Fox, Morgan - Discovering Temptation [Texas Stallions 1] (Siren Publishing Allure) (17 page)

BOOK: Fox, Morgan - Discovering Temptation [Texas Stallions 1] (Siren Publishing Allure)
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“He must’ve already headed out.”

A loud boom of thunder shook the house and dishes that rested in the hutch against the wall in the dining room. Quickly shuffling the papers into an organized pile, Cooper rose to his feet. “Then I guess we should get our asses in gear.”

Tyler opened the back door and stepped off the porch, Cooper close behind. “I really need to talk to you and Hunter about something.”


“It’s about Abby, and I really don’t think I can repeat, it so it’s best we do this with Hunter present, preferably not in the house where others can hear.”

Cooper arched a dark brow. “Is everything all right?”

“Yes and no.”

“I wish you hadn’t said a damn word to me, Tyler. Now I feel like I need to dig the secrets out of you before they drive me nuts.” He glared at his brother. “What’s wrong with Abby? Has she decided she doesn’t want you after all?” He laughed and then stopped when Tyler glared at him as if to rip off his head. “Chill out, I’m just kidding. As much as I’d love to steal her away from you, I know she’s more into you then any of us.”

Tyler looked away and mounted his horse. The tightness in his throat made him feel as if his neck were caught in a vise.

Cooper saddled up beside him. “Is that it? She doesn’t want you?”

He shot a glance to his brother, hating how damn smart Cooper was. He was going to make him repeat this shit to Hunter. Tyler growled and with clenched teeth, confessed, “She wants you and Hunter, too…sexually.”

Cooper froze, pulling his horse to a halt. “What?”

“She has desires for you both, she might have more feelings for me, but she can’t seem to get the idea of fucking you two dumbasses out of her head.”

Brows raised, Cooper asked, “How do you feel about that?”

“I’m not thrilled,” he admitted. “But I think I’ve come up with an idea on how to make all parties happy.”

Cooper chuckled. “No offense, bro, but making love to Abby would make any man happy.”

Tyler whipped his head around. “Don’t make me kick your ass.”

“I’m just saying that if your plan includes us sleeping with her, then I’m in. I find her amazing, and honestly, I can’t get her out of my head.”

“Do you love her, Cooper?”

He hesitated a moment, then explained, “I love her, but I’m not in love with her. Face it, bro, there’s something very special about Abby, and I know you’re in love with her, so I’ve sort of put myself out of the running. Hunter on the other hand…”

“I know,” he said with a heavy sigh. “I’ve seen the way he looks at her.”

Cooper nodded. “It’s a lot like the way you look at her, but—”

“But what?” he bit out.

Cooper’s horse began to gallop a little faster toward the barn and Tyler was right beside him. “Abby looks at you the way you look at her, and it’s not the same way she looks at me and Hunter. I’ve been around long enough to know the difference between love and lust.”

“Then I don’t feel so bad for asking you what I’m about to ask you.”

“What’s that?” Cooper asked.

Pausing a moment, Tyler glanced straight ahead as he said, “I want to give Abby the fantasy she craves.” He cleared his throat, his stomach churning with acid. “I want you, me, and Hunter to make love to Abby…together.”

Chapter Ten

Abby sat on her bed with her legs crossed, her father’s letters spread out in front of her. Each letter started out the exact same way with “My dearest daughter.” She felt her throat constrict and her eyes sting with unspent tears.

As she read the first letter, she realized that her father truly did love her and hated that her mother had taken her away. As she read the tenth, twentieth, or even the hundredth letter, that message never faltered. In fact, she could sense his frustration about not being able to see her. Every letter apologized to her for not being the father she needed but confessed that he was desperate to figure out how to be.

He’d also told her about the ranch and discussed ways to make it great once again. He hoped she would want to be a part of it as it had been such a major part of him. He shared where he’d hidden his money so Cybil would never find it if ever she truly tried to steal the ranch as she had stolen Abby. He was a man of the land, and this land had been what he wanted to share with his daughter, what he wanted to leave as a legacy for her to love and cherish as he had. It was too important to allow her mother to rob Abby of it.

Paradise Ranch was a sanctuary away from the world that raced by with a vengeance. He’d wanted this land to be a place where she would love to raise her own family and settle down as he had tried to do so many years before with Cybil. The honesty in his letters had her sobbing just a little harder.

Duke had explained that when he’d met Cybil, she was rebelling against her parents, and he’d stupidly done what any young man would do when offered a chance to make love to a classy, beautiful woman. He hadn’t realized that one night would mean a marriage and a child with a loveless woman. Her father had made it clear in his letters that the best part of the entire ordeal had been Abby, and no matter how much he suffered with a horrible marriage, he’d never change a thing if it meant he couldn’t have his daughter.

Her lips trembled as she read his heartfelt words, and they circled her heart as if he were speaking them directly to her. The cloud of darkness that she’d harbored around her heart began to melt away. The words from the page felt like a warm, tender hug from her father.

As she read, she discovered that his failing health had actually started sooner than she was lead to believe. After reading and absorbing all the details, she wanted to cry like a baby. He’d battled daily, with no one’s support, until Sophia had appeared in his life. She had been a blessing for her father, and Abby felt her heart grow a little fonder of the woman who had never considered doing anything else but helping Abby. Now she understood why. Sophia had truly loved her father, and her father had loved her. Even though Abby now understood that she was his pride and joy, and no matter how much time had gone by, her father still placed Abby above all else. His letters told her so, and the love she felt pouring off the page was heart wrenching.

