Gastien Pt 1 (14 page)

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Authors: Caddy Rowland

BOOK: Gastien Pt 1
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With that, Chantelle took his hand, leading him to the bed. Standing there, she said, “Char, please get a bottle of
vin rouge
and three glasses.” Then she kissed him. Deeply kissed him. He did not know kisses could be like that. Her mouth tasted of strawberries. She parted his lips with her tongue, boldly entering his mouth and then backing out again. “What is your name?” she whispered.

“G-G-Gastien,” he stammered.

“Well, Gastien, my sister and I have only done this twice, with the same boy, so we are not someone you have to be afraid of. But something tells me you have even less experience. What fun!” Gastien pulled back, embarrassed that she knew he was inexperienced. “Oh, don’t be embarrassed, we all have to start sometime. It is almost my first, too. Now, kiss me!”

Gastien kissed her. He tried using his tongue in her mouth. She rubbed against him, and suddenly he was on fire. He grabbed her, this time ravaging her, pulling at her lower lip, invading every part of her moist mouth. The hunger burned in him, and he wanted to eat her alive. They fell on the bed. She was pulling at his shirt to get it off. He sat up, whipped it off, and then watched as she undid her blouse.

She stripped slowly, teasing him with a new exposed piece of flesh every couple minutes. Finally she was naked and Gastien stared, mouth open.
Mon Dieu,
her body was lovely! Those big, firm breasts! He reached out and touched them, then lunged at them suckling first one and then the other. Laughing, she suggested, “Slow down a bit. Get your trousers off! I want to see how well endowed you are!”

Char had come back, at first just watching, seemingly hesitant. Then, she too undressed. Her breasts were just as huge. Gastien thought he was going to explode in his trousers. He reached to touch them as Char got on the bed, bending so that her breasts swayed in front of his face.

“Let him up to take his trousers off, Char,” Chantelle pleaded.

I want him to lick my nipples,” Char retorted. “Take his trousers off yourself!”

Gastien snapped back to reality. “
! I will take my own trousers off.” He remembered his money and did not want them to find it. Small chance that someone in this luxurious home would want his small amount of money, but what if they were tricking him? He got up quickly, turned his back to them, and unbuttoned his trousers. Both girls cried out in horror when they saw the scars across Gastien's back.
“Mon Dieu
! Dear Gastien! Who did that to you?” cried Chantelle. Char just stared with her mouth open, tears in her eyes.

“My father. Let’s just say he was a strict disciplinarian, and I refused to learn the lesson,” Gastien said flatly. “The marks look sore I am sure, but it was a few years ago. There is no pain any longer.” Except in my head, along with the hate in my heart, he thought.

“We will kiss them and make you better,” whispered Char.

He made sure the money was well hidden in the inside pocket, folded the trousers, and put them way under the chaise lounge by the bed. He would notice if either of them tried to crawl down there. Gastien had no reason to trust anyone so far in his life. His father had pounded in his head that people would always trick you.

He took a deep breath and turned around. “Little Gastien” was anything but little. It was at full attention, throbbing as only a young man’s cock can. It was a lovely, dark red with a drop of moisture on the end that glistened. Even he was impressed with it. When the twins saw it, they immediately forgot about the scars on his back.

Both sisters gasped. Then they quickly pulled him down to the bed. “Oh, my!
! You do not disappoint, darling Gastien. What a lovely, long one you have! Oh, Char, we are going to have so much fun!” Chantelle pushed him down onto his back. “Just relax. We will gladly break you in!”

“But shouldn’t I do something?” questioned Gastien.

“Oh, Gastien, trust me. What your
has done to get this big is plenty! Maybe later you can get more involved, but for now – ” before Gastien knew what was happening, Chantelle had straddled him and lowered herself onto his huge appendage. He sucked in his breath and cried out in delight. Oh, sweet, sweet Jesus! So, this was what it felt like to be inside a woman! It was so tight! So wet and warm! So made for him! His hand could not begin to compare to this. Every part of his body was on fire, but it was a lovely burning. All that mattered was his
, and the heavenly push and pull that was going on as she raised and lowered herself. All of a sudden, he could feel the tension build to impossible heights. He was flying! He was no longer on earth, and he exploded deep within her.

“Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh!” cried Gastien, his head up, neck arched, and eyes rolled back in his head. “AHHHHH…..
…..YESSSSSSSSS!!!” His hands reached out, pinning her to his hips as he thrust as deeply he could.

Bliss. Total satiation. Heart pounding, Gastien could not move. After a few moments, he had his breath back. Gastien slowly opened his eyes. Chantelle was smiling at him from above.

“Welcome to Paris,” she whispered.

He supposed he did not last as long as he should. “I am sorry if I was too quick, it must not have given you much time for fun.” Gastien smiled. “But, that was fabulous! You did break me in. It was, well, it was way better than anyone could describe!

Chantelle was still smiling. “So you liked it enough to try it again?”

, sure, sometime soon,” Gastien replied. He was still struggling to come back to earth.

She laughed. “You have so much to learn. That is the value of being your age, Gastien. You will be ready again in about ten or fifteen minutes.”

His eyes got huge. “Oh, surely not! I think I shot everything I had to give.”

“Well, just watch then. Just lay back and watch,” Chantelle whispered as she and her sister proceeded to lick Gastien’s arms, then his legs. They each sucked a nipple. After about ten minutes, one hand moved to his genitals. As she had predicted, there was no lack of hardness there. They each took a turn licking and sucking his most personal body parts. He could not believe the pure pleasure their lips gave him when they sucked him, moving the shaft in and out of their mouths. Were people supposed to do that with their mouths? Who really cares, he thought. Anything feeling this good had to be right! He prayed they would not stop. But they did stop, right when he was getting ready to explode again. Gastien groaned in frustration. “Please, oh….please! Do that some more,” he said hoarsely.

 The girls were not having it. “This time, Gastien, pace yourself a bit. We have all night. All night!” whispered Chantelle.

The twins were not kidding. The threesome had sex throughout the night, and each time Gastien grew bolder. He explored their bodies with his hands and tongue, in awe of the taste of
He ended up first in one and then the other, until finally he could not hold it anymore.

He had just pulled out of Char, breathing hard. Chantelle moved over, putting him in her mouth. She drank from him the entire love potion he could summon. Gastien was amazed when she swallowed it. Just when he started to wonder if that could make her sick, Chantelle smiled, licking her lips.

“You taste wonderful.”

Mon Dieu
! Gastien thought. He could not imagine why anyone would want to swallow that! Once again spent, he laid back.

Char had him turn onto his stomach, then she covered his back in lotion, massaging him. Chantelle watched and had a glass of
. When Char had rubbed in the lotion, she tugged at him to turn over. He sat up to drink a bit of
, then she pushed him gently to the bed on his back. She slowly poured the cabernet onto his chest, bending forward to lick it off.

“Mmmm, you are quite hairy, sexy young Gastien! Nice muscles, too. I could love your chest for hours!” Gastien was relaxed, but it had been about thirty minutes. Like a typical eighteen-year-old male, he could feel pressure building again down below.

“OUCH!” he yelled, jumping and sitting up. Char had bit his nipple! She was laughing at the surprised look on his face. “Ouch, well, you little devil! You think that’s funny do you?” he cried, rubbing his nipple while staring her down.

! You were not expecting that,” she giggled.

. I wasn’t! I think YOU need to pay the price for disturbing my sense of peace,” he growled playfully, as he grabbed her, pulling her down onto her back.

Char screamed in surprise. Before she knew it, Gastien was on top of her, shoving himself in to the hilt. “OUCH! Gastien, not so hard!” Char begged.

“Really? Too hard??? Well, I think maybe you like it too hard,” teased Gastien.

 “You are too big to use it that hard!”

“You should have thought of that before you bit me!” Gastien replied. He began moving in her fast and firm. He watched her to make sure she did not really want him to stop, because he did not really want to hurt her. She wrapped her legs up around his back and arched up. That is not the body language of someone who wants you to stop, he thought. He increased the tempo even more.

Chantelle pouted. “I want some.”

