Free the Darkness (King's Dark Tidings Book 1) (31 page)

BOOK: Free the Darkness (King's Dark Tidings Book 1)
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What was most unusual about the young woman was that she was
wearing worn but serviceable armor. The armor looked slightly too large for her
small frame and had probably once belonged to a young man. She was armed with a
dagger and shortsword at her belt. The sword’s leather-wrapped scabbard was
worn and frayed, but the leather grip on the hilt was new. On each arm was a
vambrace into which was tucked a small knife. Large hazel eyes stared back at
Rezkin, blinking in surprise.

“I wasn’t -…” she started but was interrupted.

“Yes, you were. What is it that you want?” Rezkin’s tone was
brusque and assertive, brooking no argument.

The young woman’s shoulders slumped, and she instantly
looked younger than she did a moment ago. “Oh, alright. You win. I heard you
talking about going to the tournament. I was going to approach you to see if I
could travel with you. I want to compete.”

Rezkin’s brow arched in surprise. “
want to
compete? I was beginning to think that no outworlder women learned such

The young woman lifted her chin in defiance, “I don’t know
what an
is, but it certainly has nothing to do with being a
woman. I am a warrior.”

“Is that so?” he queried. “Then you know how to use that
sword?” he inquired nodding toward her weapon.

She shifted uncomfortably and replied, “I do,” but it was not
the kind of response one would expect from someone confident in her abilities.

“What is your name?” the young warrior asked.

“I am Reaylin de Voss,” she said smugly, as if he should
recognize her surname. He did not, which meant her family was not particularly
wealthy, powerful or influential.

“Well, Mistress Reaylin, if you are a warrior, why did you
not join the army?” he asked.

Reaylin huffed and crossed her arms, a habit she would have
to break since it left her vulnerable to attack and unable to quickly access
her weapons. A fiery spark flickered in her eyes, and she snapped, “I tried.
They said I’m too small…or too weak…or not good enough…or not strong enough.
What they really mean is I’m a woman.” Reaylin was definitely a woman. She was
petite and fit but all feminine curves.

Rezkin shook his head. “A few women have joined in the army.
It is rare but it occurs.”

“Yeah, well, those women are giants who might as well be
men. But, I can fight. It’s not like all those recruits are Swordmasters and
strikers. If I can beat even one of them, they should let me in,” she bit out,
her voice full of resentment.

Rezkin had to agree with her. If she could prove herself the
equal of even the lowest man, she should be accepted. “So, in lieu of joining
the army, you wish to compete at the tournament as a duelist?”

Reaylin shrugged and lifted her chin again. “If I make a
good show at the tournament, they’ll have to recognize me as a warrior and let
me join the army.”

“And, you felt it would be a good idea to travel on your own
with a group of strangers? You have no care for this
everyone seems to think is so important?”

For the briefest of moments he saw a flash of uncertainty
and a tinge of vulnerability in her hazel eyes, and then it was overcome by a
fierce determination. “You don’t look like bandits. That man,” she gestured to
the lieutenant, “is an officer, and you’re already traveling with a woman, so I
don’t see any problem with it.”

“We will be riding the trade route to Kaibain and then going
on from there. Do you have a horse?” he asked.

The young woman’s face flushed slightly as she shifted
uncomfortably, “Um, I can get a horse.”

Rezkin narrowed his eyes, knowing the statement was not as
straightforward as it seemed. He shot a questioning look over the woman’s
shoulder at his three
who were following the conversation
intently. Lieutenant Jimson nodded assent, Tam shrugged, and Frisha refused to
meet his gaze. She waved her hand at him as if the whole matter did not concern
her. He was perplexed by Frisha’s reaction. He thought she would enjoy having
another woman along, especially one with whom she could spar and improve her

Rezkin looked back at the young blonde woman who was now
turned in her seat to observe the others. “This is Lieutenant Jimson of the
King’s Army, this is Master Tamarin Blackwater, carpenter’s apprentice and also
a prospective recruit, and this is Mistress Frisha, Tamarin’s charge. They are
and under my protection. I am Rezkin.”

