It’s been a while since I’ve been with a woman who allowed even one bite of food to pass through her lips without doing a diligent calorie count and nutrition check ahead of time. It’s a real drag, especially for someone like me who needs a lot of fuel to replenish the energy I expend on the football field.

But Charlotte didn’t whine about fat content or look like she was stricken with guilt by the idea of ingesting such a thing. She told me to go ahead and chuck the pizzas in the oven as she cracked open a bottle of wine.

Not long after finishing dinner, we went back into the bedroom for another hot and heavy session. I went down on her—which was the perfect ending to the perfect meal—and she sucked me off for a little while before I stopped her. I longed to be in her pussy again, so we started screwing.

Unlike the first time, there was a sort of feeling of urgency the second time around, so we both came a lot faster. We were all over the place. First I was on top, and then she was, and then me again, and then her. You should have seen the state of the bed by the time we were done with Round Two. There were pillows, blankets and sheets everywhere, all tangled up in our limbs.

We did it doggy style in Round Three, and holy fuck. That girl has the juiciest, most luscious ass I’ve ever set eyes on. We both came really fucking hard after that session.

I woke up this morning with a massive boner—no surprise there—and we went right into Round Four, which was a lot like Round One in that it was slow and sexy and really kind of sweet.

After a nice breakfast of oatmeal and fresh fruit with some sausages we found in the freezer, we lay down together on the sofa in the living room and talked about random shit for a while before inevitably moving on to Round Five.

Lunch consisted of sliced prime rib from the freezer that we ate with the bread, cheese and olives that I’d picked up from the store. We lingered over the meal and we had a lot of laughs. By the time we got the dishes washed, dried and put away, I was ready for Round Six, but Charlotte had other ideas.

“Don’t you want to spend some time on the beach?” she asked. “Seems a shame to come all the way out here and not take advantage of the sun and the sand and the surf. Look. It’s a beautiful day,” she said, motioning to the clear sky and sparkling sea outside the window.

“It’s only two in the afternoon. We still have plenty of time to do both.”

She gave me a kiss on the chest and looked up at me with those big, beautiful blue eyes. How could I possibly say no to her?

And so here I am, sitting on the sofa in my swim trunks with sunglasses in hand, waiting for Charlotte to come and join me.

Oh, fuck.

One glimpse at her in the doorway in her bikini and my cock is already starting to twitch. Charlotte may not have a figure like Karina, the last Victoria’s Secret model I dated, but holy shit; this girl knows how to work with what she has.

Her magnificent tits are stuffed into a white, cherry print bikini halter-top with a little bow right at the bottom of her cleavage. The matching bottoms are cut in a really old fashioned sort of way—pretty straight across the top of both her thighs and then going all the way up to her natural waist. There’s a cute little waistband there, made with the same fabric as the bow on the halter-top.

She looks incredible. Even though she’s wearing sandals with no heel, she’s still got legs for miles. They’re smooth and shapely and just a little shiny from the sunscreen she said she’d need to use, being a natural redhead and all.

I want her to wrap those legs around me.

My cock starts pulsating.

“Holy fuck, Charlotte.”

“What’s up?” she asks, pulling her arms up to cover her chest.

She’s having a hard time maintaining eye contact with me. She crosses one of her legs over the other one. Obviously she’s embarrassed for me to see her like this, but why? I’ve seen her naked. A lot. And apart from that, she’s absolutely fucking gorgeous and she should be proud of the way she looks.

Seriously. She makes Betty Grable and all the other classic pin-up girls look like a bunch of weathered old hags.

“Do you have any idea how fucking sexy you are?” I ask.

Her laugh comes out in snort.

“Yeah, yeah, yeah. I know,” she says.

She looks away with discomfort, but my gaze doesn’t stray from her face. I’m determined to I catch her eye. And when I do, I’m determined to hold onto it.

“What?” she asks, her eyes wide and with a hint of annoyance in them.

“Come here.”

I hold a hand out to her and she crosses the room until she’s standing right before me. I take her hand in mine and give it a gentle squeeze.

“What?” she asks, more softly this time.

“You’re so beautiful.”

“Thank you,” she says with a smile, but because the next thing she does is bite down on her plump lower lip, I can tell she’s uncomfortable.

I hate this. I wish I could make her see how incredibly sexy and amazingly beautiful she is. Maybe I can.

I reach up with my other hand and guide her down to my lap. She doesn’t resist. She positions herself so that she’s got a knee on either side of my thighs, but her ass is pretty much resting on my knees, so as far as I’m concerned she’s a million miles away.

Leaning forward to kiss her, I place a hand on each of her hips and bring her closer to me until I feel the heat from her pussy on my cock.

“Ryan,” she says in a scolding voice, pulling away from my kiss. “Are you kidding me with this?”

She glances down at my hardened cock to illustrate her point.

“I can’t help it, Charlotte. You’re just too fucking hot.”

