Finally Heaven (Room 103 Book 4) (26 page)

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Authors: D H Sidebottom

Tags: #Room 103, #book 4

BOOK: Finally Heaven (Room 103 Book 4)
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She slid her hands back into my hair and tipped my head back until I was looking directly into her eyes. “Have you ever seen him since that day?”

I shook my head, wiping and cursing at the tears that fell. “No. She left and never told me where she went. She never told Glen either. I didn’t have the resources to find her then. My parents hated me even more. Fuck,
hated me even more. I’d never meant to hurt her, I loved her. And at the same time, I knew I was in the wrong with what I did. I was scared as well, scared that if I went after her she would tell everyone about me and Glen, who I was. What I was.”

“You need to find him.”

My eyes widened on her and I shook my head. “No. I need to leave them be. I can’t just step in now. He doesn’t have a clue who I am.”

“Then he needs to get a clue who you are. You are his dad. I’m not saying you should go storming in. but you now have the funds to find him, or at least to find Ann and get in touch. Get a feel for things.”

“You really think so?”

“Yes, I do. And I need to meet your parents.”

I gawped at her, rearing back slightly. “Why?”

She snorted and climbed off my knee. “Because I want them to feel pain. I want them to hurt for how they’ve hurt you.”

I peered at her with puzzlement. Her whole body was tight and vibrating with anger as she started to pace the room.

“I can’t believe that any decent parent would make their child feel so alone and frightened to be who they are.”

“You’re not ever going to see them, Zoe.”

Her furious eyes blazed further and she narrowed them into little slits. “Why?”

“Because I don’t trust them for one. And there is no way I would put you anywhere near their bitterness. They’re toxic, poisonous. We have parted ways now and that’s fine with me.”

She stood rigid, her whole body radiating anger. She was so furious with my parent’s and how they had brought me up that I couldn’t help but smile.

“Come here.”

Her eyes widened on me but I repeated myself and crooked a finger at her. She came towards me and I opened my knees, letting her slip between my legs so my face was in direct line with her stomach.

She looked down at me as I gripped her hips and nudged her into me further, needing to feel her as close as possible. “I like that you’re angry for me, Zoe but you needn’t be. I accepted my family a long time ago. They can’t hurt me anymore. The only person capable of doing that is you.”

Her anger disappeared and she gave me a soft smile. “I promise I’ll try not to. But I don’t like secrets or lies, Daniel. They hurt.”

I nodded, agreeing with her. “I know and I’m sorry, but you understand?”

She sighed and placed her hand on my face gently. “Yes… and no. If people don’t love you for who you are then they’re not worth an emotion. That’s how life is. You’re worthy of every single one of my emotions Daniel, because you are who you are. I don’t want you to change, I was willing to break myself so you can be who you are. Don’t waste that, love who you are.”

She dropped to her knees before me and framed my face with her hands. “Nick loved you Daniel.” A pain tore through my chest and I closed my eyes, fighting with the blockage in my throat. “Don’t waste that either.”

I choked back a sob when I felt her lips cover mine, her soft kiss full of everything I needed right then. I clung to her, feeding my soul from her, fixing the pain from her love.

She was everything I needed. The capacity of her heart was more than enough. And when I lifted her into my arms and carried her up the stairs, her body satisfied every damn need in me as well.

THE STRANGLED MOAN told me he was awake. The twitch in his cock told me he was more than ready for my morning appetite.

“Fuck!” he hissed when I sucked harder on his balls, drawing them into my mouth and tormenting them with my tongue.

His eyes were dark and heavy when I looked up and found him looking down his amazing body at me. The ripples across his stomach made my hunger escalate, my mouth salivating with how appetising my breakfast was. The ink on his abs shimmered with each of his pants, his chest surging when I held the back of his thighs and pushed his legs up.

He choked out something I didn’t understand when I reamed his ass with my tongue, lubricating him in preparation for what I wanted, needed to give him.

“Baby, God. Oh fuck…”

His head fell back to the pillow when I slipped my thumb inside him and circled it, stretching him and making his hips lift towards me, his hunger for more sending my lust into new heights.

I dropped his balls from my mouth and licked my way up his impressive cock, tasting every single inch of him on my way to the head. I groaned when I was met with a pool of cum sat patiently waiting for me. “Fuck, you taste good,” I murmured around him.

“Not as good as you,” he growled as he sat up, grabbed me and turned me in a circle until his face came to rest between my thighs.

I looked down between our bodies and watched as his eyes fluttered closed and he dived in, his eager mouth devouring me ravenously.

My back arched with the pleasure that burst through me, the bliss pulling every single muscle in a tremor of ecstasy. His tongue and lips covered every part of me, his appreciative groans giving him more to lap at.

Turning back to him, I took the whole of his cock down my throat. I couldn’t wait any longer, I needed him and needed what he gave. I swapped my thumb with a couple of fingers, working him harder as I sucked tougher and stricter.

