Hawk (16 page)

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Authors: Patricia A. Rasey

BOOK: Hawk
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Cara’s plan was working in spades if Kaleb’s obsidian gaze was any indication. But then again, getting him to desire Suzi had never been the issue. Breaking down the walls of hate surrounding his heart was. Other than telling him the truth about Ion, she didn’t see how that would be possible. She’d always be the cold-hearted bitch who hadn’t mourned the loss of his nephew …
her lover
. Suzi couldn’t betray Ion’s memory. He had been the only Son who truly treated her as a person, and not just someone needed for survival. Ion had loved her, just as thoroughly as Cara had.

Moisture sprang to her eyes, but Suzi blinked back the tears. She’d be damned if she’d allow Kaleb that kind of power over her. What the hell had she been thinking? She couldn’t do this. Maybe she should just beg him to release her from being a donor and walk away for good, move to the east coast and start a new life. Forget about the vampire whose sex-appeal was off the charts. Sure she craved Kaleb like crack to a junkie, but if she weren’t careful that desire would be her downfall. If she walked away now, then she did so with dignity and without allowing him to destroy her completely.

Suzi stood, smoothed her hands down her dark-blue, super-straight jeans. She had worn them, knowing they fit her like a glove and would capture Kaleb’s attention—at least that had been her hope. His gaze zeroing in on her ass as she turned slightly to the side, told her the outfit had worked. Not only had his eyes changed, his face was starting to take the shape of the vampire in him.

Most would be frightened by the transformation, but to her it was one hell of a turn-on.

Time to make excuses and quit the clubhouse before she did something stupid like grab his biceps and pull him in the direction of his quarters and beg him to make love to her. She doubted she’d get much of an argument from him. His nostrils flared, obviously detecting the scent of her arousal. Her gaze left his to land on first Kane, then Cara, who probably detected her reaction to Kaleb as well. Both tried unsuccessfully to look indifferent to protect her from further embarrassment. Great … now they were all aware of the affect Kaleb had on her. Suzi rolled her eyes and grabbed her keys from the center table.

Cara leaned forward, laying her hand on hers, and stopped her from her hasty exit. “Kane and I were just about to go for a ride.”

Kane glanced at Cara. “Seriously? Shit is just getting good,” he said with a humor-laced smile.

Cara swatted his arm. “Let’s take that bike of yours for a ride, vamp boy. I promise to make it worth your while.”

Kane gripped the front of Cara’s shirt and pulled her in for a deep kiss, leaving Cara damn near panting.

“Get a room, for God’s sake,” Kaleb growled. “And please … not here. I don’t think I could bear another night of you two tearing up the sheets.”

Suzi wasn’t sure allowing Cara and Kane to leave at this exact moment was the wisest choice for her. She suddenly wished she hadn’t gone for Cara’s idea to gain Kaleb’s notice by hanging at the clubhouse, wearing clothes sure to peak his interest. Playing games with an angry vampire was one thing, tempting fate with a highly sexually charged one was another. The minute Kane dropped his hold on Cara, Suzi grabbed her arm and pulled her toward the back of the clubhouse, hoping it was far enough out of vampire earshot.

“What the hell are you doing?” she whispered.

Cara smiled. “Giving you time to talk to Kaleb.”

“Does he
like he wants to talk?”

Biting back a laugh, Cara said, “No. No, he doesn’t. But he does look like he’s ready for some hot, sweaty makeup sex.”

“Makeup sex, Cara, is what you have when there is something to make up for. Hawk hates me.”

“So change his mind, sweetie.” She gripped Suzi’s face between her palms. “Sex can help mend a lot of fences and show Kaleb what he’s missing out on.”

A tremor slipped down her spine. “I’m not sure I can do this.”

“Sure you can.” Cara released her, gave her a wink, and headed for the front of the clubhouse. Kane grumbled as he followed his mate out the door, something about missing all the fireworks.

Suzi stood stock-still, staring at the back of the closed door, weighing her options. She could try to make it out of the clubhouse before Kaleb stopped her, that is if he even bothered himself to prevent her from leaving. Or she could walk over to the bar, swallow her dignity, and actually try to be cordial.

“You just going to stand back there all night or are you going to come join me for a drink?” Kaleb groused.

Suzi’s gaze went to his heated one.
Yep, his desire hadn’t been squashed one iota.
She was in deep shit if she stayed. She’d make sure to pay Cara back big time for leaving her alone when Kaleb was clearly in one of his black moods. Her friend might’ve meant well, but Suzi felt more like a sacrificial lamb at the moment.

