Hannah Howell (11 page)

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Authors: Stolen Ecstasy

BOOK: Hannah Howell
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“I suppose I can make it one. I know the bounty hunters are out there. I learned there are other dangers for a lone traveller—like Indians. I don’t know this country at all, not even the language. Three good reasons to stay put.”
“Wondered if you’d learned that.”
“I’m not stupid, even if I’ve done a few really stupid things.” She smiled a sleepy, wry smile when he laughed.
“I don’t suppose there might be one or two other reasons you’d stay around?”
“Well, maybe one. After all, it isn’t every day a woman gets a chance to christen a bed.” She yawned again.
It was not what he wanted to hear, but he pushed the strange disappointment he felt aside and kissed her on the forehead. “True. Better get some sleep. Bed christening requires you to be well rested.” After a moment of just holding her and letting his own need for sleep take him over, he murmured, “Leanne?”
“Stay close to the house. Real close. Better yet, stay inside.”
There was a tense note to his voice, but she was too tired to question it very deeply, just mumbled, “Why?”
“We’re not the only outlaws hiding out here.”
“All right. Okay.”
“Okay what?”
“I promise I will stay tucked up in this house. That better?”
“Much better. Now get to sleep.”
“Yes, master,” she drawled, but the sarcasm she had reached for eluded her, and her exhaustion quickly forced her to be as obedient as he could wish.
As Hunter adjusted her body more comfortably in his arms, he wondered if he should have been more exact in his warnings. He closed his eyes. She had said she would stay put. There was no need to tell her about Watkins. She had enough to fear. He would solve the problem by finishing his business quickly and getting out.
Chapter Seven
,” L
as she slowly sank into the hot water.
She decided, as she lolled in the tub, that Hunter had probably had it made specially for him. It was far larger than any tub she had ever been in. This one let her really submerge herself. The man clearly liked his comforts. That aspect of his character did not quite fit the image of a hardened outlaw but, as she picked up the lilac-scented soap he had mysteriously produced, she decided she would be a fool to complain.
For the first time since she had joined the outlaws, she was alone. Charlie and Jed had filled her tub, then left. The others had left earlier than that. She was not sure Luke had ever returned after storming out last night. It. felt strange to know there was no one around, that she could simply walk away if she wished to.
But, she thought with a grimace, she would stay put. There were dangers between Mexico and the mountains where O’Malley roosted, dangers it was reckless to face alone. She knew that was not all that held her back, though. Hunter did. She simply had no urge to leave him as long as he wanted her. It was foolish, even reckless, to stay hoping for what he might not be able to give her.
Shaking away such troubling thoughts, she hurried to finish bathing before the water lost its warmth. There was no sense in constantly mulling it over. Right or wrong, she would go where her heart led her.
When she finally stepped from the tub to dry herself off, she heard a faint noise. Someone had returned. Not confident it was Hunter, she hurried to put some clothes on. She was dressed only in her pantaloons and camisole when the door was flung open. Grabbing her shirt, she held it in front of her like a shield and glared at Luke.
“What are you doing here?” she snapped, hiding her fear behind anger.
“Well, well, well. So the boss has left his little slut all alone, has he?”
“Get out.”
“Now, let’s not be hasty.” He slowly shut the door and stepped farther into the room.
Fear began to form a knot in Leanne’s stomach. Suddenly it was not only strange to be left unguarded, it was dangerous. There was no mistaking the look in Luke’s eyes. It was the same one that had been chilling her blood for days.
“I told you to get out of here.” She started to edge her way back toward the window.
“Don’t get so haughty with me, bitch. All your protectors are gone.”
“They’ll be back.”
“Not before we’re done.”
“I’m Hunter’s. That was made clear.”
“Was it? Well, I’m thinking it’s not so clear now.”
“What do you mean?” she asked, then hated herself for giving in to his taunts.
“He’s off with his hot Mexican honey right now.”
“You lie. He’s off doing business.” She did not want to believe him, but cold, hurtful fingers of doubt touched her heart.
Luke laughed. “Yeah, business with Lucia. He trotted right over there like he does every time he comes here. Seems to me his running to that señorita says he’s getting a mite tired of you.”
Leanne knew Luke was saying these things to undermine her resistance. This was certainly not the time to weigh the truth of his words or let them touch her in any way.
