F#ckGirl (F#ckGirl #1) (16 page)

Read F#ckGirl (F#ckGirl #1) Online

Authors: Sheila Michelle

BOOK: F#ckGirl (F#ckGirl #1)
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“Wanna dance?” he asked.

Erin looked up at the stage and noticed how
Felicity seemed to have been behind someone now, while a group of
guys still stood all around her as they tried their best to dance
with her, and waited for their individual chance to grind her from
behind. “Um, sure,” she said.

The guy led her out to the floor, and they
began to dance as she faced Felicity, but now she couldn’t see her
at all. “What’s your name?”

“Erin,” she replied, as she still looked up
at the stage since she couldn’t see Felicity anymore. “Um, I’m
gonna have to—”

“I’m Clem,” he replied with a smile, cutting
her off.

Suddenly, she noticed that
the crowd began to sway from side to side on the stage,
and a fight erupted

“FELICITY!” Erin said, as she broke away
from Clem and tried to get to the stage where she was, but she kept
being pushed farther and farther back where she ended up off of the
dance floor and nowhere near the stage. She looked frantic as she
looked around as it seemed as if she was still getting pushed back
even more. She locked eyes with Clem; he made his way over to

“Let me take you to somewhere safe while
they get everything sorted out,” he suggested.

“I need to see if my friend Felicity is
okay! She was up on that stage when that fight broke out!” Erin
said in a panic.

“She is,” he assured her. “Come with

She looked back at the stage as she
reluctantly went with Clem to an area of the club where it was
safe. She got on her phone and called Felicity; there was no
answer. “Come on, Felicity! Don’t start this shit with me again!”
she said.

Twenty minutes later, as
she still stood in the same place waiting for Clem to tell her that
it was okay for her to walk around the club again, she looked down
at her texts as one came in from Felicity.
Damn! That was wild! I’m ready 2 go.
She didn’t wait for Clem to come get her as she immediately
got up and went back out into the main area of the club. As she
looked around for Felicity just in case she came back inside, she
noticed that even though it was still crowded, she didn’t see any
of the people that she went to school with or the ones that she
didn’t go to school with like Jay. As she walked towards the exit
to leave, she noticed how Stacia was wearing a black blouse instead
of the teal blue one that she had on earlier. She thought about it
for a second, and then left the club to meet Felicity outside. She
looked all around her and didn’t see Felicity in sight. She got out
her phone and texted her.
Where R U? You
don’t wanna get in trouble!
She waited for
her text to come in
. My parents called me
and told me that they’re not gonna be home by midnight so that
means I can be out longer. I’ll get a ride from Max or
she texted back. She let out a deep
sigh as she shook her head and then texted her back.
Okay, Felicity. Call me when you get


Felicity’s parents arrived home close to
three o’clock in the morning. They looked up at Felicity’s bedroom
window and noticed how her light was still on.

“I’m surprised she’s still up,” Catherine

“Well, it’s still the weekend,” Todd

They got out of the car and walked into the
house and upstairs to their bedroom. They passed Felicity’s on the
way to theirs.

Catherine knocked on the door as Todd kept
walking to their bedroom. “WE’RE HOME!” she yelled, since
Felicity’s TV was on as it blared throughout her room. She then
tried to open the door, but it was locked. “Probably fell asleep
watching TV.” She continued on to her room and got ready for




Chapter 17



ours later, around eight o’clock in the morning, Catherine
walked down the hall to go downstairs to start breakfast. She came
up on Felicity’s room. She stopped in front of it and looked down
at the one-inch space between the bottom of the door and the floor
and noticed that the light in her room was on, and could hear the
TV still blaring. She knocked on the door. “Felicity? Are you awake
in there?” There was no answer from Felicity, but this wasn’t
unusual since she slept until almost noon on the weekends. She
tried to open the door; it was locked. She knocked hard on the
door. “FELICITY! OPEN THE DOOR!” she yelled, as she kept knocking
on it.