Taking a deep breath, Suzi headed for the bar and slapped her palm on the wooden surface. She was already in this far, she might as well carry it through and pray her heart didn’t get slaughtered in the process. “Hit me.”

Kaleb’s grin widened, his fangs showing white against his lush red lips. He quickly poured her a shot, then held up the amber liquid in his glass. “Salute.”

Suzi couldn’t help but return his smile as she touched glasses with his, then took the small shot to her lips and downed the fiery liquid, the whiskey warming her clear to her toes. Liquid courage. Maybe if she had enough shots she could later blame the alcohol for her inhibitions.

Slamming her shot glass on the bar, she said, “Hit me,” again.

Kaleb chuckled. “Easy there,
piccolo diavolo
. If we’re going to do this, I don’t want you in a drunken stupor. I’d rather have you fully functioning.”

“Do what, Kaleb?”

Suzi didn’t think it possible, but his fangy smile went even larger.

“You called me Kaleb.”

“I did.”

“Does that mean I’ll be fucking you in a few minutes?”

Lust, pure and simple, arrowed straight to the juncture between her thighs. Suzi should be slapping his face for all his crudeness, instead she had an extreme desire to rip off his clothes and lick every square inch of his pale skin, starting at the wrist and working her way up his tattoo sleeve. She had always found his tattoos incredibly hot. Now was no exception.

She took a steadying breath. “No, Kaleb, it means I find myself in an amicable mood. One where I can tolerate being in the same room with you. Don’t push it.”

One of his brows arched. “I’ve told you in the past,
piccolo diavolo
, I’m always up for a challenge.”

“So you did.”

“And speaking of up…” He ran a palm down the steely erection, unmistakable beneath his jeans. “I believe we have unfinished business from last night.”

Suzi licked her suddenly dry lips as her gaze took in his hand running the length of him. Jesus, he had no idea what that did to her.
Or maybe he did.
She could easily imagine him pulling out his cock and fisting it, putting on a show just for her. Her entire body hummed with unrequited desire, causing her to shift in her stance.

Would it be so bad?

“Hit me,” she said again.

Kaleb stopped running his palm down the front of his pants, his gaze traveling her length. Heat spread through her limbs. Hell, she was already on fire. She certainly didn’t need the help of more whiskey.

His obsidian gaze landed back on hers. “No more alcohol.”

Kaleb’s nostrils flared as he took in a deep breath, then stepped forward, leaning in so close that his lips almost touched hers. Her knees damn near gave out. Where she sucked at the art of seduction, he more than made up for. Dear Lord, he could have written the damn book.

“About fucking…”

Screw what he thought of her. She needed Kaleb and wasn’t about to deny herself again. Fisting his black T-shirt, she closed the gap, her lips meeting his and shoving her tongue into his mouth, earning her a low growl before he palmed her ass and lifted her from the floor. Her legs wrapped his trim waist as Kaleb deepened the kiss. He tasted of all things illicit. Everything her father had warned her to stay away from. And deliciously, like the whiskey they had both just consumed.

Kaleb’s rock-hard erection rested hot against her center. The clothes separating them had become a damned nuisance. As he backed her against the closest wall, one of his hands left her ass to slide beneath her tight, black sweater to palm her breast. Her nipple instantly pebbled. He took little time pulling down the cup and freeing her breast. He pinched the small pink tip between thumb and forefinger. She gasped against his mouth.

“Please, Kaleb,” she whimpered.

“Say it,
piccolo diavolo
, and I’ll be happy to oblige.” Kaleb now licked a path up her neck, his fangs grazing her artery before nipping the fleshy part of her ear. “Fuck, I think I might just die if I don’t slide inside you soon.”

Suzi shivered from the warm breath spanning her flesh. “Take me, I’m—”

Stopping her from saying stupidly, “I’m yours,” the door to the clubhouse banged inward, Grayson strolling in with a redhead on his arm, and by the looks of it a very inebriated one. But just as she was about to suggest they find Kaleb’s capable bed, the woman raised her head with a drunken stupor smile plastered on her face.

“Suzi!” she slurred.

Suzi swatted Kaleb, getting him to put her down. Once her shaken legs hit the floor and she righted her sweater, her fists went to her hips as she faced Grayson head on. Her anger skyrocketed at the other vampire standing before her, just as an unknown blonde and brunette followed the guilty two in the door.

“I brought the party home,” Grayson happily announced.

Suzi marched over to the cavalier biker, grabbed Tamera from his grasp and hissed, “Stay the hell away from her, Gypsy!”

