Hawk's Nest (Tremble Island) (6 page)

BOOK: Hawk's Nest (Tremble Island)
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Chapter Eight


The women were first to die, their ropes and leashes were removed, but the collars stayed in place. If they had had an animal nature to call upon them, now would have been the time. Since neither transformed, the Amazons merely snapped their necks and tossed them on the side of the arena while they breathed their last breaths and their hearts eventually stopped.

The human male was loosened from his ropes and the young Amazon that he’d sneered at stood before him, willing to do battle in the center of the ring. He grinned and attacked her, only to end on his ass in the dirt again and again. He finally stared at her and crooked his finger, yelling at her to do his bidding. To those watching, it was his idea of suicide. The female warrior slammed him upside the head with her fist, she then elbowed him in the throat, crushing his windpipe. From then on he only made gurgling gasping sounds as she continued to beat him to death. His lifeless body dropped when she let loose of her hold on his robe. She stood in front of where Hawk stood and bowed her head to the Lord. He nodded and she stood aside to watch the last prisoner, the brute, face his death.

Con wanted his hands around the man’s throat. Hawk had denied his request, citing the need for confidence of the general population in their defense. “We know there will be others like him, my friend, but this may be the only chance we have to gain the loyalty and trust of the people. Once they see that we refuse to hesitate to kill enemies of the downtrodden, they will be easier around us. You have my word the next time you may have your way.” He gave the wrist that he was holding to Con. “Hold this or take her up to the Nest if you wish. I shouldn’t be long, but I cannot leave yet.”

The first crack of a whip hitting flesh got his attention and he watched with pride as the two Amazons whipped the flesh from the screaming man’s body. He cursed the women until exhaustion and pain left him silent. They finished him by wrapping their whips around his body. One wrapped at his ankles and the other whip around his chest, while a third Amazon swung her sword at his neck, cleanly severing the brutes head from his body, causing it to bounce on the hard packed dirt as it gazed at the crowd with a silent scream from its open mouth.

The warrior women came to stand where the last one had and bowed to Hawk, then stood by while he addressed the crowd. “Let it be known that we will harm those that harm us, no one, human or dual natured, will be held above another race.” That said, he turned to Quinlan and praised his teaching skills. While the crowd yelled and beat on the wooden fencing in celebration. He knew he had made the correct choice in allowing the female warriors to mete out justice in this manner, for the entire village to see.

He was as startled as the crowd to see a fireball with a man’s scream, dangling from a thick rope that was clutched in a huge dragon’s claw, flying over the arena. The screams lasted only a few minutes, but the sight of the rope burnt through and the fireball dropping from the sky, was a tale that would be recounted for years to come.

Drago had proven his words in a dramatic fashion, and the bloodthirsty crowd cheered as the dark red raptor seemed to cackle when the body hit dirt. The dragon flew off, but not before a tiny brown haired spy saw what he’d done. Her heart lifted in that short moment and she nodded to herself, before slipping back inside the Hall. He had promised her that he would protect them all from more pain. He told her that he would deal with the one who made her and Winnie fear for their lives. The mean people were dead now, she saw them die. They would never hurt anyone again. She told Winnie about it when she curled up next to her on the pallet they shared. Winnie would not understand, but for now, knowing that he kept his promise, it was enough to allow the girl to sleep without worry.

Fern knew that Flora would not be back to stay with her again at night. The girl was destined to take her rightful place in the Hall where her grandparents had settled. The years weighed heavily on the bent woman’s frame as she took the new girl’s arm and directed her to the hovel they would share for a few days to come. It was a shame the girl was now mostly a vacant shell, but that would not be the case for long. Soon enough she would be full of life and purpose.
Yes, soon

Hawk supervised the removal of the deceased. Normally the dead were taken to the skeletal fence between the Wizard’s land and that of his. After the attack of the skeleton show of yestereve, he hesitated to give the troublemaker fresh bodies to violate with his experiments. The dead should remain unmolested by the living. If Fern was correct, and she normally was, the Wizard Zurcho would be testing his borders again soon enough. He had zero experience with the supernatural and he was not looking forward to fighting against something he didn’t understand. Knowing he was mating with an Echo Witch was as close to magic as he wished to be. Remembering the tiny pinpricks biting into his cock as she came, stirred his body’s interest. He hurried to finish his tasks, so he could join Con and Flora in the mating before this night was over. There was no need for an elaborate ceremony, but he ordered a banquet to be scheduled for the next evening. The mating would not go without some celebration to mark the day.

