Hawk (17 page)

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Authors: Patricia A. Rasey

BOOK: Hawk
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“Who the fuck died?” Draven combed his fingers through his long curls and brushed the stray strands from his face. His top hat was nowhere in sight tonight.

The man’s overlong hair brushed his shoulders as a heavy five o’clock shadow dusted his cheeks. Kaleb bet the barkeep got nearly as much tail as the Sons. It seemed there were always a bevy of women who hung near the bar, vying for his attention. Draven never seemed to pay them any mind. The barkeep made sure the Sons were well-taken care of and had his undivided attention. His personal life, if he allowed himself one, came after making sure the Sons were well-attended. Draven had been a great and much trusted friend to the Sons of Sangue. And as such, the Sons would always have his back.

Kaleb ignored the reference to his sour mood. “You see Suzi?”

“She’s waiting upstairs for you.” His thumb indicated the curtained staircase. “She’s been up there for about a half hour. Said she didn’t feel like hanging at the bar tonight and asked if it was okay to wait for you in my office. I told her she was more than welcome to the space. I didn’t think you’d mind. By the way, she looks fucking hot tonight. Be careful, bro.”

“Great,” Kaleb mumbled.

He thanked Draven and headed for the stairs, in no mood to carry on a conversation with the barkeep at the moment. He took the stairs one step at a time, feeling the weight of what he was about to do heavy on his shoulders. Absolving Suzi of her duty as his donor wasn’t exactly making him a happy camper. Hell, no. He truly wanted to throw her over his shoulder, take her home and bed her. But that wasn’t going to happen, not without losing a part of himself. Reason enough to cut his ties. Allowing her beneath his skin had been a bad idea from the moment she walked back into his life a little over a week ago. If he were smart, he’d take the coward’s way out and about-face, tell Draven to make an excuse for him and find himself a new donor. He didn’t need a reason to do so. He was the President of the Sons of Sangue and could do as he pleased. Instead, hand on knob, he forced himself to open the door and face her one last time. He owed her that much after forcing her to endure his company.

Stepping into the dimly lit room, his gaze landed on her. His breath stopped. She sat on the Italian leather sofa, thigh-high boots hugging her shapely legs, stopping just shy of a very short, black-leather mini-skirt. The five-inch heels on those things could certainly be used as weapons. He’d do well to remember that. But damn if they didn’t have his balls tightening and his cock standing at attention at the thought of them digging into his bare ass as he fucked her. On the top half, she wore a red halter, cut damn near to her belly button, barely containing her small, pert breasts. Her nipples pebbled against the silky material. He could easily imagine drawing them between his teeth. It was a most-definite “fuck me” outfit, which nearly had him forgoing his reasoning to cut her loose out the window. Damn her for knowing full-well the reaction that outfit would have on him and wearing it anyway. He could easily envision bending her over the arm of the sofa and tearing her panties from her, shoving into her in one fluid motion.

Kaleb cursed, his mouth suddenly dry as dirt. A half-empty glass of wine set next to her on the end table. Walking over to it, he grabbed the glass and tossed back the rest of the contents before turning his heated gaze on her. His change wasn’t far off, as it never seemed to be in her company. Kaleb was either wanting to throttle her or fuck her whenever she was in his company. He sure in the hell wished he could just give in and take the latter. His groin tightened at the idea, begging Kaleb to do just that. Strengthening his resolve, he clenched his jaw and bridled the lengthening of his fangs. Conversation first. Then he’d feed.

“Kaleb,” she acknowledged, using his given name and causing his heart to skip a beat.

He needed her anger back. This seductive side to Suzi was knocking down the barrier to his resolve. Much more time spent in that holy-hell outfit and he’d forget about sending her packing. He’d take what he craved, to hell with her fiancé, and worry about tomorrow later.

Jesus! He certainly couldn’t take much more.

“We need to talk.”

Her gaze took in his as her pink tongue moistened her lips. Good, he made her nervous, never mind the desire he detected coming off her in waves. He knew her panties were already wet. He didn’t need to touch her to know how he affected her.
Down boy!

“You need to feed, Kaleb. I can see it in your pallor. We can talk after.”

His groin plagued him. No way could he feed from her and walk away. He was an idiot to think he might be able to. “Look, Suzi … this isn’t such a good idea—”

She stood from the sofa and approached him, stopping him in mid-sentence. It was as if his tongue had become glued to his mouth. The sexy sway of her hips drew his heated gaze. His eyes burned in their transformation and his gums ached as his fangs lengthened.