“You’re a fool. Hunter will kill you for this.”
“It’s past time me and him had it out anyways.”
Knowing there was no talking him out of what he intended, she bolted. She was halfway out the window when he grabbed her, roughly yanking her back inside, then throwing her onto the bed. She was badly winded but she tried to scramble off the bed. He was on her too fast.
The minute he caught her, she knew she was lost. She lacked the strength and skill to fight him. This time she knew she would not escape the assault. Desperation strengthened her efforts. He might get what he wanted, but he would have to fight hard for it.
“Bite me again, you little whore, and I’ll ram your teeth down your throat.”
“Get off me, you stinking bastard!” She cursed with fury and pain when he slapped her twice, dazing her for a moment.
He ripped her camisole open and, with one hand wrapped around her wrists, pinning her hands over her head, he mauled her breasts with his other hand. She gagged but fought the nausea choking her. It would undoubtedly cause her more harm than him.
“Get off of her, Luke.”
Tom’s deadly cold voice cut through her panic. Luke only glanced up. He barely paused in his assault. She looked at Tom, all her fear and pleading in her eyes, and wondered if he really would use the gun he held. Although a part of her was chilled by the thought, she hoped he would.
“Get out of here, Tom. This ain’t your concern.”
“Get off of her. Now.”
Suddenly her hands were free. Luke reached for his gun, but Tom fired before Luke’s fingers even brushed the handle. Leanne was too horrified to move. Luke’s body seemed to fly off her. She saw the red blossom on his chest, felt the warmth of his blood as it splattered her. Even as Luke’s now limp body slid off the bed, she remained frozen in place. A small part of her shocked mind heard the rapid approach of booted feet.
“Oh, my sainted mother,” Charlie gasped as he stumbled to a halt just inside the room. Jed was right behind him.
“You shot Luke,” Jed said, his voice soft with confusion. “Is he dead?”
“He’s dead. I don’t hold with raping women.” Tom holstered his gun and looked at Leanne. “You okay?”
“Yes. No. I can’t seem to move,” she whispered.
“Best see to her,” he ordered Jed and Charlie. “I’ll get him outta here.”
For once Jed and Charlie did not get flustered by her semi-dressed state. As they moved to the bedside, she saw Tom heft Luke’s body over his shoulder and walk out. She looked up at Charlie, who was fruitlessly trying to pull her tattered camisole together.
“I think I’m going to be sick, Charles.”
Even as Charlie moved her so she could hang her head over the side of the bed, Jed stuck a pan in front of her. By the time her illness was over, she was too weak to help herself, too wrung out to feel any embarrassment as Jed and Charlie cleaned her up and put a new camisole on her. They tucked her into bed like a child. Although she continued to feel listless, she deeply appreciated their help and tried to say so.
“Now, no call to be thanking us so,” Charlie murmured, flushing slightly. “Right for us to pay back some tending.”
Tom reappeared at her bedside, a glass of whiskey in his hand. “Drink this.”
She wrinkled her nose with distaste even as Charlie helped her sit up. “I do not like that stuff.”
“No one asked you to like it. Just drink it.” Ignoring her protests and coughs, Tom forced it all down her throat.
“God, that stuff is awful,” she rasped as she lay back down.
“Maybe we oughta get Hunter,” Jed murmured.
“You know where he is.”
“Yeah, Tom, but—” Charlie ran a hand through his hair.
The way all three men stared at her—Tom with his usual remoteness and the other two warily, almost guiltily—told her more than she wanted to know. Luke had not been lying. Hunter had a woman and he was with her. Suddenly she wanted them to go away, to leave her alone. She could feel the numbness of shock leaving her and did not want an audience to witness the outpouring of emotion she could feel stirring within her.
“You don’t have to get him. I’ll be fine.”
“You don’t look too fine, Leanne,” Charlie muttered, frowning down at her.
“I just need some time to pull myself together. Just some time to get over the shock.” It
“Okay. You rest up. We’ll be right outside the door if you need anything.”
“Thank you.” She smiled her gratitude as they all left her, Charlie quietly shutting the door after them.