Todd came out of the master bedroom. “What’s

“Felicity won’t open the door. I know she’s
usually not up this early, but her light is on and the TV is
blaring like the way it was when we got home earlier.”

Todd knocked hard on the door a few times.
“FELICITY! OPEN THIS DAMN DOOR!” he yelled. He went back into the
master bedroom as Catherine continued to knock on the door. He came
back with a credit card and slipped it in parallel to the doorknob.
The door opened.

They went over to Felicity’s bed and removed
the covers from over her head and both screamed in shock!

Felicity was lying in bed covered in blood!
She was badly beaten!

Catherine immediately got on her phone and
called 911, as Todd checked to see if she was still alive.

“She has a pulse! She’s still breathing!” he
cried, as he held her.

Catherine relayed all of the information to
the 911 operator about Felicity’s condition. “I don’t know what
happened! We just found her like this a minute ago! Her bedroom
door was locked and it’s been locked since last night! Her light
has been on in her room and her TV has been blaring since last
night! I don’t know when this happened to her! Someone came into
our house while we were out last night and attacked our little
girl! Please help us! HURRY!!!”

Ten minutes later, Felicity was wheeled out
on a stretcher and into an ambulance. Catherine got into the
ambulance and Todd took his own car to the hospital as Taylor, his
parents, and younger brother Tierney, who was a sophomore at the
same school as him, watched from Taylor’s bedroom window.

“My goodness! I hope Felicity is okay! Poor
Catherine and Todd! I hope she didn’t try to commit suicide!”
Taylor’s mom said.

Taylor stood speechless as he continued to
look out the window as the ambulance pulled out of the driveway
with its lights and sirens on, and drove fast down the street.


The news about Felicity
being found badly beaten in her bed by her parents spread like
wildfire on social media, and not surprisingly, many did not have
any sympathy for her.
That’s what she gets
for being a fuck girl!
You get back what you put out. Period.
were some of the many comments people made, along
with the hashtag
. But there was the
sensitive side of people who clearly started
and pages, and stated that no matter how someone behaved, they
didn’t deserve to have what happened to them, and the person or
persons who were responsible for the harm they caused to Felicity
should definitely be punished for their crime.

Erin saw all of this on social media and
immediately rushed to the hospital. When she got to the lobby area
in the emergency room where Felicity’s parents were, they were
talking to the police. She respectfully stayed back until
Felicity’s parents were through talking to them.

Catherine spotted her. “Erin!” she said, and
then walked fast over to her as Erin came towards her. They

“Oh, my God, Mrs. Gains! I can’t believe
this is happening! How is she?” Erin asked, as she tried to control
her emotions.

Catherine sighed. “We don’t know, Erin. They
haven’t been able to tell us anything, only that she’s very lucky
that she’s still alive at this point, and that if we would’ve
waited another hour to find her that she probably would’ve

Erin sighed as she tried to choke back
tears. “I don’t believe this! I’m so sorry, Mrs. Gains!”

They hugged again.

“Erin, you need to tell me,
my husband, and the cops,
that’s been going on with
Felicity lately, okay?” Catherine said.

Erin nodded as tears streamed down her

“Did she tell you when you were over our
house during the day that she was going to have boys over the house
last night once me and my husband left?” Catherine asked.

“No, she didn’t tell me that,” Erin

“Okay, I believe you. Because it’s obvious
that some bastards broke into our house last night and beat her and
sexually assaulted her because they said they found evidence of it
on her,” Catherine informed her.

“Oh, God!” Erin said. “I think I’m gonna be
sick, Mrs. Gains.”

“Erin, you have to be strong for Felicity,
okay? Right now, you’re the biggest link to what might have
happened to her and why. Maybe there was no reason other than the
fact that this was a random act since there have been reports of
men breaking into homes and sexually assaulting women and young

“I know, I’ve seen it on the news,” Erin
replied, as she wiped tears from her eyes. “I just want the people
caught who did this to her.”