So much for talking.

Suzi lay her hand on his chest and tilted her head to the side, giving him easy access to her artery. He’d need every ounce of willpower to stop at communion. Kaleb wanted so much more and here she stood very willing and eager to give into all his desires. But rather than deny himself the pleasure of nourishment, he fisted her hair at her nape and sank his fangs gum deep into her artery. The sweet tang of her blood flowed easily over his tongue, hardening his dick damn near painfully. Much more and he feared splitting his jeans.

Suzi’s one hand fisted his tee as she melded against him, moaning his given name. The scent of her desire wafted to his nose. He knew he had to quickly finish and cut her loose if he had any chance at all of walking out of here without caving, and completely messing up both of their lives.
She has a fiancé
played through his brain like a mantra. Not that it would stop him from taking what he wanted. He just needed a good deterrent.

Her free hand slid down his abs to the front of his jeans, sliding across his rigid cock. All sane thought flew from his brain as she quickly released the button and slipped her hand inside to encompass him. The shock of her touch had him withdrawing his fangs with a growl. Quickly licking the twin holes closed, he disengaged himself and stepped back from her. Tears sprung to her eyes. Kaleb felt like a complete shit, even if he knew what he was about to do was best for both of them.

Suzi held a trembling hand over her lips as the tears slipped down her cheeks unheeded. “Am I not good enough?”

Why the hell would she want to be?
He hadn’t once given her a reason to think of him in a positive light. On the contrary, he had tried his best to earn her scorn. Kaleb’s heart beat arduously. Full-blown panic settled in his chest at the desire to soothe her. He couldn’t be the man that she needed in her life. It was time to give her back to her fiancé, even if he’d rather suck the man dry than allow him to touch Suzi again. Kaleb needed to get the hell out of Draven’s office, and stop thinking that she somehow belonged with him.

“You’re released,” he said, repositioning his cock and buttoning his jeans.

Her brows knit together. “What?” came her watery question.

Kaleb took another deep breath. He needed a drink. Something much stiffer than wine. But right now, he chose to get back on his chopper and get the hell away from the vision before him, not allowing his self-discipline to fail him now.

“You’re permanently retired, Suzi.” He approached her, grabbed the small vial around her neck and yanked the leather cord free. “You will no longer feed me or any of my brothers.”

Suzi sucked in a sob. Her hand went to the hollow of her neck. “How could you?”

“Consider it me doing you a favor,” Kaleb said as he turned and quit the room, her blood vial gripped tightly in his fist.

Her sobs followed him down the stairwell, causing his heart to pang. He was most definitely a bastard. Kaleb didn’t pause as he passed the bar, catching Draven out of the corner of his eye, his look damning him. What the hell did he care? He had just done the little brunette a favor by cutting her free. Kaleb needed fresh air and the road before his selfish side kicked in and he took what Suzi offered anyway. Using both hands, he pushed through the exit and into the parking lot of the Rave, the cool air on his face much welcomed. Just as he reached his chopper, he caught sight of a large man to his right, staring at him. Kaleb stopped just short of swinging his leg over the seat of his bike. Turning, he looked up into the brown eyes of Lyle Murphy.

The big man glared at him, hatred evident in his gaze. “If you hurt her, dirt bag, I’ll wipe the cement with you.”

It was all the provocation Kaleb needed. Gritting his teeth, he walked over to Lyle and easily lifted the man off the ground by his throat. His fingers dug into the chorded muscles of Lyle’s neck. Flashing the man his fangs, he growled. Lyle gasped for air, his eyes wide in fear seeing the vampire … monster before him. But before Kaleb had a chance to rip out the man’s esophagus from his throat, he heard Suzi’s approach, detected her scent.

“Let him down, Kaleb,” she warned. “You hurt him and I will see that you pay for your sins the rest of your life. I promise I will make your life miserable, you ass.”

Kaleb growled again, causing Lyle to blaspheme, his hands grappling at Kaleb’s hand about his throat. With one final squeeze, he slowly lowered the man to his feet and released him.

“What the hell are you?” Lyle croaked.

His throat would no doubt plague him a few days, Kaleb having come just shy of crushing his windpipe.

He looked Lyle square in the eye, his obsidian gaze mirroring back at him. “You’ll forget what you saw, asshole. You won’t remember seeing the monster before you or the biker you have come to hate. Now go and be lucky I don’t hypnotize you into despising the woman before you.”