Sadly, she wished she’d gotten to know her father firsthand instead of through his letters, but at least she had these to learn about the man she had been angry with for so long. That anger quickly faded with each word she read, with each page she turned. He was the father she’d always needed, and it wasn’t his fault she’d been stolen from him. It was her selfish mother’s.

A thunderous explosion nearly rocked Abby off the bed. Wiping the tears from her eyes, she jumped to her feet, running from her room at full speed into the living room. Sophia stood at the back window, her hand covering her mouth. Jared rushed through the back door in a full run toward the barn.

“Oh, dear God,” Sophia cried.

Abby hurried up beside her, “What’s happened?”

“The boys,” she stuttered. “They went to put the animals up for the night. The barn’s on fire.” She pushed away from Abby and ran for the phone. Holding it to her ear, she froze, eyes swelling. “The phone’s not working.”

“Oh, God, what are we going to do?” Abby felt her world disintegrating around her. “I’m going after Jared. I’m sure Tyler will need our help.” She headed for the door at a sprint and as she reached for the knob, the door was flung open, knocking her to the floor.

Standing above her was a tall, blond man with black, soulless eyes. His wicked smile and evil glare had her stomach rolling. Instantly, she knew who loomed above her. Her killer had come to call.

Scurrying along the ground like a crab, she moved away as quickly as she could and rose to her feet. “Who are you?”

“You can call me Dex,” he said to her with a deep, throaty chuckle. “I see no harm in telling you who I am since I have every intention of killing you just like I’ve already done to your ranch hands.”

“No!” Abby cried, her knees shaking and buckling underneath her. She gripped hold of the chair beside her for support. “Not Tyler. Not the boys.”

“I’m afraid so. It was most easy. Once they all stepped inside the barn…BOOM!” He clapped his hands together for emphasis.

Abby felt the flutter of panic and fear rise up in her chest. She didn’t want to believe that Tyler was gone. Couldn’t grasp that Cooper and Hunter could be hurt or dead. It was all too much. “Why are you doing this?”

He tsked under his tongue and shook his head. “Haven’t you figured anything out, Abby?”

Tears threatened to spill from her eyes. “If I had, I wouldn’t be asking you,” she said, her teeth clenched tight, fighting for an ounce of courage.

He stepped closer, closing the door at his back. “Your precious Jackson hired me, but after spending so much time enjoying the cat-and-mouse game with you, I found myself infatuated and unable to walk away.” He shrugged his shoulders. “I just couldn’t end things by simply trying to frighten you back to Dallas.”

“Frighten me? You mean to tell me that Jackson wanted you to scare me so that I would give up on my father’s ranch and return to him?” Fury filled her soul. “I would never do that. Not now, anyway.” She ground her teeth as the bubbling of anger and strength swelled inside her. “I hate Jackson Cole!” she screamed. “And I hate you!”

She ran toward the hearth and tried to pull her father’s shotgun off of the mantel, but he was on top of her, yanking the gun from her hands, tossing it to the ground along with her.

Sophia charged toward them but quickly halted her actions as he held a knife to Abby’s throat.

Glaring at Sophia, Dex told her, “Unless you want to see your sweet little Abby sliced to bits, I suggest you have a seat on the couch and don’t fucking move again.”

Abby shook. She wanted to get away from him, but the fear of death had her frozen to the ground. “What are you going to do to me?”

He ran the tip of his blade down her neck, skimming over her skin lightly, down between her breasts, and then he began circling her nipple with the blade, pressing a little harder into the fabric of her tank top. Closing her eyes, she whimpered, waiting for him to thrust the knife into her breast, ending her life. However, the fatal blow never came.

Opening her eyes, she stared up at the beautiful face that was consumed by so much evil and hatred. She could see into the depth of his black, soulless eyes. She felt her mouth dry as he began to lower his face down to hers, planning to taste her lips with his poisonous mouth.

Before he could reach her, she turned her face away and caught sight of something she had never expected to see.

A gun was mounted underneath the end table beside her.

Her father was aiding her from beyond the grave, and a flood of renewed power and strength filled her body. She was finally prepared to take back her life. She already decided to take a chance on love, and now she had decided to push fear out of her heart and take a stand to save the lives of those she cared most about.

She strained her neck as Dex’s mouth trailed wet kisses down her cheek, jaw, and neck. Slowly she extended her arm and slowly pulled the gun out of its mounted holster. With all the muscle she had, she slammed the butt of the gun into the back of his head. With a groan, he collapsed on top of her.

Covered in soot, Tyler burst through the door. Cooper, Hunter, and Jared scampered in behind him. “Abby,” Tyler shouted, running over to her, lifting Dex’s limp body off of her. Urgently, he pulled her up and cradled her into his arms. “Did he hurt you?” His gaze was quick as he searched over her, his hands skimming her body. “Are you all right?”

“Tyler, stop fussing over me. I’m fine.” She cradled his face in her hands. “What happened to you?”

“That asshole happened,” he said coldly, kicking his booted foot into Dex’s ribs. “If Hunter hadn’t smelled the gas and been waiting for us the moment we arrived in the barn, we’d be dead right now.”

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