“How do you know that it’s more than one
person?” Catherine asked.

Erin stared at her. “Well,
you said
Mrs. Gains. So I’m just assuming that you were told that it
was more than one person.”

Catherine sighed. “Well, they told me that
it could quite possibly be more than one person. The cops told us
that they’re getting reports in from our neighbors who are saying
that they didn’t see anything or hear anything out of the ordinary
last night, but something happened to Felicity so there was
something out of the ordinary going on and it happened at my
house!” she practically yelled.

People turned and looked at her.

Todd and the cops came over to her. “Hey,
Erin. I’m glad you came here,” he said.

“I came here as soon as I heard, Mr. Gains,”
Erin replied.

They hugged, and then they all sat down in
the lobby area.

“This is Erin Tillman, Felicity’s best
friend,” Todd informed the cops. “Erin, these are the detectives
working on Felicity’s case, Detective Roland Sherwood and Detective
Genevieve Seals.”

“Hi,” Erin replied very nervously.

“Nice to meet you, Erin,” Detective Seals
replied with a smile, as she shook her hand.

“Hello, Erin,” Detective Sherwood said with
a smile as well, and then shook Erin’s hand.

“Don’t be afraid to tell us anything about
Felicity. We’re here to find out what happened to your best friend
and why it did,” Seals assured her.

“Is she gonna make it?” Erin asked.

Sherwood and Seals and Felicity’s parents
looked at each other.

“She was found just in time, Erin, so you
need to be strong for her. The doctors are doing everything they
can to make sure she comes out of this okay, but right now, we need
as much information from you about your best friend that you can
give us. We can talk in here or in our car. Where do you prefer?”
Sherwood asked.

Erin looked at Catherine and Todd as they
stared back at her. “Um, I’ll . . . talk in the car,” she

“Let’s go,” Sherwood said.

Erin felt very nervous as she walked with
Sherwood and Seals out to their car. She could feel Catherine and
Todd staring at her back. Once she got out to the car, which was
parked in front of the hospital’s front entrance, she got in the
front passenger seat, Sherwood got in the driver’s seat, and Seals
got in the back. “Um, could we go park in one of the parking
spaces? I just don’t wanna talk in front of the hospital. I don’t
like coming to places like this, especially now.”

“Well, it’s unfortunate that you have to be
here, but you’re here because you’re Felicity’s best friend,
right?” Seals asked.

“Right,” Erin replied, as she looked down at
her phone.

“Turn your phone off,” Sherwood demanded.
“This is serious, Erin. Your best friend may not survive and if she
doesn’t, she’ll never be able to tell us who did this to her.”

“Please don’t say that!” Erin said, and
started to cry again.

Sherwood handed her a tissue. “It’s reality,
Erin. Of course we hope she makes it through this, but just in case
she doesn’t, we need to know what could’ve possibly led up to what
happened to her. Do you think she knows her attacker?”

Erin looked at him. “Possibly.”

“What do you mean by that?” Seals asked.

Erin sighed. “Felicity was more than just
your typical teen girl. She was the type that liked to have a lot
of fun and lived for the moment. She was obsessed with attention
and did just about anything she could for it. She didn’t care much
about anyone’s feelings except her own, and I really don’t think
she had many feelings for even herself because of all of the
fuckery she caused people, and that made her a fuck girl, but she
never liked to admit that she was one, but deep down inside, she
knew she was one. She ruined a lot of relationships, stole guys
from girls, and there are guys who even broke up with their
girlfriends just to be with her, but all the while she would fuck
around with them by flirting with them and even going as far as
having sex with them, but never cared about them, and that’s what a
fuck girl does amongst many other things — everyone knows that.
When they would find out what kind of person she really was, it
made them furious. But I didn’t think that it would go this

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