Hawk's Nest (Tremble Island) (7 page)

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Hawk finally got everyone situated and climbed the stairs. He hoped his confidence in Flora and Con being compatible had not been misplaced. He had already resolved to take her as his mate with or without Con’s agreement. Lord Tremble would just have to make other arrangements for the smooth transition of a new leader sworn to take care of his family should death take him before his time. He wanted her, he suspected she had bespelled him, but could find no resentment if she had. He had watched her since coming to this Hall. Now she was his and he was keeping her. When he entered the room and saw the two on the bed, Flora lying on top of his best friend, his heart relaxed. This mating would be successful. He stripped from his clothing, dragged the large fur covering up and over all of them, and fell into a peaceful slumber.


Chapter Nine


“I am the Great Wizard Zurcho, I do not need more creatures cluttering my life. What need do I have to hear screaming brats running through the passages and breaking my things? Why should I tie myself to a woman’s nagging, incessant demands and hair-brained ideas? You are my friend and my lover, but you should keep the ideas such as that to yourself.” His assistant’s suggestions for him to find a mate of the female variety and reproduce a child or two was tempting at times. Lark was becoming a regular pest on the subject.

He had grown bored with little to do in the big drafty keep that Zurcho had inherited from his long dead relatives. They could only fuck so many times a day, and he kept the housemaids busy cleaning the big empty rooms, but he wanted a baby to fuss over and play with. The gardener and his wife had brought their child to Zurcho to have his Aura checked to ensure the child would live a long healthy childhood before adult responsibilities were added to his life. The toddler had escaped his parent’s watchful eyes and found Lark playing music on a flute. The music was probably what lured the child to him, but the child fascinated him. With his big eyes and baby smell still intact, Lark fell in love with the idea of having a child to love and coddle. A little boy or even a girl would do to start with. His efforts to take care of Zurcho were not always appreciated, but a child would thrive under his loving nature. That small baby had triggered his campaign to become a father figure to a little person.

Zurcho was a Wizard true, but lately his magic had become unmanageable. Like the day he wanted to rearrange the skeleton fencing where it had begun to fall. Rather than physically moving the bones, he animated them, but they ignored the ending of his incantation and en-masse began marching in columns toward the neighboring Hall of Care. Speaking of which, the Wizards of Crone’s house had never gotten the better of a skirmish with the resident Lords of the Hall, and now, due to a clusterfucked magical glitch in the universe, they must believe that Zurcho was declaring war on the Hall and its people.

Lark began luring females to the small keep in the hopes that one of them would catch his master’s eyes, and stir his cock, so far, his plan had failed miserably. Last night, as they lay together and Zurcho had fallen asleep, he began muttering the names of plants. Why Lark had no idea, but the wizard’s wand had raised as did his voice while chanting the name of forest vegetation. It was puzzling, and he asked him this morning what the dream was about. Lark rubbed his backside in memory of the slaps on his ass that Zurcho had gifted him with before allowing him to soothe the man’s temper with his mouth on the magical wand between his thighs.

It was so unfair that he had no interest in mating with a female. Zurcho often took women to their bed. In those early days the only way Lark would achieve an orgasm during their threesomes were when a woman sucked the fluid from his cock. And one time, Zurcho laid on his back with the wide hipped woman riding his prick, Zurcho ordered him to fuck the woman’s asshole. He’d had to stare at Zurcho’s face in order to stick his cock into her tight hole while it was still hard enough to be effective. Nature had taken over from that first penetration, as long as he kept his eyes closed imagining his lover’s face, and the feel of her asshole squeezing his cock, he concentrated on the feelings of Zurcho’s prick rubbing his through the thin skin between their cocks, and he became more enthusiastic. This was a new form of making love with his Master and the next time he needed no prodding, or pretending to fuck the bedmate’s ass. One day he might attempt to be the man on the bottom, but the very idea of a sloppy woman’s sex made his cock fall. He had often wondered why he was not born a woman. He loved to do woman’s chores, and he loved feeling protected and cared for by his lover. He wondered what it would be like to have big breasts and maybe have a big belly, filled with a baby. The knowledge that a woman made her own lubricant was not so bad, until he thought about the rest of the things that a vagina did, just the thought of having to suffer through bleeding every month made him physically ill. Each time he watched Zurcho pleasure a woman with his mouth, the only thought he had was,
ow can you do that
That thing bleeds
. He usually left the room rather than stay to watch or participate.