Con had not hesitated to lead Flora into the Hall and up the steps into the round room at the top of the building. This would be the new room for the three of them to share. There was a large bed covered in soft furs, a place to sit and relax around the stone firebowl, and a table and chairs for the occupants. There were benches for storage and resting. The ceiling featured louvered circular holes to let the smoke from the fire escape the room. He led her to the bed.

“Do you consent to this mating? I will let you leave, unmolested, if this is not your wish. Hawk and I are destined to share our mate, by both order of our Lord Tremble and the charter that Hawk holds this Hall under. We have both found you to be attractive and of the character that we will need and come to love and cherish. Can it be enough for now? This attraction that we have for each other is powerful, you must have felt it yourself. If you consent and agree that you believe we will be able to make this mating work, take your shift off and present your bared body to me. You will not be sorry, I promise you.”

Flora was at first irritated at the heavy-handed way he dragged her up the stairs, and his demands for her to make up her mind right this minute was not helping his cause. She opened her mouth to lecture him on the usage of his language, when she saw the heat in his eyes. She understood his haste when she looked toward his lap, and had to smile. So her second mate was in need of her, and it appeared from the bright eyes, tightened mouth, and flared nostrils, that he was barely holding himself in check. She wondered how he had managed the offer to allow her to leave in the state he was in. He was correct, she was attracted. She wanted him, had wanted him almost from her first sight of his magnificent body towering over the crowd of people that had gathered in the Hall so many weeks before. He arrived after the Lords Tremble had left. He had flown into the village common ground and stood from his transformation from giant bird into a huge well formed man. Now he was hers for the taking. Would she be enough for the two men? Once they were mated proper, they would cleave to each other and no one outside of their mating would be welcomed from this day forward. There was no choice for her, she was going to grab this chance at love that she was being offered. She smiled and reached for the hem of her shift. Would he be tender, or would he be a dominant mate, demanding complete control in the bed play? She shivered as she stood tall and proud in front of his hungry gaze. Her nipples beaded, ready for his passions. “If it pleases you and Lord Hawk, I would be honored to be your mate. I give my consent to this union and wish us all happiness for the future. I have watched you both for months. You have heart and a kind soul. I see bright colors surrounding you all of the time. It makes me wish to touch you and bask in the warmth of that light.” She ducked her head, afraid that she’d been too forward or given her feelings away too soon.

His breath left his lungs in a rush while his hands reached for her womanly hips. His lips traversed across her belly, causing her to flinch and giggle for a second, until his hands pulled her thighs apart and penetrated her opening with one long finger. His fingers were immediately drenched in her juices. He rested his forehead on the soft skin of her belly. She was excited. From the way her muscles clamped down on his finger, he knew that she needed a man’s prick as much as the man needed to sink inside of her channel. He added another finger and she shivered and moaned. His thumb coaxed the tiny muscle from its fleshy hood and leaned in to give it a lick. He sucked it into his mouth while she held his head to her with two fistfuls of his shaggy black hair. He set his tongue to stabbing at the shy muscle that helped to control her pleasure, wiggling it back and forth, enjoying the sounds she made each time his tongue encountered the fleshy nubbin. Her thighs quivered in an effort to stay upright, so he increased his efforts to bring her to pleasure. Her grip on his hair began to sting as he felt the walls his fingers played inside of set a clamping rhythm over them, the tight hold she held the digits made his cock throb. Hearing her pleasure being voiced, and feeling it around his hand, drove him to push her further into the orgasm. The feel of her clit in his lips throbbing at the same time her tunnel clamped on his fingers thrilled him. He wanted her beneath him, there would be no better time than now to introduce her to his prick. He hooked his fingers that were still buried inside of her and pulled her off balance onto him.