, not this time. You had me to yourself the first round. This time I am going to give your sister what she deserves…and obviously what she wants.” Because, all of sudden Char cried out. Throwing her head back, she drew him even tighter to her with her thighs. He knew she was flying, like he had. Gastien watched her face for that moment, that one brief second… and when he knew she was going to be there, he pulled back and then rammed it in. He pressed his pelvis up against her and rubbed. She screamed and shuddered. Gastien smiled.

He knew. He would be as good at this as he would be at painting. It’s just a different tool, that’s all, he realized. Like painting, it is about tools and technique. I obviously have a good tool, now I will master technique. I will make it magic for women. Dirty, dark magic, the kind that knifes through to the soul. I will give them what other men are too lazy to, and reap the rewards for it. Reaching out in his mind, he embraced the power. And knew he owned it.

All of a sudden, he felt a sharp sting across his buttocks. “OUCH!” Turning around slowly, he coldly stared at Chantelle, still erect, for he had not finished when Char did. “You little witch! You just spanked me!”

The gold flecks in his brown eyes glittered dangerously. Chantelle was suddenly a bit unsure of him. He grabbed Chantelle and plopped her across his lap, buttocks in the air. Whack! He gave her creamy white buttocks a good slap. She cried out. Whack! He spanked her again. Two bright red handprints appeared.

“Gastien, please. I am sorry. I am really sorry…” she whimpered.

He noticed that even though she had tears in her eyes, she was grinding against him, almost against her will. “Chantelle, you should be able to tell from the scars on my back that I am not a fan of being hit. I do not and will not tolerate it ever again.”

Chantelle gulped, realizing that her plans to dominate this young man had suddenly gone terribly wrong. “Gastien, I simply did not think! I was just playing with you! I really, really did not think…and perhaps I spanked you harder than I should have. I am sorry!”

Gastien paused, looking at her carefully. I wonder where I will be allowed to take this. What does she really want? He decided to push her further. “I will consider forgiving you,” Gastien said simply. “But, first, you have to make it up to me.”

Chantelle did not want Gastien to stop pleasuring her for the night. She quite liked the size of his cock, and he was lovely to look at. “I will do whatever you want, Gastien. I really will,” she promised.

He remembered the French postcards and how it seemed like the women were begging him for it. Would Chantelle possibly beg? He decided to find out. “Then beg me for it! Tell me how badly you want my
” he said roughly.

“Oh God, I do want it, Gastien! I want you to use it in me like you just did with my sister. Come on, pleassssse!”

Still he resisted. “I don’t know. I don’t like being spanked like a little girl.” He smiled smugly. “I think I am going to make you wait.”

“Gastien, please. Don’t make me wait. I want you! Listen, use me! You can use me like a slut. I am so tired of being a “lady” ….make me your dirty little whore!”

Gastien could not believe his ears. Suddenly, he understood the power of drama with sex. He had been playing with it to see where it took him. Obviously, it took him quite far. He would remember that. She looked up and back at him, shivering when she saw his hard, cold stare. She realized that she had finally found someone who understood what she so badly wanted and needed. Who would have guessed that from a virgin peasant?

Gastien rose to his knees on the bed. “You are a slut, Chantelle. Only sluts pick up strangers for sex. A very pretty slut, but a slut just the same. Get on your knees with your back to me! I am going to show you how a peasant treats a slut.” Chantelle quickly scrambled to do what she was told. She had never been so hot.

He was breathing hard now. “Take your hands, spread yourself apart, and beg.”

She did as she was told. Without saying another word, Gastien got behind her. Slowly, very slowly, he slid himself inside her
. It was driving him crazy to go so slow…but it was frustrating Chantelle even more. She wriggled her hips back and forth, trying to back into him, but his hands held her fast.

“I call the shots, now,
I am not your virgin anymore. Don’t move and be quiet. If you say one word, I take it out and don’t put it back in. Understand? Not a word.”

“Ye – “

He pulled out. “Ohhh, see? You started to talk! I TOLD you I would take it away if you talked. Now I am done, I think. At least with you. Let’s see, are you going to talk again?”

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