Again Zurcho was holed up in his herbal. Something about his energy was off. After the fiasco of the skeleton fencing, he had tested himself time and again. At one time his Master had been the most feared of men. His evil nature had taken a dramatic turn when his magic began to fail. Each result, almost every time, the first half of his spells worked as they should, the last portion of the spells was another matter entirely. Simple incantations went awry, spells that he’d learned as a child refused to complete as they should. He wondered if his magic was leaving him, he would be nothing without his skills as a Wizard, and that worried him greatly.

The only thing he could do would be to consult a Witch, and not just any Witch, he needed an Echo Witch, and that would be his very last choice. Witches were sneaky, they would do unspeakable things to an unwary male. Hadn’t he learned the truth about such creatures from his grandfather, and his father, to know how untrustworthy they actually were? His grandfather’s family had been at war with Gorgile Hall, and there was a great deal of bitter hatred between the Lord at the time and the Crone’s house Wizard. The battle was almost won, and his great grandfather happened to spy an Echo Witch. He became reckless, believing that if she would see him, she would also know it was time to lay down arms. During the battle, he spied her wading into the small lake close by and went after her. She went under the water and came back up with her arms spread wide as if gathering the elements to her. Lightning bolts and hail that felt like rocks, rained down upon the soldiers. They retaliated and grandfather had fought back. His grandfather was mortally wounded, and the Witch sank into the lake, never to be seen again. His legacy was of suspicion and fear of gifted women, especially Witch women. Now he had to tighten his ball sac and consult with one of their ilk and it galled him to admit it.

The Lord Wendal of Pulson Hall, was attempting to force him into a battle that he had no intentions of joining. The man had brought Willa to him, telling him that she had lost all womanly feelings, and needed to lure a powerful man into mating with her. After Zurcho had painted the female with the aphrodisiac, Wendal had held a knife to Lark’s throat to make him bespell the woman to want only Lord Hawk of Hawk’s Nest.

His solution was to call Lark and give him the task to go to Hawk’s Nest and bring back the most powerful Echo Witch he could find. “If you are caught, make certain that the Lord of the Hall knows you mean no harm, and that the skeleton Army was but a prank. If need be, tell the Lord what Wendal has planned, and that we will not participate in the coming battle.

“Assure the man that we have no unfriendly intentions, and that his Witch will be returned in good health, I only wish to consult with her.” He gave his man a pat on the shoulder, then pulled him into a tight embrace. “You will be cautious, if you feel threatened, come back immediately. You are my most treasured possession you know, take care of yourself. We know how important your journey is, yet I will not hesitate to come for you if need be. No one must know of my magic having issues.” The men exchanged a long look meant only for each other, before Zurcho turned and walked into the cavernous entrance of the keep.

Lark watched the man he had come to love standing so alone, that his inclination was to rush back to him. He could not do that to such a proud man. To Lark, Zurcho was a man first, then his lover. The Wizard was a distant third in importance to him, but without his magic, the man was lost to all. It was how he defined himself. What good was a Wizard with not even the most basic ability to perform the tasks that a man of magic such as himself did. It was imperative that Lark succeed in his quest and he vowed not to fail.


Flora woke feeling stiff, but toasty warm. She didn’t want to move from the hard mattress of Con’s body, especially since she could feel his cock slowly growing thicker and longer inside her tunnel. All thoughts of wishing for a bath to cleanse off last night’s lovemaking disappeared when she felt his hand pull a handful of her hair back, lifting her head enough for him to see her face. His intense stare gave her a thrill up and down her spine. The tender lover from last night was gone and in his place was a demanding man who would take what he wanted, his mouth was set in a thin line as if he was gritting his teeth, and his hand let go of her hair to grab her ass, pushing her down on his prick hard. His hands pulled the cheeks of her ass apart and she felt another presence behind her. Something slick was being rubbed into her back hole by a single finger.

Con’s fingers kept her cheeks pulled wide for easy access for Hawk to work her tight ring into accepting his fingers first, and when he stretched the tight muscle, he would introduce her asshole to his prick. He wanted her introduction to their double penetration to be as pleasurable as possible for her.