He turned to Suzi, who stood with fists perched on her hips, hatred shining clearly in the depths of her eyes.
She could now move forward with her life. Kaleb had club business to deal with. He surely didn’t need this little slip of a woman throwing him off course. No way in hell was he about to follow in his brother’s footsteps. Cara had been all sorts of bad for Kane and his twin had damn near turned his back on the brotherhood because of her.

“Goodbye, Suzi,” Kaleb said, then headed for his chopper without so much as a glance back.

“Kaleb Tepes … I hope you rot in hell, you son of a bitch!”

Her following sobs would likely haunt him for days. But he had done them both a favor, regardless of the misery now worming its way through him. Turning the key to his chopper, he hit the ignition and started the engine. Kaleb kicked up the center stand with his booted heal, pushed off the bike, and headed out of the parking lot and down the road.









Chapter 17


Suzi curled herself into the corner of the sofa, tucking her legs beneath her, miserable and dejected. Her hand went to her naked throat, her fingertips resting in the now-vacant jugular notch. How could Kaleb be so cruel? That vial and lifestyle had become a part of her, defined who she had become. Taking the donor necklace from her was akin to removing a part of her soul. Kaleb took the one thing from her that would ensure her hatred for him … and the bastard knew it. He had been deliberately cruel. The question was why?

Her leather boots lay in a heap by the door, long forgotten as she stared into the dark interior of the room, wrapping her arms about her center in an attempt to keep herself warm. A shiver ran down her spine. She supposed she could start a fire in the hearth, but the room temperature had little to do with the chill invading her body that Kaleb had started at the club. Her heart panged. Lord, she wanted to despise him with every fiber of her being, turn her back on him and never set eyes on the bastard again.

Instead, here she sat in the quiet interior of the clubhouse, waiting for his return. He had to come home sooner or later, and when he did, he best be prepared for her wrath. The only way she was leaving was with her necklace in hand and an apology. It would be her decision to walk away from being a donor, not his. He said that he no longer lay claim to her as a donor or otherwise, so if she opted to feed one of the other Sons, then that should be her choice. She’d be damned before allowing him to make decisions on her behalf. Whether or not she loved Kaleb was beside the point, she’d die before giving him the opportunity to hurt her any longer.

Suzi rubbed her dry and itchy eyes, knowing she must be a sight.
So much for making the vampire realize what he was missing.
One look at her now and he’d likely thank his lucky stars to have dodged her attempt at seduction earlier. Though Cara may have had good intentions in helping her turn Kaleb’s head, Suzi’s delivery had sucked. Sure his erection had shown his interest, but any woman could have gotten a rise out of him. In the end, he had turned his back on her, and walked away without a care. He hadn’t wanted her. Plain and simple. And that had stung, hurt her as thoroughly as if he had caused her physical harm.

Suzi’s chest ached, the pain nearly debilitating her. God, she was a mess. She stood and walked to the bathroom, flipping on the light and staring at her pathetic reflection in the mirror. She couldn’t allow Kaleb to see her as she stood before the sink. Turning on the water, she splashed her puffy face with cold water, hoping to wash away all traces of her sorrow. She needed to be strong, show him that she too could walk away without a care, even if it truly was killing her inside. Grabbing one of Cara’s kohl pencils, she relined her eyes, then used some of her friend’s mascara. She’d not give Kaleb the satisfaction of knowing he had that kind of influence over her happiness. Finished, she dusted her red nose with facial powder, then stood back and studied the reflection.

Satisfied, Suzi flipped the light switch off and padded back to the living area where she resumed her vigil, hoping that he’d make his return soon. Kane and Cara had promised to busy themselves elsewhere, both feeling Kaleb deserved Suzi’s retribution after hearing how heartlessly he had treated her. Suzi hadn’t missed the sound of Kane’s humor though, as he and Cara closed the door behind them more than an hour ago. She supposed that humor was aimed at the shit-storm of fury Suzi planned to release on his twin. Grayson hopefully heeded Kane’s text to spend the evening out. She didn’t think she could stomach the egotistical ass if he decided to return with a couple of bimbos on his arms.

Suzi blew out a breath as her thoughts returned to Lyle, standing in the parking lot of the Rave, not far from his own tavern, confused as to what might’ve caused his throat such discomfort. The taillights to Kaleb’s bike had not long faded before she turned to Tamera’s uncle and thanked him for all he had done.