My body was on fire with his oral idolisation. Daniel knew how and what I liked, his expertise driving me higher and higher. My body was strung so tight that I came as soon as he thrust his fingers inside me and curled them into my walls. One of his hands grabbed at my waist to hold me in place as his tongue entered me beside his fingers, his noisy licks making me drive harder onto his cock.

His eyes caught mine when I reached beside his body to where I’d placed my vibrator and held it up to him, showing him what I intended. I shivered when he took his lips, still glistening from my cum, behind his teeth and a shiver of his own racked through him.

“Wait,” he whispered and slipped his hand down between us and took the toy from me. A smile curved his delicious mouth and I cried out when he slid it quite roughly inside me. His thrusts of the toy worked me higher and higher, his eyes on me as his hand swiftly drove the vibrator in and out, harder and faster.

“Look at me Ink,” he demanded when my eyes closed in readiness for the killer climax that was coming.

As soon as I snapped them open and they locked onto the need and desire on his face, I burst again, my scream as powerful as my orgasm. “That’s is baby. Coat the toy for me.”

When it registered what he said, my climax intensified, his intentions rocking my body with depraved images.

“Now it’s all yours.” My eyes locked onto his as he passed it me down. “Make me cum baby, while your cum is inside me.”

“Fuck, Daniel.”

I didn’t give him chance to say anymore. Taking his cock in my mouth again I drew my lips tight and slid down the full length of him, swallowing when he was in my throat like I knew he loved. He growled, when my throat closed around his cock and he thrust his hips upwards, telling me what he wanted. The juices from my climax were dripping down my fingers from the vibrator, my own cum lubricating it ready for him.

“Open your eyes and look at me, baby.”

He slowly lifted his eyelids and looked at me as I slid the toy inside his arse slowly. His jaw quivered and dropped, his lips parting to accommodate his heavy breathing.

“Fuck, fuck, fuck…” he snarled but pushed against me eagerly, taking the whole toy inside him. His pants were as erotic as the look on his face. “Fuck me, Ink. Hard.”

I shivered with the sound of his need and the look of want that his eyes begged me with. I watched him as I slid the vibrator back out and then pushed back in. His teeth sank into his lip as he pushed his ass onto my hand.

“You want it hard and fast, Daniel?”

“Fuck! Yes!”

Leaving his eyes, I looked down at where the vibrator was pushing in and out of him. “Oh my God.” I gasped at the sight. I’d never seen anything so equally beautiful as it was filthy. His cock stood proud and eager, his ass took what I gave it, his balls throbbed with the need for release and his dark gruff moans brought on a need to worship him. And I did. I idolised every part of him. I adored his cock with my mouth, worshipped his balls with my fingers, honoured his ass with what he loved to have and loved his soul with pleasure.

His whole body lifted off the bed when he came, his muscles tightening in the way I always loved to watch. His spunk filled my throat, the volume of it making me swallow as hastily as possible. He spewed out a torrent of curses when the intensity of his climax took hold.

I gasped again when his hands grabbed my backside and he pulled me back onto his face, the strength of his orgasm making him greedy and animalistic.

“Fuck!” I cried out when he thrust fingers inside every available hole and clamped my already throbbing clit with his lips and sucked hard. I couldn’t stop the fury of my orgasm as it hit. My mind exploded along with my body. I couldn’t breathe with the ecstasy that shook right down to the core of me.

“Bloody hell!” I breathed when I managed to form a coherent thought.

His hand struck my bottom and I jumped. “I love your pussy.” He said it so matter-of-factly and randomly that I couldn’t help but nod. He laughed and kissed my arse cheek. “Come here.”

I shifted my body around until I was laid the right way up. His arm wrapped around me and he pulled me against me. Resting my head on his chest I planted a kiss over his nipple when he sighed contentedly.

“I know it’s not the same as a real man, but until we find you the perfect partner for that, then…”

“Hey.” He grabbed my chin and lifted my face until I was looking up at him. “You are more than enough. You have to believe that Zoe, because it’s the truth. Shit, baby. Couldn’t you tell the way I flooded your throat?”

I smiled, unable to hold back the chuckle with his wide grin. “I’m not saying that, Daniel. What I’m saying is, even if we are together, I know you need that and I am okay with
exploring that together. Not on your own though. Only ever with me.”

He suddenly grew serious, his eyes dimming with sadness. “Nick was… was it for me really. It’s gonna take a while before…”

“I know,” I placated with another smile. “I know but when you’re ready for more then we’ll deal with it.”

He nodded, pulling me harder to him and placing a kiss to the top of my head when I settled into him. “I love you Ink. You’re putting that ring back on today, and it stays on. You got me?”

“Yes. Sir.”

He squeezed me tightly. “Good girl. I’m glad you know who you take your orders from.”

I nodded, his chest hiding my sly smile. “Of course, Daniel.”

“I MET NICK’S parents.”

I stiffened but sighed and made myself relax. His name shouldn’t be the cause of pain. I loved him and he should be able to bring me a smile, even if the guilt ate at me.

“Oh, and?”

“They’re really nice. They want to meet you.”

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