He held up both palms and backed into the waiting arms of the other two women. “Suit yourself, woman. I have all I need here.” He winked at her, then looked from the blonde to the brunette. “Ladies?”

Grayson set off for his quarters, before calling back, “You really do know how to spoil a party, doll.”

“Asshole,” she spat after him, holding Tamera up.

She looked at Kaleb in apology. “I’m sorry,” was all she could think to say before grabbing her keys and heading out of the clubhouse with her roommate’s arm slung over her shoulder, leaning a good share of her weight on Suzi. No way could she allow Grayson to corrupt the young donor. Tamera needed a quick history lesson on Grayson Gabor.

Just before the door swung shut behind Suzi and Tamera, she heard Kaleb’s growl. “You really are an asshole, Gypsy.” Followed by a, “Fuck!” and the sound of breaking wood as if something had struck the bar top with extreme force.

Suzi winced as she helped her drunken roommate into the Neon. If Kaleb didn’t hate her before, he sure as hell did now. Suzi hurried around her car and quickly slid behind the driver’s seat and started the engine. She needed to get away from the clubhouse before she changed her mind and left Tamera to sleep her drunk off on the sofa while she and Kaleb… What the hell was she thinking? Had it not been for Grayson’s untimely arrival, she’d no doubt be waking up with a boatload of regret come morning.

“Let’s get you home,” she said, looking at a frowning Tamera.

“What did you do with my Gypsy Wipsy?” she whispered, already half asleep as she settled more fully into the car’s cloth seat.

A chuckle escaped Suzi’s lips before turning into full-blown mirth. She couldn’t help wonder what the bad-ass vampire would think of his new nickname. With more peals of laughter, Suzi tucked that bit of information away for another time, and headed for Florence, back to their shared apartment.









Chapter 16


“Good morning, Joe.” Cara walked into the office as if every morning had started much in the same way over the past six months.

She shrugged out of her light jacket and hung it on the coat tree by the door. Keeping her return to little or no fanfare seemed to be the best bet.
Pick the path of least resistance.
Her singular goal was to make Joe feel as if nothing had changed between them, when in actuality everything had. She resided with known outlaws, in her partner’s opinion, ones they had tried to put behind bars. How could he ever understand her relationship with them … with Kane? It wasn’t like she could tell Joe that she was now one of them, that she grew fangs and drank blood to stay alive.

Protect your neck, human.

Cara didn’t expect Joe would take it easy on her, nor did she think she deserved special treatment. She’d need to earn his trust again as partner if she hoped to one day have the camaraderie they once shared. She needed to prove to Joe and herself that she could still do the job. So for now, she planned to ease back into her role and let him keep the reins for awhile. She had more years on the job, but he hadn’t been the one who disappeared for six months.

She placed a box of Tim Horton’s donuts on his desk. “I brought breakfast.”

Joe looked up from his desk, fighting the smile trying to inch up on his cheeks. “You brought donuts, Brahnam. Seriously?”

“What’s a cop without donuts and coffee?” She laughed. “I hope you started the coffee.”

He pointed to the shelf in the corner of the office. Cara walked over to the maker and grabbed the carafe, looking for her mug that was no longer there. She supposed Joe wouldn’t hang on to it for memento’s sake.

“I threw it out, about two weeks after your departure,” he said, not looking up from his paperwork, nor sounding apologetic in the least. “Use Styrofoam, Brahnam. Guess you’ll need to bring a new one from home. I didn’t want the reminder that you traded your partner in for a gang of outlaws.”

“They aren’t exactly a bunch of outlaws.” Cara grabbed a white cup and poured herself a cup of the java.

“Whatever.” Joe glanced up at her. “You call them how you see them, and I’ll call them how I do. Don’t expect me to cut them any slack because you’re shacking up with one of them.”

“I’m not shacking up.”

“You and Kane get married and didn’t send me an invite?”

Cara blew out a breath. How could she possibly explain being mated to Kane? It wasn’t like they had a marriage certificate, and yet mating with a vampire was much more permanent than any human marriage. There was no such thing as vampire divorces. Kane’s had been a special case, getting the okay of Mircea to dissolve his mating because, let’s face it, his stepdaughter was a first-class bitch.

“No. We didn’t get married. But make no mistake, I do love him.”

“Then he’s free to dump you as soon as he’s bored?”

Cara took a seat in her old desk chair across from her partner, grabbed the box of donuts and pulled one from the carton. She took a bite of the sugary delicacy, then washed it down with a sip of her coffee, giving her time to think about how she wanted to answer Joe’s question.