Once Hawk had pushed his long finger into her puckered hole, Con moved his hands to her breasts, pulling her down for his mouth to enjoy the chubby nipples that were begging for attention. Each time she tensed the least bit, his teeth would work a nipple to distract her from what Hawk was doing. Then he slid one hand between them and his finger found her clit. He pushed the little muscle and wiggled it back and forth, and felt the flutters from her vaginal channel begin to tighten and release on his cock. He would never tire of the feeling of her body gripping his prick deep inside as if she wanted to suck him as deep as possible and pull the cum from his balls to add to her pleasure.

She was drowning in sensation. No matter how she tried, there was no way for her to stay silent as her men started pleasuring her and in turn themselves. Con’s cock filled her completely, yet the feeling of Hawk’s finger sliding in and out of her asshole made her feel more so. When he added a second finger into play she felt stretched to the maximum, now, as he introduced his cock into that tight place, she knew that her mind would explode as her body was beginning to. The head of his cock gave her a painful reminder that he was well endowed. Each time he rocked his hips back and forth, his prick slid even deeper inside of her body, causing the thin membrane between asshole and vagina to stretch. “Easy, precious, we will take this nice and slow. The feeling of being filled will add to your enjoyment. Let me in so you can feel all that I say is true. You like riding Con’s cock, I can tell. Now you will feel the pleasure of two pricks deep inside of your body until you scream with your pleasure as you suck the seed from our cocks.”

Their cocks rubbed that small place and drove her higher, she tried to move her hips but Com and Hawk were controlling her movements and it was beginning to be necessary to move. “I want to move, let me move.” She jerked her hips and felt the hair over Con’s prick tickle the nub of her pleasure, ground herself down harder onto him and orgasmed with no more warning. As she was jerking around grinding down to take his cock deep as it would go, Hawk began gliding in and out of her ass, burying his cock until she felt his prick pulse in the sensitive tunnel of her ass. Her muscles kept clenching of their own accord, she had no control over the pleasure that washed over her knowing the man was emptying his cum deep inside of her body. Con was bathing her insides with his essence at the first pulse of Hawk's cock, and they all shouted and yelled at the release of tension and sexual fluids. She collapsed on Con’s chest feeling Hawk rest his head on her back for a long moment, before he pulled his softening prick from her rear.

“Now is the place where you explain to us the small prickles that your body tickles my prick to the point of almost pain when you reach your pleasure. I noticed it the first time I was being squeezed in your body, this time I felt the lightening through the three of us.” Con watched her carefully to make sure she wasn’t prevaricating. It was the strangest feeling he had ever experienced while fucking, and he wanted her to confirm the energy that was pushing through his body was a gift from her. How she did it was going to be his next question.

By the time she finished explaining her role as an Echo Witch, the two men were staring at her in open-mouthed surprise. “I share my energy with you each time we are together. It is part of an Echo Witch’s nature to share strength with her mate. I had no idea I could share it with you in this way until it happened.” She was essentially a healer, and at the same time, their mate was a weapon. As long as she had access to flowing water, she would be as dangerous, or as helpful, as needed. Her abilities were welcome, and a more intense respect was shown to her in the way they helped her clean up and kissed her tenderly. They teased her about taking care of their secret weapon, but assured her that she was precious to them with or without her Witch’s gifts.


Drago and his new family were ready to leave when the trio came into the great room. Hawk had loaned him five soldiers to provide protection on the journey back to Dragon’s Eyre, and everyone was gathered and ready to go. Con would provide safety for the party from above to make certain there were no hidden enemies ahead of the small party transporting such precious cargo. The find of two dragon babies would be too much temptation for someone wanting to seize power of a place. Dragons were swift and silent, everyone knew of Drago’s ability to breathe fire, and by now they had heard of the orphan baby’s natural ability too. One dragon could flatten an entire village and burn down every building in it, within a matter of minutes. No one wanted those babies to be used in such a manner. The soldiers consisted of four Amazon shifter warriors and one cat shifter. Each had volunteered to be a child’s guardian until such time the child had no need of their protection. They would stay at Dragon’s Eyre, as Hawk’s contribution to the joint guardianship the men had negotiated for the safety and security of both Halls of Care.