An apology spilled from her lips, as she tried to explain how truly sorry she was to have involved him in the mess that was her life. The fake engagement ring glinted on her finger, drawing her attention to the bauble that had already caused her so much trouble. Pulling it from her finger, Suzi tossed the fake solitaire into the bushes and walked off. Now she sat alone, waiting on Kaleb’s return and hoping she hadn’t caused Lyle any more trouble when his intentions had been pure. The good-hearted Irishman had tried to help her dodge the one person Suzi quickly realized was unavoidable.

The sound of an approaching Harley kicked up her already rapid heartbeat. The simple black and white wall clock told her dawn was yet a few hours away. With any luck, she’d get her vial back from Kaleb and be home and in her bed by daybreak. She had the afternoon shift at the nursing home and would need to catch a few hours of sleep if that were even possible.

The engine cut short, further jangling her nerves. The time to change her mind had now passed, Suzi hugged her knees tightly to her chest and watched the back of the door.


* * *


Kaleb stepped over the seat of his bike, unsnapped his helmet and hung it on the handlebar of his chopper. Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out the simple black leather cord and looked at the red vial dangling from it. The red jewel glimmered in the florescent lighting of the parking lot security light.

He really was an ass.

What the hell had he been thinking when he had yanked it from Suzi’s neck? He had no right telling Suzi what she could or couldn’t do with her life. Jealousy had spurred his actions and the thought of her with another man had him nearly ripping out the throat of someone who had done nothing to earn his scorn. Kaleb didn’t even want to think what might’ve happened if Suzi hadn’t followed him out of the club and saw Lyle hanging from Kaleb’s iron grip, his toes barely scraping the cement of the sidewalk.

Not that he had hurt the man. But he easily could have. Kaleb fisted the necklace and headed for the dark clubhouse. He wouldn’t apologize for his actions. Right or wrong, he couldn’t allow Suzi to remain a donor without more similar outbursts. Suzi Stevens could no longer be used as a donor, it was that simple. If he wasn’t feeding from her, then certainly no one else would be.

She undoubtedly hated him now anyway. He hadn’t missed the look on her face when he had cruelly yanked the leather cord from her neck. If she hadn’t despised him before, he had just insured that she did. Kaleb couldn’t blame her, and in fact welcomed her hostility. Better for him and the club if he got his head out of his dick and started concentrating on club business and who the hell wanted him dead. Not to mention the mess they now had with the Knights. Kane and he sat in opposition as to whether to continue the gun runs. Fact was, someone in the Knights had betrayed them, and until Kaleb discovered the identity, no way in hell would he trust any of them, Red included. Kane no longer had a voice in the matter. Kaleb was club pres, and as so, his twin had no choice but to abide by Kaleb’s decision to put their tenuous truce with the Knights to a vote. He’d call a church meeting and place his concerns on the table. He’d bet that his men would rule in favor of cutting their losses. Most hadn’t been happy with Kane’s decision to work with the Knights in the first place and the fact he had done so without polling the rest of the MC. The bottom line was the Sons of Sangue didn’t need the Knights, never would.

Grasping the knob and pocketing the necklace, Kaleb pushed the door inward and strode into the darkened interior, telling him everyone was either in bed or still out. He hadn’t noted any vehicles in the parking lot, but then deep in thought, he hadn’t really paid attention. The sweet scent of Suzi Stevens’ damn near knocked the air from his chest the minute he cleared the doorway, long before his enhanced sight caught a glimpse of her sitting in the corner of his sofa, looking far too wounded for his peace of mind.

Jesus! Was he responsible for that?

“What are you doing here, Stevens?” he asked, his tone brusque. He needed her anger back because he sure as fuck couldn’t handle the delicate woman now before him.

She unfolded her arms from her lean muscled legs and stood. Her “fuck me” skirt rode high on her thighs. Kaleb caught a glimpse of her boots lying in a heap by his feet. Thank goodness she had the foresight to remove them. Those spiked heels called to mind all sorts of erotic images, visions that were getting harder to ignore by the minute.

“You have something of mine and I want it back,” she said as she headed in his direction.

His eyes damn near fell out of his head watching her approach. Her pert tits swayed gently beneath the red silk halter. Kaleb shoved both hands into the pockets of his jeans, no longer trusting himself not to touch. His hands itched to palm each breast and test their light weight. Shit, he wanted to draw the pert tips into his mouth, soak the red material before tearing it away. Suzi had never been large breasted, but man did she have a nice set of tits.

