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To their right a flock of green birds, hidden in the grass, rose up and flew away, their cry echoing around them. She laughed again and they ran on, feeling free and alive. The clean air was filling her lungs and rejuvenating her.

“There, did you see the fish jumping?” she asked him excitedly.

“Yes. They are huge. Like your dolphins.” He shaded his eyes and looked out across the vast expanse of water. “I’ll take a sample, to see if it is salt water or fresh.”

“Or poisonous,” she said, watching for other life. The dolphin-like creatures appeared again, and then a flock of birds came to skim the surface, dipping their beaks in to take a drink. They sat for a while watching the scene before them, and then she saw movement away to the right. “Look.”

“I can’t see what they are, but there is a herd of them coming to take a drink,” he said, and shifted uneasily.

“What’s wrong?” she asked.

“We should go. We are too exposed here. If they are predators, we might be their next meal.” He half stood. “Keep low to the ground and we’ll head around the hill and then climb up where they cannot see us.”

“OK,” she said, scared by his words. “There’s a lot to learn about exploring.”

“Yes. We should have stayed closer to the ship.”

He took her hand and held it tightly as they climbed the hill. He continually looked over his shoulder to see if they were being followed, stopping to listen every few minutes and only moving on once he was satisfied they were safe.

After all the days cooped up in the cruiser, she didn’t think she would ever be glad to see it again, but she was. Rikka went inside and came back with the sample boxes, and they wordlessly collected what they needed.

“Let’s head to the ocean now,” he suggested, and they went back inside the cruiser and drew up the ramp.

The sun was beginning to set as they made their way across the planet Lilith. Below them they could see lots of animals moving around, as if the planet woke up at night.

“Why do you think that is?” she asked.

“It is the way they have evolved. Maybe there is a big predator who comes out in the day, but not at night,” he suggested. “There are many reasons why animals and plants behave the way they do.”

“In the same way humans and Karalians behave in different ways,” she said in agreement.

“Yes. But in one way we are the same,” he said as they neared the ocean.

“And what is that?” she asked, already knowing his answer.

“The love that we feel. And the need for a family, for a person to spend the rest of our lives with. That is the thing you have taught me, Gaia.”

“I think it’s a lesson we both needed to learn,” she said.

The cruiser landed a hundred feet from the ocean and they went to stand before it, breathing in the salty air. She closed her eyes, taking a big lungful, and then letting it go with a sigh. “Make love to me, Rikka. Here by the ocean, make love to me.”

“It might not be safe,” he said, casting his eyes around the area.

“Let’s take a risk. We did when we went to the aid of the Wambano. So why not now? Make love to me here on the shore.” She pressed her body to his, and felt his cock hard against her thigh. He wanted to, she knew that, and when she folded her hand around his shaft and moved it up and down, she knew that she could bring this big Karalian to his knees with her touch.

“Make love to me,” she whispered into his ear.

With a groan, he lifted her off her feet, laying her down on the soft, shingled shore. Gaia shifted her weight, opening her thighs so he could nestle between them. His hands tore at her clothes and then he was thrusting inside her.

“You are a bad influence on me, Earth girl,” he said, his mouth covering hers.

“I am so glad about that,” she said, and then she lost herself to him as he thrust into her hard and deep, claiming his woman.

Chapter Twenty Six – Rikka


She consumed his senses. He might be anywhere in time or space, but as long as he was there with Gaia, he was safe, he was home. A warrior never thought in those terms. He was supposed to be brave, and loyal to the Karal, yet Gaia tested those loyalties and he knew from now on, he would never be able to blindly follow orders. She had opened his eyes and his heart to the world around him.

Her sex gripped his cock, so warm and tight around him. His arousal kicked up a notch, and he knew he was close to coming. But he wanted her to come first. Moving his head, he lowered his mouth and sucked cruelly on her nipple, his teeth grazing it in the way she liked, causing her back to arch as she offered herself to him.

Rikka slid back out of her, and this time instead of thrusting hard, he inched back inside her, listening to her groan in anticipation. Moving his hips backwards, he slid out again, his hand going under back her to change the angle of her body, so that as he slid inside her again, his body brushed against her clit.

In response, her fingers dug into his back, and she wrapped her legs around him, spurring him on. But he didn’t rush, he took her, time and time again, with such exquisite control he could feel her trembling as she teetered on the edge of her orgasm.

Just when she was used to the way he moved, he withdrew, only the tip of his cock remaining inside her, and then he lunged into her, filling her. His cock could bear the teasing no longer and swelled inside her, the head engorged, and her inner walls clamped to it until his seed spurted into her.

Gaia cried out, her voice lost in the gathering dusk. Her orgasm came hard and swift, her whole body tense as she let herself drown in the ocean of pleasure that filled her. He kissed her neck, her shoulders, her breasts, and then her mouth, tasting her sweetness. She intoxicated him.

As her climax subsided, he gathered her to him, holding her close. Above their heads, stars came out one by one as the sun set. Lying in silence, they watched the beauty unfolding, listening to the distant cry of an animal, perhaps calling for a mate. The ocean moved, its waves crashing onto the beach like a lullaby, soft stones moving as the waves came in and then a gentle swooshing as it receded back.

“I love it here,” she said at last.

“You will love Karal too,” he said, rolling onto his side and looking down at her in the dim light. “There is so much I want to show you.”

