Healing Hark (Doms of Chicago) (21 page)

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Yes, Sir.” Dread filled the pit of Hark's stomach. He knew exactly what Diachi was hoping to accomplish. The man was truly diabolical. There was no way for Hark to protect himself once the flogger stripped him of his defenses. He would be at the mercy of his dominant once again. Part of him feared it, while another craved it.

When the first blow landed and enveloped his right lat, he groaned softly. The heat was amazing.
It had been so long since he'd experienced it.
Two long years
. He breathed through his nose as the next toss of Diachi's arm found his left shoulder. The heat wrapped around the top of the muscle to tease his collarbone. He relaxed into it, savoring each surge of sensation as Diachi worked each muscle group in his back. He was barely aware of the words of encouragement pouring from his dominant's mouth or his own halting answers as he responded to each question.

Wasn't he a fool for running?


Hadn't he promised to come to his Sir when the stress got to be too much?


Didn’t he promise to keep their sub safe from all harm – including himself?


And didn’t he belong safe in his master’s embrace?


And wasn’t it his master’s pleasure to take care of all his needs?


Each question was answered with an unequivocal yes. But as the flogging continued to grow in its intensity, Hark struggled with the answers, pouring out his resentment, his agonizing desire at merely holding Diachi or Bryan every night; even the guilt he felt for moving on without Master George and Teresina. With each stroke, the weight on his shoulders lessened, until he hovered on the verge of the release he craved.

“That’s it. Your body remembers who it belongs to,
. Let go. I’ll keep you safe.” Diachi’s words came as if at a distance. The next strike proved to be too much and tears ran down his cheeks despite his obvious erection. The pain and guilt which had been his constant companions disappeared as he tumbled into the comforting darkness.

* * * *

When Hark’s body went lax and no sounds of pleasured pain spilled from his sub’s lips, Diachi knew he’d achieved what he’d set out to do. His
was once again floating above himself. He nodded his thanks when Jude appeared on the other side of Hark as he unfastened the first cuff. With Jude’s help, they managed to release Hark from the manacles and carry him to a nearby couch. He wordlessly accepted a blanket and bottle of water from Olivia. Sitting down next to his sub, he covered Hark with the blanket and set the water between his feet. Then he took one of Hark’s wrists in hand and rubbed the slightly red skin. The whole time he kept up a soft, soothing dialogue, until Hark finally opened his eyes.

“Master?” The word came out mumbled and his normally sharp gaze was a bit confused.

“Shh, you flew very high, Harkahome.” After twisting the cap off the sweaty bottle, he held it to Hark’s lips. He smiled as the man greedily sipped at the cool water and wondered if Hark had noticed what he’d called him. There was no doubt in his mind Hark was now a hundred percent his.

“Enough.” Hark pushed the bottle away and tried to sit up.

“Not so fast.” Diachi easily pushed him back down. “We’re not done yet.”

“We’re not?” Hark seemed confused.

“Oh, no. There’s still the matter of…” Diachi pushed his hand under the blanket to cup the obvious erection tenting Hark’s slacks. His sub hissed as he rubbed his thumb over the crest. Even through the fabric he could feel the throb. “This.”

“Master, we can’t.” Hark trembled under his touch. “The rules.”

He smiled wolfishly. “You’re covered, so we’re not breaking any rules.” He abandoned the hard ridge of flesh to unfasten Hark’s pants. Hark groaned as he tugged him free of the confining cloth. “I want your pleasure, Harkahome, and you
give it to me.”

“Ah…yes…Master.” Hark arched into his caress.

Warmth filled Diachi as his sub lost himself to his touch. It only took a few long strokes for Hark to fill his cupping hand with his seed. As ecstasy contorted Hark’s features, he smiled. “Beautiful.”

Hark moaned softly before relaxing back against the couch, his eyes dazed with pleasure this time. “Wow.” The word tumbled free of him.

“Yeah.” He withdrew his hand after tucking Hark back inside his slacks. “That was a long time in coming.”

“And I should kick your ass, but I won’t.” Olivia appeared at his elbow with a warm damp washcloth.

Diachi chuckled as he took it. After using it to remove all traces of his sub’s release, he turned it inside out and tossed into a nearby pail used for dirty cloths. “He was covered at all times.”