With a shaky sigh, she closed her eyes. At first all she could feel was revulsion, the sickening memory of Luke’s hands mauling her, then his face as his own death overtook him. She told herself firmly to forget all of that. He had not raped her, and his death was not one to waste any grief or regret on. Eventually, the horror of that violence would fade.
Forcing her mind away from Luke brought it squarely on the matter of Hunter and his other woman. The pain that thought brought her was stunning in its intensity. She was unable to stop her tears. For a little while, she gave in to that weakness, weeping bitterly for lost hopes. Then she let anger dry her tears.
He had no right to treat her so shabbily. She had nowhere to go, no one she could turn to. He had taken her on as his responsibility. He had seduced her, sensed her weakness for him and played upon it until she gave in.
As she lay there recovering her shattered spirit, she reviewed her grievances again and again. When Hunter finally returned, she fully intended to unleash her anger on him. She intended to end their relationship and to back her decision with good solid reasoning. There would be no inkling of the jealousy or hurt she felt.
By the time she reached that decision, she felt she had regained the composure needed to face the others. As she started to get dressed, she also decided that some activity would help, even if it was just cooking up a good meal for the men. She had no intention of letting Hunter find her languishing in bed.
Hunter grimaced as he dismounted and tended to his mount. The meeting with Watkins had gone smoothly, but little had been accomplished. Waiting seemed to be Watkins’s favorite game. That and ponderous deliberations well mixed with threats.
It was the confrontation with Lucia that left such a bitter taste in his mouth. He had suspected it would be difficult, but difficult didn’t begin to describe their meeting. Before he had climbed into her bed that first time, he had seen a hint of her alarmingly volatile nature, but he’d ignored it, responding to the itch in his loins instead of the voice of common sense. He had paid for that slip today.
He gingerly touched the slash across his ribs on the left side as he walked to the house; it was a shallow wound that still oozed blood. That she would attack him with a knife had surprised him a little, but she had run out of things to hurl at him. He just hoped her violence would end there.
Opening the door, he took a deep breath, smiling with pleasure. Leanne had taken over the cooking again. Despite all the problems she’d caused, he was glad to return to her. She did not scream at him or accuse him of breaking promises he had never made. She did not expect from him more than he offered.
The sense of contentment he felt wavered when he sat at the table, deciding his hunger was more important than seeing to his minor wound. Leanne greeted him with a glare. She placed his plate of food in front of him with a distinct touch of violence. Then he saw the bruises on her face. He grabbed her by the arm and forced her to look at him.
“What happened to your face?” He reached out to touch her cheek and frowned when she jerked her face away.
“Luke happened to my face. He happened to a few other parts of my body too. Not that you’d care.” From the moment he had entered the house, her simmering anger had flared and the heavy perfume that clung to him added fuel to that fury.
“Where is Luke?” he snarled, looking at the other three men and keeping a firm grip on Leanne.
“Buried in the back of the house.” Tom hardly paused in his leisurely enjoyment of his meal.
“You killed him?” Hunter felt both relieved and sadly disappointed over losing the chance to exact his own retribution.
“Yup. Don’t hold with rape.”
Hunter felt a chill enter his blood and looked at Leanne. “He raped you?”
“I told you not to be alone with him.”
“I did not have much choice in the matter. No one else was here when he came back. Obviously,
didn’t have a woman nearby to run to.” She finally yanked her arm free of his hold and flounced into the bedroom. An argument was inevitable, and she did not want the other men to witness it.
She knows about Lucia
, Hunter thought in dismay. Then he got angry. He had not been bedding Lucia! He had nothing to feel guilty about.
“Leanne,” he snapped. The minute she turned to glare at him, he yanked up his shirt to reveal the knife wound. “Does this look like I’ve been out pleasuring myself?”
Her first reaction to the sight of his wound was to move to tend it. That infuriated her. There were any number of explanations for that wound. It hardly proved him innocent of her suspicions.
“It looks like your hot Mexican honey ought to trim her nails.” She waved her hand towards his plate of food. “Better eat up. Your sort of lover must require a great deal of stamina.”
She went into the bedroom and shut the door, then went to sit on the bed to wait. He would come. She was sure of it. The only uncertain thing was whether he would eat first. She felt an urge to weep; her hurt rose up through her anger, but she fought it down. Her decision had been to hide those emotions and she would stick by it.

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