He flipped her onto the bed and stood to remove his clothing. She seemed to admire his wide chest when it was bared to her, so he did not hesitate to drop the pants around his ankles and step out of them, all the while watching her eyes for a clue as to how she found his body. Her eyes widened, and her mouth dropped open as she took in the entire man. His cock was overly large compared to others, but he had no doubt it would fit and situated himself over her, with his hard prick at her entrance. As he moved his hips forward, he demanded she look at him. “You will look into my eyes as I come into you, dear one. I want our first time to be one you remember. One memory that you will have of this first time between us is special. Open your thighs, dearest heart. I can wait no longer to feel you surrounding my cock.”

Flora was still feeling the tightening of her vaginal walls as he slowly slid inside. She gasped as his prick stretched the muscles and seemed to widen her tunnel with every inch. His lips latched onto her breast and she had to draw in a deep breath to have enough air in her lungs to groan. He backed out a bit, then pushed inward even further than before several times, and all she could do was feel the burning stretch of his invasion. She stared at him and suddenly screamed his name as the burning blended with pain, as he pushed deeper and deeper still. His body stilled for a moment, and he hung his head over her breasts as he pulled great gusts of air into his own lungs. She could tell he must be attempting to control his natural inclinations to shove his thick cock deep inside her, but he wanted to maintain some control. Her heart opened for him in that instant, he was bossy and arrogant, like Hawk, but he was trying not to hurt her and she allowed herself to relax. How he would ever believe that she would not remember his lovemaking was simply silly. Hawk’s prick was sizable, Con’s prick was much more. She began to rub her fingers over his shoulders and felt herself relax, there was nothing to fear, as she allowed her muscles to let go, he sank as deep as it was possible for him to penetrate her depths. She was stuffed full, not certain how he thought he could move now, since her muscles began contracting as soon as he hit bottom inside, and began to rock his hips between her thighs. She wanted to move her hips and tried, but he was too heavy for her to move. She wanted that feeling again, the rainbow of colors dancing behind her eyelids, that feeling of soaring over the clouds.

“Move, I cannot move because you are too heavy, I need you to move inside of me.” He made a noise that sounded like a chuckle, but right now he could moo like a cow, her body cared not. She planted both feet on the mattress and lifted her hips to take what she needed, since he was too lazy to properly fuck her as her body demanded. Her fingers dug into the flesh in the small wash of his spine, while she worked herself up onto his prick and shallowly moved her body around his thickness. She was practically spitting in frustration when he took over the movement.

Con was happy, she wanted him, she wanted his prick deep inside and from the feel of her vaginal tunnel gripping his cock in a fluttering rhythm, she was about to enjoy another orgasm with him buried deep. He doubled his efforts, pulling out and shoving himself back inside her wet depths until the fluttering became serious, clamping and releasing while she screamed her pleasure to the ceiling. He let loose his seed at the entrance to her womb, twitching and twisting his hips, as his balls gave all he had to give. He grunted when her nails scraped down his back as she strained to satisfy those last few involuntary stabs of sensation. Her pleasure and tightness gave his cock small shocks to his over sensitized prick, the tiny zaps tickled and were almost painful. That was a new feeling for him, but she was tighter than any before her, so he forgot everything except the woman in his arms. He pulled her over him with a roll of his body and she slept. His softening prick still lodged inside of her body, with her head resting on his chest.

He knew that she was the mate they needed. She would be a demanding lover, as she demonstrated with him moments ago. The thought of her taking matters into her own hands made him smile. She was passionate and would lead them on a merry lifetime of trials. His back itched where she had dug her little fingers into him while demanding that he move. Yes, she was ideal for him.

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