She arched her eyebrow at him. “The rules state there shall be no nudity or sexual contact in the main room.”

Diachi glanced at Hark. “I don’t know. Would you consider what I just did was sexual, Harkahome?”

“No, Master.” A grin split Hark’s face.

“Then what would you call it?” Olivia asked tartly.

“My master taking care of me.” Hark replied, tongue in cheek.

Olivia sighed. “Men, splitting hairs as usual.” She shook her finger at Diachi. “Don’t let it happen again. If you want to be an exhibitionist, next time take it to one of the observation rooms. Hear me?”

Diachi nodded. “Of course, Mistress Olivia.”

“Good. Now I suggest you go home and reassure your submissive everything will be okay. He called here about thirty minutes ago.”

Hark sat up, the blanket pooling around his waist. “Damn. I fucked up, didn’t I?”

“Let’s just say he’s waiting at home to kick your ass.” Diachi helped him up.

“Shit.” Hark sounded tired as Diachi handed him his dress shirt.

“Just let him fuss over you for a while and I’m sure all will be forgiven. Our sub takes his position seriously.”

Hark nodded. “I can do that.” As he tucked in his shirt, he looked at Diachi hopefully. “Do you think he’d give me a rub down if I asked nicely?”

Diachi chuckled. “It might be pushing it, but you can ask.”


Chapter Twenty-One


Bryan froze in the middle of his downward dog move. The sun hadn’t even peeked over the horizon and his men were still tangled like pups on the bed a few short feet away from him. Last night, he'd been frantic by the time Master had returned with Sir. The exhausted look on Sir's face had killed his anger. Instead of tearing into him, Bryan had helped their master strip Hark, and tucked him face-down in their bed. After rubbing his reddened skin with witch hazel, he and Master had climbed in on either side of him before falling into an exhausted slumber – one which both men were still enjoying. So who the hell dared call his home this early?

When the phone rang again, he quickly rose from his position and twisted to grab the phone, only to find Hark sitting up, his dark hair rumpled and his eyes half closed as he spoke into the receiver.

“Yes?” Hark ran a hand through his loose hair. “Whoa, slow down, Sharonda. Start again from the beginning.”

Every sense Bryan possessed went on high alert as his Sir spoke to his assistant. After several non-committal responses
, Hark tossed back the covers, exposing both his and Diachi's nude bodies. “No. Don't go into the building. Wait for us to get there. That's an order. Bryan and I will be there in less than thirty minutes. Stay with the security guard. I mean it!” Hanging the phone up, he rolled off the bed. He grimaced as he straightened. A low groan passed his lips.

Sir?” Bryan moved closer. “Are you...”

Just stiff.” Hark gave him a half smile. “I'd forgotten how tense muscles can be after good flogging. No worries. A hot shower will set me to rights.” He walked over to the armoire to pull out clothing when Diachi's voice broke the silence.

Don't you even think about getting dressed,

Hark looked over
his shoulder at Diachi. “I promise when we get back, it's the first place I'll go, Master. There was a break-in at Sterling Foods. Sharonda found the front door unlocked. We need to —”

Diachi crossed his arms over his chest.
“Is she safe?”

She's with the security guard. Marius arrived just before she called us.” Hark looked decidedly uncomfortable.

Then she's safe. Shower. Now.” Diachi threw his legs over the edge of the mattress. “You won't be any good for anything if you can't move.” Standing, he lazily stretched, his body outlined in the early morning light. Of course Bryan couldn’t help but drool at the display. “In fact, our shower is big enough for all three of us, so it will easily accommodate you and Bryan. Once you're done, I'll drive both of you to the office, since Hark's vehicle is still at the club.”

Hark seemed ready to balk, but a pointed look from their master had him sighing.
“I suppose this is not something you're going to bend on, Master?”

Diachi arched an eyebrow at him, but spoke to Bryan.
“Go start the shower while I remind your Sir who's in charge, Bryan.”

Yes, Master.” He barely suppressed his smile until he entered the bathroom. Sometimes he wondered if his Sir was just dense, or perhaps looking for attention. One would think after last night, he'd think twice about crossing Master.

sharp crack was followed by a low moan, but any further noises were soon drowned by the sound of the water hitting the marble. While the shower warmed up, he took care of business. After setting out fresh towels on the warmer, he stepped inside the stall as his men entered the bathroom. Hark looked none the worse for the wear until he turned, and Bryan got a clear view of his backside. Two handprints adorned his ass, one on each cheek. Evidently Diachi had taken him in hand. Happiness flooded Bryan. Master wasn't pussy-footing around any longer.