Licking the sugar from her lips first, she then said, “I know you don’t understand, Joe. But I don’t need a certificate to tell me Kane is faithful to me. We may not be married in what you believe to be the perfect union, but we are together. Kane loves me and would never do anything to hurt me. That includes jeopardizing my job here.”

“I hope you’re right, Brahnam, because I’m about to test that theory.”

Cara’s gaze narrowed as they landed on the folder Joe slid across their back-to-back desks. The bar’s name caught her attention. Her heart skipped a beat. She looked up at her partner. “What’s this about?”

“The case I’ve been working on for the past few month’s involves your new love’s favorite haunt, the Blood ‘n’ Rave.”

“What about the place?” Cara picked up a pen and toyed with it, tapping it on the desk surface.

“You can’t even hide the fact that I already made you uncomfortable, Brahnam.” Joe grabbed a donut from the box and sat back, pointing at her with his free hand. “Are you going to sit there and tell me this won’t be personal to you? If it is, I’ll bring up a uniform to help me with the case.”

“No, I can handle this,” Cara said quickly, knowing full well she couldn’t breathe a word of this to Kane. This would be the perfect opportunity to prove herself to Joe that she could separate her personal life from her work.

She couldn’t allow herself to think how Kane might react to the fact their feeding grounds was under investigation. Kane would flip a switch. Kaleb would go back to hating her, and whatever truce they had managed to date would be forever severed—not to mention how the rest of the Sons would view her. No way would Kane allow Draven or the club to go down for anything illegal. And if she didn’t say something? Talk about a conflict of interest. There was no way Joe hadn’t thought this through when he decided to invite her in on his case. He was testing her—a test she couldn’t fail if she meant to keep her job. Cara nearly groaned. Maybe coming back to the job had been a bad idea after all.

“You want to tell me what’s involved?”

“That’s your case file. I made you a copy to look over. But no taking it home, Brahnam. Sorry, I don’t trust your roommates not to tip off Draven. He’s going down.” Joe took a bite from his donut and then smiled at her as he chewed. His Adam’s apple bobbed as he swallowed, then he said, “These things are awesome. Thanks, partner.”

Cara smiled uneasily. “I thought you might like them.”

“It really is good to have you back, partner. I hope we can work through our differences.” Joe winked at her, making her doubt the sincerity of his statement.

Trust went both ways, making her wonder if she could truly trust him now that he called out one of Kane’s friends. Cara had been correct in her earlier assessment, everything between them had changed. There would be no going back.

“I’m sure we can.” Cara offered him a smile of her own. “So, about the Rave. What’s going on there?”

“The club owner?” Joe’s face sobered as he sat forward, excitement lighting his dark brown gaze. “He goes by the name Draven. Not his real name as you see there under the property’s ownership name. Anyway, looks like the man has been dealing ecstasy to the club goers. I think he’s bringing his drugs up from California.”

“And you have proof?”

“We don’t have enough to make a case yet. But we will.” Joe leaned back in his chair. “The cartel smuggles drugs across the Mexican border from what we can tell. There’s an OMC called the Devils. Heard of them?”

One of Kane’s rival clubs. The same MC partly responsible for Ion’s death. “Yes.”

“They’re known dealers in California. Big distributors for the cartel. As far as we can tell, they stay south of the Oregon border.”

“So then what’s this have to do with Draven at the Blood ‘n’ Rave?”

“We think he’s driving south to get his product.”

“Is it a big surprise that a club such as his has ecstasy? After all, it is a rave.”

Joe took a sip from his coffee, then leaned forward. “It’s not Draven that we’re ultimately after, Cara. I’m working with the feds here. This is no small time dealer we’re going after. Draven isn’t the target. It’s his supplier they want.”

Cara didn’t like where this was going. Now that the feds were also involved, it complicated matters even worse.

“I figure if we can get someone close to Draven, someone he trusts to find out where he’s getting his drugs from—”

“No fucking way, Joe! I’ll not use the Sons’ relationship with me against them. They won’t go for this. None of them would betray Draven. He may not be in the Sons, but he’s like a brother to them. Besides, most of Kane’s MC brothers barely tolerate me as it is because I’m a cop.”

“I don’t expect any of the Sons to cooperate, Brahnam.”

Her mouth rounded. “Oh, hell no, Joe. I won’t do it either. You can’t ask me to betray Kane.”

“Who better? You already have an inside track. We just need a little information from Draven is all.”

“Information that could wind up costing Draven his club and possibly cause him jail time. You think he’s just going to tell me who he gets his supplies from?”