“But you said you would be happy to come and live here,” she said.

“I know. And I will be. But that decision is not yours, and not mine. The Karal may choose a different planet, one that is safer. Remember the other missions are still searching for a planet too.”

“But you have the schematics for the defence system,” she said softly, her fingers going to brush his hair back from his face. “We can make it safe.”

“We do,” he said, turning and kissing her hand. “But so much is uncertain. I don’t want you to be disappointed if we never return here.”

“I won’t be.” She sighed. “Thank you for this day.”

“I would make every day this special for you if I could,” he said.

“And there you were, trying to tell me you were not a romantic.”

“Only with you,” he said. “Now we should go. It is time we left Lilith. Time we went back to Karal.”

They dressed, and went back to the cruiser, both of them taking one last look into the gloom. Gaia paused and he knew she was drawing the energy from the planet, and he hoped it would sustain her on the long journey home.

“I love you, Gaia,” he said simply when she came to him.

“I know,” she said. “When we first met, I didn’t think I would ever feel love, not real love. It wasn’t for me. But now, now I feel it.” She placed her hand on his heart. “I love you, Rikka.”

They went inside the cruiser, the ramp closing on the newly discovered world. But the path to their new life was only just beginning.

The Hierarchy


“You did well, Rikka. The Wambano were generous with their technology,” the Hier Ruler had spent several hours going over the schematics with the Hier Commander. They would begin assembling the defence system soon.

“And the planet Lilith, “Rikka said. “Is it possible we will build a colony there?”

“It is too soon to tell. The first mission returned with nothing other than news of a trap. I believe it may be the same slavers. But we need more information.” The Hier Ruler moved to the window overlooking Karal.

“It would be a strange coincidence for there to be two such forces in the universe,” Rikka said.

“Indeed. But one thing they will know if they ever come to Karal, we will never surrender, and if they attack one of our vessels and take one of our people, they will feel the hand of the Hierarchy upon them as the life drains from their bodies.” His voice was harsh, his emotions raging at the thought of any species trying to enslave his people. Red flashed across his jaw line before he took control of his emotions.

“There is one thing I would ask the Council,” Rikka said nervously.

“Is there?” The Hier Ruler turned to face the warrior who had returned from his mission so obviously in love with his female. The Hier Ruler had to take a breath and steady his colours so they did not betray his thoughts.

Although he was in love with his woman, he was beginning to be unnerved at the effect they had on the other Karalians, who were not as strong-willed as him. Not able to resist temptation. He would not accept any infringement on the loyalty he demanded.

“If there is to be a colony on Lilith. I would like to volunteer to go and live there,” Rikka asked.

“You are asking to leave Karal?” the Hier Ruler asked, a blue flame licking across his hands.

“I would ask to go and live on the colony so I can ensure that it is safe. And that the Karal have a strong presence. It is, after all, a Karalian colony, not a human one. Or am I mistaken?” Rikka asked.

The Hier Ruler smiled. “Very perceptive, Rikka. The humans think it is their colony, but yes, it will always remain under Karalian rule. The sole purpose for it is for the sustainability of our species. No matter what the humans think.”

“That was what I thought,” Rikka said. “I would be honoured to be part of the warrior force sent to protect it.”

“I will take it under consideration. If that is indeed where the colony is set up,” the Hier Ruler said, pleased with this warrior. “Now go. You need rest.”

Rikka left the Council Chamber. Only when he raised his hand to shut the door, did the Hier Ruler notice the flickering of red across his hands. Narrowing his eyes, he watched the young warrior closely. Yes, the Council would have to be very careful at how much influence these females were having on their mates.

Returning to the window, he gathered his thoughts. The sooner Elissa Sergeant had her baby, the better. If it lived, it brought more hope than it could ever imagine. For it would mean that all the Karal had to do was survive one generation of humans. Then the Karal could return to their own way of life. They would not have to venture far into the universe; they could be self-sufficient once more. The defence system could be installed and the rest of the universe could go to hell.

Damn. He might even give the slavers the coordinates to find Earth. That would be one way to deal with their overcrowding problem…



The End
You won’t want to miss
Warriors Of Karal
(Book Three)
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Other Books By Harmony Raines

Other Books By Harmony Raines

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Chosen by the Karal






Warriors of Karal




Bear Creek Clan and Bear Bluff Clan
suggested reading order
(each can be read as a standalone
but why not start at the beginning and get to know all of the characters?)

Rescued by the Bear (Bear Creek Clan Book One)

Finding Her Bear (Bear Creek Clan Book Two)

Tamed by the Bear (Bear Creek Clan Book Three)

Snowbound With The Bear (Bear Creek Clan Book Four)

Biker Bear Billionaire (Bear Creek Clan Book Five)

Bound To Her Bear (Bear Bluff Clan Book One)

Doctor Bear (Bear Bluff Clan Book Two)

Stranded With Her Bear (Bear Bluff Book Three)

A Bride for the Bear (Bear Creek Clan Book Six)

Home Or Her Bear (Bear Bluff Book Four)

Fated To Her Bear (Bear Bluff Book Five)

Lonely Bear (Bear Bluff Book Six)

Forbidden Bear (Biker Bears Book One

Wolf Valley Raiders

Redeem the Wolf

To Catch A Wolf

Reclaim the Wolf



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