When Hark entered the steamy enclosure, he gave Bryan a dark look.
“Don't even say it.”

Bryan was tempted to sass off
, but decided it wasn't worth the promised retribution he saw in Hark's gaze. “Of course not, Sir.” He held out the loofah. “Would you like me to wash your...er back?”

Hark glared at him, but turned around. Bryan had to bite his cheek to keep from chuckling at the hand prints.
They matched the thin stripes adorning Hark’s back. For some reason, the idea his Sir was no more immune than he was to their Master's quick hands tickled him. Soaping up the loofah, he started at the top of Hark's shoulders and gently worked his way down.

By the time he was done, Hark had an impressive erection
, one Bryan wanted to take between his lips. Obviously seeing the lust in his eyes, Hark shook his head. “Not now. We have to get going. Finish washing up, little one.”

Bryan reached for more body soap, this time squirting a generous amount on his palm.
Rubbing his hands together, he spread the lather across his Sir's chest. “What's wrong? Afraid you won't be able to resist fucking my tight ass, Sir?”

Hark growled.
“You shouldn't tempt me. Master gave us ten minutes while he got the coffee started.”

Bryan stuck his tongue out at him.
“You'd be surprised what I can do with ten minutes, Sir.”

A shadow appeared against the frosted door before Diachi's voice broke in.
“And you're about to find out what I do to submissives who dawdle in the shower, Bryan. You best hurry up, or I'm going to dump the coffee down the drain and replace it with green tea.”

Bryan froze at the threat, all thoughts of being sassy leaving his mind.
He might love oolong and Irish Breakfast Tea, but he absolutely detested green tea. Dropping his hands from Hark's chest, he moved them over his body quickly, ignoring his hair in favor of washing skin. “We'll be right out, Master.” When Hark continued to stand there and stare at him, he tossed the loofah in his direction. “Come on, Sir. He's serious.”

Hark chuckled softly before picking up the shampoo and squeezing a generous amount in his hand.
“Amazing. I'd never have guessed threatening you with green tea would work. I'll have to remember that.”

Bryan gave him a dark look
, almost a glare as Hark began to wash his dark hair. “I'd rather you didn't, Sir. The first time you switch out my oolong tea for green will be the last time.” He narrowed his eyes. “I don't get mad, I get even —” With Hark’s hands occupied, he wrapped his fingers around his Sir’s erection. “And I don't ever forget.”

Hark sucked in a sharp breath as his eyes darkened.
“Play nice, sweetheart, or you'll find out exactly how dirty I can fight.”

Enough, you two.” Diachi’s voice reminded Bryan of their master’s presence. “You have two minutes to finish up, then I'm kicking you out of the shower, regardless of what's been washed and hasn’t, or if you've managed to rinse all the soap away. And from my understanding, soap itches like a bitch when it dries.”

Hark cast an uneasy glance at the d
oor. “He's serious, isn't he?”

Bryan nodded, his hands flying faster over his body.
“Hurry up.”

Both men made it out of the shower with thirty seconds to spare.

* * * *

Less than forty minutes later, Diachi pulled up to the
main entrance of the corporate offices of Sterling Foods. It'd been several months since he'd actually set foot on the property. Beside him in the passenger seat, Bryan sipped at the steaming black brew from his travel mug, while directly behind his
, Hark stared out the window. He had no doubt Hark's sharp gaze was taking in every last detail of the scene, from the security vehicles with their flashing lights to the figures standing beside a mid-size car. Easing to a stop, he put the SUV into park and turned to face his men.

Catching Bryan’s arm, he stopped him. “
Harkahome has the lead, Bryan. Let him go first.”

Bryan's jaw clenched
as he reluctantly dropped his hand from the door handle. “Sterling Foods is
responsibility, Master.”

Diachi n
odded. “Yes, it is. However, where’s the harm in letting Hark secure the area before you talk to Sharonda and your security?”