Reaylin grinned back at him, “Rezkin? Really? That's

When Reaylin stood to greet the others he realized she
small. He would almost think she was a small-woman if she was
not already fully developed. She was at least half a head shorter than Frisha,
which put her at just below his shoulders. He could understand why the army’s
initial reaction was to reject her, except that he knew size was not akin to
or the lack thereof. He had already seen that these outworlders’ army training
was sorely lacking, and with Reaylin’s small stature, she would be at a serious
disadvantage unless her
surpassed those of her male counterparts.

Lieutenant Jimson bowed slightly to the young woman in
proper greeting, and Tam attempted to imitate the soldier’s gesture. Frisha’s
polite smile did not reach her eyes, but she remained friendly, nonetheless.
Rezkin gathered from Frisha’s body language that she did not approve of the
young woman who would be traveling with them for perhaps the next couple of

It would take the travelers about two weeks to arrive in
Kaibain. From there, they could gain passage down the Tremadel River to Port
Manai, which should take perhaps a week and a half. Due to the depth of the
river, most ships traveling the Tremadel were galleons or carracks, which were
much larger with deeper hulls and more sails than the smaller riverboats. The
carrack could safely travel much faster and carry more passengers. Since the
carracks were capable of sailing the sea and because of the high volume of travelers
on the route for to the upcoming tournament, it was possible they could find a
ship in Kaibain traveling all the way to Skutton; but the travelers would most
likely have to transfer to another ship in Port Manai.

Jimson had explained that every year the tournament was held
in a different capital city. Skutton was the furthest capital city to the
south, and with it being located on an island, tournament planners were
concerned about a low turnout. As a result, the kingdom was offering heftier
prizes this year than in years past just to encourage participants to make the
long voyage.

After everyone greeted the newest group member, Rezkin asked
the lieutenant, “Do you think the colonel would part with another horse?”

Jimson glanced at Rezkin’s Sheyalins. “I think he would be
willing to provide you with anything you require should you ask.”

Reaylin perked up and asked with a little too much
exuberance, “Why? Are you someone important?”

“No,” Rezkin stated flatly. Reaylin continued to blink at
him questioningly, and the lieutenant recognized the need to appease her
curiosity without causing Rezkin any problems.

“He recently helped us with a small matter, and the colonel
feels indebted to him. It really is not a big deal. We will return the mounts
to the army stables in Kaibain once we arrive.

“Oh,” she replied cheerfully, “so I get a horse?”

Rezkin nodded and asked, “Do you know how to ride?”

“Oh, sure,” she said with a grin. “I’ve ridden lots of
times. Don’t worry about me!”

Frisha and Tam were eyeing each other nervously. “Um, I’ve
never ridden a horse,” Frisha said quietly.

“Tam?” Rezkin asked, already knowing the answer.

“Well, I sat atop my master’s mule a few times when I was
younger. I, ah, usually drove the wagon,” Tam replied, rubbing the back of his
neck in embarrassment.

Rezkin simply nodded in resignation. How
any of
these people ever grow to be big-men and -women? “It is another
you will have to learn on the way,” he stated.

Turning to Reaylin, Rezkin said, “We are leaving the morning
after tomorrow. Be sure you have enough supplies. If you have any questions
about what you might need, ask the lieutenant or me.” He eyed here
analytically, “You are suitably dressed and well-armed.”

Frisha caught Rezkin’s perusal of Reaylin’s body and thought
she might throw something at him if she had anything at hand. She had never
seen Rezkin look at
that way. “What about me?” she asked, knowing
she sounded like a petulant child.

Rezkin cocked his head at her. “You know I approve of your
attire, Frisha. You have always been more practical than other women I have
seen. Now that you have those,” he pointed to the bundle of throwing knives he
had given her, “you, too, will be sufficiently armed.”