Flora felt the nagging need to find Fern, something was not quite right, and she almost ran to the hovel they had shared before her move into the Hall with her new mates. She found her mentor struggling to rise from her sleeping pallet as the vacant eyed girl Fern had insisted she needed, sat in the corner quietly.

She helped Fern to sit and after a short discussion, which was more of an argument on Flora’s part, the three women headed to the lake very slowly as Fern’s energy was almost depleted.

Hawk watched from a distance. The haste of Flora’s search for Fern alarmed him. The sight of her struggling to hold the bent body upright and moving in the direction of the lake bothered him enough for him to move in behind the two women and pick up Fern into his arms to conserve her energy for the remaining walk. The vacant brained female shuffled behind them as they made their way.

“Lord Hawk, you must listen to my words, the day you pulled me from this water, I was being possessed by the soul of Flora’s ancestor, the Lady Copper. Over one hundred years ago, she was killed in battle in this very lake, she killed her enemy before she herself succumbed to her wounds and sank into the deep waters here. Her soul could not complete the transition to me, thus leaving me with half a soul with both hers and mine fighting for supremacy and control. The time has come for me to reunite the souls, and my sacrifice to the Goddess has been answered. You see the woman’s shell yonder playing with the flutterby’s, I see the shell that will house the soul of the Lady Copper. She was the greatest Witch that this Hall has ever seen. I would allow her the chance to live again, to finally complete the life she was fated to enjoy before her untimely demise. Flora knows what must be done, by the Goddess, please do not interfere.”

As soon as they reached the water’s edge, he set her on her unsteady feet, holding her arm as she waded into the water. He and Flora stood watching as the woman slowly continued toward the center of the lake and disappeared as the water closed over her bent head. After several minutes and Fern did not bob back to the surface, Hawk felt the hand on his arm, stifling his urge to rescue the woman. She whispered, “No interference.”

No matter how much she wanted to stop herself from completing her instructions, Flora followed Fern’s directives to the letter. It was simple really, all she had to do was lead the pretty shell of a woman to the water and tell her to go, “Your soul lies deep, there is nothing to be afraid of, you will become whole again.” The woman smiled widely and splashed her way into the water as Flora stood back, clasping Hawk’s hand in hers.

“Fern told me that she has been at war within herself since the day you rescued her from the water. She told me that she had breathed her last before her body hit the water, and when she sank, she felt a mighty tug deep inside where her soul was departing. At the same time she felt a push inside as if something large and fiery had lodged itself inside of her body. The last she remembered was you pulling her to the surface, as half of her soul was torn away. Her visions have shown her what happened and now she seeks to make the mistake right.”

They watched from the shore as the woman disappeared beneath the surface of the water, just as Fern had. After a few minutes Flora pulled him away from the water’s edge. “We must stand back, the last time a Witch went under this water, she made it rain lightening and hailstones, while she gathered energy to fight in the battle. I am staying back for now, until the transfer of souls has been completed, and the Lady Copper surfaces to walk among the living, whole and full of purpose.” She did not tell Hawk that if this transfer of souls didn’t work then she would be the one taking on her ancestor’s soul until she could find one worthy of using it. After this morning’s declarations between the three of them, she would hesitate to do the thing, she would do it, but not without reservation.

The strangest thing began to happen, and Hawk held fast to Flora’s hand as the wind kicked up making a deafening noise, and a whirlpool began in the middle of the lake, turning into a swirling waterspout. The water dervish whirled to the lake’s shoreline and fell away, leaving a glowing figure standing before them. Within seconds, the figure’s glow began to fade, leaving the vacant eyed woman, no longer just a shell. Her eyes sparkled deep green and her hair hung to her waist in red-gold ringlets. She threw her arms wide and tossed back her head, laughing with all of the joy that a rejoined soul would feel. The louder her laughter the more they could see small shoots of crackling blue lightening coming from the ground sparking and making sizzling sounds.

Her laughter wound down, and she walked directly to the couple standing there watching her be reborn. She took Flora in a tight embrace, breathing in her aura, and exhaling the pretty blue colors of her great, great granddaughter’s shield of protection. “You are beautiful, I am proud to call you kin.” She turned to Hawk with a raised brow before enfolding him into her warm hug, “The champion, you are worthy.”

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