She rolls her eyes, but I’m pleased to see her smile.

“How about a quickie before we hit the beach?” I ask.

Pushing her lips out into a pout, she glances at the gorgeous, sunny day outside the windows, but I can tell by her hesitation that she has no intention of denying me.

“You’re so annoying,” she says with a mischievous smile.

“So I’ve been told.”

She rises up on her knees and I waste no time pulling down those retro bikini bottoms. With her naked pussy right in front of my face, I take a nice, big whiff of her delicious scent, and not a moment too soon. She climbs off of me to get the bottoms all the way off, and I take the opportunity to pull my cock out of my swim trunks.

Within seconds, she’s kneeling above me again, and we work together to position her just so before we…yeah, that’s it…she slides down and down and down. Oh, yeah.

I lean forward to give her a deep, wet kiss as she clamps her hands down on my shoulders and starts rising back up again. I place a hand on either side of her hips to give her a hand with this. Girls weigh nothing to me—even girls with a little meat on their bones—and I like to help them out when they go on top so they can concentrate exclusively on the pleasure.

In no time at all, we’ve got a beautiful rhythm going. I have treasured each and every one of our times together, but I think this one might actually end up being my favorite. I love the way Charlotte looks as she slides up and down my cock. I love the fierce, feral look in her eyes and the way her glossy plump lips are parted. She looks amazing in that retro bikini top, but oh fuck, I really need to see her tits.

“Take your top off, babe.”

Her eyes widen just a bit, and I can tell she’s worried about losing her balance if she takes her hands off my shoulders.

“It’s okay,” I assure her. I tighten my grip on her hips. “I’ve got you.”


Tentatively at first, she reaches around to untie her bikini halter-top, and the change in position doesn’t even cause a blip in the rhythm we’ve got going on.

“This is weird,” she says, with a sparkle in her eye.

I guess it would be. Essentially, she’s on top, but she’s not doing any of the work. I like it that I’m the one to give her this new experience.

Charlotte unties the tie in back, and then the one around her neck, and the sight of her massive tits jiggling against her ribcage sends my arousal through the roof. She tosses the little halter-top on the ground and reaches forward to reposition her hands on my shoulders.

“Don’t worry about it.” I give her a smile. “I’ve got this. Lean back and enjoy yourself, babe. I just want to look at you.”

She looks hesitant at first, but I bring her down over my cock—nice and deep—and then raise her back up almost to the tip and back down again, even deeper this time.

She utters a soft, low moan.

“Just relax,” I tell her.

She nods.

I watch her flushed face as I plunge deeper and deeper into her hot, tight pussy. Her eyelids are a little low, like she’s drunk or something. Drunk with pleasure, I hope.

On one particularly deep thrust, she arches her neck backwards and closes her eyes. And then—just as I was hoping she would—she reaches up with both hands and starts playing with her tits.

Fuck me.

Her hands are way too small to cover them, of course, but that doesn’t stop her from caressing the soft, smooth, sensitive skin like she’s rubbing lotion all over her tits. After that, she moves to place her palms underneath them and arches her back a little more. Did she do this for my benefit? Maybe she did, but maybe she didn’t. Charlotte kind of seems like she’s her own little world right now, which is perfectly fine with me. I’m just glad I have the opportunity to witness it. She’s so beautiful. Her neck is so long and graceful. Everything about her is beautiful.

She uses the tips of her middle fingers to play with each of her nipples, slowly at first, but within seconds she’s really going crazy on those swollen pink nubs. Arching her back even more, she utters a low, feral moan and I feel her hips start to quiver. She’s almost ready. And fuck knows, so am I.

I tighten my grip on her hips and start speeding things up.

“Oh my god,” she whispers.

She opens her eyes and straightens her back. We exchange a smile. I see her mouth my name, “Ryan,” and it makes my heart melt just a little. She reaches down and places a hand on top of each of mine, curling her fingers under mine as I lift her up and lower her down onto my cock, faster and faster and faster.

I’m just about to explode inside of her when she reclaims her right hand and aims it straight for her pussy. She goes crazy on her clit, rubbing that motherfucker like her life depends upon it, so now, apart from her hot, tight tunnel, my cock is getting secondary stimulation from the movement of her frantic hand.

Oh, fuck!!!

I squeeze my eyes shut as I empty my cock inside of her. She’s almost there, too. Her whole body is trembling and her breath is coming out in gasping little pants until she sucks a deep breath in and releases it in one wild, animalistic moan.

As soon as the orgasm has finished tearing through her body, she collapses against my chest, and I run my fingers through her beautiful red curls. My cock is still pulsating a little, and it feels so right for it to be inside of her. I can’t explain it any more than that. It feels right. This all feels right.

I feel so fortunate to have met Charlotte. I really do. Circling my arms around her and holding her tight, I bury my face in her hair and give her a kiss.


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