Now that he had reminded her of the extraordinary gift and
complimented her appearance, she felt silly for her reaction. Rez had been
nothing but perfect since she met him, and here she was acting like a jealous
lover. She blushed at the thought. Would she ever be able to call Rez her

Tam rolled his eyes at Frisha’s ridiculous distress. He
asked, “Shall we all sit down and have a meal? I believe they are serving, now.
I see a few people have already received their plates and I’m famished.”
Lieutenant Jimson pulled out a chair for Reaylin to join them and everyone
retook their seats. Tam surreptitiously moved around to Rez’s seat so the young
warrior would be forced to sit next to Frisha.

After everyone had eaten and gone their separate ways,
Frisha found Rezkin in the stables where he was checking on Pride. Tam was with
him, and Rez was explaining the various pieces of tack and their purposes.
Frisha listened to Rez’s lesson, impressed once again at his vast knowledge and
the easy way he had of explaining things. When Rez and Tam were finished
speaking, Frisha found herself asking, “Um, Rez? When we
get to
Kaibain, what are your plans?”

“My plans?” he asked curiously.

Tam was listening intently, now that they finally had the
opportunity to solve this mystery. “I do not really have any plans in Kaibain.
I suppose I will just resupply and ready myself to travel to Skutton.”

Frisha furrowed her brow. “But, when we met you said you
were going to Kaibain. What were you planning to do there?”

“Yes, you are correct. I am looking for someone. I had
thought to perhaps find information about him or his whereabouts in Kaibain,
and I still may, but now I think I will have a better chance of doing so at the
tournament,” he explained.

“Oh, someone you knew at the fort where you grew up?”

“Yes,” Rezkin confirmed without explanation.

“What about
– us, I mean? Tam and me?” she
asked almost timidly.

“What about you?” Rezkin asked, certain he had missed

Frisha managed to lift her gaze from the floor to meet Rez’s
crystal blue eyes. “Well, I mean, will I see you again?”
was what
he had missed. He had not even considered the fact that Tam and Frisha would
not be continuing on to the tournament with him. No doubt she was concerned
that he was going to abandon his purpose in protecting her and Tam.

Wanting to reassure the young woman that he would not
abandon his duties and would do everything within his power to protect and
honor his friends, per
Rule 1
, he replied, “Everyone has a purpose,
Frisha. I know this.
are mine.” As he said this he held her gaze in
hopes that she would see his earnestness.

Frisha’s heart stopped beating as her whole world lit up in
a swirling mess of vibrant colors. “Oh, Rez,” she breathed as she threw herself
at the handsome warrior, wrapping her arms around his neck and pressing her
lips against his. She knew she had surprised him with her inappropriate
outburst of affection, but she just could not help it. When she finally forced
herself away, his eyes were riveted on her, and they held questions. Was this a
vulnerability she was seeing? Was he searching her for signs of her intentions?
 Surely he knew by now how she felt about him. No, his eyes did not quite
look vulnerable, now. They looked…hungry.

Rezkin had no idea what just happened. It was not the first
time the young woman had crossed the acceptable barrier of personal space, but
this had been so much more intense than the last. She pressed her body so close
he could feel her every curve through the thin fabric of her tunic. Her body
was warm and soft, and she smelled of lilacs. When she pressed her mouth to
his, he froze. He had no idea what the woman was doing to his face. The only
other time he had experienced anything like this had not been a pleasant
experience. In fact, he had almost died.

Rezkin attempted to put the actions into context. He had
just reiterated his vow to protect her per
Rule 1
, so maybe this was her
way of accepting? What was more confusing was his reaction. He had
it. The way her soft lips and warm breath mingled with his own, the way her
breasts and body heat pressed into him, had made something stir deep within him
that resulted in an unfamiliar feeling of pleasure. He was confused as to what
the action meant and why she had done it, but he was certain he wanted to do it

Just as Rezkin thought he might grab Frisha and do just
that, Tam cleared his throat. “Right, well, if you two are done kissing, maybe
we should talk about Kaibain.” Frisha’s face turned a deep rose. She had
momentarily forgotten about Tam.

That had been kissing? He had heard the term
before, but had never seen it in practice – aside from that one time, but
at that time he had not known a name for the act and it had been very different
. He quite liked kissing, he decided.

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