Joe laughed. “If you believe that, then you must seriously think I doubt your detective skills, Brahnam. On the contrary, I do expect you to get the information, but by using your head. I trust you’ll find a way to help us with this case.”

How the hell could she possibly do that without damaging her relationship to the Sons, let alone Kane? If she were smart, she’d walk away now, pack up her things and leave the job behind. Her love for Kane far out-trumped her love of the job. She had foolishly thought she could have the best of both worlds. And she could, had it not been for Joe’s desire to test her loyalty. Cara took a deep breath. She could do this. She’d find a way to keep Draven from falling into the hands of the feds, and help Joe solve this case. She didn’t yet know if she’d  accomplish the impossible task put before her. But if there was a will, then there was a way. Cara would show Joe that she could manage both her career and her loyalty to Kane and his brethren.


* * *


Kaleb walked into the Rave, his mood blacker than it had been in a long time. He knew what had to be done, but he sure as fuck didn’t like it. He had damn near did the one thing he had sworn off of, and had it not been for Grayson’s untimely arrival, he would have been kicking himself to hell and back come morning. He should have kissed Grayson upon his return instead of cursing the ground he walked on. If nothing else, Cara and Suzi had taught him a lesson. He could not be trusted around that woman.

The way Kaleb saw it, he was left with one option—to cut Suzi Stevens loose.

When he had forced her hand out of retirement to become his personal donor, he hadn’t been thinking with the right head. He had wanted to torment her, when in truth, he had successfully caused himself great agony in the process. Seeing her every three days, let alone on nights when he wasn’t required to feed, proved to him that he couldn’t do so without his libido getting in the way … or his emotions. Sure, he wanted to fuck the little brunette in the worst way. But with Suzi, he wanted so much more. He wanted to feed from her, wanted to bury himself in her, surround himself with her. Hell, he wanted to wake up next to her and start all over again.
… when had he become so pussy whipped? He gritted his teeth. How the hell was that even possible when he wasn’t even getting any?

Kaleb wasn’t a one woman kind of man.

He loved variety, he thrived on not being tied to one woman for all eternity. No way in hell was he cut out to be anyone’s mate. Brunettes and blondes turned his head, he wasn’t discriminatory … he loved black haired and redheaded females, too … and of course there were the brunettes. Kaleb shook his head and growled low. Damn, he had it bad. He wanted Suzi, regardless that she had loved Ion first, regardless of how she reacted to his nephew’s death. He had wanted her from the time she had taken a hold of his dick all those years ago. Avoiding her had become a necessity to keep from admitting, even to himself, that he had fallen hard for the brunette, which is why it had stung so much when she had turned to Ion. Not that he could blame her after the way he had crassly tossed her aside for the next available female. Kaleb had used his nephew as an excuse to keep her at bay and fuel his anger. It may have seemed like a viable rationalization at the time, but now that so much time had passed, his enmity seemed to diminish. Kaleb knew the true reason he avoided her. It was because he no longer trusted himself to be around her.

Last night lay proof to that in spades.

He had known that if he ever allowed himself to have sex with Suzi again, he’d be incurable. A mess of emotions. Kaleb couldn’t think straight around her. On one hand he wanted to hate her, be mad as hell, wanting to throttle her. On the other, he wanted nothing more than to walk over to her and kiss her senseless. All he had to do was walk into a room, lay eyes on her, and he was sporting an instant hard-on. Desire raged precariously close to the surface, demanding appeasement. If Grayson hadn’t come home with the inebriated roommate of Suzi’s the night before, he would’ve taken her against the clubhouse wall, regardless of her fiancé. Kaleb had been mere seconds from doing just that, knowing full-well he wouldn’t have gotten an argument from her. Her lips may spout her disdain, but her body told an entirely different tale. Grayson had no doubt done them both a favor.

Tonight, Kaleb would do one for her.

Following his feeding, he’d tell her that he was retiring her once again. No way in hell could he stomach the idea of any of his brothers feeding from her. If he wasn’t using her for communion, then neither were the Sons. He may not claim her, but he’d be damned if he allowed anyone else to. Her fiancé came to mind, causing him to curse beneath his breath. A frown turned down his lips. Kaleb couldn’t stomach the idea that she went home to the bastard night after night, giving to him the one thing he so desperately craved. He ran a hand down his face as he approached the bar. How could he think to dictate her life when he didn’t want to be a part of it? Kaleb faced a no-win situation. If he kept feeding from her, he’d be fucking her in less than a week. If he released her, he’d likely never see her again, in which he’d have to allow her a life outside of being a donor. He’d bet if asked, Suzi would no doubt prefer the latter.

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