“Looks like you wasted your time then, Stevens.” Pulling his hands from his pockets, he used one thumb to indicate behind him. “I threw the necklace alongside the road.”

“You prick!”

She raised her hand to strike his chest, but he easily caught her wrist and yanked it high, tucking it behind her nape. She struggled in his grasp. Kaleb’s heated gaze dropped to her breasts again as they thrust forward, not sure if he wanted them to slip from the fabric, or praying they’d stay put. His mouth parched. Thankfully he had fed earlier, the only thing fueling his willpower at the moment not to carry her off to his bed at the back of the clubhouse. His cock lengthened, tightening his jeans uncomfortably. He needed to get laid … bad.

“I hate you!”

Her words caused him to smile, his fangs now fully extended. Suzi may despise him, but she could no more deny the fact they hungered for the same end. If she were smart she’d run like hell, because he was but a fraction away from losing control and taking his fill. And damn if he couldn’t come up with one good reason at the moment not to fuck her. His earlier argument quickly took a back seat.

“No, you don’t, sweetheart. Though I wish to hell you did.”

“I swear to all that’s holy I do, Hawk. I loathe you and curse the day I ever allowed you to touch me.”

Kaleb chuckled, though not one of humor, before pinning her with his black gaze. “Why, Suzi? Because you can’t rid yourself of the remembrance of my dick inside you? I’ll be all too happy to refresh your memory.”

“As I recall, I told you once before that would never happen.”

Kaleb grinned, raising one of his brows heavenward. “And I believe my exact response was that I’m always up for the challenge. You know as well as I do we want the same thing. You forget… I can smell your desire, sweetheart.”

“You’re a pig.”

“That may very well be, but it didn’t stop you from giving me a blow job the other night now did it?”

Suzi gasped, tears springing to her eyes as she yanked unsuccessfully on her wrist. He’d let her go all right, but not until he was damn good and ready.

“If not for your fiancé, I would’ve already been inside you.”

Her lower lip trembled, the fight seeming to drain from her and she sagged against the wall. “Let go of me, Kaleb.”


He growled, baring his teeth, and grabbed her other wrist, pinning them both overhead as he backed her against the wall by the outside door. He used his booted foot to slam it closed. His breathing labored as he leaned in, her scent fueling the savage in him. Kaleb walked a fine line of self-restraint.

“You don’t want me,” she whispered so quietly that had it not been for his keen hearing he might not have heard her accusation.

“That’s where you’re wrong,
piccolo diavolo
. I want you so badly that every part of my being aches to be inside of you right now.” Kaleb leaned in, his lips grazing the shell of her ear, his knee splitting her legs so that her hot center rested on his thigh. “Are you ready to walk away from that fiancé?”

A tremor passed town her spine. “He was never my fiancé, Hawk.”

Kaleb stepped back, still holding tight to her wrists with one hand and looked down on her. His forehead furrowed. “What the hell did you just say?”

Suzi looked up, her gaze still watery with unshed tears. “I lied.”

Kaleb clenched his jaw, reining in his temper, hoping she had a damn good reason. “Why?”


He waited for her to finish, when she didn’t, he asked again, “Why,
piccolo diavolo

“I was afraid,” she said, looking to the floor.

“Afraid?” He ran his free hand through his overlong loose curls at the top of his head, brushing the hair from his eyes in frustration. “I would never strike you, Suzi. I’d rip the throat out of anyone who tried.”

“I’m not afraid of you, Kaleb.” Suzi worried her lower lip between her teeth. Her cerulean blue gaze looked back at him. “It’s me. I fear the feelings you cause in me. I’m afraid I won’t have the sense to resist you.”

“Then don’t.” Kaleb leaned down and tasted her lips.

He sure in the hell hadn’t thought to end the night this way, not after taking her necklace and attempting to destroy any feelings she might have had for him. But he had misjudged her. Suzi’s resolve was more resilient than even he had speculated. After treating her so callously the years following Ion’s death, she had returned to the Rave a little over a week ago … to see for herself how he fared after nearly losing his head. Instead of embracing her benevolence, he did his damnedest to push her away and punish her for all her goodness. But Suzi’s spirit couldn’t be beaten, no matter how hard he’d tried, and for that he owed her his reverence.

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