Hark leaned between the two bucket seats.
“I'm not taking away from your duties, Bryan, but I would feel much better if you allow me to assure your safety.”

Diachi watched as the carefully worded request slipped past Bryan's defenses. Leave it to Hark to leave their man his pride, while at the same time assuming the role of protector.

Bryan seemed torn as he chewed on his lower lip before he finally nodded.
“Go ahead. You have ten minutes, Sir.” The response came out a bit tart.

Hark chuckled softly, and tipped Bryan's head back.
Despite the awkward angle, he gave Bryan a soft kiss of thanks then released him. “That sounded suspiciously like an order, but I'll let it go this time.” He rubbed his thumb over Bryan's swollen lower lip. “However, I doubt Master will let

Diachi almost smiled evilly when Bryan's gaze flew to him. His
knew the rules. Only
was allowed to nibble on his subs’ lips.

Bryan’s face reddened. “
Oops, I forgot.”

kept his tone even while Hark slid out of the SUV. “Then I guess I’ll have to see what I can do to keep you from having future lapses.”

Bryan tipped his head submissively. “Yes, Master.” But his hand found Diachi’s, revealing his worry. Clasping their hands together, Diachi gave his support the only way he knew how.

* * * *

Once the area was secure, Hark
swiftly returned to the SUV. He shouldn’t have been surprised the security team for Sterling Foods had done such a phenomenal job. After all Jude had recommended each and every person in the five man team. But regardless, it put his mind at rest to know the men had lived up to their reputation. There was no eminent danger to Bryan. Opening the passenger door, he gave his sub the all clear sign. “Let's go, little one. Your lovely assistant seems a bit shaken up. Although it shouldn’t be unexpected, coming so soon after her previous attack.”

Bryan exited the vehicle and stood.
“I think you’d be surprised, Hark. She’s a lot stronger than she looks.”

Hark nodded as their master exited the SUV, his every move fluid. “Women can be rather resilient creatures.”

After Diachi joined them, they approached the car where Marius and Sharonda stood. When Bryan greeted both the guard and his assistant, Hark fell back, keeping an eye on the early morning shadows surrounding the building. Moments later, he was joined by Marius.

“I think Mr. Sterling has this handled.” Marius spoke softly, so only Hark could hear him.

Hark kept scanning the shadows. “Of course he does. From my understanding, they’ve been together a long time.”

“Nearly fifteen years from what I’ve been told.” Marius caught his arm. “Which is why I have something strange to show you. Sharonda claims she arrived early to catch up on work, but something isn’t jiving. She shouldn’t have been able to get this close to the building.”

His interested piqued, he caught Diachi’s gaze. With a subtle tilt of his head toward Marius, he let him know he was going with the head of security. The nod Diahci gave him assured Hark their master would stick to Bryan's side.

“Show me, please.”

Marius grimaced, but led him toward the guard shack at the entrance to the parking lot. “Every person who drives in has to come through this gate.” Sinking down in front of the computer, he tapped in a few commands. A video feed of the main entrance popped up on the screen. “As you can see it’s time stamped.” He gestured to the flickering numbers in the corner. Then he entered another flurry of key strokes, backing up the tape. “This was last night. See how Bryan and you are the last ones to exit the building?”

Hark nodded. “Yeah. We stayed late while he finished up a conference call with some suppliers in California.”

“Right.” Another clatter of keys filled the shack as Marius advanced the footage. “And here’s the next person who came into the lot.” A champagne Taurus pulled into the lot and passed through the gate after a short pause.

Hark narrowed his eyes. “Isn’t that Sharonda’s car?”

Marius nodded. “Yes, but this is the kicker. How did she get in? She doesn’t have the updated code for the gate since we change it every week. Today is her first day back since her attack. ”

An uneasy feeling pooled in his stomach. “That does cause an issue.”

Marius sighed. “I’m the last person who wants to accuse an injured woman of anything, but the facts aren’t adding up. She shouldn’t have been able to get into the lot – unless the gate was already unlocked.”


Marius shut the feed down. “Yeah, once regular business hours start, the gate is switched to automatic. The person driving in merely has to push the button and the arm comes up. We monitor the flow of traffic from the Security desk in the main lobby.”

Hark’s mind whirled as he processed the new information. “So either someone gave Sharonda the code or – ”

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